An Introduction To Subsea Engineering

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An introduction to subsea Engineering, Eng.

Moustafa Mahmoud
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hello everyone and welcome to our first webinar for today i am muhammad
al dajjal a petroleum engineering student at university of oklahoma and I
will be your moderator for this amazing webinar our webinar today is about
introduction to subsea engineering which will be presented by engineer
Mustafa Mahmoud and James Stefan moon is a lead subsea engineer at
Chile Egypt subsea controller CWI Aberdeen UK engineer engineer Mustafa
has over 11 years experience in oil and gas industry subsea sector working
in operation contractor and services company specialist in subsea I am our
marine vessel diving diving and ROV project management subsea
inspection subsea surveys offshore cathodic protection system GIS and a
IMS applications it's our pleasure to have you today engineer Mustafa and
the mark is definitely yours thank you Matt hello everybody today we will
talk about an introduction to subsea engineering but before I start this not
enough only to know about the subsea as it's a huge branch of science but
I'm just giving you a snapshots or a twin storming so you know exactly
what you are interested in do you like certain topic but definitely you will
need a lot of time and invest more time to read about it and to be
specialized them so accordingly I both our agenda to satisfy this point to
give you like snapshots about everything in the subsea so our agenda
would be as follow we'll have a brief history about the oil and production
and the subsea when was the first commercial well when was the first
subsea development etc and then we'll talk about the subsea engineering
what is the subsea engineering and what's the focus area of the subsea
engineering then we'll talk about the soft she peeled architecture what how
we arranged the subsea blocks on the seabed what is the field layout
what's the time of this arrangement then we'll talk about the mechanism of
this locks itself we have subsea production system and the subsea
distribution system we talk about each and every item of this block and
subsea structure separately under tools to this under those two umbrellas
and then we'll talk about the subsea operation the inspection and
maintenance repair the IMR and the ROV and diving operation last thing
they would talk about today is where are we in terms of the subsea and
where we are going in the future and the development we need so a
previous tree first so in 1857 was the first commercial oil well and this is
was in Romania in 1859 was the start of the US oil industry and in 1890 was
the first of shuperman and it was in two places one was in Baku and the
other one was in California in 1891 the first the rel submerged it well ever
and this is was in Ohio in 1932 the first jacket structure and it was in
California before we used to have the jackets made from wood in 1937 was
the first use of effective platform to develop 40 meter well and this is was a
Louisiana 1947 was the first out of sight offshore platform the first platform
we cannot see with our eyes deep in the ocean and in 1966 the first the
road Narayan see development in 1970 we installed 40 pipelines in the OSI
and 1980s which is our concern today who start the first subsea
development field in OC so as you see the subsea engineering is a kind of
new science just start it is in the last centuries but when we go further
together you'll find that it has a great technologies and a lot of investment
in this sector of the oil and gas so I prefer first to know the world map for
the subsea to know the depth is that we are used to work and right now in
North Sea which you started to work on watches the deficits the subsea
field deficits now is from 70 to 120 meter if we go to the Gulf of Mexico we
can work up to 3000 meter in Brazil we can work up to 1200 meter in Africa
we work to 500 meter in Indonesia we wake up to 2000 meter in India and
oh man we work up to 3 3200 meter depth and in Middle East we have a
lot of explored well subsea wells produced gas and we work from deficits
from 1000 meter to 2000 meter depths in all the Mediterranean section in
the Middle East this is our demamp of the subsea fields worldwide you can
see all mostly everywhere we're trying to explore new deficits and with
trying to get the gases and the oil from higher deficits than before okay so
what is the subsea engineering when we have heard the term subsea
engineering we have a small definition we should keep it in our mind and
then we will have this formal definition the subsea engineering is designs
that take care of production of the oil and gas safely to transfer it to the
shoreline or the facility line so we can represent this by it's a
multidisciplinary field that's broadly responsible for the control and direct
flow of oil and gas from deep marine wells the scope of this engineering
field includes all the hardware's controls embed akil's pipeline and
interfaces with host production facilities so the subsea engineering focus
on the underwater issues of the oil and gas our Han and how we can how
we gonna solve this issues so the industry now is growing more depth as
we mentioned before and had new completely solutions for the new
requirements this pie chart is tell you what's the focus or what's the the
division in the subsea we have the well interface we have the trees we have
the mana fields we have the pipeline we have the risers we have the
controls we have the installation and we take care about each and every
part of this depression and all the associated items around right so we
knew now the subsea is the structure and the science that take care of the
production and oil and gas to drain get from this under the seabed towards
the processing facilities on the shore so how we gonna build this and what
the consideration should consider when we build this like what the
architecture and what the feel dry out for this some consideration and
factor we should consider about or think about it when we start developing
any subsea field what the water depths that I will be working on is this a
