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LINEAR STRAIN (¢) : ‘aivee! 11.2 7 yeformation per unit dimension is called strain tion of load 48 called Inear strain . LATERAL STRAIN (c Strain measured along the Change tn length Original length Strain {s_unitless parameter Y/ strain measured lateral (transverse) to the linear strain {s called lateral strain For round bar : Lateral Strain = Change in lateral dimension Original lateral dimension It is measured in lateral direction. ROUND BAR BEFORE cen mea rice FORCE IS APPLIED FORCE IS APPLIED - P t pt FIG, 11.1 iP axial tensile force Ll = original length U = final length d = original diameter d’ = final diameter For Rectangular bar : Change in width a i Lateral Strain = ——=——-— J . Original width FIG. 11.2 or Change in thickness ee Original thickness : i ope: (December 2011, January 11.3 POISSON'S RATIO [ md] ce 's ratio, Ratio of lateral s strain is called polsson's ratio, Lateral strain Poisson's ratio = = = | fr u stra | ] 4 For most of the materials value of jt lies between 0.25 to 0.42, 11.4 VOLUMETRIC STRAIN (c,) : or Dilatation : q Ratio of change in volume to the original volume is called volumetric Strain. ff also known as dilation. Change in_volume Original volume Volumetric strain = 11.5 | VOLUMETRIC STRAIN OF A RECTANGULAR BODY SUBJECTED TO. AN Ax FORCE: Consider a rectangular block subjected to axial tensile force P as shown in fig. 1 Us length of the bar = width of the bar = thickness of the bar b t P = tensile force E = modulus of elasticity 1 m = Poisson's ratio . We know that linear stress = Fo o= bt (tensile) Now, longitudinal strain (linear Strain) & cok Lateral strain, &% = — xe = an = (Compressive) t= 2 mE i ere, 28-4, =2 ee a. l b mB Be ge 22 fa ie! Now, V=lxbxt OR 6V_8l Sb. bt Sea ee _ o Vv U b 11.6 VOLUMETRIC STRAIN OF A RECTANGULAR BODY SUBJECTED TO THREE MUTUALLY PERPENDICULAR FORCES : Consider a rectangular body subjected to direct, tensile stresses along three mutually perpendicular axes as shown in fig. 11.4. Let, o, = stress in x-x direction ax 6, = stress in y-y direction| o, = stress in z-z direction strain in x-x direction due too, is, Z JFIG. 11.4 strain in y-y direction due to oy is, strain in 2 direction due to a, Is, %, E The resulling strain in the three directions, superposition, ay be found out by the principle of Considering tensile strain as + V, compressive strain as - V, resultant strain in x-x direction, A enters, e mE m& resultant strain in y-y direction, Sy mE mE =[e*Su tee) 2 4 +5, +0,) E Ee 1-2 Yet 8y +x m E ww 11.7 BULK MODULUS (K) : (December 2011, January 2013) “When a body is subjected to three mutually perpendicular stresses of equal intensity, the ratio of direct stre ‘i ‘i bie Arle ess to the corresponding volumetric strain is known as ___ Direct stress Volumetric strain av aye 13.8 RELATION BETWEEN : (i) Young's Modulus (r) (i) Bulk Modulus (K) (GTU, September 