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Emily Weigand

Professor Suk

EDUC 230-02 Education Field Experience

Fall 2021

Rationale Statement- Standard #10

Standard #10 Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student

learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, ands

community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession (New Jersey

Professional Standards for Teachers Alignment with InTASC, 2014, p. 13).

Artifact: Observation report 6- Instruction

Date of completion: December 2021

Course completed in: EDUC 230-02 Education field Experience

Rationale Statement:

The artifact that I am using for this rationale statement is observation report #6 from my live

field experience in a private preschool classroom. The topic of this observation report is

instruction, and it starts off with a discussion my teacher and I had about how she plans for

lessons. It then goes into the data section where I summarized a lesson I observed while in the

classroom. This artifact relates to standard 10.i.5 “working with school colleagues, the teacher

builds ongoing connections with community resources to enhance student learning and well-

being” (New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers Alignment with InTASC, 2014, p. 13).
This observation report relates to this standard because my cooperating teacher discussed how

she likes to communicate with her colleagues in order to collectively come up with lesson plans

for their classrooms. By her reaching out and collaborating with other professionals, she is doing

everything in her power to provide the most educational lessons to her students to ensure their


When creating this artifact, I used a combination of my notes as well as talking to my

cooperating teacher. I made sure to always take notes whenever the teacher was teaching a

lesson, so I just looked back at my notebook to fill out the data section. As for the pre-

observation section, I had a conversation with my teacher about her techniques when lesson


This observation report can be beneficial to my future teacher self because I now have an idea of

what to expect when planning lessons. According to my teacher, it is very useful to communicate

with colleagues when lesson planning, especially when they teach the same grade level. Even if

it is just to bounce ideas off of each other, I can get a feel for what a lesson plan should consist of

and whether or not my idea needs tweaking.


New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers for Teachers alignment with InTASC. (2014,

May 5). The Official Web Site for The State of New Jersey. Retrieved October 4, 2021, from


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