green field or a brown field its existing expert or I will tie back with a facility
what is the step out distances where where where is my acceleration and
where I want to delivery the type of the compilation and the field life do I
need this field for three years five years ten years twenty five years based
on your production what is the customer preferences the flow insurance
techniques I will use any environmental em back and last thing is the
money what is the capital expenses needed to build up this field and what
will be the operational cost or operational expenses to build up this field
this is two items or the last are this last items should be well considered
when you build up any subsea project or any project in the oil and gas so
the field layout mainly we have two types of field layout the dry three
system and the way three system the dry tree system is I I just have my well
in the subsea and then the Christmas tree is above the water it could be on
a platform it could be on a Feb so at what it could be in anything but the
sub C or the subsea structures the subsea Christmas tree and the subsea
structure is not on the seabed the other thing is the weight 3 system which
is you have your subsidies tree and the manna field and everything setting
on the seabed and you connect this together you have the connection
together to transfer this production from the wellhead to the processing
facility okay so what's the type of the field layout first we should know that
the field layout determine which type of structure we were used in the
speed we have made four types of field layout satellite layout cluster layout
template layout and the daisy-chain layout we will talk about each and
every one of them individually and know when exactly we can used this
layout and when we use the different layout and what we actually do in the
reality the first time is the satellite layout a satellite layout when you have
individual christmas-tree connected with a single well and flow line to
transfer the target to the nearest Manimal if you can see here in the picture
you can find the Christmas tree here and here and it has a different
connection and different flow line with a different jumper to the next
management we use this technique when we have long distance between
the well I have three wells and there is a lot of distancing between the well
so I need to connect them together to a nearest manifest to transfer the
production to the truth and by the way guys will describe what is the
manifest what is the Christmas tree and how we operate them and all of
this is coming we just I need you to me to imagine first the field layout and
then we will describe in details H and every item of this so the problem of
this is it's an expensive approach because every Christmas tree and
everywhere have a separate feeding system hydraulic trying chemicals
everything and but to give you a best use of your reservoir if I put this one
here this is will give me better drilling and I will reach a better area of my
reservoir so I can get highest production and use it that the pressure of the
reservoir to produce easy so the first one the first field layout is the satellite
layer the second one is the template layout where we have a sub C
Christmas tree good side by side under one template and production can
be transferred to the shore so it's all in all I have here one two three four
Christmas tree grouped together and the four wells is setting above for
wellheads and then you have you can transfer direct we don't need a
manifold you can transfer direct as you can see in the other picture you can
transfer direct the productions from this template Christmas tree to the
processing facility directly but this is allow you to have 12 or more under
the same template the other advantages save you a lot of time and money
in the fabrication in installation because I have one feeding system I don't
need manifold so I introduce it what I need to build up but in the operation
it will give you some difficulties when you have the ROV operation because
of the naaru area the ROV will not be a lot will not be able to go like in here
and open this valve and do the outline operation that the things we will talk
about later on we will know why why why we need the ROV operation and
why this is a disadvantage the third thing is it's a closer layout this is where
we have a subsea Christmas tree grouped closely in a central location this is
allow us to have one feeding system for the whole for the group and as
well it production can be transferred in one pipeline or a mannequin here
you can find the wells the cluster well is in here and the connection directly
to the manifold for cluster wells and connection direct to the manifold and
transfer through plates to one production line to the shoot right third thing
is the DeeZee layout the subsea Christmas tree is a splitted is breaded out
over a wide area but it's connected together with the sequence to allow us
the usage of one gathering line like I have many wells I arrange it in the
sequence and a certain sequence it's like a daisy chain sequence this is the
sequence arrange it accordingly to have at the end one gathering or one
front line is getting the production from the wells and transfer it directly
conversely it's better to use it for two wells only if you have more you tend
to have a manifold to connect the other production CPU money and time
and it use one feeding system for the whole chain so what we actually do in
the reality is not the first one it's not the second one it's not the satellite
well it's not the template well it's not the cluster well we actually do a mix
of everything so any development subsea field will find that it's a
combination of everything and every type of this layout we talked about so
we'll have the daisy chain you have cluster you'll have template satellite and
connect them all together to produce your production the first the second
picture here show you a real orientation of wells and the feeding system of
this whales so if we look here this our guys are the Christmas tree so we
have here the Christmas tree connected with a small jumper and this
jumper is connected with a flow line and this flow line connected to