2009, December 2010) 1 (iii) Poisson's ratio (" or 3) { t or rE Consider a cube subjected to mutually perpendicular ¢ (nee qresses: of equal intensity, stress on the faces, length of cube, vet = Young's modulus of the cube material consider the deformation of side of cube (say side AB) ander the action of three ynutually perpendicular tensile stresses of equal intensity. side AB of the cube will suffer the following strains : ue \#?" tensile strain equal to 6 te € E due to stresses on faces, BB\CC, and AA,DD,. Ll 2. Compressive lateral strain equal to mE due to stresses on faces AA, BB, and CC, DD). — + 1 11. Compressive lateral strain equal to aE due to stresses on faces ABCD and A,B,C,D,. : oe j ( Net tensile strain in side AB will bel ..s oo =") : original volume of the cube, veP (differentiate w.r.t- 0 av = 30. 8 ‘ 2 By 3 gy vy : bv al slg St oxe(1-3) From equation «- yop mt EL m - Se oot Now, We know that ° Bulk modulus, K = 3y E = 3K a 11.9 SHEAR STRESS AND SHEAR STRAIN : )/ Shear Stress : When a body is subjected to two equal and opposite forces acting BEFORE SHEARING tangentially across the resisting : section, as a result of which the 7 : body tends to shear off across the section, the stress induced is called | F-—4 shear stress. Shear force SHEARING _/ ™ Shear stress = ——————_. shearing Area OF RNET FIG. 11.6 Unit of shear stress is N/mm? Shear strain : : \ VK Consider a cube of length l fixed at bottom face AB. 4 Lae ‘ Lt force P is applied to face pg tay ny ee AB. Betlally o the cc asa result, the cube will defor 0D to ABC,D,. ™Med from deformation original length Shear Strain = cc, tand=—, but 4 is very small tan $ 11.10 COMPLIMENTARY SHEAR STRESS; A In order to cause an equilibrium, a shear stress (t) across a plane, is always accompanied ‘yy a balancing shear stress (r') across the plane and normal to it. This balancing shear stress is + called complimentary shear stress. Consider a block ABCD. shear stress (1) is acting on faces AD and CB. Forces acting on faces AD and CB, P=txAD=tx CB FIG. 11.8 This forces will form a couple. Moment of couple = M, = force x distance . M, = (@ x AD) x AB ...(i) If the block is in equilibrium, resisting couple with shear stress t' on faces AB and CD will be set up. “ — acting on faces AB and CD, =t AB=1'x CD thie forces will also form a couple. Moment of this couple, M, = (¢' x AB)x AD ...(i) “ equating two moments, M, = My : “(x AD) x AB = («' x AB) x AD eg a Where, t = Shear stress t= complimentary shear stress 11,11 MODULUS OF RIGIDITY OR SHEAR MODULUS : (G, N, oF ©) (December 2011) Modulus of rigtdity C (or Nor G) = + 11.12 RELATION BETWEEN : () Young's modulus (E) (ii) Modulus of rigidity (G) (GTU, June 2009, June 2012) I (iii) Poisson's ratio |}! or a consider a cube of length |, subjected to shear stress + as shown in fig. 11.9 due to shear stresses diagonal BD will be elongated and diagonal AC | A a will