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of Seventh-day Adventists, Inc. as your
The School that Offers Something Better copy for
1st Quarter Manticao, Misamis Oriental the whole
(MODULE 1) grading.
Teacher’s Name: Daisy P. Ponsica Facebook Account: N THIS
Degree: BSED-Mathematics, MS Gmail Account:
Subjects handled: math 8,10 Contact number: 0917 125 0535 TEACH
Grading System: Submiss
Components Percentage In computing your grade 50% will be taken from your written ion:
Written Work 50% work and 50% will be taken from the Performance task. Septem
Performance Tasks 50% ber, 20,


When you see this icon, it signals that you are to do a task classified as performance task. This is now a transfer of the
knowledge that you learn from the lessons. This task merits the highest percentage in the grading system.

This icon gives you an overview of the lesson that you will be learning. It is an introduction of the lesson and a recall of
your prior knowledge regarding the topic.

This icon tells you that you are answering the first stage of the lesson which is called the “Exploratory Phase” You are given
open – ended questions or tasks that would lead you to GUESS the topic.

This icon gives you important lessons, core values integrated in the lessons. These are important concepts and strategies that
will help you in life.

You will find this icon before some chunks of text in the following pages. It tells you to carefully study the concepts,
principles, or processes discussed in the text. It also tells you that there is a question to answer or an idea to think about it.

This icon gives you important instructions to note and follow. Read every detail of instructions so you can follow them
You will find this icon at the end of every topic. It signals a self-test to determine how well you have achieved the
objectives set in the unit. Study the lesson well and you will perform quite well in the self-test. This will be submitted to
your teacher after you answering the self-test. Write legibly and always follow instructions properly.

This icon directs you to the specific activity which you need to answer and specific lesson for you to refer to as you answer
the activity.
This icon signals process questions that you need to answer as this is also one indicator that you have learned the lesson
very well.

Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions.
Performance Standards:
The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving special products and factors and solves these with utmost accuracy using a variety of
Transfer Goal
Students on their own and in the long run apply the concepts of special products and factors to model various real-life situations and solve
related problems.

Performance Task

Goal: Your company is tapped to create the (P) best packaging box using a provided square
shape material with an area of 10 in2.. 

Role: You are a member of the design department of RER Packaging company.
Audience: You are to present the design proposal for the box and cylinder to the chief executive officer of the dairy company and head of
the RER Packaging department

Situation: The RER packaging company is in search for the best packaging for a new dairy product that they will introduce to the market.
You are a member of the design department of RER Packaging Company. Your company is tapped to create the best packaging box that will contain
two identical cylindrical containers with
the box’s volume set at 100 in3. The box has an open top. The cover will just be designed in reference to the box’s dimensions. You are to present the
design proposal for the box and cylinder to the Chief Executive Officer
of the dairy company and head of the RER Packaging department.
Standards: The design proposal is evaluated according to the following: Explanation of the proposal, accuracy of
computations, and utilization of the resources and appropriateness of the model.
Product: Packaging Box

Use the rubric below as your guide in completing your final Project
CRITERIA Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
4 3 2 1
Explanation of the Explanations and Explanations and Explanations and Explanations and
proposal presentation of the lay presentation of the lay presentation of the presentation of the
20% out is detailed and out is clear. lay out is clear. lay out is not clear.
Accuracy of The computation done The computation done The computation The computation
computation are accurate and show are accurate and show a done are erroneous done are erroneous
30% understanding of the wise use of the concepts and show some use and do not show
concepts of special of special products and of the concepts of wise use of the
products and factoring. factoring. special products and concepts of special
There is an explanation factoring. products and
for every computation factoring.
Utilization of Resources are Resources are fully Resources are Resources are not
resources efficiently utilized with utilized with less 10%- utilized but less utilize properly.
20% less 10% excess. 25% excess. 10%-25% excess.
Appropriateness of The models are well- The models are well- The diagram and The diagrams and
the model crafted and useful for crafted and useful for models are less models are not useful
30% understanding the understanding the useful in in understanding the
design proposal. They design proposal. They understanding the design proposal.
showcase the desired showcase the desired design proposal.
product and are product..
artistically done
Overall rating

Essential Understanding Essential Question

Students will understand that unknown quantities in geometric problems How can unknown quantities in geometric problems be solved?
can be determined by using patterns of special products and factors.

Have you ever looked around and recognized different patterns? Have you asked yourself what the world’s environment would look like if there were
no patterns? Why do you think our Creator includes patterns around us?
Look at the pictures below and identify the different patterns on each picture. Discuss and see whether you observe the same pattern.

Explore Let us start our study by reviewing first the concepts on multiplying polynomials, which is one of the skills needed in
the study of this module.
Have you ever used patterns in simplifying mathematical expressions? What advantages have you gained in
doing such? Let us see how patterns are used to simplify mathematical expressions by doing the activity on the first part on the activity sheet. Try to
multiply the following numerical expressions. Can you solve the following numerical expressions mentally?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ (Perform the activity in part 1 in the answer sheet ) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lesson Title Learning Competency
1. Factoring 1. Factoring:
a. completely different types of polynomials (polynomials with common monomial factors,
b. difference of two squares,
c. sum and difference of two cubes,
d. perfect square trinomials, general trinomials) using special formulas,
e. grouping and other techniques.
f. Solve problems involving polynomials and their products and factors.
2. Rational Expressions 2. a. Simplify rational algebraic expressions correctly.
b. Perform operations on rational algebraic expressions correctly.
c. Present creatively the solution on real – life problems involving rational algebraic


Lesson 1 Factoring by Greatest Common Monomial Factor

The problems you have answered are examples of the many situations where we can apply knowledge of Factoring. In this
lesson, you will do varied activities which will help us answer the question, how can unknown quantities in geometric
problems be solved?


One of the factoring techniques that you are going to learn in this module is factoring by greatest common monomial factor (GCMF). Concepts
such as factors, factoring, and prime factorization have been discussed and have been used in many instances in your previous math classes. Let us
try to reactivate what you previously learned by answering activity 1 in the answer sheet.

Recall that factor is a number or algebraic expression that divides another number or expressions evenly, that is with no remainder.
Factoring is the process of writing a number or polynomial in terms of multiplication

Factoring a monomial means finding two monomials whose product gives the original monomial.

Example 1:
a. The factors of 4 are 1, 2, and 4 as these can divide 4 evenly.
b. The factors of 2𝑥2 are 1, 2, 𝑥, 𝑥2 , 2𝑥, 2𝑥2 as these can divide 2𝑥2 evenly.
c. the factors of 30x2 are
30x2= (5x)(6x) the factors are 5x and 6x
30x2 =(15x)(2x) the factors are 15x and 2x
30x2 = (-5x)(-6x) the factors are -5x and -6x
30x2 = (10x2)(3)the factors are 10x2 and 3
Observe that each part of the factorization is called a factor of the given monomial
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 1&2 ) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Suppose we will make use of the area of the rectangle which is 2𝑥 + 6. Find the length and the width.

