Chapter 7 - Thermodynamic Properties of Moist Air

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chapter 7 Thermodynamic Properties of Moist Air LT ATMOSPHERIC AIR “The car's atmosphere ita minture of gates, including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, ane dioxide, water vapor, and wacs of oe ese. Atmomphere ir sully conaits vag particulate mater. Additional vapors are often peset-Dust parce and condeaae “apors such as water vapor ae unalyconentated inthe atmosphere only witha fey thousand fect ofthe car's srtace. Above sate of about 20000 (610 "moaphers conte sent of ya, Barometric pressure i the force per unit ara du to the weight of the atmo here Sande vel pre 4655 pin 01305 HP), As oe poets er Ely nto the stospere, press decreas. Temperate so decreas ol Pith US. Standard Atmorpere provides a reference standard with eapect oa metric pressure for an at condoning engineer. The ASHRAE Handbook of Pande mera [kas gen the folowing infomation which forms the deta of fe US ‘Standard Atmosphere: braun 1. The atmosphere consists of dry air which behaves as a perfect gas; thus Pu=RT (7a) Gravity is constant at 32.174 fse$ (9.80665 mis ‘Atsea level, pressure is 29921 in, Hg and temperature is 59°F (101.325 kPa, 18°C) ‘Temperature ¢ decreases linearly with altitude z up tothe lower limit ofthe ist mal atmosphere according tothe relation 1 =f - 0.003562 ) with and fin °F and z in ft. Or 2 3 a ~ 0.00652 with # and fin °C and z in meters “The isothermal atmosphere, ~69.7 °F (~56.5 °C) begins at 36,152 ft (11,000 m) [Equations (7.1) and (72) ean be combined to give the relation be-4)" 0 with A = 0.00356 "Rit (0.0065 Kien) ‘Table 7:1 shows variation of pressure and temperature forthe ULS. standard atmos phere, Although the actual atmosphere above a locality would not correspond precisely, {o the U.S. standard atmosphere, Table 7:1 provides a convenient means for estimating barometric pressure fora given altitude above sea level 12, FUNDAMENTAL DISCUSSION OF MOIST AIR “The composition of atmospheric air is variable, particularly with regard to amounts of water vapor and particulate matter. Before we can discuss thermodynamic properties, the Substance must be precisely defined. The working substance in air conditioning problems is called moist air. Moist air is defined as a binary mixture of ry air and water vapor. Goff 2) ina final report of the Working Subcommittee, International Joint Committee on Paychrometrie Data, has defined dry air as shown in Table 72. ‘Although somevhat arbitrary, this composition is regarded as exact, by definition. ‘The molecular weights for dey air and water vapor are 28.966 and 18.016, respectively. ‘The respective gat constants can be obtained by dividing the universal gas constant, R= 1.986 Beu/lbmole-R = 1545 fbf/Ibmole -"R (8.314 kI/kmole K), by the appro- priate molecular weight. R . z C dryairs R= 5g hgg = 00686 Bu/lim-°R = 53.35 fbf /lom °R = 287 J/kg °K R . water vapor Ry = gang ~ 0110 Bru/lbm-"R = 85.78 fbf /Ibm - = 462 3/kg-K Moist air may contain variable amounts of water vapor from 2er0 (dry air) to that ofsaturated moist ar. Goff 3] has defined saturation of moist ar as that condition where ‘moist air may coexist in neural equilibrium with associated condensed water, presenting flat surface to it ‘The humidity ratio, W, is defined as the mass of water vapor per unit mass of dry air in a mois air mixture. wet ‘Two measures of humidity relative to saturation conditions are commonly used, Degree of saturation is defined by the relation we oO) lz 7 1 Termodynamie Propetios of Moist Alr 9 v0 anus 74 sondora Amosphetic Bate tor ANNES Feaue en ‘nitude, Ternporatire,"F HO ae 8 Tyo00 as Ya 5ee "200 os hm Mee ° Bo Bie 1450 soo ee lal 000 et 00 ag Sats ‘000 a peaz 12682 ‘eo “7 Bae 000 “20 me ZR oo a6 B® an ee uo BM lama ‘oo ms BS labs oe me age aos won a4 hep ee ae 33 we as at oo00 “8 S28 igo £.000 “3h ia Sara Rrvexpreve boar Amdo YOM Sn ranoee_Pomte ae 2 Tora7e ay ‘oes seat 2 tare 1300 5.498 eo at eo Bee Be Sem 00 Sia 00 fron oa se Fa 90 — Those ofthe actual state -aatac humidity is defined bythe relation on TABLE 7.2 Compostion of Dry Alr Moltraction Pail Molecular Substance Weight inDry Ale int ar organ es) ‘32000 ‘0.2095 6708 trogen (N,) aos 0.7809 21878 ‘argon (A) 39.988 9.0093 ‘371 Carbon dioxide (CO,) 4401 9.0003, 0.013 1.0000 28.966 ‘ce Rept by pormiion rom ans AES where x, the mole fraction of the water vapor in the mixture and x, i the mole frac~ tion of water vapor at saturation for the same temperature and pressure as those of the actual state, We may convert Eq, (75) to the forms os ee W, _ 0622+ W, “7062 "06+ W 6) Aw It's important to observe that neither » nor are defined when the temperature of moist ar exceeds the saturation temperature of pure water corresponding o the moist air Dreseue. Far sea-level pressure, W, approaches infinity at 212°F (100°C). Thus for 14.696, ‘ai (10125 kPa), » and @ are undefined for temperatures higher than 212F (100°C. "Three moist air properties are associated with temperature, The dry-bulb