another plant lettuce pipeline end terminal and from this plate we have
another jumper to connect them to the management and this manifold is
connected to another plate to the gathering line or the expert line to drive
all of the production to the shoe so if we can see we will find all the type of
wealth in this you can see here as well the umbilical termination is simply
and is the USDA's the subsea distribution units to allow you to control this
Christmas tree and to distribute chemicals electrical and chemical injections
and the empirical which is carry this signals and electrical and hydraulic to
the Christmas tree and the manifold right so we talk about the field layout
and we talk about the production and how and how we transferred the the
production from one hat tell the shoreline and what are the pizza layout so
now we need to understand more what is the subsea system things we've
been talking about for the beginning of this presentation what is the
Christmas tree what is the wellhead what is the manifold what is the plant
we'll talk about this now so the subsea system mainly divided into two
things subsea production system and subsea distribution system we talk
first about the subsea production system the fourth subsea production
system in any field or any development field worldwide is consists of the
following building blocks wellhead subsea tree manifolds and then
pipelines as the pipeline systems consist of spools and jumpers risers
impede the flow lines and gathering lines now let's talk about each and
every welding the flock of these and see how we operate them and how we
install them which will give us a better idea when we arrange them together
in the field layout so the subsea production system the Christmas tree and
the wellhead what is the subsea tree and what is the subsea wellhead the
subsea well had simply it's a primary foundation structure for hanging
completion casing and enable installation of the subsidy so when the
drilling team finish we bought this well had which is a primary foundation
to allow me to both my Christmas tree as a production subsea production
engineer who has a subsea engineer to bought my Christmas tree to be
able to transfer the production so what is the subsea tree it's a group of
ups and spoon used to control regulate the production fluid from the web
so it's typically this is the Christmas tree whatever is the Christmas tree
you'll see in the future and whatever is how difficult and how complicated it
becomes it's that simple a group of bulbs and spools valve this is a valve
and this is a spool allow you to transfer the production right so we have
two types mainly in the subsea which is the vertical Christmas tree and the
horizontal Christmas thing the vertical Christmas tree as you can see here it
gives you some ideas about the why we need the ROV if you can see here
this is our ROV section is friendly to ROV it allows you to open the
masterball it allow you to open the annulus master walls will allow you to
close the box all of this is ROV panel to allow the ROV to do some
operation to the Christmas tree well no exactly after seconds what is the
ROV so how we install it we will watch this video together it's a three
minutes video show you shows you how we install the structure to the the
subsea and how do you are what is the ROV it will show you actually a
video for this ROV and we'll talk about it later and in details and once the
time and everything but it will make you visualize more what is the ROV so
let's watch this video together and then we went back after as you see here
there is a crane line carry this Christmas tree and transfer it to the seabed
you see here an American this umbilical is for the ROV these are our ROV
remote operating vehicle some trusters and cameras it's your eye on the
subsea the crane now is go to the suction ball or the van hat install the
Christmas tree this is like give you a profile from inside you don't see this in
the reality but I'm trying to give you a idea what what's happening inside
and how we install the Christmas tree to make sure this everything is ok so
now the Christmas tree is installed the ROV now we'll go remove the
blockage for the electrical connections to connect the flowing lead the
hydraulic and electronic flying leads this ROV is controlled from the vessel
in the control room B please setting and they do have like joystick and play
with it just to make this ROV fly and orbs that remove this glass [Music] it's
like simulation do you really see this and the ROV is cameras is their eyes
and is thought to unscrew everything to make sure is everything ok here is
the auto v arm this is a better better view you will unscrew this now we're
gonna screw this and secure it here we will do the same for the other one
we'll start to open the bulb the bulb is opening and then the crane is
removed this part and now your Christmas tree is ready to use so I hope
this video give you an imagination of what is the ROV s and what is the
Christmas tree in the previous video just to know the scale of the stings that
we are working with this is the Christmas tree and this is the average
worker average guy you know the scale of things that we are working with
right second thing is in the building blocks if the management we divide
the manifolds into two types subsea production manifolds and subsea
injection management the subsea production manifold is a subsea
structure containing valves by work and it's designed to combine the fluid
for one or more subsea production christmas-tree to one or more expert
lon the other type is the subsea injection manifold and it's a subsea
structure containing as well well my work designed to distribute injection
fluid for one or more injection line to one or more Christmas tree so this is
the definition of the usage of the mannequin what's the type of each and
every manager will have three types of the merripit template manifold like
the template we heard about cluster manifold and the pipeline and
maneuvered the plan the template management it's a drill through
structure designed to house multiple subsea Christmas tree you can see it
here in this picture the other one is the cluster management it's a
