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JOshua Ongsansoy :Good morning classmates, today we are going to discuss about TRANSITION SIGNALS where Communication is part

of our
daily lives. However, there are instances where miscommunication occurs for one finds it difficult to convey their message. Transition signals
are helpful tools for us to relay our messages effectively. Learning to use them would help avoid miscommunication.

(Now let us define Transition signals which) are used to connect or link words, phrases or sentences. They help the readers understand the
connection of ideas presented by the author. In addition, transitions also tell the reader what to do with the information presented to them.
They function as signs that signal the readers how to think about, organize, and react to old and new ideas.

Transition signals used to:

1. Provide more information
2. Provide example or illustration
3. Provide a cause and effect
4. Provide a clarification
5. Provide a qualification
6. Provide a comparison or contrast
7. Provide a sequence or chronology
8. Provide a summary or conclusion

So let us discuss,
1. Transition words that provide an Addition or more Information- it adds information or reinforces ideas.

Examples: besides, furthermore, in addition, indeed, in fact, moreover, second, third.

Example: Joshua is very talented, in fact he can sing while dancing.

2. Transition words that provide an Examples- add emphasis or introduce evidence.

Example: for example, for instance, in particular, particularly, specifically, to demonstrate, to illustrate

Example: There was an improvement on her reading skills,:for instance last week she was awarded for best in reading.

3. Transition words that provide Cause and effect- it shows the consequences of an action.
Cause Effect

Accordingly Consequently

Because as a result

Due to therefore

Since so

Example: (Cause)Due to heavy rain there was flood all over. (Effect) As a result the people in the village was sent to an evacuation site.

4. Transition words that provide a comparison of contrast- it points out alternatives or differences.
Comparison Contrast
as but

also despite

likewise however

similarly even though

in the same way on the contrary

Example: Carl loves pizza likewise he loves to eat spaghetti.

I’m glad that we decided to go on weekend but we need to get some things done.
Erianne Margarette
5. Transition words that provide sequence of events or CHRONOLOGY- this transition signal helps define time. It also helps in explaining order
or chronology.

Examples: after, before, currently, next, during, later, meanwhile, first, soon, simultaneously

Example: We will go to the clinic after breakfast.

I am currently drinking my coffee.

6. Transition words that provide a Clarification-it shows support

Examples: that is, I mean, In case, In other words, to put I another way, under certain circumtances.
Examples: Please contact me immediately in case emergency.
I love reading, in other words I like to learn more.

7. Transition words that provide a Qualification- it presents condition or intentions.

Examples: Almost, Probably, Frequently, Possible, Never

Example: The white sand of Initao was almost as white as snow.

I frequently went to my garden to harvest malunggay.
“ In what possibly the greatest fight of all time, the Filipino in the front lines has faced the pandemic with bravery. They
almost gave up, but recovered. With this in mind, Filipinos have proven time and again to be resilient.”

(Explaination)Read below only

The underline words are the transitional signals used in the sentence to indicate qualification.

8. Transition words that provide Summary or Conclusion-it restates ideas

Summary Conclusion

To summarize in conclusion

As can be seen therefore

To sum up finally

Given this point in the long run

Example: I would like to take this opportunity to summarize the lesson that we I presented.
All the documents have been presented and, as can be seen, the facts are clear. Given this point, it’s time to correct the
practices and do not conform to the policies. In the long run, the nation and it’s people will benefit from the change.

The transition signal in the sentence to show summary and conclusion are as can be seen, given this point and in the long run.
Always keep in mind that transition signals can be used in a single sentence, between two different sentences, paragraphs or in between
paragraphs to achieve coherence or unity of idea.
This time, we will read a comic strip containing transitional words.

(Please read Carl Joven and Zelex John)

Let us take a look at the examples shown in the comic strip:

He uttered a prayer to his favorite

The word ‘moreover’
god, he saved his life from the ghost.
signals a piece of
Moreover, he lifted a club and saved
information added to the
his two cows from the thief.
previous statement.

First, I will steal the two cows, then

The highlighted word you may eat the Brahman.
The highlighted word
signals the beginning of indicates the next event.
the events

So they disputed, each crying, “Me The highlighted words signal

first! Me first!” As a result, the that the next information
shows the effect of the action
hubbub woke the Brahman. done by characters

The highlighted words I am a thief, and my acts are cruel. The racket would most likely wake the
signal that the next In fact, I am on my way to steal two Brahman. In that case, all my trouble
statement is a detailed cows from a poor Brahman. would be vain.
information to clarify
‘In that case’ signals
that the next idea is
true if the idea in the
first sentence actually
exists or happens.

Again, TRANSITIONAL SIGNALS-this are words and phrases that connect ideas of sentences and paragraphs for coherence.

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