2x+6 A = Length x width A= s 2

2x+ 6 = 2 .x + 3.2
= 2(x + 3)
Now, working backward, we have to find the length and the width of the rectangle.
Notice that 2𝑥 + 6 can be written as:
(2 ∙ 𝑥 )+ (2 ∙ 3)
Notice also that 2 is common to both terms. So, by rewriting it we have,
2𝑥 + 6 = (2 ∙ 𝑥) + (2 ∙ 3)
= 2(𝑥 + 3)
Recall that by distributive property, 2(𝑥 + 3) will go back to its original form 2𝑥 + 6.
Hence, 2(𝑥 + 3) = 2𝑥 + 6

Note! When you factor, see to it that the product of these factors is always the original expression or polynomial.

This means that, 2(𝑥 + 3) is the completely factored form of 2𝑥 + 6. Based on the example above, you have noticed that the method of factoring used is
finding a number or expression that is common to all the terms in the original expression, that is, 2 is a common factor to both 2𝑥 and 6. Since there is
no other factor, other than 1, which is common to all terms in the given expression, 2 is called the greatest common monomial factor (GCMF).

To further illustrate the concept of GCMF, try to explore the following examples:

Example 2. Find the GCF of each pair of monomials.

a. 4𝑥3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 8𝑥2 b. 15𝑦6 𝑎𝑛𝑑 9z

solution: Step 1. Factor each monomial.
a. 4𝑥 3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 8𝑥 2 15𝑦6 = 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦
Step 1. Factor each monomial. 9𝑧 = 3 ∙ 3 ∙ 𝑧
4𝑥 3 = 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 Step 2. Identify the common factors.
8𝑥 2 = 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 15𝑦6 = 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦 ∙ 𝑦
Step 2. Identify the common factors. 9𝑧 = 3 ∙ 3 ∙ 𝑧
4𝑥 3 = 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 Step 3. Find the product of the common factors.
8𝑥 2 = 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 Note that 3 is the only common factor.
Step 3. Find the product of the common factors.
2 ∙ 2 ∙ 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 = 4𝑥 2 Hence, 3 is the GCMF of 15𝑦6 𝑎𝑛𝑑 9𝑧
Hence, 4𝑥2 is the GCMF of 4𝑥3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 8𝑥2 .

Notice that in the examples above, prime factorization is used to find the GCMF of the given pair of monomials. The next examples illustrate how the
GCMF is used to factor polynomials.

Example 3.
Write 6𝑥 + 3𝑥2 in factored form.
Step 1. Determine the number of terms.
In the given expression, we have 2 terms: 6𝑥 and 3𝑥2 .
Step 2. Determine the GCF of the numerical coefficients.
Coefficient Factors Common factor GCF
3 1, 3 1, 3 3
6 1, 2, 3


Step 2. Determine the GCF of the variables. The GCF of the variables is the one with the least exponent.
GCF(x, x2) = x
Step 3. Find the product of GCF of the numerical coefficient and the variables.
(3)(𝑥) = 3𝑥
Hence, 3𝑥 is the GCMF of 6𝑥 and 3𝑥2 .
Step 4: Find the other factor, by dividing each term of the polynomial 6𝑥 + 3𝑥2 by the GCMF 3𝑥.
6 x 3 x2
→ +
3x 3x
2∙ 3 x 3 x ∙ x
= +
3x 3x
Step 5. Write the complete factored form
6x + 3x2 = 3x(2+x)

Example 4: 18 x 3+ 27 x2
Step 1: Determine the number of terms
There are two terms in the given expression 18 x 3+ 27 x2
Step 2: Determine the GCF of the numerical coefficient.
Coefficient factors common factors GCF
18 1,2,3,6,918 3, 9 9
27 1,3,9,27
Step 3: Determine the GCF of the variables.
The GCF of the variable is the smallest power or the least exponent of x that appears in all terms.
GCF ( x 2, x 3 ¿=x 2
Step4: write the product of the GCF of numerical coefficient and the variable
9∙ x2 =9 x 2
This means that 9 x 2 is the GCF of the two terms 18 x 3+ 27 x2
Step 5: find the other factor by dividing each term of the polynomial by GCF
18 x 3 27 x 2
= +
9 x2 9 x2
2∙ 9 x 2 ∙ x 3∙ 9 x 2
= +
9 x2 9 x2
= (2x+ 3)
Step 6: write the complete factored form
= 9 x 2(2x + 3)

Example 5: Factor 12 x3 y 5−20 x 5 y 2 z

a. The GCF of 12 and 20 is 4 (3.4) (4.5 ) c = 4
b. Find the variable with the least exponent that appears in each term of the polynomial.
X and y are both common to all terms and 3 is the smallest exponent for x and 2 is the smallest exponent of y, thus, x 3 y 2 is the
GCF of the variables.
c. The GCF now is the product of 4 and x 3 y 2 which is 4 x3 y 2
d. to get a complete factor, divide the polynomial by GCF, the resulting quotient is the other factor.
Thus, the factored for is 4 x3 y 2 ( 3 y3 −5 x2 z )
Example 6: Factor out the Greatest Common Monomial factor
Factor: 16 y 5−12 y 4 + 4 y 3
4 is the largest number that is a common factor for 16, -12, and 4, since each terms contains y raised in different
power , the GCF has a variable factor of y 3, the smallest power that appears in all terms.
The GCF is 4 y 3, we can now factor the polynomial.
¿ 16 y 5−12 y 4 + 4 y 3 = 4 y 3 ∙ 4 y 2−4 y3 ∙ 3 y + 4 y 3 ∙1 → factor each term
= 4 y 3 ¿) → factor out 4 y 3, the GCF
 The process of finding the factors of an expression is called factoring, which is the reverse process of multiplication. A prime
number is a number greater than 1 which has only two positive factors: 1 and itself. Can you give examples of prime numbers? Is
it possible to have a prime that is a polynomial? If so, give examples. The first type of factoring that you will encounter is Factoring the
Greatest Common Monomial Factor.

Factoring out the greatest common factor

Multiplication Factors
a(b+c) = ab + ac ab + ac = a (b+ c)
Here is specific example:
5x(2x +3 ) 10 x 2+ 15 x
= 5x (2x) + 5x (3) = 5x (2x) +5x (3)
= 10 x 2+ 15 x = 5x(2x +3 )


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 3&4 ) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Now that you have learned how to factor polynomials using their greatest common factor we can move to the next type of factoring, which is the
difference of two squares. why do you think it was given such name? To model it, let’s try doing the activity that follows


LC: factoring polynomial with difference of two squares

√ I can factor completely the difference of two squares
√ I can solve problems involving factor of polynomials.
IFL: Accept Differences

Perfect squares are numbers or expressions that can be expressed to the power of 2.
Example 6 :
1. 4 = 2 ∙ 2 = 22
2. 9𝑥2 = 3𝑥 ∙ 3𝑥 = (3𝑥)2

Recall the topic about special product particularly the product of the sum and difference of two terms. It states that the product of (𝑎 + 𝑏) and (𝑎 – 𝑏)
is equal to the difference of two squares which is 𝑎2 − 𝑏2 .
(a+b)(a-b) = 𝑎2 − 𝑏2

Notice that when the sum and product of two terms are multiplied (meaning, the first and second term of the factors are the same but they differ with
the operation, one is + while the other is −), the result will always be the difference of the squares of the two terms (that is, you square the first term,
square the second term and the operation between them is −).Thus, to factor the difference of two squares, you just have to reverse the pattern.

a 2−b2= ( a+b ) ( a−b )

In order to use this factoring technique, recall the concept of perfect squares. For example, 16, 𝑥2 , 25𝑎, 9𝑦4 , and . These are all perfect squares.
Why? Look at and study the illustration below.