standalone structure designed to direct the fluid from multiple Christmas
tree placed around to one or two gathering line the last one is the plan
we'll see a picture for the plan which is the pipeline in Dominica and it's a
simple version of the cluster mana field but you use it for two or more not
more than three Christmas tree around pieces are the bloom this is a real
plan and this is all the management and this is a the suction boil of the
Clem this is our demand sorry the foundation of the clamp which is put in
the seabed and this is the manifold this is the pipe work and inside you can
see valves that operate all of this again we'll see another video to show us
how we install the manifold and show us as well the rule of the RV and the
rule of the Craner this video is beginning earlier than the last one the
structure here is in the heavy crane each vessel and the crane here twill
carry this structure and bothered launch it subsea from this direction and
then go to the seabed unscrew and opening the ball and starting the
operation right this is something to remember guys in your future career
we are not doing any crane eg service without lifting the plan so as a HSE
part we do a lifting the plan how will you gone about the slings and the
tonnage of this platform and the tonnage of the crane where we will install
it and the golden rule is we will never walk under loads if we have any
cleaning ship activities we will stay away like this people right you see the
video together this is the same as the last one there is a lifting supervisor
watching all the operation to make sure that all the people is safe
remember we need to produce our oil and gas save this is our golden
golden rules you see the ROP now is watching the downing operation there
is a lobby here and the umbilical is here and another R will be watching the
ROV here is watching you see guys we call this as a guidepost this is the
ROV and here there is another one this guy did boost it allow me to fix my
foundation of my structure in in exactly the point that I want to fix it in so
because notice its unmanned operation the ROV is doing everything so we
need to facilitate the auto viewer so we bought this to guide guide boost
and the ROV is pushing little bit till this guide boost right it will give you
now a view from the other side to see it now it's lowering the manifold he
will remove the slings he will do this for the world the crane is removing the
strings from the subsea to the vessel you see the other we are this is to
bowl the guide in some operation we leave we leave it in some operation
we leave it so when we do the decommissioning in the future it will be easy
to do math or to remove the structure from the subsea so in some
operation we leave the guidepost but in this operation they remove the
guided poles sorry we're gonna stole it now yeah you see it then you see
the Adobe and how he's executing the way okay the third item we talk
about in the subsea production system was the pipeline system before I
start this I need to tell you something the pipeline engineering is a huge
branch of science every any each and every single details they do have a
specialist to do it so we calculate choosing the size the sizing of the
pipeline we have engineers to do that the pipeline operation the flow in the
pipeline so what I'm giving you today it's just a very high level of the
pipeline and the title of the pipeline that we use of sure right so what is the
pipeline system the pipeline system is the building blocks that provide a
means for transportation to and from wealth to the expert line so what are
the pipeline pipes were the technologists we have the standard pipeline we
have the pipe in pipe we have the bundle pipeline we have the biggie back
pipeline we have the composite pipeline and we have the flexible pipe line
we talk individually about each and every type of this right so what is the
pipeline or the standard pipe line the standard pipe line is the normal pipe
line you see which is this right and it's normally fabricated from carbon
steel or corrosion resistance alloys and this is the most common pipeline
we used on the offshore we have another type which is the Biden boy it's a
small pipe inserted with another pipeline we usually use this near shore and
the shore line because of the problem you the third-party damages to the
actual or the pipeline that carry your target and as well be good they say
it's a severe corrosive a you have here your inner pipeline and you have an
annulus and you have your outer pipeline the second type is the Pineville
pipeline it's a several lines separate lines as we can see contend with in an
outer or courier pipeline this pipeline consists of expert line injection line
electrical signals and sometimes embedded is this the annulus between this
is filled with pressurized nitrogen and then we fly this time is this is a
wonderful type it saves you a lot of money but so make sure when you
become messed redo the commission for your field after you finish
production the third or the fourth one is the piggyback pipeline it's a
smaller line connected to a larger line this piggyback line connect this huge
line usually I use this as a chemical injection or a communication line for the
main line the next one is the thermo plastic composite pipeline this is still a
concept it's in R&D we we don't have any field developed using this and
the last one is the flexible pipe not the flexible pipe line is the the most the
second most common used pipe line in the offshore oil offshore oil field
because of many things it's highly fatigue tolerant it's for the thermal
expansion it can absorb it the geometry of the field it doesn't really matter
with this cheaper it's very good one so the flexible is a highly fatigue
tolerant lines but selamat with 130 degree of production it can never be
more than 20 inch with a low low pressure as well Kenosha the words the
component of the flexible line we have here the external chef and then we
have the tinsel a rumor and we have here the pressure a rumor and we
have internal chef the internal and external says usually the bottom is and
then the carcass which is a stylist esteem so it's it's not crude easily in the
