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School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences

1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

Experiment 6

Submitted by: Group 5 Date Submitted: Oct. 24, 2021

Group No: 5 Signature

Leader: Nano, Raphael S. ________________

Manuel, Craig Zyrus B. ________________

Manuel, Raphael Shaun S. ________________
Marquez, Jermaine Lyxander T. ________________
Mercado, Rafael Kenneth A. ________________


Faculty In-charge

CM011L B16
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021


A. Brief Background

The study of changes in ecosystem structure induced by external disturbances or

internal factors is known as ecosystem dynamics. Various research techniques
are used to assess ecosystem dynamics. Some ecologists utilize controlled
experimental settings to investigate ecosystems, while others examine whole
ecosystems in their natural condition; yet others employ both techniques.
Additionally, the phosphorus cycle refers to the biogeochemical cycle that
describes the transport of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and
biosphere. Contrary to other biogeochemical cycles, the atmosphere plays no
important role in the transportation of phosphorus since phosphorus and its
compounds are typically solids at ordinary temperature and pressure ranges on
Earth. Some phosphorus-containing fertilizers may potentially have an impact on
the phosphorus cycle.

B. Objective(s)

1. To recognize the significance of phosphorus in natural systems

2. To adequately resolve the decrease in the concentration of phosphorus’
found in whean’s soil
3. To determine the effect of fertilization on a system's phosphorus cycle


2.1 Labster Simulations Experiment

The main goals of the experiment concerning ecosystem dynamics was to recognize the
importance of phosphorus in natural systems, evaluate the influence of fertilization on a
system's phosphorus cycle, and establish the relevance of different phosphorus percentages in
a system.

The virtual simulation research (Labster Simulations) might be divided into two components.
The first portion is informative, while the second is experimental. The explanatory section, as
the name implies, is where the principles and concepts pertaining to the issue are discussed.
On the other hand, the experimental portion is where the sample analysis takes place.

The concepts that were discussed in the explanatory section are the phosphorus cycle,
transformations of phosphorus in soil, and the different phosphorus fractions involved in the said
cycle. Although the explanation of the different phosphorus fractions occurred after the
experimental portion, it would still be considered part of the explanatory section. All of the parts
in the explanatory section were discussed through reality simulations and interactive mind
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

Figure 1.1. Processes in the Phosphorus Cycle

Figure 1.2. Various Phosphorus Fractions

In the second component, a specific process was done in order to determine the phosphorus
concentration in the soil sample provided. The materials that were used are a pipette, test
tubes, a tube rack, orange lids, a weighing scale, a vortex, a centrifuge, a soluble phosphorus
kit, and concentration strips. To start, one gram of soil was measured using the weighing scale
and was placed inside the test tubes with orange lids. In order to precisely evaluate the quantity
of the soluble phosphorus in the sample, it was extracted through the addition of 10 mL of
distilled water to all of the test tubes. The tubes with orange lids were mixed using the vortex
provided. Then, to quantify the dissolved phosphorus, the soil was separated from the water
using the centrifuge so that the soil may settle in the tubes. After the settlement, the particles of
soil was transferred to three clean tubes. Using the soluble phosphorus kit, concentration strips
were placed on each water sample with dissolved phosphorus to prove the soluble phosphorus
in the sample. After 20 minutes, the color of the concentration strips was determined, and
simultaneously, the concentration of phosphorus was identified.
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

Figure 1.3. Setup of the Identification of Concentration

Figure 1.4. Determination of Phosphorus’ Concentration


3.1. Phosphorus Cycle and Involved Processes

The first part of the discussion would be the discourse regarding the phosphorus cycle and
its involved processes. As proven in the simulation, the phosphorus cycle could be divided into
three parts: (1) entrance to soil, (2) transformations inside the soil, and (3) discharge from the
soil. There were four sources and processes discussed on how the phosphorus enters the soil.
First, fertilizers could be applied to fields to boost crop output. Fertilizers can be natural or man-
made, and they provide nitrogen and phosphorus to nutrient-insufficient soils, suggesting that
the fertilizers are used to increase the concentration of phosphorus in a specific area. Second,
phosphorus particles can be transported by the wind due to abiotic atmospheric deposition.
Third, when phosphorus minerals are weathered as a result of atmospheric deposition, they
become accessible to photosynthetic organisms and soils. Finally, as organisms begin to
degrade, their leftovers supply phosphorus by mineralizing organic molecules, indicating that
there occurs a formation of simpler compounds.
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