be shortened. (0) BEFORE DISTORTION (0) AFTER DISTORTION FIG. 11.9 Bp,-Bp - $l — Linear strain of BD = “po 7 |: BD = JAD? + AB D Do. eae = VAD? + AD? D D ur ui DD, cos 45°, = \2av® 9. _ bp, : 2 “TAD * BD=ADV2 wv ~-- "We know that SS we zr t G== 2. get 4 G Linear strain of Bp'= * =. Now, tensile strain on diagonal BD due to tensile stress on diagonal BD, t "5 E fii) and tensile strain on diagonal BD due to compressive stress on digonal_AC, 1 it a a—xt mE Net strain on diagonal BD. [lt 1 Sot+—xs stiles EmeE 5('+3) Equating equation (i) and (iv) +t (msl 2G E\ m 11413 RELATION BETWEEN : (i) Young's Modulus (E) Gi) Bulk modulus (K) (iit) Modulus of rigidity (G) We know that, mE. 2 ; _ mE. =3K = SK (1 = K= 3(m-2) eee ( a) . E=8K(1-2y) Similarly, mE, (m+) _ on = 2G ye FD) EB m E=2G(1+p) Equating equation (i) and (ii) }-= 3K E pxample-1: VO ¥ " {— al bar Om long is rectangular in section with width 40 mm and thickness 30 mm. C ic ae ce] aree in dimensions, when a tensile load of 120 kN is acting along its longitudinal axis if E = 200 kN/mm? and Poisson's ratio 1 = 0.25. “Solution : Data given: L=500mm, b=40mm, t=30mm . P= 120 x 10°N P 3. oe oo 40 x 30 Now, so € P=120kN % FIG. 11.11 o 100 z soon! = 0,0005 We know that Cee ® 0.25 x 0.0005 ' = 0.000125 Now, al b= 4 bls et= 0.0005 x 500 8 bao. bb = rb = 0:000125 x 40 = [0.005 mm ._ at P= 4 Bt =cut = 0.000125 x 30 = [0.00375 mm ven] 5V = (500 x 40 x 30) x 0.0005 (1 - 2 x 0.25) 8V = 150 mm*| Increase in volume. Example - 2 : a A steel bar of 1m length is subjected to 120 KN axial tensile force. The c/s of bar is 20 mm x 20 mm. The increase in length is found to be 0.5 mm and decrease in thickness is 0.003 mm. Find the value of Young's modulus and poisson's ratio. Solution : Data given : L = 1m = 1000 mm Area = 20 x 20 = 400 mm? al = 0.5 mm &t = db = 0,003 mm P = 120 kN 120 x 10° N se" L 120 «10° ow = 300 N/mm? | P=120kN 20 x 20 : FIG, 11.12 i bl 0.5 ee | &= 7" joo 7 0.0005 I _ 0.003 20 o 800 : « 0,0005 7 0.00015 0.0005 gsarpple — ‘A steel bar 16 mm diameter and yall of i 3 m long is subj d to an axial p’ jected to a ae Determine the sennees dimensions and volume of i S es young’sModulus as 2 x 10° MPa and Poisson's ratio 0.3. (Dee ee aii :, ember = 0.00015, 3: FIG, 11.13 Solution: =, d= 16mm t Az a” 162 = 201.06 mm? P = 80 kN, [= 3 m= 3000 mm E w= 0.3 E = 2x 105 N/mm? 3 80 x 10° _ 397,89 N/mm? ge Bn SOKO A 201.06 . o _ 397,89 i cee = 1.989 10 E~ 2x10” pel 2. espe = 0.3 x 1,989 x 105 = 5.968 x 10+ exl 1.989 x 10-3 x 3000 = 5.967 mm (increase) Sd=e'-d 5.968 x 10-4 x 16 = 0.00954 mm (decrease) av yeaa) V=Axl SV = 201.06 x 3000 x 1.989 x 10-3 x (1-2 x 0.3) 479.89 mm3 (increase) Example - 4: Find the change in volume of the portion BC of the bar ABC loaded as shown E = 200 kN/mm? and poisson's ratio is equal to 0.3. : P a in figure. Solution : For the equilibrium of forces 20 + 30=P P = 50 kN Portion BC is subjected to tensile force