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Esper bb30-86 Psssis03 coves 5 Bf International Standard ¢@f«) 6630 Documentation — Bibliographic control characters Documentation — Caractres de commande bbigraphiques First edition — 1986-09-01 UDC 681.3.042 : 003.62 : 001/019, Ref. No. 180 6630-1986 (E) Descriptors: documentation, bibsography, contol ehersctars, charactr sets, coded cheract: sus, lfermatin Interchange. 180 6£30-1906 (2) Price based on 6 pager Copyright bj the International Organization For Standardization Mor 8pr 05 124659 1999, be30-ab ‘BP w9s2903 oousK7e 7 ff Foreword 180 (the International Organization for Standarczation is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO momber bodies). The work of prepering International Standards Is normally carried out through {SO technical commitaes. Each member ‘body interested in a subject for which a techrical committoe has baen established has the right to be reproconted on that commitoo. intorationel oraanizatona, govern ‘mental and non-governmental, in lisison with ISO, algo take part in the work ‘Draft international Standards adopted by the technical committees ate circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the !SO Counel. They are aporoved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting, Intemational Standard 1SO 6880 was prepared by Technical Committee !SO/TC 46, Documentation, Usors should note that all Internstional Standards undergo revision from time to timo ‘and that any refarence made herein to any other intenational Standard implies its latest edition, unless otherwise stated (© Intornatione! Organization tor Standardization. 1908 * Prlotad in Switzer Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Mor 8pr 05 1347.15 1999, yasaso3 oo4se77 9 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 6630-1986 (E) Documentation — Bibliographic control characters 1. Soope and fiold of application 1.1 This Intorationa! Standard containe 2 eat of 18 bipfiogrephic control characters for use in cataloguing rules, fling rules and indexing rulee of the countries and language {groups ofthe biaiographic community. The biofographic con- trol charactor eat is an oxtonsion ofthe basic contrl charactor set defined by ISO 646 (ISO escape sequence ESC 2/1 4/0) 41.2 This International Standard consists ofa code table and a legend specifying exch bibliographic control character and In- dlcating its code position. In addition, it includes explanatory note, In which the functional choraoteratice ofthe individu Control characters are described in detail 1.3. This bibliographic control character set is primarily in- tended forthe interchange of biblographic information. 2. Implomontation 2.1. The implomontotion of the bibliographic contrat Cherecter set is in accordance with the provisions of ISO 2022. It's to bo used as an additional control character sot (C1 sat) (200 clause 4) in conjunction with tha contro! character set of| 180 646, It doss not include transmission control cheracters, 2.2 The unassigned positions in the code table are not to be Ltlized In the Intemational exchange of biblioaranhic inform- ation, Copyight by the International Orgzalion For Standardization Mor Apr 05 1347.16 1999, 2.3. Thebiblographle control charactor sate designated and woked by the ISO escape saquence ESC 2/2 4/2. 2.4 ‘The implomentation of this coded character sot in ‘hysical media end for transmission, taking account tho noed {for error hocking, le tho eubject of other ISO publications cause 3). 3. References 180 646, Information processing — ISO 7-bit coded charactor set for information interchange. 180 962, information processing — Implementation of the 7-it ‘coded character set and its -bit and &-bit extensions on Strack 12,7 mm (0.5 in} magnetic pe. 180.1185, Information processing — Use of longitudinal parity to detect erore in information message. 180 1746, Information processing — Basle mode control pro- ‘cedures for data cunmunication systems. 180 2022, information processing — ISO 7-bit and &-bit coded character sexs — Code extansion techniques. 180 2375, Dete processing — Procedure for registration of ‘escape sequences. 180 7184, Documentatian — Bib\iographie fing principles. 180/TR 8208, Documentation — 180 Bibliographic filing rules Unternational Standard Bibliographic Filing Rules) — Exernil ation of bibliographic fing principles in & model set of rues bb30-86 Pvesisoa cove7a o 180 6630-1986 (E) 4 Code table chee -bIt coaing e-bic coding escai7 esc 4a escart escaria escent esc 5/2 esc 5/7 esc 5/8 esc5it2 escsita esc5/i5 “PROBLEM HARD COPY Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Mor 8pr 05 1347.17 1999, “beao-ab—( 4ssa903 coves 2 1$0 6630-1986 (E) 5 Legend Uist of acronyms and definitions ~ Name ‘Aeron | - Definition Coseup ‘GUS | Ailing control enaratar at cous two succossve sigs of charactrs (which may be sparated by 9 for soning Gpeccer by anyother agpratingsharacter to conette a sing ng ut. Non soring 3B | A ing contol character preceding @ (sng cf characteris) with no flfng valve characte, beginning Non-srting nse | A fling contol character terminating 9 (atrieg of charactors th no fing vate arse ert tine down | PLO | A forms ftestor hs mouse tha active nosiion nthe eoreaponding character ain onan maainary Fino wth portal vertical offet. The ofc