The participation of soluble phosphorus, which involves the adsorption of phosphorus to

rocks or water, is the fundamental mechanism engaged in the change of phosphorus within the
soil. Given that the organic phosphorus' components include organism residue and humus, it
was argued that some of the soluble phosphorus is adsorbed to the rocks, but the adsorbed
phosphorus is not immediately available to autotrophic organisms owing to a variety of causes.
Despite the fact that soluble phosphorus dissolved in soil water accounts for a minor portion of
total phosphorus concentration, the only type of phosphorus that photosynthetic organisms can
use is the soluble phosphorus, indicating that it is nevertheless significant in the processes
concerning phosphorus.

The release of phosphorus beyond the soil is especially concerned with three processes.
These are the processes of leaching, harvesting, runoff, and erosion. When water travels
through the soil during leaching, especially on rainy days or when goods are watered, it
dissolves part of the soil's nutrients, and when it leaves the region, it can result in a nutrient
shortfall, including phosphorus. During harvest season, it was mentioned that the phosphorus in
the system is also eliminated when a specific autotrophic organism in that region is consumed
by a species. Wind and water, like atmospheric deposition, can induce the loss of phosphorus in
a system if the medium on the soil's surface relocates the particles constituting phosphorus. All
of these processes indicates the loss and decrease of phosphorus concentration in a specified

3.2. Experimental Section

The experimentation portion would be the second half of the conversation. This would be
covered first, followed by the discussion of the phosphorus fractions, because the input and
findings from the experimental phase would be critical in the discussion of the change in
phosphorus fractions.

Figure 2.1. Nutrient Availability in the Soil

School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

As previously stated, 1 gram of the collected dirt was combined with 10mL of distilled water.
This step was required in order to determine the ideal amount of soluble phosphorus, not just
the concentration of phosphorus, but the soluble phosphorus that would be added to the
fertilizer, which, as demonstrated by the graph, indicates that the concentration of phosphorus is
the most important supplement for increasing whean yield. After completing all of the necessary
steps, the final indication for the concentration of phosphorus in the samples was required to be

Figure 2.2. Color Indication for Soluble Phosphorus

The colors of the concentration strips were evaluated after they were put to each test tube
with the sample water. The hue displayed in the sample test tubes was greenish, as indicated in
Figure 2.2. This implies that the soluble phosphorus has a legend value of 0.05. Thus, given
that the material in the test tubes was green with a legend of 0.05, the needed concentration of
soluble phosphorus to be added to the soil in Astakos IV must be similar to the concentration
obtained in the laboratory in order for the yield of whean to grow considerably.
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

Figure 2.3. Graph of Whean Yield

After a 6-month simulation, the yield of whean grew dramatically from 2 2 in the
m ⋅ month
fifth year to around 13 2 in the half between the fifth and sixth years. Because an
m ⋅ month
increase in phosphorus in the soil should correspondingly enhance the soil nutrient value, this
scenario suggests that the concentration of phosphorus in the sample was properly replicated in
the used fertilizer for the whean.