of 50 kN. ‘Area of portion BC A 27x40 = 1256.63 mm? _P_50x 10° o "A 1256.63 = 39.78 N/mm? FIG. 11.14 _39.78__ - 0,000198 200 x 10' ce E = Ee, i rye 120.3 (given) m 1 volume of portion 20 ~ 20 po eV z Ax! a 0 = 1256.63 x 300 oS = 376989 mm" 2 y 7 2 T tT 4 Wo ef1-2 eet] | 2 . VeVi Laat FIG. 11.15 = 376989 x 0.000198 (1 - 2 x 0.3) . [sv = 29.85 mm®| Increase in volume of portion BC. 1e- 5: ‘4 square prism of ubjected to a tensil ession of 240 Mpa and lateral tension of 12 metal 60 mm x 60 mm in cross section and 300 mm long is ¢ stress of 450 MPa along its Jongitudinal_axis. lateral 0 MPa along the Pair of sides. If. compr: E = 150 GPa, calculate the anges in dimensions, change in the volume for metal. cha rolame p = 0.36. Solution : E = 150 x 10° N/mm? = 0.36 @ 72120 N/mm? oy=240 N/mm 2 x=450 N/mm 2 vz FIG, 11.16 Moc... Size of block = 800 x 60-x-60 mm tension + V, Note : Take normal sign for linear stress (first stress) and opposite to norma sign for two lateral stresses. Compression -~ V, e Sz E E E = 498:2 _ _ 498.2 0.00328 (Tensile) E 150 x10' 61, HE Bly Hey xl Ic = 0.00328 x 300 986 mm | (elongation) 120 x 0.36 E _-445.2_ — 445.2 =e" Te0x105 = — 0.00296 (Compressive) ily fy ase Bly sey xly y = - 0.00296 x 60 (Cracton ce re ie E mE mE 120 450x0.36 1202 4 240.x0.36 E E E 44.4 44.4 =— ==, = 0.000296 (Te = 150x10° 6 (Tensile) 5, & =a SL, =e: 1, y = 0.000296 x 60 81, = 0.0177 mm | (elongation) For change tn volume, SV _= (300 x GO x GO) (0.00328 ~ 0.00296 + 0.000296) 5V = 665.28 mm"| Increase in volume A rectangular block 300 mm x 200 mm x 100,mm is subjected to axial loads as below ¢ : (1) Tensile load of 1200 KN in the direction of its length. (2) Compressive load of 1500 kN on the 300 mm x 100 mm face (3) Compressive load of 2400 kN on the 300 x 200 mm face. Assuming p = 0.25, find strains in the directions of each force in terms of E. Find the change in the yolume of the block, modulus of rigidity and bulle modulus if E = 200 kN/mm?. Solution : Pr FIG. 11.17 200 x 10° Sy 200 100 = 60 N/mm’ (tensile) 1500 x 10° oy = 1500% 10° 300 x100 = 50 N/mm? (comp) c= 2400 x 10° 7 "300 x 200 = 40 N/mm? (comp.) Po. yer be E mE mE e260) : 50x 0.25 : 40x 0.25 _ e 5 82.5 (tensile) E E E -55. ee (comp.) -40 60x 0.25 | 50x 0.25 _ “ee — == (comp.) Now, BV PN tg toy +e = (300 x 200 x 100) [= po oon ee 23) E E -1 = (300 x 200 x 100 [aster 5 200 x10 8V = - 450 mm® | decrease in volume Modulus of rigidity (G) : oo = 3(m+) 0.25 420010" : 2(4+1) oe G = 80000 N/mm? | or G = 80 kN/mm” (GPa) Bulk modulus (K) : mE 3(m-2)-, _4%200%10° 3 (4-2) K = 133333.33 N/mm? | or K = 133.33 kN/mm? (GPa) K= eee i) "pam?" 59 mm in diameter is sub V/3 oe on a gauge length of ected to tensile load of 54 KN. sion OF gth of 300 mm is 0.112 mm |. The measured m, Calculate poisson's ratio and the values ae Saas ——— of three moduli. — sto 0.0087 ™ ution * gol p= 54 KN = 54x 10°N = 2 = = q % 80° = 706.85 mm? A 31 = 0.112 mm, l= 300 mm sd = 0.0037 mm, d = 30 mm ee ‘A 706.85 = 5! 