pipeline system we talk about the schools and jumper and at the beginning
I told you about the jumpers and the connection from the Christmas tree to
the club the pipeline end template with a jumper so what is the jumpers
and what is the spools what is the difference that sports and jumpers are
used to provide short distance connection and we use them
interchangeably with the overlaps the jumpers tends to be flexible knowing
when we used it to connect well head to a manager but this is not four
hundred percent sometimes we'll use a rated jumpers or connection
between wellhead and manifold and sometimes we use a flexible and the
spool tend to be rigid and connect the pipeline to rise and vice versa as
well is not found represent posts we use them bowls that to accommodate
the thermal expansion of the pipeline itself and the shapes is very it can be
L shape M shape u shape Z shape the shapes of the manifold it depends on
the metal metrology of the field itself and how I gonna install this I'll show
you now video for the installation of production jumper it's very nice one
by the way we so you saw that we already installed this manifold right so I
need after I stole the manifold I need to have retrieve the high pressure
caps we install the temporary protection caps I remove the eye protection
cap from the Christmas tree as well we stole a temporary protection cap
this is the part this is the park and I left the production jumpers from the
borscht I start to lower it to the sea bed when it's lowered now the ROV is
waiting for a sub see you see the ROV is controlling the operation the
chamber is reaching the the end so I have the landing end here number
one and we have another landing end which is the manna field here there is
the Christmas tree and here is the money this is what we call designs - how
to install this is called metrology we do surveys and do some techniques to
simulate this before we send the marsh to this location to install the jumper
so that we have here the two landing ends the ROV start do the work the
arm here is removing the shackles will do this in the other end as well then
we will retrieve the lifting frame the ROV now is making the connection he
remove the protection tab and make the connection the cab has been
removed we have something called multi-purpose basket this basket you in
stonee before the start of the job we bought all the tools that we will need
and as well we use it as a storage if we want to retrieve something remover
move something we retrieve it and we remove it then he removed the
protection cap from the manifest from the other side and then we'll go to
the to get the tool the big daddy wake up - he will install the struck tool
now there are we will unlock the bolts then the strop tool will push them
jumble forward to the exit point by the way the centimeter is a millimeter is
really matters here then we'll close the connector remove the tool from the
first term and we go to to the other hand to make the connection same as
what we did in the medical side we'll do in the Christmas sorry Christmas
tree select the stroke tools we'll push jumper and then we'll unscrew the
caps same same exactly what happened in the first one we are we will
remove as well the the tool and then we'll remove the dummy then only
insert the holster to do some pressure tests and verify it's a time connected
you see guys this operation in case of the template Christmas tree how
hard it will be to do all of this that's why we say one of the disadvantage is
the it's not all be friendly the template mannequins we'll open the hatch
now for the cable trays [Music] and then we'll make the electrical connected
the cable itself we call this flying lead electronic frankly we'll connect it here
in their acceptable that is I bought the electrical cable in each and every
one of this and then I will close the hatch and by this we have been
installed the jumper safely and successfully so we talked about the first
thing was the subsea distributed with the subsea production system and as
you can see I need to control this production system how I gotta control
this production system you gotta control it through the subsea distribution
system gonna control it electrically hydraulically some chemical injections
how to do that by this system so it's consists of a group of products that
provide a communication between subsea controls and topside controls for
all the equipment via a medical system so it's mainly the building blocks of
the subsea distribution system consists of the following subsea distribution
is simply a medical compression in termination assembly and the empirical
system the subsea distribution assembly distributes the hydraulics of
supplies electrical power supply single sent signals and injection chemicals
to the subsea facility we talk always the access of the ROV to the the SDA is
should be carefully considered because it's a very very very important this is
the size of the sta so you can imagine the way that we how we can operate
this is a guy and this is one SDA will be installed the UTA is a medical
termination assembly there is two types of this subsea American
compression simply and tow sorry the subsea is done in is told in the
seabed the other one is the other control board which will be in the
platform it could be in the facility it can be anywhere not on the sub C so
the terminate terminate umbilical lines and provide one or more
connection for hydraulic chemicals electrical and fiber-optic services so it's
terminate the umbilical umbilical is come to this wait then being terminated
two hydraulic electrical chemical and fiber optics and each and every one of
this is run by flying leads hydraulic or electrical flying leads the Americans
what is the Americans the empirical is a group of electric and or optical
cables plastic hoses steel tubes either in their own or in combination with
each other and they are cable together for flexibility overseas and illumined
sometimes this is required and sometime not for mechanical strength and
physical characteristics so actually the American system is combined what
you need in the distribution system and transfer it from the shore line or