16 = 4 ∙ 4 = (4) 2
𝑥 2 = 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 = (𝑥) 2
25𝑎 2 = 5𝑎 ∙ 5𝑎 = (5𝑎) 2
9𝑦 4 = 3𝑦 2 ∙ 3𝑦 2 = (3𝑦 2 ) 2
1 1 1 1
= , =
4 2 2 2 ()
You see from the examples that a perfect square is a number or expression which can be written as an exact square of a rational quantity. Let us now
see how to factor difference of two squares by examining at the given examples below.

Example 6a : Write 𝑥2 − 9 in completely factored form.

Step 1. Express the first and the second terms in exponential form with a power of 2.
𝑥 2 = 𝑥 ∙ 𝑥 = (𝑥) 2
9 = 3 ∙ 3 = (3) 2
Step 2: Subtract the two terms in exponential form following the pattern 𝑎2 − 𝑏2.
(𝑥)2 − (3)2
Step 3: Factor completely following the pattern 𝑎2 − 𝑏2 = (𝑎 + 𝑏)(𝑎 – 𝑏)
(𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 – 3)
Hence, the complete factored form is, 𝑥2 − 9 = (𝑥)2 − (3)2 = (𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 – 3).

Example 6b: Write 16𝑎6 − 25𝑏2 in completely factored form.

Step 1. Express the first and the second terms in exponential form with a power of 2.
16𝑎6 = 4𝑎3 ∙ 4𝑎3 = (4𝑎3 )2
25𝑏2 = 5𝑏 ∙ 5𝑏 = (5𝑏)2
Step 2. Subtract the two terms in exponential form following the pattern 𝑎2 − 𝑏2.
(4𝑎3 )2 − (5𝑏)2
Step 3: Factor completely following the pattern 𝑎2 − 𝑏 2 = (𝑎 + 𝑏)(𝑎 – 𝑏)
( 4𝑎3 + 5𝑏) ( 4𝑎 3 − 5𝑏)
Hence, the complete factored form of 16𝑎6 − 25𝑏2 is,
16𝑎6 − 25𝑏2 = (4𝑎3 )2 − (5𝑏)2 = ( 4𝑎3 + 5𝑏) ( 4𝑎3 − 5𝑏
Remember the factored form of a polynomial that is a difference of two squares is the sum and difference of the square roots of the first and
last terms.

Example 6c: Write 3 x 2−48 in completely factored form.



At first glance, it seems like the given binomial is not factorable using sum and difference of two terms since the terms are not perfect
squares. Note however, that the first and second terms of the binomial have a common factor of 3. Hence, the binomial can be factored using a
combination of GCMF and the sum and difference of two terms.

Find the GCF of the terms and write it in factored form:

3 x 2−48 = 3( x2 – 16)
Observe that 𝑤 − 16 is a difference of two squares. Hence, it can be factored as
x 2−48 = ( x)2 – (4)2
= (x + 4)(x – 4)
Thus, the complete factored form of 3 x 2−48 is
3 x 2−48=¿3(x + 4)(x – 4)
Based on the examples presented above, can you now factor completely the difference of two squares independently?

Remember the factored form of a polynomial that is a difference of two squares is the sum and difference of the square roots of the first and last
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 5 , 6 &7a-7c ) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


LC: Factoring sum and difference of two cubes

LT : I can Factor completely sum and difference of two cubes

In this lesson you will learn how to factor the sum or difference of two cubes. However, for you to do that, you must recall the concept of
perfect cube and how to express mathematical expression to the power of 3 when you were in Grade 7. To refresh your learning on this matter, try
to answer the following activity.

Perfect cubes are numbers or expressions that can be expressed to the power of 3.
Say, 8𝑥6 . There are two things that we need to manipulate, the constant 8 and the variable 𝑥6 . The constant 8 can be expressed as 8 = 2 ∙ 2 ∙ 2 𝑜𝑟
23 and the variable 𝑥6 can be rewritten as 𝑥6 = (𝑥2 )3
using the law of exponent ((𝑎𝑚)𝑛 = 𝑎𝑚∙𝑛 or the Power Rule.

Thus, it follows that 8𝑥6 can be expressed as 8𝑥6 = (23 )(𝑥2 )3 𝑜𝑟 (2𝑥2 )3 .

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 8) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Notice that the operation of the binomial factor was changed to plus (+) and also the first operation in the trinomial factor was changed to
minus (−). Compare the product 𝑥 3 + 27 to its factors (𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 + 9). What are your observations?

The activity above deals with the product of a binomial and a trinomial which could be a sum or difference of two cubes. To illustrate, let
us have the example below:

(𝑥 – 2)(𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 4) = 𝑥 2 (𝑥 – 2) + 2𝑥 (𝑥 – 2) + 4 (𝑥 – 2)
= 𝑥 3 − 2𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 2 – 4𝑥 + 4𝑥 − 8
= 𝑥 3 − 8 → Difference of two cubes
To get the factored form of the difference of cubes, reverse the process as shown below.
𝑥 3 − 8 = 𝑥 3 − 2 3 = (𝑥 – 2)(𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 4)

To get the binomial factor, subtract the base of the first term by the base of the second term.
First term: 𝑥 3 its base is 𝑥
Second term: 2 3 its base is 2
Binomial Factor: (𝑥 – 2)

To get the trinomial factor:

First term: Square the first term of the binomial factor 𝑥 – 2
Second term: Multiply the terms of the binomial factor 𝑥 – 2 .
→ 2𝑥
Third term: Square the second term of the of the binomial factor 𝑥 – 2.
Hence, the trinomial factor is 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 4 . (Note that since the binomial factor is connected by a −, then, the middle term should be its
additive inverse or + and in factoring sum or difference of two cubes, the operation of the third term of the trinomial factor is always +).

This suggests the following rule for factoring a difference of cubes.

𝒂 𝟑 − 𝒃 𝟑 = ( 𝒂 − 𝒃)( 𝒂 𝟐 + 𝐚𝐛 + 𝒃 𝟐 )

Example 7a: Factor ( 27 c 3−d 3 )

( 27 c 3−d 3 )Can be written as ( 3 c ¿ ¿ ¿ 3−d 3 )
( 3 c ¿¿ 3−d 3=(3 c−d)¿)
=(3c – d)(9 c 2 +3 cd +d 2 ¿
7b: Factor 27𝑚 – 8𝑚𝑛 6


Examine first whether the terms 27𝑚4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 8𝑚𝑛 6 contain a GCMF. Notice that the given binomial cannot be factored directly using difference of
two cubes since there is a variable 𝑚 in both terms which is not a perfect cube. Hence, factoring by taking out the GCMF must be applied first.
27𝑚4 – 8𝑚𝑛 3 = 𝑚 (27𝑚3 – 8𝑛6 )
The factor 27𝑚 – 8𝑛 3 is a difference of two cubes.