9-112 _ 9 000373 ! T 300 p= 84 _ 00087 _ 9 oo0123 f apace _0,000123 _ 9 43 ~ 0.000373 m = 3.03 3 __ 76.39 __» 94x10 N/mm? & 0.000373 : K=—ME_- 3.03% 2.0410" : 3(m—2)_ 3(8.03-2) 2.0 x 10° N/mm? mE __ 3.03x2.04% 10° ; 2(m+l)~ 2 (3.03 +1) Example-8 : A material has a'young's modulus of 1.25 x 10° N/mm? and poisson's ratio of | 0.25 calculate the Bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity. Solution : : E = 1.25 x 10° N/mm” 1 we e025. maa mE _ 4x1.25x10° : : 5 3(m-3)~ 3(4=2) — = 0-833 x 10° N/mm” = | 83.3 x 10° N/mm’ = 83.3 GPa mE _ 4X1.25x10° 2(m+1) 2(4+1) = 50 GPa Example-9 : A metal rod 700 m long, 28 mm in diameter is pulled with an axial tensile force of 52 kN. A uniform lateral pressure of 36 MPa is maintained over the entire surface of the rod. Calculate : (i) Change in length of the rod (ii) Change in diameter of the rod (iii) Change in volume of the rod E = 200 GPa, p = 0.28 for material Solution : ie 62=36N/mm Sy=36N/mm" 64=84,45N/mnt = oz FIG, 11.18 t= 700 mm A= 7 x 282 = 615.75 mm? _ 52 x 10° : ox = “615.75, = 84.45 N/mm? (tensile) tension +ve = 36 N/mm? (compressive) compression -ve a co, = 36 N/mm? (compressive) ox , Sy oe = e+ & = "— 7 mE * mE 84.45 36 x 0.28 36 x 0.28 Ses oor—= E E E 104.61 : Bo eet Sl _ 5.23 x 104 | 200 x 10 8L > ee ae oe = 5.23 x 10-4 x 700 = 0.366 mm (elongation) wy =~ Se E mE mE __ 36 _ 84.45% 0.28 | 36x 0.28 er E E _ _ 49.566 E = -2.478 x 10-4 sy = 42 2 Sd sey = -2.478 x 10 x 28 -6.94 x 10-3 mm (contraction) Se _ Oxy 2°" emp me 36 84,45 x 0.28 . 36 x 0.28 oc) E _ 49.566 E = -2.478 x 104 Now, SV. v = bx + by +62 NV=V let ey +e) = 615.75 x 700 x [5.23 x10-4 - 2.478 x 10-4 - 2.478 x 10-4] = 615.75 x 700 x [0.274 x 10-4] 11.81 mm Example-10 : .... increase in volume A bar of 300 mm x 100 mm x 50 mm is subjected to forces as shown in figure. Calculate the strain in terms of E.Also calculate ww in volume of the bar. aT Take, E = 205 GPa and = 0.25. Solution : 450 x 10° 2 580% 10" = 30 N/mm? (comp,) 300 x 50 eee = 10010" _ 59 N/mm? (Tensile) °y * J00x50 — ; o,=0 tension + v, comp. - Vv, -oy 5 & = a E mE 780 80%0,25 _ -50 . z E E vy; by = + SE E mE 400kN 80 , 300.25 _ 87.5 FIG. 11.19 “E “Ee + fii) E E ogee & = Tap 7 mE 30x0.25 . 2202 =128 -llti) Now, change in volume, * s by ch by ob ky 50 87.5 12 SV = (800 x 100 x 50) rE + E - E 25 = (300 x 100 x 50) | 25 _ 205 x 10° 5V = 182.92 mm increase in volume a ae _— ‘example ~ 14: steel rod with yield stress 2: 50 MPa has 1.0 pane .0 m length and 20 mm di: . peter st te ES dimensions of the rod if it is stressed upto nope stress. lasticity is 2 x 105 MPa and the Poisson's ratio a 25, | 7 solution t (army. gune!2070) o = 250 MPa = 250 N/mm? Fe Gi, = 201mm d= 20 mm, - A=q* 20? = 314.15 mm? E = 2x 105 MPa pn = 0.25 ° eo2 2 eo oe 2s 3 : B= pepe 7 28 x 10 . bes espe = 0.25 x 1.25 x 10°3 = 3,125 x 104 al Now c= 7 Bl =e = 1.25 x 