from the shore is the subsea system by the way it's a very very very
expensive items one kilo of this empirical you could cost you a lot of money
so it should consider and calculate it well the lenses you need what you
actually need and all of this system and it's not standard it's different from
company to other so what the umbilical does for us it supplies the hydraulic
flow the pressure for valve a quotation and it's apply electrical power to
control you'll it provide control system signals provide a link to and from
control system it inject chemicals into Christmas tree and flow lines its allow
venting for the flow line as I told you it's not standard every company has
their own standards and they decide in the design phase what they really
need from the American but this is the most a three common home st
hybrid umbilical done all over the steel tube empirical and the large bore
tube American this is the most common umbilicals used in our industry but
I think again each and every company can use can use their own ways to
create the empirical detainee okay so now we talk about the subsidy
operations and production system and we talked about the subsea
distribution system we put this together and we imagine the first thing we
talked about in the pit layout so we have the building blocks which is
contained the four types the cluster the template the daisy chain and the
satellite wells and we have this distribution system as a feeding system and
controlling in this to do the Golden Rule we need to transfer our
production whether it's oil and gas safely to the shore so by this we can buy
this production system and distribution system we can transfer it safely this
is what we know or how we can do it with the subsea operation so we will
not talk about the whole subsea operation like well not talk about the
control part of the subsea operation we just talk about the intervention part
of the subsea operation the Turner subsea intervention refers to all the
activities to be carried subsea and it's divided into two main types planned
intervention which is the inspection maintenance repair and it's common
on the IMR unplanned intervention we call an emergency response I need
to shut this valve down immediately I need to do some downline operation
immediately so when you build up the philosophy of the intervention it
should consider three things what the kind of tasks you will be will be done
in the subsea what the message we will use to come this job and what are
the requirement to complete this intervention activity so again this is the
main concern of the subsea operation is simply produced gas and maintain
the asset for the whole design life so I need to say produce gas so we do
something called integrity management the plan and do the inspection or
the condition monitoring testing preventing preventive maintenance then
I'll do fitness for service when I receive the data outcome test when I do the
fitness of service exercise whether it pass or fail if but I need to do the
preventative maintenance if it fail I need to do the repair very special why
we inspect guys if anyone think about something why what we why we
respect we pay money for its non-related it's non related production
activity so it doesn't affect your production so why we inspect you have
extra money should we have many aspects that require us to inspect and
go look at our assets regulating first thing legal requirements in some
countries it's mandatory to inspect and it's written in the codes of the
country itself that when you inspect and not II respect insurance purposes
course the children's company but you put on you some liabilities to do the
inspection I need to protect my asset if I have a small problem I fix it
immediately so it's not a huge problem so L to minimize the production
loss if I have rupture failure to stop my production so I need to minimize
this production loss as well to highlight the potential problem earlier and to
assess the known or existing problems to know the development of this
how do we inspect all the structure is setting on the seabed for adepts Asst
by thousands of meter how do we inspect cannot go and do walkthrough
like what we're doing insurance look at the structure no I cannot do that so
actually we have four tools or four methods to inspect whether to use the
divers are with a UV s or surveillance the divers is the norm in diving we all
know but this is industrial diamond the divers it's a little bit different from
the coal the commercial diver you do the scuba diving in this stop so the
divers allow you to do a visual inspection whether it's a general visual
inspection or closed vessel in visual inspection and it allows you to do non-
destructive tests techniques as this picture and the other ways is the remote
operating vehicle it allows you to do visual inspection it allow you to do
entity techniques it allows you to do survey sensors you can put some
servation sir acoustic sensors to get some data the AO is is the autonomous
underwater vehicle is a small vehicle but it's not controlled like the ROV can
you can both cameras and you can both serve a sensor but you cannot it
doesn't have arm to do some entities so it was only by a behavior with
some visual inspection and we put some surveys sensor the surveillance the
it's a continuous and third target monitoring when I understood the
Christmas tree I installed a camera and this camera is sitting there forever
monitoring this forever this is another way of inspection so the inspection
and monitoring techniques is visual inspection as we mentioned before I
need to look at this see visually if there is any cracks there is the amount of
marine grass all the type of the visual inspection the non-destructive test I
need to do cathodic protection reading I need to do after sonic reading to
check the wall thickness and does it we're not strains measurements I need
to check the pressure temperature to get the strain measurement the
acoustic emissions we called it the bad technology it's like that throwing
some sounds and everything will either on the earth have a different
frequency responding to this sound wave so it's reflected with a different
frequency so I have a receiver to receive this signals and transfer it to shape
