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HCL Reasoning Questions

Question 1.
Option A
The given series is a mixed series.
Pattern for the first letter:
Consecutive consonants starting with B. Nex
Pattern for the second letter: Consecutive
that series is E. Pattern for the third let
Hence, the next group in the series is HEV.

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Question 2.
The average of x successive natural numbers is N. If the next
number is included in the group, the average increases by?
A. Depends on x
B. Depends on the starting number of the se
C. Both (1) and (2)
D. 1/2
The average of consecutive numbers is the m
added to the list, the middle number moves
Question 3.
A box contains 90 mts each of 100 gms and 100 bolts eac
gms. If the entire box weighs 35.5 kg., then the weight of the emp
A. 10 kg
B. 10.5 kg
C. 11 kg
D. 11.5 kg
Question 4.
16: 56 : : 32?
A. 96
B. 112
C. 118
D. 128
Option B
Question 5.
Given Set: (63, 49, 35)
A. (72, 40, 24)
B. (72, 48, 24)
C. (64, 40, 28)
D. (81, 63, 45)
Option D

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Each set consists of the even number which

number by 9, 7 and 5 respectively.
Question 6.
How many daughters does M have?
I. P and Q are the only daughters of N.
II. D is brother of P and son of M.
A. If the data in statement I alone are suf
B. If the data in statement II alone are su
C. If the data either in statement I alone
D. If the data given in both the statements
E. If the data in both the statements I and
Option E
Question 7.
Pointing to a lady a man saidî The son of her only brother is
brother of my wife, How is the lady related to the man?
A. Motherís sister
B. Grand Mother
C. Mother-in-law
D. Sister of Father-in-law
Option D
Wife brother ñ Brother-in-law Son of ladyís
so ladyís brother is manís father-in-law i.
Question 8.
M 4 C @ F 7 1 $ A E N 9 H > 5 ? K ? 3
elements in the first half of the above sequence from the left are written in
reverse order, then which element is the tenth to the left of the twentieth
from the left?
A. 1
B. 7
C. F
D. @
Option B
Question 9.
Study the following information carefully and answer the given

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A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words
and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The
following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
Input: going but for crept te light sir
Step I: crept going but for te light sir
Step II: crept going light but for te sir
Step III: crept going light but for sir te
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the foll
questions the appropriate step for the given input. If the input is ‘true se
nuke my like’: Which of the following will be the IV step?
A. like nuke true veto be se my
B. be my like se true veto nuke
C. be my se like true veto nuke
D. veto true nuke like se be my
Option A
The words are arranged according to the num
The word with the maximum number of letters
number of letter, we go alphabetical arrang
input: true se veto be nuke my like
Step I: like true se veto be nuke my
Step II: like nuke true se veto be my
Step III: like nuke true veto se be my
Step IV: like nuke true veto be se my
Question 10.
Should India support all the international policies of United States of Amer
I. No, many other powerful countries do not support the same.
II. Yes, this is the only way to gain access to USA developmental fun

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A. If only argument I is strong

B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong
Option D
Argument I is not strong because India shou
Argument II is not correct because of the w
Question 11.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form
group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
A. Tortoise
B. Frog
C. Rat
D. Mongoose
E. Snake
Option E
Question 12.
All mobiles are tablets
All tablets are smartphones
All smartphones are laptops
All laptops are computers
I. All computers being mobiles is a possibility
II. All tablets being computers is a possibility
A. Statement 1 is true
B. Statement 2 is true
C. Conclusion 1 is true.
D. Conclusion 2 is true

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Option 3
Question 13.
A. running
B. swimming
C. winning
D. speaking
Option C
Without a first-place win, there is no cham
champions in running, swimming, or speaking
other areas.
Question 14.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form
group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
A. PY8
B. EK5
C. RV3
D. DG2
E. JR6
Option E
In all others, the digit indicates the gap between the two letters.
Question 15.
The Indian Ministry of Defence has objected to the building of
roads by Pakistan’s military close to the line of actual control (LOC), a
of width 2 km on either side of which has been declared as no military z
under a bilateral agreement between the two countries into Indian territory.
However Pakistan argues that it enables its government to develop thickly
populated tribal areas tucked close to the LOC on the side of Pakistan.
A. Roads built by Bangladesh government alo
been effectively used by the Maoists to tra
Bengal and further down south.
B. Prime Minister of India should take up t
C. Terrorists cannot use these roads as the
Indian military radars. Even a slightest mo

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and action can be taken very quickly.

D. A large area of forest cover has to be d
reduce the cover which is essential for the
E. These roads are being built at a distanc
Which of the statements A, B, C, D and E mentioned above would b
represents a course of action which can be taken by the Indian government
stall the laying of roads by the Pakistani military?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Option B
Statement (A) is an example which would str
Statement (B) provides a way in which the I
upon the matter.
Statement (C) talks about accessibility of
Statement (D) talks about the changes that
Statement (E) talks about the distance at w
The Indian government has to take up steps
ahead with laying of the roads.The statemen
Pakistan is involved in laying of the roads
government is a diplomatic step towards res
course of action to be pursued.

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