10-3 x 1000 = 8 \ eu a bd = e'-d = 3.125 x 10 x 20 =[ 0.00625 mm Example-15 : specimen of 16 mm diameter in A tension test was performed on a steel which an axial load of 2 KN produced an elon} 80 mm, while diameter suffered a compressi' Poisson's ratio, modulus o: values of change in volume, of rigidity. gation of 0.05 mm in a length of ‘on of 0.0035 mm. Calculate the f elasticity and modulus Solution : d, = 16 mm, A= 4% 162 = 201.06 mm? I, = 80 mm, p=2kN=2%x 109N i 61 = 0.05 mm 6d = 0.0035 mm 0.05 : 0° =6.25 x 10 _ 0.0035 _ 2 = og 72187 «10 . 4 Poisson's ratio =p = 1 = £ = 2187x107 _ [935 me 25 x 10 BV = Vee 3) m = 201.06 x 80 x 6.25 x 10-4 (1 - 2 x 0.35) “ VSAXL Stress, o = 9.947 N / mm? .. Modulus of elasticity, E = 2 = 9-947 _ _ [5915.6 N/mm? ©” 6.25 x 107 1 Modulus of rigidity, g =_™E_ + -0.35 am =) m _ 2.857 x15915.6 re: 2 (2.857 +1) 5894.59 N/mm? A bar has rectangular cross-section of 350 mm x 550 mm and length of 1.5 mtr. is subjected with axial load of 50 KN. Find out total change in volume. Take E = 2 x 100000 N/mm? and poisson's ratio = 0.11. Example-16 : Solution : E = 2x 105 N/mm? p= 0.3 _P ong ' 50 x 10° = 350 x 550 = 0.259 N/mm? 3 w ola == E 0.259 2 x 10° 1.295 x 10-6 BV = ve(1-3) m 149.57 mms ample - 17 forces each of 600 KN alon; se, Solution : 600 x 109 Cas 1 ae 100/100) = 60 N/mm? E "= 200 GPa = 200 x 103 N/mm? 1 T= 025 = oa aoe oe <> op * me 7 mE -60 60 x 0.25 ~ 200 x10° =- 0.00015 = - 0.00015 0.00015 Similarly, &y ez A cube of 100 mm x 100 mm x 10 g x,y & z axes passing through centre of gravity. ind strain in each direction and volumetric strain. To mak what will be the new load ali 1, Goxoze 200x10° KEP t=550] P=50kN — 5a350 FIG, 11.20 (1500 x 350 x 550) x 1.295 x 10-6 (1-2 x 0.3) 10 mm is subjected to axial compressive e volumetric strain long x axis ? (E = 200 wal 0.25) 62=60N/mrt Sy=60N/mnt cube 100mm side |__sx=60N/mrt or FIG, 11.21 60 x 0.25 60x0.25 * 300x10° BY sey tty tty = = 0.00015 = 0,00018 ~ 0.00015 = = 0.00045... volumetric strain bv AV 2 - 0.00045 SV = (100 x 100 x 100) x (-0.00045) = -450 mm’... decrease in volume bv. New force along x-direction so that “jp = 0 fy + cy +0, =0 =x | 9 o. aoe yo E mE mE =8x , G60x0.25 | 60x0.25 E 200x103 200x109 = —* + 15x10.) aay, ox co, + + E mE mE -60 s+ Sx x 0.25 o 800.25 200 x 10 200 x 10° 200 x 10 0.25: ee 8 225x104 eeeesee (uy ne) 0.250, eee byt ty +e,=0 -2.25x107 ... (iii) - 0.250 0.25: 4, eee + - 2.2510 +A * - 2.25104 =0 -0.50 x oe E [Ox 20 N/mm? |... tensile . Force = 120 x (100 x 100) 1200 x. 103 N [Pe = 1200 mx]... tensile Example-25 : A rectangular block of size 300 mm x 150 mm x 100 mm is subjected to forces shown in Fig, 11.26. If E = 75 GPa and poisson’s ratio is 0.25, calculate (i) Changeit volume (ii) Modulus of rigidity and (iii) Bulk modulus. Solution : _ 150 x 10° °x = 750 x 100 oy = 2B 10° Y ~ 300 x 150 240 x 10° Ce 3 aan. ‘% ~ 300 x 100 = 10 N/mm? (Tensile) = 5 N/mm? (Tensile) = 