shold be auficint othr te Imago folowing characters as ‘ubscios unt theft fling ogoutence of PARTIAL LINE UP (PLUD in he cata steam or, he in rally prcecing charactors raged se 8 spar te teen subscqnt imaging of charac 10 the ective fin, Paria ine uo tu | A format efector that moves the active positon tothe eeresponding character poston on an imaginary fine witha parte verica offset. This offset shouldbe sutfcent eer to age rotowng charters = uperseript unt th fst felloing occurence of PARTIAL LINE DOWN (PLD) in the data streamor, if the immediatly preceding character ie imaged &2 subeerit to rectore subsequent imaging of characters to the sve Ine Embedded EAB | An annotation control characte preceding annotations within descriptive bilgraphic elements if this snnotaton, Grnotaton fe vet sopected fer the bibhograpiic dasatpton by meane of content osignaton. (For beginning Embed rar | Anantaton contol chractortrminatina an ombedcod annotation which s not Wentiied by means of snnatation, end content designation. Sorting ib | A ting contol character to mark the beginning ofan interpolation inserted for fling purpones ony. interpolation, beating Sertng ccie | A ting contol character to mark tho and af an Intaretion wth fing vale intrpoiation, end Secondary sotina| SS8_—| Alig contol character to mark the begining ofa (ating of) characters of subordinate flig vals vate, begining | sain ag sequence Secondary soning] SSE_—_| A fing conto charactar to mark the end of [sing of charactors) of subordinate fing vl. Koy word, we | A contol character for subject indexing sed 1 idicate the beginning fa key-word in its bislographic begining context. Keyword, end KWE | A control character used to mar the end of a key-word Identified by the KWA contol Parmstation 958 | contol character which cans a permutation in an elemento ibfoaraphie information thre no stg, begining PSE contol acyclic permutation of th biographe elomnt around the PSE control ls affected, Permutation PSE | contol character used in conjuneton with tha PSB contol to ffect patil permutation by which the ‘ng, end Characters in botneen tne PSE and YS controls are peces in onto whe remalnder of he birapic foment @ Funetional characteristics of the 6.1 Annotation control charactors bibliographic control characters Specific Bbtographic contol characters are required for use Ine cataloguing rules of some counties prescribe that under catloging russ and fing rules of Indduol counties or carn ckeunstonces annotations shall be added to, end language areas and for use inthe rules governing subjectindex- Sintered im, the content of Tarte aes ing if the contel information is communicated by employing *s Eee ceri: the binecretee cee a : make the latter more explicit, These annotations which are of the technique of embedded contol charactors. Alternative ao (eater mors wtcl. Thee rn ation feenins re posses rtrd aut by ts nmationd| uae they. my belgian, eal ‘marked, To this end the EAB control character shall be placed “The control charactor sat consis af tha following diferent classes at the boainnina and the EAE character at the end of the of contol characters: annotation controls, fing contol, indexing annotation with no spacas between the two controls and the ‘and reference contol characters and format effectors. annotation ise. 3a Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Mor Apr 05 1347.18 1999, 180 6630-1986 (E) Examples: In the imprint area of the bibliographic description there are two types of annotations for both of which square brackets are prescribed by the ISBD. 8) corrections, identifications and additione for example London i.e. Meidenhead]; London [37 Pond ‘Street, N.W. 3]; London (Ontario) bi explanations in the language of the cataloguing agency (for example RAK §§ 144-148: Bertin (u.8] fa pleco of publication ie omitted [Selbotvor. Hf tho book. is published by the author; (between 1906 and 1912) if date is uncertain; 1982 [eover 1936]; 1952 (erschienen! 1964; Vingooonae (Wien) Annotations shawn in a} will ba of usa ta any recsving agsney, \whereas a foroign reciplont may wish to change the onas shown in b). Annotations in the language of the recording ‘agency shall therefore, be enclosed by the EAB/EAE uonivul, \which will lar the receiving agency to any action required: ree E E Borin Alwa.JA, 1882 Alcover 1996)4 ae B e 62 Filing control characters The ling ru 7 documentation centres do not always allow the fling of all biolographic elements as they are presented. When this occurs fing Information nas to be added to the description of the biellographic elements. In 9 national environment the adeltion of fling information is acceptable to the receiver. but it may ‘alo be of us inthe international exchange of bibliographic in- formation, for example if ISO 7154 and ISO/TR 8383 are employed. 