Hence, the pattern can be applied. 27𝑚3 = (3𝑚) 3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 8𝑛6 = (2𝑛2 )3

Using the pattern, 𝑎 = 3𝑚 and 𝑏 = 2𝑛 2 . By substituting to 𝑎 3 − 𝑏 3 = ( 𝑎 − 𝑏)( 𝑎 2 + ab + 𝑏 2 ),

we have:
27𝑚3 – 8𝑛 6 = (3𝑚) 3 – (2𝑛 2 ) 3 = (3𝑚 − 2𝑛 2 )((3𝑚)2 + 3𝑚 (2𝑛 2 ) + (2𝑛 2 ) 2 ) = (𝟑𝒎 − 𝟐𝒏 𝟐 )( 𝟗𝒎𝟐 + 𝟔𝒎𝒏 𝟐 + 𝟒𝒏𝟒 )

Putting all the factors together, the complete factored form 27𝑚4 – 8𝑚𝑛 6 is:
27𝑚4 – 8𝑚𝑛 6 = 𝑚 (27𝑚3 – 8𝑛 6 ) = 𝒎 (𝟑𝒎 − 𝟐𝒏 𝟐 )( 𝟗𝒎𝟐 + 𝟔𝒎𝒏 𝟐 + 𝟒𝒏𝟒 )

In the same manner, the sum of two cubes can be factored using a pattern similar to the difference of cubes. It is the result of a multiplication like the
(𝑥 + 2)(𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 + 4) = 𝑥 2 (𝑥 + 2) − 2𝑥 (𝑥 + 2) + 4 (𝑥 + 2)
= 𝑥 3 + 2𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 2 – 4𝑥 + 4𝑥 + 8
= 𝑥 3 + 8 → Sum of two cubes
This suggest the following rule for a difference of two cubes.
𝒂 𝟑 + 𝒃 𝟑 = ( 𝒂 + 𝒃)( 𝒂 𝟐 - 𝐚𝐛 + 𝒃 𝟐 )

This can be also this rule of a Cube of a binomial

1. Factoring Sum of two cubes ( x 3 + y 3 )=(x+ y)(x 2−xy + y 2 )

2. difference of two cubes ( x 3− y 3 ) =(x− y)( x 2 + xy+ y 2)

Examples 8 :
Factor each completely
a. Given ( a 3+ 64 )
Since a 3+64 can be written as a 3+ 43 = ( a+ 4 ) ( a2−4 ∙a+ 4 2 )
= ( a+ 4 ) ( a2−4 a+16 )

b. Given ( 8 b 3+ 27 c 3 )
Since ( 8 b 3+ 27 c 3 ) can be written as ( 2 b )3 + ( 3 c )3, we have
The sum of two cubes and can be factored as
( 8 b 3+ 27 c 3 )=( 2 b )3 + ( 3 c )3=( 2b +3 c) ¿
¿( 2b+ 3 c) ¿
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 9 Cube of a binomial) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lesson 3 Factoring Perfect Square Trinomial

Patterns in Squaring Trinomial

1. (a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2
2. (a − b) 2 = a 2 − 2ab + b 2

Perfect square trinomial is the result of squaring a binomial.

A perfect square trinomial has first and last terms which are perfect squares and the middle term is twice the product of the square root of first and
last terms
1. (a + b) 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2
2. (a − b) 2 = a 2 − 2ab + b 2

To factor perfect square trinomials, use the following relationships:

a. Get the square root of the first and last terms.
b. List down the square root as sum/difference of two terms.
You can use the following relationships to factor perfect square trinomials:
(First term)2 + 2(First term) (Last term) + (Last term)2 = (First term + Last term)2
(a)2 + 2 (a) (b) + ( b )2 =( a + b)2
(First term)2 – 2(First term) (Last term) + (Last term)2 = (First term – Last term)2
(a)2 - 2 ( a) (b ) + (b)2 = ( a - b )2

Examples 9: Factoring Perfect square trinomial

9a: Factor n2 +16 n+ 64
a. Since n2 = ( n ) 2∧64= ( 8 )2, then both the first and last terms are perfect squares. And 2(n)(8) = 16n, then the given expression is a
perfect square polynomial.
b. The square root of the first term is n and the square root of the last term is 8,
c. then the polynomial is factored as ( n+8 ) 2


9.b Factor 4 r 2−12 r +9
a. Since 4 r 2=( 2 r ) 2∧9= ( 3 ) 2∧since−12 r =2 ( 2 r ) 3 then it follows the given expression is a perfect square trinomial.
b. The square root of the first term is 2r and the square root of the last term is 3 so that its factored form is ( 2 r−3 )2 .
9.c Factor 75 t 3 +30 t 2+ 3t
a. Observe that 3t is common to all terms, thus, factoring it out first we have: 3t ( 25 t 2+10 t +1 )
b. Notice that 25 t =(5 t)2∧1=( 1 )2 ,∧10 t=2 ( 5 t )( 1 ) , then25 t 2 +10 t+ 1 is a perfect square trinomial.
c. Factoring 25 t 2+10 t +1 is ( 5 t+1 ) 2 , thus , the factors of the given expression are 3t( 5 t+1 ) 2

 Since you have learned different example on how to factor perfect square trinomial, Do activity 4 found in the answer sheet.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 10 - 11Perfect square trinomial) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lesson 3 Factoring General Trinomials

In this lesson you will learn how to factor general trinomials. There will be two types of trinomials that you are going to deal with. First is the
trinomial in the form ax2 + bx + c, where a = 1, and 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐, where a ≠ 1. Before you will start exploring this lesson, let us first reactivate your
basic mathematical skills.

Recall that FOIL method is a method in multiplying binomial to the other binomial.
FOIL stands for:
F - first terms
O – Outer terms
I – Inner terms
L – last term

Example 10 : FOIL METHOD

Given below are expressions in factored form in which both factors are binomials. Follow the process in multiplying the binomials using
FOIL method and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. (x + 1)(x + 2) = x 2 + 2x + x + 2
= x 2 + 3x + 2
2. (x – 2)(x -3) = x 2 − 3x − 2x + 6
= x 2 − 5x + 6
3. (x + 3)(x – 4) = x 2 − 4x + 3x – 12
= x 2 − x – 12

General trinomials can be classified into two (2) ways:

1. Trinomial in the form ax2 + bx + c, where a = 1; and
2. Trinomial in the form of ax2 + bx + c, where a ≠ 1.

In this lesson you will first learn factoring general trinomial where a = 1. The following are some examples of trinomials of the form ax 2 + bx + c,
where a = 1.
x 2 + 5x + 6 x 2 − 7x + 12 x 2 + 2x – 15