8 N/mm? (Tensile) 2010) (GTU, Janse 240 KN 225 NEY) 150 KN, 100mm| = 240 NZ), ¥ 5 300mm kN FIG. 11.26 150 NO) 4 ‘50mm = 75 GPa = 75 x 103 N/mm? p= 0.25 i = bz Hox Hoy! 4 ] = g (8 - 0.25 x10 - 0.25 x 5] _ 4,25 “ E wv ¥ = 8, + by + & + 6.75 05 , 425) = (300 x 150 x 100) x (*% = (300 x 150 x 100) x a 75 x 10) increase in volume Modulus of rigidity (G): mE an 2(m+1) ,G= 4x 75X10" 2(4+1) | Bulk Modulus : (k) : | k= mE 3(m-2) 475 x10° 3(4-2) 0,000 N/mm Example-26 : A Steel bar is subjected to tensions as shown in figure. Determi: change in volume of the bar, if E, = 200 GPa and p, = 0.25. In order that there is no change in volume, what should be the reviseq value of load along X axis ? (GTU, March/April 2010) ine Solution : 3 As FIG. 11.27 Tension = +ve Compression = -ve 3 Se Sy oe = 30x10 ; "2 mE mE ool 3 . _7.5 3x 0.25 0.8 x 0.25 ee Sore a a E E 300 x 40 3 r 24 x 10 7 _. o, = 24x10" | . ® = 300 x 100 = &8 N/mm Pio toxeetcre yoo bies a mE mE 7.5% 0.25 0.8.x 0.25 ~ E E Sy Sx By & = * E mE mE 0.8 7.8% 0.28 9x 0.96 E & vy = 800 x 100 « 40 © 1.2 x 108 mms Now, ov vy text by te 6.55 , 0.925 _ 1.825 iv -[s88 Se : 6 E E E | 2*10 5.65 6 . ey X12 x 10 200 x 10° - increase in volume. Now, bV Revised value of load along x to make Vv =O byt by +e, = 0 3 x 0.25 0.8 x 0.25 fy = Gy _ SX 7 E E E 1 = = [o, - 0.95] w Ss » \ S © a a me W 2 [0.05 - 0.25 od E Now, oy + oy +52 =9 0.5 o,+ 1950 9, = -3.8 N/mm? (compressive) 3.8 x (100 x 40) = 15200 N 15.2 KN | compressive Example-27 : Determine the stress, strain, Modulus of elasticity and poisson's Ratio from the following results for a bar tested on UTM : Diameter = 20 mm; Gauge length = 150 mm; Increase in Gauge length = 14 mm; Decrease in diameter (July 2011) = 0.85 mm; Tensile load = 6 kN. Solution : dy = 20 mm Ag =f % 20? = 314.15 mm? Lp = 150 mm 3L = 14 mm 8d = 0.85 mm P=6 kN Stress (o) : Pp 3 =. a = 19.10 N/mm? Modulus of elasticity (E) «19.10 2 =o = Qoggg 7 204.71 N/mor Poisson's ratio (1) Example-28 : A cement se t concrete bl of 250 mm side and a unif lock having a shape of square See Seine ee 1 jnitorm hélght of 350 mm is pe of sua cross section ter the height decreased i paloma compressive load of ‘P’ Ce red ee (on eee ate . It was observe he Modulus of Elasticity of concrete is Za Ce 7 mm?*, determine « Poison's Ratio » The value of ‘P’ 7 . The volumetric strain of the block. ~~ (D ber 2013) ecember 2013. Solution : — 250mm 250mm, 350mm FIG. 11.28 Cross sectional area = 250 x 250 = 62,500 m? A 1 = 350mm 6 = 0.28 mm b = 250 mm 6b = 0.035 mm = 0.13 x 10° N/mm? at _ 0:28 . gx10" 350 E linear strain, & = ab _ 0.035 _ 1.4 x 104 Lateral strain. © = b> 250 Poisson's ratio, Se ee Now, p=s g = Be = 0.13 X10" x8 x 10™ € = 10.4 N/mm? stress (ci - p=o0-:A= 10.4 x 62,500 = 650,000 N A . Compressive load = 650 KN |. Volumetric strain, bv 8 x 10-4 (1 - 2 x 0.175) = 5.2 x 10-4 ape oO 2H) =

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