6.2.1. Indication of non-filing unite ‘Some fling rules prescribe that an article at the beginning of the tite of a work or parts of the names of persons and cor- porate bodies are non-fiing units. These elements may be idantified by being enclosed by the NSB and NSE contro! characters with no spaces between the control charactors and the non-fling units Examples: ‘Many fling rules proscribe that the definite article at the beginning ofa tte shall not be file. NOW ‘SThe Shistory of seiling Be According 10 the German RAK rules, thos of nobilty are on-iing unit N N Bismarck, Otto SFurst vonS, 8 e Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Mor Apr 05 1347.19 1999, bb30-86 Wrss.a03 oowneo 9 IP ‘According to BLAISE fling rules, torms of addreee of martlod women as wall as Anglo-Saxon torme of honour before forenames are norsfiing units NoN Word, SMrs, SHumphry BE NON West, SDame SRebecea BE 62.2 Concatenation of successive character strings ‘Two successive stings of characters, separated by a spece or by another saparating character, may be treated, under cortaln circumstances as one filng unit. The CUS control charactor shall thon be placed a the end ofthe frst string of characters to indicate that the following string shall be treated as if there was no separating charecter batwoon tho two stings. The ‘seperating character shall not be ropiaced by the CUS contr! character. Example Many fling rules prescribe that whole numbers broken by ‘commas, spaces, or stops stl be filed as one unt. 1,000,000 fles as 1000000, not as 3 numbers, vz. and 0 and 0. coc ‘eanceripsion: 1U,0000,000. ss 6.2.3. Interpolations for filing tis not akvaye possible to file on the biblogrephic information 2s presented. For fling purposes fling units have sometimes to be added: other units mey heve to be replaced. To identify Intorpolations, inserted for fling purposes only, a pair of con- ‘vol cheracters shall be placed et the beginning and atthe end of te interaolation. Exams: ‘The volume numbering of s periodical publication may change in the course of is histor, Vol. 1 1870 Vol. 21971 ss Vol. 1972/73 interpolation: Vo. If! 1972/73 Vol. 41974175 Be The filing rues of some counties prescribe that numbers in tiles do not fe as numbers, but shal be spelt out. Accord ing to French and Gorman rules a ttle tke “Le 200 sidcle” shal be fled as “vingiéme sidcle”. The transcrintion of the thi inluding the required fling information would then be: nN ons s ‘SLe 200S livingtidmel!siécle BEB e Copyright by the Interntional Organization For Standardization &630-85 Bvssn503 cover o 1S0 6630-1986 (E) 6.24 Subordinate filing value Some fing rules mske o distinction within a consecutive string of characters between units with primary fling velue and those with secondary fling value, whila both may occur in one consecutive sting of characters, For the sacondary units a par of controls SSB/SSE is offered. Bxanples: Ii chemical formulae consisting of alphabotic otters, numbers and non-alphanumeric signs, fling may be by the letters only butin the case of two formulae boing identical the fling charaotere with 9 cozondary fing valve ahall be taken into account, 2.-Mathy|6.8.-dloxyfuro-2'.3°7.6)-chromon Fring accorcing to primary fling value: Metnylcioxyturochromon, ‘Secondary fii value: 26 8 “Transcription: ss ossss 828-Methy/-S5S,S8S.-cioxyfure-(2'3°:7.6.-chromon BE BEBE 6.3 Indexing and reference control characters, 63.1 Key-word designators Rules for the contro! and subsequent processing of subjact information In tite, subties or other elements of the bibliographic description demand control characters for th identification of notable key-wwords leaving them in ther bibliographic context (KWIC indax]. The KW control identifies the beginning, the KWE marks the end of a key-word n context, Thera shall be no spaces betwoen the KWB/KWE and the key-word. Examples: In the title “History of Pattamentary government in nineteenth-century Brtsin”, the follwing key-words shall be identified: ""Patlamentary government” and “rnineteenthcentury Britain”. Ths is achioved by: k KK k History of WParliamentary governmentW in Wrineteenth-century BritainW 8 ee e 6.2.2 Permutation controls Permutation is @ moans of producing both reference and indexing information. The permuted sting of charactors is not lft in its ‘content, but moved to the beginning of the bibliographic element to which it belongs. There are two types of permutation: oyckic ‘permutation and non-cyele permutation. Cyole permutation involves the entire element of bibliographic information. Thisis eacted by the PSB and the absence of the PSE control. The permutation belng carried out around the PSB contol Examples: P Ortega y SGasset, José 3 could generate a name reference: Gasset, Jost, Ortoye Ortaga y Gasset, José. Pe Chemical Stabes forthe engineer 8 could produce: tabi forthe engineer, Chemical Mor Apr 05 1347.19 1999, Wivssasoa oovana2 2 ff 180 6630-1986 (E) ‘A non-eyolc permutation shal be effected by the palr of PSB and PSE contro Example Chomical StablesStor the engineer aE produces: tables, Chemical for the engineer. 6.4 Format effector ‘When the biblographic information requir that a charactor shall be placed ether above or below the booe line of tent, the Format effectors PLO/PLU shal be usod. Each opening use of one charecter permits the displacement of a further laval of sub- or supor- erption, and is revarsed by use of the other character to retuen to the nasa hina or another level of sub- or superscrption, Examples: PP 213 uD could gonerate the text: 2-8 PP PPPP PP aLBLALLLLCLILX 0D UUUU Bo could generate the text: oh {and x ae onthe base line) P HLLLMO u could gonerate tho txt: uM Copyright by the International Organization For Standardization Mor tpr 05 1347.20 1999,

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