3.3. Phosphorus Fractions

Figure 2.4. Phosphorus Apportionment based on the Results

School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

The decisive percentages of phosphorus concentration were obtained using the interactive
mind map by varying the width of the arrow in the phases of the phosphorus cycle. It was
confirmed on the interactive map that varied gradients in the phosphorus cycle processes
depended on the width and direction of the arrows. Despite the fact that there are many arrows,
there are only six that are crucial throughout the cycle. These arrows are arranged into three
groups of three. As discussed in Chapter 3.1, these are the processes that involve the
phosphorus's (1) entrance into the soil, which is represented by the red arrows, (2)
transformations within the soil, which is symbolized by the yellow arrows, and (3) discharge from
the soil, which is depicted by the blue arrows.
Since the workers on the exoplanet’s farm used fertilizer to improve whean output, it was
proven in the graph that the fertilizer has a broader arrow compared to other red arrows for the
entrance of phosphorus to the soil. This shows that the phosphorus percentage for the fertilizer
is larger since, as demonstrated in the experimental part, the fertilizer has a phosphorus
concentration for the whean.
Furthermore, beginning with the soluble phosphorus block, the arrows heading to the
organic phosphorus and adsorbed phosphorus are substantially thicker than those leading to
the soluble phosphorus block. This occurrence shows that the addition of phosphorus-
concentrated fertilizer caused a shift in the form of phosphorus, which either became absorbed
in the humus or was linked to rocks or clay.
Finally, all of the blue arrows, which represent phosphorus discharge, are significantly
higher in the phosphorus fractions. This clearly suggests that an increase in soil phosphorus
content would result in a greater proportion of phosphorus discharge from the soil. Because the
soil and the crops in the soil could only contain so much nutrition, some would be moved
outside of the system, signifying nutrient release, as seen by the thick blue arrows.

3.4. Accuracy, Precision, and Possible Errors

Because the current research was conducted in a virtual simulation, every single mistake
and erroneous answer could be identified immediately. The entirety of the eutrophication
investigation yielded a 100 percent result, therefore the responses and answers were
unquestionably correct and truthful. Despite the fact that no errors were discovered during the
experiment, possible errors may occur if incorrect judgments were to eventuate. Situations such
as incorrect response selection and incomprehension of the cycles could also lead to the
lowering of the scores calculated by the interactive application.


To summarize the important data in the analysis of fertilizer effects on the phosphorus
cycle, three specific processes concerning the phosphorus cycle were discussed: the influx of
phosphorus onto the soil by fertilizers, atmospheric expulsion and degradation of organisms,
transformation of phosphorus from soluble to either organic or adsorbed, and phosphorus
exiting through leaching, runoff or erosion, and harvesting.

The presented graph in the experimental section demonstrated that the low phosphorus
concentration in the soil is the reason of the poor whean yield. Having stated that, the proper
amount of soluble phosphorus must be applied to the soil. The optimal quantity of soluble
phosphorus was established to be 0.05 utilizing the methods of combining water and a soil
sample and determining phosphorus concentration using the soluble phosphorus kit, which
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

provides a green color on the concentration strip. This effectively enhanced the yield of the
kg kg
whean from 2 2 in the fifth year to around 13 2 after half a year.
m ⋅ month m ⋅month

The examination of the phosphorus fractions after fertilizer usage revealed that the
arrow for fertilizer was substantially broader, indicating that employees on the exoplanet's farm
utilized fertilizer to boost whean productivity. The addition of phosphorus-concentrated fertilizer
induced a shift in the form of phosphorus, which either became absorbed in the humus or was
attached to rocks or clay due to the increase of phosphorus through fertilizers. Finally, the blue
arrows indicated that increasing soil phosphorus concentration resulted in a higher proportion of
phosphorus release from the soil.

Considering that the simulation earned a 100% score, the answers and responses
registered were right, and only in situations with incorrect judgments, such as incorrect
response selection and incomprehension of the cycles, would errors and corrections be
detected, leading to a lowering of the score.
Therefore, all of the investigation's goals were satisfied in complete. The phosphorous
cycle was fully explored and explained using simulated realities, particularly the many
processes involved within it. The impacts of fertilization on the phosphorus cycle were illustrated
through a succession of interactive maps and graphs as the laboratory experiment progressed.
Following the completion of the explanations in the Labster Simulations, the confirmation of the
phosphorus concentration discovered in the color of the strips led to the correct measurement of
phosphorus fractions in the soil, thereby verifying the correct amount of phosphorus in order to
resolve the quandary in Astakos IV.

5. TURNITIN (15%)
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021


Boundless. (n.d.-a). Ecology of Ecosystems | Boundless Biology. Lumen Learning. Retrieved

October 20, 2021, from


Labster. (n.d.). Ecosystem Dynamics: Assess the effect of fertilizers on the phosphorus cycle

Virtual Lab. Labster Simulations. Retrieved October 21, 2021, from

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