Trinomials of this form are the product of two binomials having leading coefficients of 1. Consider the illustration below where the FOIL method is
being applied in multiplying two binomials having leading coefficients of 1.
(𝑥 + 1)(𝑥 + 2) = 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 𝑥 + 2
= x2 + 3x +2
Example 11a: Factor P2 +5 p+ 6
a. Solution:
List all possible factors of 6.
Factors of 6 are: 1 & 6 -6 &-1
2&3 -2 & - 3
b. Find the factor of 6 whose sum is 5.
1+6 =7 - 6 + -1=-7 2+3 = 5 -2 + -5 = -7
c. Thus, the factor of P2 +5 p+ 6 is (p +3) (p+2)

Example11b: Factor v 2+ 4 v −21

Solution :
a. list all the factors of -21: ,
Factors of -21


1 -21
-1 21
-3 7
-7 3

b. find factors of – 21 whose sum is 4

1 + -21 = -20 , - 1+ 21 =20 , -3+7 = 4 -7 + 3 = -4
c. Hence, the factors of v2 + 4v – 21 = (v – 3) (v + 7)

Example 11c: factor 2q3 - 6q 2−36 q , since there is a common monomial factor, begin by factoring out 2q first, rewriting it, you have 2q (
q 2−3 q−18 ¿
a. Listing all the factors of -18
-1 18
-2 9
-3 6
-18 1
-9 2
-6 3
b. Since -6 and 3 are the factors whose sum is -3, then the binomial factors of q 2−3 q−18 ¿ are (q – 6)(q+3).
c. Therefore, the factors of 2q3 - 6q 2−36 q are 2q(q – 6)(q + 3).
To factor trinomials with 1 as the numerical coefficient of the leading term:
a. factor the leading term of the trinomial and write these as the leading term of the factors;
b. list down all the factors of the last term;
c. identify which factor pair sums up to the middle term; then
d. write factor pairs as the last term of the binomial factors.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 12 General trinomials page) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lesson 4 Factoring General Quadratic Trinomial

Example 12:
Another way of factoring is through grouping or AC method. Closely look at the given steps and compare it with trial and error.
Example12a: Factor 6 z 2−5 z−6
1. Find the product of the leading term and the last term →
3. Find the factor of −36 z whose is−5 z . −36 z 2 =(
∑ -9z)(4z)
4. Rewrite the trinomial as four-term expressions by replacing the middle term by the sum factor.
6 z 2−9 z +4 z −6
5. Group terms with common factors. ( 6 z 2−9 z ¿+( 4 z−6)
6. Factor out the common binomial and write the remaining factor as sum or difference of binomial
7. ( 6 z 2−9 z ¿+¿
8. 3z(2z – 3)+ 2(2z – 3) common binomial factor is (2z – 3)

9. Factor out the common binomial and write the remaining factor as sum or difference of binomial.
(2z – 3) (3z+ 2)
Example12b: Factor 2 k 2−11 k +12
1. Multiply the first and last terms (2 k 2 ¿ ( 12 )=24 k 2
2. Find the factors of 24 k 2 whose sum is 11k. (-3k) +(-8k) = -11k
3. Rewrite the trinomial as four –term expressions by replacing the middle term by the sum factor.
2 k 2−3 k−8 k + 12
4. Group terms with common factor ( 2 k 2−8 k ) +(−3 k +12)
5. Factor the groups using greatest common monomial factor. 2k(k-4) – 3(k – 4)
6. Factor out the common binomial and write the remaining factor as sum or difference of binomial.
(k-4)(2k – 3).


Factoring by grouping

Example 12cThere are cases when the GCF of a Polynomial is a binomial. Like x 2 ( x−5 )+7 ( x−5) - has the common binomial
factor of (x – 5). Factor out this common factor results is
x 2 ( x−5 )+7 ( x−5) = x 2 ( x−5 )+7 ( x−5)
= ( x 2+ 7)( x−5) Factor out the common factor (x – 5)
Example 12d: In example 4, the polynomials are grouped in such a way that the common binomial factor is obvious.
When polynomials contain four (or more) terms, we must do the grouping as well as the factoring.
Factor : x 3−3 x 2+ 2 x−6
There is no factor other than 1 common to all terms. However, we can factor x 3−3 x 2∧2 x −6 separately
x 3−3 x 2=x 2 ( x−3 )∧2 x−6=2( x −3)
Now we see that x 3−3 x 2=¿ 2 x −6 share a common binomial factor of (x-3). We factor out the common factor
= x 3−3 x 2+ 2 x−6
= ( x ¿ ¿ 3−3 x 2)+(2 x −6)¿ - Group the terms with common factors
= x ( x−3 ) + 2(x−3) - factor from each Group
=( x – 3)( x + 2) - factor out the common factor

* Multiply ( x 2+ 2¿∧( x−3 ) using FOIL method to check that these factors are the correct answer
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 12E and 12F Factoring Quadratic Trinomials) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Lesson 5: Problem Solving

At this point, you are going to take everything you’ve learned about polynomials, factoring and polynomial equations and apply it to real-life

Read the given situation and solve. Below the answer box are the steps to be done to arrive at the correct answer. Arrange the steps in logical order
by placing the letter of your choice on the shape provided in the Answer Box. The first step is done for you. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

Suppose your mother asks you to make for her a rectangular-shaped garden. The total area of the garden is 84 square feet. She wants that the length
of the garden is 8 feet longer than the width. Can you tell what is the length and the width of the garden?

A 84 = x2 + 8x D 0 = x2 + 8x – 84
B x + 14 = 0 or x – 6 = 0 E Let x be the width and x + 8 be the length
C A = (length)(width) F 0 = (x + 14) ( x – 6)
84 = (x + 8 )(x )

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What do you think is the width of the garden? What is its length?
3. How many values of 𝑥 can be found after solving the equation? Why did you not consider the other value?

The above activity illustrates how factoring can be used in solving real-life situations. In doing so, some helpful tips will guide you on how to
successfully come up with the correct solution.
1. Write an equation that represents the given information. To help you figure it out, draw a picture or a diagram.

2. Follow the rules of polynomial equation by factoring. This means that you need to place all polynomials on one side of the equation and set it
equal to zero, following the Zero Product Property.
The Zero Product Property simply states that if ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0 (or both).

3. Check the reasonableness of answers. This means that you have to discard solutions that do not make sense; say for example, time and distance
cannot be negative.

4. Further, let us add up in our list of things to remember the following properties which will help you justify in the manipulation of your solutions.


Additive Inverse Property. The additive inverse (or the opposite sign or the negative) of a number 𝒂 is the number that, when added to 𝒂, yields
zero. In symbol, 𝒂 + (−𝒂) = 𝟎.

Additive Identity Property states that the sum of any number and 0 is the given number. Zero, “0” is the additive identity. In symbol, 𝑎 + 𝟎 = 𝒂
Multiplicative Inverse Property The multiplicative inverse (or the reciprocal) of a number 𝒂 is 𝟏 𝒂 that, when multiplied to 𝒂, the product is one.
In symbol, a · 𝟏 𝒂 = 1.

Multiplicative Identity Property states that the product of any number and 1 is the given number, 𝑎 • 1 = 𝑎. One, “1” is the multiplicative identity.