this is could give you topography of the seabed it could give you the
internal internal profile of your pipelines it can give you some ideas about
the pipe case or the by phase you can use it in anything you can tell you
can tell you what the chemical composition of a pipe line you can use use it
in many many applications in the picture here is the CP you can see the
ROV arm is holding the CP probe and is trying to take a flange and if you
try to do a visual inspection I can see here the poles and nuts are well
tightened then it's okay but I kid I can see here an abrasion mark sorry guys
sorry sorry very okay so this is the mean of the inspection and how we do
we're running out of time so I'll try to go faster the subsea maintenance the
second item of the IMR is the subspace subsea maintenance plan should
we build up based on the following Coast desk presentation desired
outcome and return on investment most of the maintenance activities can
be proved as follow cathodic protection system production system pipeline
and oil I rise and riser foundation subsea posting equipment and subsea
separation and treatment equipment usually this is the strategy it's whether
it's reactive immediate or deferred preventive schedule based productive
condition based monitoring and reliability centered maintenance the
subsea bear the repairs are mandated when inspection or condition
monitoring results indicate that the integrity of the system has been
compromised or when called for upon by fitness or services assessment we
have four methods of repair whether I will do refer refurbishment or
retrofitting patch replacement like I have announced this Arnold is already
weird I need to replace this a node I can replace it by a simple one or
retrofit another same system a certain protection he needs the repair
process is always damage analysis I analysis my damage and then I do a
repair plan and then I do the repair implementation and then I go and I
checked the integrity management plan and I updated accordingly this was
the first part of the suppression which is the intervention now we'll talk
about the ROV intervention what is the RV it's remote operating vehicle
which used to perform all the subsea intervention activities we can divide it
into two classes the other we can be divided into two classes one class ROV
and inspection class IV I'll try to quickly describe what's the ROV
components simply it's if you can see here this is a thruster is to make the
ROV flies on the seabed here is the two cameras to get to be your eyes
under the sea under the support on the seabed lights cause after 60 meter
the sunlight is not reaching and we have 24 operations so you need lights
and then here two arms one for grab and one for manipulation this is seven
stroke or me to give you seven moves and the other one is a crab dropper
I'm or at least can see here is American to provide the ROV with electric and
hydraulic connection so how we handle the ROV how we launch the ROV
from the vessel we have three ways of handling the ROV the manual
handling and we do this only with the eyeball it's a small ROV it's like three
kilo weight very very small one so we handle it manually from the topside
of the platform we can install it to as an eye of us to go down and look at
certain thing Louis vs stands for launch and recovery system which is this
thing and here the last thing is the winch we can launch the ROV with a
winch which is this winch can launch our ROV so what the uses of ROV as
we said all the intervention and the subsea we use normally ROV out of or
beyond the diver depth of the deficit of the divers can region so we use a
mule deer ROV in drilling correct support in construction support in the
survey and inspection in the plan the intervention unplanned intervention
signed integration the Commission and the repair and divert depth the
ROV here is doing the survey the ROV here is doing some repairs you do
everything with the RV part two of the intervention techniques is the typing
intervention what are the diving does actually the divers does everything
you just give appropriate environment to the diaper and heat transfer him
into the subsea he can do some hand tools again cutting welding bolting
everything welding here is trying here to do some welding here do some
cutting and and here do some inspection as well he can do some GPR
inspection by hand tools to some entity testing by carrying these tools so
the divers do does everything why we we go to the ROV because two
things diving the most critical operation you will have in the subsea it's
actually operation involves beeping line you cannot do diving unless you
really need it this is the first thing that makes us to go to the ROV less risky
to use the ROV and the second thing is we have a limitation because we are
human beings we have a limitation to do the right thing so certain terms if I
have more deficits I need are we simply done so the main two types of the
the diving is the air diving which is industrial diving with not more than 65
meter depth you see guys 65 meter you cannot dive furthermore you need
big space not less than 150 meter 200 meter to install the diving spread
this time your breathing the divers breathing air or nitrogen and he cannot
stay at the South Sea for more than four hours four hours is your maximum
time and he should recover this diaper and lunch another one this is all the
control room the diver is having above his head hat and there is a camera
mounted in this hat so the type of this just a second this diaper supervisor
can see exactly what this diaper does in the field and give him an
instruction this guy is very important guys because sometimes it's a diver
with a move can put him belly carry around his hand and the umbilical can
not be recovered easily so this guy's is the one who gave him the direction
go left go right go up go down tilt your head so we can see the picture and
this is the decompression chamber when we have this diaper recovered
from the seabed he cannot please the air directly so we place him in a
decompression chamber for a certain time by this decompression chamber
we were trying to normal ate his lung and like make him back to work in
