Court Vsit Report

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HIGH Court visit Report

Submitted By



__ Semester
1. Acknowledgement
2. Purpose of Visit
4. Structure of the court room
5. Functions of court room staff
6. Case study 1
7. Personal Observation
I, ___________ student of __________, ___ semester,
would like to pay my sincere gratitude towards ________________, for
arranging our visit to ________Court , _________for the purpose of
understanding the______________and there functioning.

I am also thankful to __________________,

______________________ to make us understand the Role of Court
and the role of _______________ in a much Practical Way.

Particulars Of Visit

Name: ____________ (COURT NAME)

Location: ___________

Date and Day of Visit

Purpose of Visit

The purpose of the visit was to understand the working of a court, the
nature of duties of the judicial officers. The visit was to help us
understand the role of court in dispensing justice in any case, the role of
prosecutors in a case, the way cases proceed in a court, the way judges,
prosecutors and defense lawyers handle the case, the relationship of the
prosecutors and the police. This gave us an opportunity to understand
the actual need of co- ordination in the four pillars of the criminal justice

The visit included an in-depth study of the day to day functioning of the
criminal courts, at different levels and over a vast variety of cases. The
aim was to evaluate the resources available and the distribution of power
between the judges, the prosecution, and the defense council.
Court - A court is an institution that the government sets up to settle
disputes through a legal process. People come to court to resolve their
disagreements. Did Bill Jones run a red light before his car ran into John
Smith's, or was the light green, as he says it was? Did Frank Williams
rob the bank? Courts decide what really happened and what should be
done about it. They decide whether a person committed a crime and
what the punishment should be. They also provide a peaceful way to
decide private disputes that people can't resolve themselves.

Structure of the court room

The Court room is a hall consisting of a raised pavilion which has a
podium for the Honorable Judge with his Reader and Steno sitting on
either side on the same podium.

There are cupboards in the court room to keep all the case files being
tried in the court. Even the case properties and other registers
maintained in the court by the different judicial officers.

Functions of court room staff

Reader to the Honorable judge: She maintains all the case files of the
cases being heard in the court and prompts the judge with the various
cases and other documents.

Steno of the Honorable judge: Records the orders of the Honorable

Typist: Types each and everything going on in the court room.

In this case _______

Personal Observation

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