Commutative Property of Addition. The order of the addends does not affect the sum. In symbol, 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 𝑏 + 𝑎.
Distributive Property of Multiplication states that when a number is multiplied by the sum of two numbers, the first number can be distributed to
both of those numbers and multiplied by each of them separately. In symbol, a(b + c) = ab + ac.

Example 13 Real life Application

After practicing how to factor polynomials, let us find out if you can solve some application problems below.
Example 1: the sugarcane plantation below has an area of ( x 2+ 5 x +6 ¿ hm? what are its possible dimensions?

A = ( x 2+ 5 x +6 ¿ hm
= (x+3)(x+2)
The dimension of the sugarcane plantation,
Area (x+3) and (x+2).

Example 1. If the length will be increased by 3 hectometer(hm), what will be the new area?
L= (x+3)+3 w= x+2 New Area = (x+6)(x+2) = x 2+ 8 x+12

Example 13b: find the dimensions of the given box with volume represented by the expression 4 x3 +16 x 2−48 x .
Factor the given polynomial 4 x3 +16 x 2−48 x = 4x( x 2+ 4 x−12 → Factor out 4x, GCF
= 4x( x+ 6)(x – 2) → Factor x 2+ 4 x−12
The dimensions of the box are 4x, x + 6, x – 2

Example 13c:
Problem 1: The area of a square is numerically equal to fifty times its perimeter. Find the length of a side of the
Problem 2: Suppose that six times the cube of a number equals 54 times the number. Find the number.
Problem 3: The area of a square is 25𝑦 2 − 100𝑦 + 100 square units. What is the length of the side?
Problem 4: The square of a number is 20 more than 8 times the number. Find the number.
Problem 5: The length of a rectangular table is 8 more than the width. If the area is 180 𝑚2, find the length and the
Activity 14: The Algebra in Business

You invested P2000 in a savings account that earns interest compounded annually at a rate of 6%. Find the savings account balance after
two-year period.
Using the formula: A = P(1+r)t , where P is the principal amount , r is the rate and t is the time
A = 2000(1+0.06)2
A = 2000(1+0.12+0.0036)
A = 2000+2000(0.12)+2000(0.0036)
A = P2247.20
Question to answer:
1. What special product was used to derive the equations?
2. How could algebra be used in business?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 12G and Activity 13) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Model making
Creation of a solid figure out of a given plane figure and expressing it in terms of factors of a polynomial.
1. Create a solid figure from the rectangular figure that was provided by following the steps given.
a. Cut – out a 2 in by 2 in squares in all edges of a 12 in by 6 in rectangle.
b. Fold all the sides upward.
c. Paste/tape the edges of the new figure.
a. What is the area of the original rectangle if its side is x units?
b. If the sides of the small squares is y, what expression represents its area?
c. How will you express the area of the new figure in terms of the variables stated in letters a and b?
d. What is the dimension of the new figure formed? How about the volume of the solid?
e. If the value of x = 4 cm and the value of y = 1 cm, what will be the dimension of the new figure? Its area? Its volume?
f. How did factoring help you find the dimensions of the new figure formed? the area? the volume?
g. What did you learn from this activity?

How can unknown quantities in geometric problems be solved?

For the activity go back to the first page and perform the Performance task

Packaging Activity


After learning special products and factoring and their varied applications to real life situations. It is
now time to showcase your learning in this module. You will assume the role of a member of a designing team that will
present in a packaging company.
Do the Performance task.


You have Completed the lesson. Before you go to the next module, you have to answer the following post assessment

Glossary of Terms used in this Lesson

Area – the amount of surface contained by figure
Composite figure – a figure that I me from two or more geometric figures
Factor – an exact divisor of a number
Geometry – a branch of mathematics that deals with the nature and space and the size, shape, and
other properties of figures as well as the transformations that preserve thee properties
Pattern – constitutes a set of number or objects in which the member is related with each other by a specific rule
Perimeter –the distance around a polygon
Product – the answer in multiplication equation
Volume – the measure of space occupied by solid body.
Scale Drawing – a reduced or enlarge drawing whose shape is the same as an actual object that it represents


Oronce, O & Mendoza, M. (2003). Exploring Mathematics. Rex Book Store. Manila, Philippines.
Oronce, O & Mendoza, M. (2007). E – Math: Worktext in Mathematics First Year High School. Rex Book Store. Manila, Philippines. Gamboa, Job
D. (2010). Elementary Algebra. United Eferza Academic Publications. Bagong Lipa, Batangas City.
Ho, Ju Se T., et al. 21st Century Mathematics: First Year (1996). Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2010 Secondary Education
Curriculum: Teaching Guide for Mathematics II. Bureau of Secondary Education. Deped Central Office

Lesson 1.1: Special Products
Lesson 1.2 Factoring -diary-milk-chocolate-bar-goes-fairtrade.html


You have learned special products and factoring polynomials. Your knowledge on these will help you better understand in the study of Rational
expressions. Now, take a look at these pictures.

Have you ever asked yourself how many people are needed to complete a job? What are the bases for their wages? And how long can they finish the
job? These questions may be answered using rational algebraic expression which you will learn in this lesson.

Learning Competencies: 1. illustrates rational algebraic expressions.

2 *simplifies rational algebraic expressions.
3. Performs operations on rational algebraic expressions.
4 *Solves problems involving rational algebraic expressions
Lesson 1 : Rational Algebraic Expressions
For the explore part do activity I in the answer sheet:

Activity 1 deals with translating verbal phrases to polynomial and you encountered some of the examples of non - polynomials. Translating verbal
phases to polynomial is one of the key concepts in answering worded problem. All polynomials are expressions but not all expressions are
polynomials. In this lesson you will encounter some of these expressions that are not polynomials.

As the concepts on rational algebraic expressions and algebraic expressions with integral exponents become clear to you through the succeeding
activities, do not forget to think about how to apply these concepts in real – life problems especially rate – related problems?
Example1: translate verbal phrase to mathematical phrase


x+ y
1. The sum of a number x and y divided by 4 = 5. The square of a number a less than 5 = a 2−5
b 1
2. The ratio of a number b and 3 added by 4 = + ¿4 6. One-fourth of a number x added by two = x+ 2
3 4
3. Cube of a number increased by 9 = a 3+ 9 7. Twice a number n increased by the product of 2 and y
= 2n+ 2y
4. Number x raised to the 6 = x6 8. The cube root of 8 is 2 = 3 8=2 √
Square of 9 less than number n = n−
5. √9 10. One-half the square of b =

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 1 Match me) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Rational Expression
A rational expression in one variable is an expression that can be written in the form where P and Q are polynomials in one variable and Q
≠ 0.
Some rational expressions are
x−3 4 4x x2 +2 x−35 5 x 2 +6 x−11
, , 2 , and
2 x +1 x−2 x −9 3x+4 1
All of the expressions here are rational algebraic expressions since these contain polynomial expressions in both numerator and denominator,

These expressions
3 x −√ y 3 x −√ y 2 x−2−3 2 x−2−3 3+
5√y x +6 x+6 5 √x
z −2 +5
All of the expressions here are not rational algebraic expressions since the expressions contain irrational numbers ( √ xand √ y ) and variables
having negative exponents (𝑥−2 and 𝑧−3 ), which are not polynomials.

m+ 2 c4
In Activity 4: Classify Me , and 3 are the only expressions that belong to the Not Rational Algebraic Expressions column.
√2 √5

In the activities above, you had encountered the rational algebraic expressions. Like any expression, we can evaluate or rewrite rational expressions.
Remember that in evaluating algebraic expressions, we replace the variables with the given values and then simplify the resulting expression.