the normal atmospheric pressure this is the launching techniques of the
divers we call the Golden Gate and it's a huge topic to talk about it just
giving you a snapshots about the second way of diving is more dangerous
but it's more work effective we call it saturation diving in this the ripping
we're not freezing air or nitrogen we're breathing mixed gases and this mix
is helium and oxygen so replace all the nitrogen in the air with the helium
and oxygen and this is can extend the depths that we can dive to tell 350
meter and there is no limitation to be on the seabed because actually from
the beginning of the job we bought you in this capsules and we pressurize
this capsule to the same pressure that you will be working on as a divers
and you stay in this capsule for as long that the job is is the job 30 days 40
days 20 days 15 days you'll be in this capsule and then we have one voyage
on the seabed in this capsule as well you go to your task and back and
that's it for the end of the job this is the control room and it's same but it's
more advanced it because you need to take care more about the amount of
the next gases and this stuff and you need to take care of the people in the
capsule so you are not only watching the people that so careful with the
work you're watching the other divers stayed in the capsules as they ascend
again it's a very dangerous work so this is our the other view creation and
subsea operation in general and now we know what's the field layout how
we build the plugs what the shapes of this blocks and know what the clock
says what the subsea production system is and what the subsea distribution
is then what's the IMR the inspection maintenance repair techniques or the
subsea creation what is the diving techniques and what is the ROV and how
we can use this techniques on the subsea so now let's talk about where are
we and where we are going in the future so this graph show you by time
starting from 1949 till 2004 and the dip says from zero to 2500 meter depth
and Allah show you that we have been grown up till 2004 to reach this limit
to drill well at 2500 meter the subsea equipment and pipeline riser could
collapse due to the pressure material over the depths and it will yield under
their own weight so to reach this point need to do some advanced studies
to have ROV that can work on that depth and we need to have some
subsea structure that can withstand this pressure and some pipeline that
can withstand this pressure so last thing is last year we have it here in oh
man India is 3,500 meter and I can tell you guys our tools now can reach
this depth as ROV as the sensors as everything what we are looking now in
India we are looking now in a field at 5400 meter so we need to upgrade all
of RVs all of the subsea structure the Bible I material don't need to be in
change it technologies used need to be changed so as you can see it's a
grown up science and it is going for more deficits and searched for more
depth the depth is that's it for my start quite happy to answer the two or
three question questions cause we are running out of time we are
exceeding the time by 50 mats thank you so much for your listening and I
wish it were it was a useful presentation and you get benefiting out of it
thank you so much thank you thank you so much we all would like to thank
you engineer Mustafa for that amazing women are you presenting today
we have received many questions but they have collected the most
important ones on the first question is under what conditions do we use
wet or dry three methods just one second under what condition we use the
dry or the way three it depends on the customer preferences and it
depends on the depths if you have it in the near shore like the deficit is 10
meter 20 meter you need to order at expensive some subsea Christmas tree
to put it there so it's better to have a risers to connect the wellhead directly
to the Christmas tree and the efforts you need more or that you have more
depth you can use the dry the wet one so you we can summarize this by
saying it depends on the depth what is the depth that you are operating it
depends from where are you close to the shore do you have offshore
installation to bought your tree on or not so cost depth and existing facility
and customer preferences this is already conditions I think is a net for the
answer and the second question and the last what is the differences
between satellite and the cluster layout yeah the satellite is web to Wells
separately but they are relatively away from each other so we do the well
and then the jumble and then plate and every one of them having a set a
separate feeding system separate electric hydraulic system the cluster the
two hours is separate but they are close to each other but allow me as a
developer or a field a developer to inject them by only one one feeding
system thank you for the answer and I have another question if you don't
mind okay of course you sorry mhmm yeah you cancel the rest of the
question in my email address or you can answer it for all and you can
forward if you even for a little audience okay thank you so much we will try
to do that thank you thank you so much excuse me what was your question
the question was how to ensure that there is no leak within the connection
spool and jumpers in the pipeline okay when you we have two ways of
ensuring that first we do test on the earth before go and install them we
pressurize this jungle or white line we do this and after you do your system
and you close it and you seal it and you do everything you do something
called the hydro test you put pressure pressurized water inside the system
and then check you go to the valve and close it and you have a receiver
valve so you close the other world and you you get the reading of that
pressure if the pressure is not changing that's when your system is hundred
percent okay thank you so much thank you so much engineering so far for
presenting the amazing webinar today thank you so much guys for
attending the lecture and see you in the next webinar thank you so much
thank you mama thank you in development have a nice day here thank you

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