Evaluation of Rational Expressions

Example1. A. Evaluate the expression

x2 −5 when a) x = 0 and b) x = 1
Solution: a.
x2 −5 02−5 replace x = 0 b.
x2 −5 12−5 replace x = 1
= =
x−2 0−2 x−2 1−2
−5 1−5
= divide =
−2 −1
1 −4
=2 = or 4 divide
2 −1
Example 2: Find every value of the variable that makes each expression undefined.
2 a2 7 3 a+4 b
a. b. c.
a−3 (x−2)( x +1) a−b
Solution Solution Solution
a. a – 3 =0 set the b.(x-2)(x+1)=0 equate the b. a – b= 0 set the denominator to 0
denominator to zero. denominator to 0 a=b add b on both sides
a =3 x-2 =0 and x+1 =0
2 a2 undefined x=2 x = -1 3 a+4 b
the expression is 7 the expression is undefined if the variables
a−3 The expression is a−b
if the value of a = 3 because the (x−2)( x +1) a and b are replaced by equal values.
denominator become 0. undefined if x =2 and x = - 1 .

y 2−1
Example 3 Evaluate the expression when y = 2
y 3−3
y 2−1 2 ¿2−1 ¿
Step 1: Replace the variable 𝑦 with the given value. = 3 (by substituting y = 2)
y 3−3 (2) −3


Step 2: Simply the numerator and the denominator.

2 ¿2−1 ¿ = 4−1 = 3
3 3
(2) −3 ( 2 ) −3 5
y 2−1 3
Thus, when y = 2, the expression 3 is equal to
y −3 5

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 3) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


You might wonder how to answer the last question but the key concept of simplifying rational algebraic expressions is the concept of reducing
fractions to its simplest form. Examine and analyze the following examples. Pause once in a while to answer check – up questions.
Procedure in simplifying rational expression
1. Factor the numerator and denominator
2. Write the product of two rational expressions, one factor containing the GCF of the numerator and denominator, and the other
containing the remaining factor
3. Rewrite the factor containing the GCF as 1.
4. Multiply the remaining factor

illustrative example 4: Simplify the following rational algebraic expressions

40 20 ∙2
1. = factor the numerator and denominator
60 20 ∙3
¿ 1∙ divide or cancel out common factor
¿ multiply

Fractions Simplified
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 6 simplifying rational expression) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

In the activity Fraction Simplified, the first step is to factor both numerator and denominator. Then divide any common factors. Simplifying rational
expressions is similar to simplifying fractions. The steps you need to remember to simplify a rational expression to lowest term are:
1. Factor the numerator and denominator completely
2. Divide (cancel) any common factors.

Illustrative example 5:

A. Reduce to lowest terms

5 b5 −7 n− 4 3 k−5
1. 2. 3.
20 b2 14 −15 k−2 m−2

5 b5 5. b . b . b . b .b b3
1. = = factor the numerator and denominator then divide
20 b 2 4.5 . b . b 4
−7 n −7 −1
2. = 4
= 4 simplify negative exponents. Factor the numerator and denominator then divide.
14 2.7 n 2n

3 k −5 m 0 3 k 2 m2 3 k . k . m. m −m 2
3. = = = simplify all negative exponents. Take note that m 0= 1. factor the
−15 k−2 m−2 −15 k 5 −3 .5 . k . k .k . k . k 5 k 3
numerator and denominator then divide

Avoid leaving a negative number in the denominator. In number 3, after dividing the common factors,
m2 −m2 −m 2
what is left is . Which is not considered to be in simplest form. To simplify, write as or .
−5 k 3 5 k3 5 k3
1 −1 −1
This is because the fraction = or .
−5 5 5
Can you still recall about factoring polynomials to simplify rational expressions?

5 B. Simplify the following rational algebraic expressions


3 k +6 x 2−9 k 2 +k −20
a. b. c.
4 k 2+ 8 k x2 +7 x +12 16−k 2
3 k +6 3 (k +2) 3
a. 2
= = factor the numerator and denominator completely. Divide common factors.
4 k + 8 k 4 k (K +2) 4 k
x 2−9 (x−3)( x +3) x−3
b. 2 = = Factor the numerator and denominator completely. divide common factors.
x +7 x +12 ( x+ 3)( x+ 4) x +4
Factor the numerator and denominator. Complete.
Divide common factors.
( k +5 )( k−4 )
In letter c observed that in , (4- k) and (k -4) cannot be divided
( 4−k )( 4+k )
directly because they are not similar factors. (4- k) Can be factored as – 1 (k- 4) since (-1)(k- 4 ) = -k +4.

Rule : Division of Negatives

The quotient of any nonzero expression and its negative is - 1
A. Real Application
1. If Ben drives 200 km in x+2 hours, then what is his average speed?
D 200
Solution: Since R= , Ben is averaging kph
T x+2
2. If x+ 5 kg of mangoes cost P300.00, then how much is the cost per kilo?
Solution: at P150.00 for x + 5 kg, the cost per kilo is
3. If Elena can clean the entire room in 4x hours, then what portion of the room does she clean per hour?
Solution: by completing cleaning the room in 4x hours, Elena can clean .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 8 simplifying rational expression) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Operations on rational algebraic expression

√ LC: Perform operations on rational algebraic expressions correctly.

Multiplying Rational Expressions
To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together, multiply the denominators together and then simplify.
∙ = , where P,Q,R, and S are polynomials in one variable and Q ≠ 0 , R≠ 0, and Q ≠ 0

Also, when we multiply fractions, we can simplify before or after multiplying, by dividing out the factors common to both the numerator and
Example 6

Multiply, then eliminate the common factor

Eliminate the common factor then multiply

a5 5 5 a5
2. ∙ = multiply the numerator and denominator
10 a 3 10 a3
5 a3 ∙ a 2 a2
= ¿
2 ∙5 a3 2
30 b2 4 c 2 120 b 2 c 2
3. ∙ = multiply
6 c 15 b 4 90 b4 c

30 b2 c 4 c
= ∙ factor the numerator and denominator
30 b2 c 3 b2
write a product, one factor containing the GCF of the numerator and the other containing the
30 b2 c
remaining factors. Divide common factor =1
30 b2 c
= 1∙
3 b2
= multiply by 1
3 b2


3d 4 f −16
4. ∙ =
3 f −12 12 d 2
3d 4 ( f −4 )
¿ ∙ factor the numerator and denominators
3 ( f −4 ) 12 d 2


apply cancellation
4 reduce to lowest term


Division of Rational Expressions

Rule: ÷ = ∙ , where P,Q,R, and S polynomials in one variable and Q ≠ 0 ,∧S ≠ 0.
Example 7: Divide each:
7 7
a. ÷
6 x 12 x
7 12 x
¿ ∙ write the equivalent multiplication expression
6x 7

Factor the numerator and denominator and cancel out common factor

a 2 a5 1
b. ÷4a = ∙ 2 write the equivalent multiplication expression
4 4 4a
Factor the numerator and denominator and cancel out common factor

a3 Multiply the remaining factors

16−x 2 x−4
c. ÷
x 2+2 x x 2−4

16−x 2 x 2−4
¿ ∙ write the equivalent multiplication expression
x2 +2 x x−4

(−1) ( 4−x )( 4+ x ) ( x−2 ) ( x+ 2 )

= ∙ Factor the numerator and denominator and cancel out common factor
x ( x +2) x−4

(−1 )( 4+ x ) ( x +2 ) ( 4−x )
¿ =−1
x ( x−4 )
−1( x +2 x−8) simplify ( 4 + x )( x +2 ) using FOIL method
¿−x −2 x+ 8¿ ¿
multiply by -1
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 7 Multiplying and Dividing rational expression) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Addition of Rational Expressions

Examples 8:
x 2−2 x−7
∧3 x +1
1. add x 2−9
x 2−9

x2 −2 x−7 3 x+1 x 2−2 x+3 x−7

+ 2 = → combine like terms in the numerator.
x 2−9 x −9 x2−9
x2 −2 x +3 x−7 ( x +3 )(x −2) x−2
= = = Factor out the numerator and denominator
x 2−9 ( x−3)( x +3) x −3
−10−6 x−5 x 2 x 2 +5 x−20
2. Subtract ¿
3 x 2+ x−2 3 x 2 + x−2

x2 +5 x−20 (−10−6 x−5 x 2)

= −¿
3 x 2 + x−2 3 x 2 + x−2


x2 +5 x−20−(−10−6 x−5 x2 )
= to subtract change the sign of the subtrahend
3 x 2+ x −2
x2 +5 x−20+10+ 6 x +5 x 2
= → we need to multiply the subtrahend by -1 in the numerator
3 x 2 + x−2
x2 +5 x−10+6 x +5 x 2
= simplify by combining like terms
3 x 2 + x−2
6 x2 +11 x−10 ( 3 x−2 )( 2 x+5 )
= = → factor out the numerator and denominator and cancel out the common factor
3 x 2+ x−2 ( 3 x−2 )( x +1 )
( 2 x +5 )
( x +1 )
In adding or subtracting similar rational expressions, add or subtract the numerators and write it in the numerator of the result over the
a c a+c a c a−c
common denominator. In symbols, + = =b ≠ 0 or − =
b b b b b b

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 7D Adding and Subtracting rational expression) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Solve real –Life Problems involving rational algebraic expression

Your goal in this section is to relate the operations of rational expressions to a real – life problems, especially the rate
problems. You will be given a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

You might have noticed that the repeating question after each topic is “how can rate –related problems be solved? Well, the case in activity
problems, particularly work problems. Pay attention on how the problems are solved

Work problems are one of the rate – related problems and usually deal with persons or machines working at different rates or speed. The first step in
solving these problems involves determining how much of the work an individual or machine can do in a given unit of time called rate.

Illustrative example:
A. Nimfa can paint the wall in 5 hours. What part of the wall is painted in 3 hours?
1 1
Since Nimfa can paint in 5 hours, then in one hour, she can paint of the wall. Her rate of work is of the wall each
5 5
hours. The rate of work is the part of a task that is completed in 1 unit of time.
1 3
Therefore, in 3 hours, she will be able to paint 3• = of the wall.
5 5
You can also solve the problem by using a table. Examine the table below.
Rate of work (Work done
(wall painted per hour) Time worked Wall painted)
1 /5 1 hour 1/ 5
1/ 5 2 hours 2 /5
1 /5 3 hours 3 /5

You can also illustrate the problem.

1st hour 2nd hour 3rd hour

1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5

So after 3 hours , Nimfa only finish painting 3/5 of the wall.

B. Pipe A can fill a tank in 40 minutes. Pipe B can fill the tank in x minutes. What part of the tank is filled if either of the pipes
is opened in ten minutes?
1 1 1 1
Pipe A fills of the tank in 1 minute. Therefore, the rate is of the tank per minute. So after 10 minutes, 10• = of
40 40 40 4
the tank is full.
1 1 1 10
Pipe B fills of the tank in x minutes. Therefore, the rate is of the tank per minute. So after x minutes, 10• = of the tank is
x x x x
full. In summary, the basic equation that is used to solve work problem is:
Rate of work • time worked = work done.
r • t = w

B. A large pipe can empty a pool in 8 hours and a small pipe can empty the same pool in 9 hours. How long will it take both pipes to empty the


Let t = the number of hours for both pipes to empty the pool.
A table may be helpful
Part of the pool time Part of the pool emptied by each
emptied in 1 hour pipe
Large pipe 1 t 1
6 6
Small pipe 1 t 1
9 6

Equation :

Part of the pool Part of the pool entire pool

[ ][
emptied by the + emptied by the = emptied by
large pipe small pipe both pipes ][ ]
1 1
t + t=1
6 9
Solving the equation, we have

1 1
( 18 ) t+ (18 ) t= (18 ) 1 multiply both sides by LCD
6 9
3t + 2t = 18

5t = 18

18 3
t= or 3
5 5
therefore, the pool will be emptied in 3 hours when both pipes are open.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ STOP ☞ ( Go to Activity 8 Solve Me) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Do not forget to make your PT.

Glossary of Terms Used in this Lesson:

Algebraic Fractions – an expression in the form where P and Q are polynomials and Q≠ 0.
Synonymous with rational algebraic expression and rational expression.
Cancel – in mathematics, it means to ivied common factors
Evaluating rational expressions – the process of finding the value of the rational expression by
substituting the assigned value of the variables
Exponents – is a positive number or symbol that tell how many times the base is used as a factor. When
the exponent is negative or zero, it is not simplified.
Factors- the expressions being multiplied
Indeterminate – a term referring to 00 or
Rate- amount of work an individual or machine can do in a given unit of time.
Rational Algebraic expression – an expression in the form where P and Q are polynomials and Q≠0
Synonymous with rational algebraic fraction and rational expression.
Rational Expression - an expression in the form P/Q where P and Q are polynomials and Q≠0
Synonymous with rational algebraic fraction and rational expression.
Simplest form of a rational expression- the lowest term of the rational expression where the only
common factor of the numerator and denominator is 1 or -1
Simplifying Rational expressions – the process of putting rational expression in the lowest terms so that
the only common factor of the numerator nd denominator is 1 or -1.
Undefined - any number (except 0) or expression divided by zero.

References and Websites Links in this Lesson:

PEAC Learning Module (2017)
Oronce, O & Mendoza, M. (2007). E – Math: Worktext in Mathematics First Year High School. Rex Book Store. Manila, Philippines Rational

The article on this website is about rational expressions. At the last part of this article are some examples and non-examples of rational expressions

Evaluating Rational Expressions expressions/evaluating.html
this website provides a step by step guide in evaluating rational expressions
Simplifying Rational Expressions
the website shows some examples of simplifying rational expressions.
It also has videos about simplifying rational expressions.


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