tempera- ture, is the true temperature of moist air at rest. The dew-point temperature, 1, is efined asthe solution £,(P, W) ofthe equation WP) an In words, the dew-point temperature ofa moist air tate isthe saturation temperature cor- responding tothe humidity ratio and pressure ofthe state. Another way o describe the ‘ew-point temperature isto consider @ moist air mixture defined by P, W, and, If you slowly reduce the temperature ofthe mixture while holding P and W constant, then the temperature at which saturatio is reached isthe dew-point temperature, t. "The third temperature associated with moist air property isthe thermodynamic wet: bulb temperature 1%, which is also referred to as the adiabatic saturation temperature. However, before defining this temperature it is necessary to introduce the enthalpy of the al mir, which the um ofthe enthalpic of ey a, Hand the water HH, + y= mh, + Mahe 2) For convenience, the specific enthalpy of mois air, his defined per unit mass of dy ai. 9) mie Propertvs of Mot AE re cenit fr huriestion ang «ns rm oh dotnet coment fy Nu (oe tat hi om es where teow rat of ya oa dehumiiounh te bumiier of dum) "Tos My = hy + hy habe mn, hm hy Why re at which water, by veporaing ing Tan empertre. sue ‘ir, can bring | Maturation, since the result SO ition. However, ‘to help us understand it better, we may. ea by definition. the proces are given BY By applying Eq, (7.10) in order to write the energy balance in terms of the moistair enthalpy, substituting Eq, (7.11) forthe rate of makeup water and noting tha saturation Conditions exist atthe exit, the steady-flow energy equation can be written as hy + Wa Wadia = tna 73) Since the leaving airs saturated, and since we assume a constant pressure P, the quanti- ties W, >» and fa, are sole functions of temperature f,. We may then deduce that fs ‘function of, W., and P, or that isa function of state 1. Therefore, isa thermody- namic property of state 1, We call this property the thermodynamic wet-bulb tempera- ture, Denoting ll properties evaluated at * withthe superscript ~, Eq, (7.13) bes ht (WS — Wag = Ry a4) “Ths, for given values off, W, and P (given moist air state), the thermodynamic ‘wet-bulb tomperature ti that value of temperature which satisfies Eq, (7.14). There are wus practical problems where the concept of thermodynamic wet-bulb tempe {THE TABLES FOR MOIST AIR te Pepe such a process could be approached 5 thematealy shows aan be indent ong and eet cha ge compara that aed ihe present cou be rr prints whi the wae DY ume 9 emer ou expen aaa sue i peat fr Ti imiting epee cont al emperae, bt ratet oor to muna sendy eon se ppleg at at ear i he mas Hw at of a ta mateo wc NED bY Waa i) he pratus. The chambers adbatc, and no work is done by oF onthe appara Te jpflow energy equation for the prooes 6 os tnghaa # aaah {omateo ener fisbatic saturation devier [Figaro 7 Schematic ofan adbate satura pot 82 By applying fundamental procedures of statistical mechanics, Goff and Gratch [4] caleu- lated accurate thermodynamic properties of moist air for standard sea-level pressure. ‘More recently, new formulations were developed by Hyland and Wexler [S]. Tables A4E ‘and ASI, extractod from the ASHRAE Handbook, 1993 Fundamentals Volume (6, pre- ‘sents properties for dr air and saturated moist ir based on the new formulations. In the following lst, brief explanations ofthe data in Tables A.AE and A.¢SI are shown, uumiity ratio of saturated air, mass of water vapor per mass of dry air. pecifc volume of dry air under 14696 psia (101.325 kPa) pressure, fm, (akg). ume of saturated air, f°/lbm dry air (mcg dry ar). ‘fb dry ar (ong dry ai). 1h, specie enthalpy of dry air, Bt/lbm, (kI/kg dry ait). Zero enthalpy or dry air is taken at 0°F (0°C).. athalpy of saturated air, Beullbm of dry air (keg dry ai). ~ hh Btullm of dry ae (Kiedy ait). specific entropy of dy air, Btullbm, *°R (ki/kg,-K). Zero entropy for dry air is taken at 0°F (0°C).. 45 entropy of saturated air, BruTbm of dry air“ "R (kitkg dry air K). tube of dry air ~"R (kIfkg dry air -K). Calculations for votu closely given by the elation enthalpy, and entropy of unsaturated moist air states are veut any, (715) hah, + the 716) Se 8 We aan) a sony wot cst tr ees meee meme ra a pete npn ae serene eee Sen Hewes rotate sana i (etna cnt et ie ec wc te ee OM yp te a Rent te m eegeam econ ain TOO. NO mene ae Semel i a eee a Speen omen Baie 0 ec A rat et Sc 0, ei en rc Se cee oreo nr genta omega coe eno ea naa ee eres eed Soe ve mae eae a een acs pent rere (©) By Eq. (7.6) (0496 (0522+ 00224) 5s o 505 pret = 049 08 ONZE) 055 or 5 pre (@) We may caleaat the enthalpy by Bq. (7.16). Using Table AE, we have = (0496) (24479) = 31.36 Bruton, We may nena the volume by Ea (7:15) Using Table AAE, we have 9 = (0466) (0487) = 1384 Wim, ‘EXAMPLE 72 “Mois air exins at 66 °Cdry-blb temperature and 30 petesnt degree of {y 101.325 kPa Determine (a) the ently, Kk, “Solulon (n) By Table ASI. W = 021848 kaa, By Ea: (7-16) = 66455 + (0.30) (572.116) = 238.09 KI, () By Eg. (7.18), ‘y= 0.9608 + (030)(03350) = L061 m/e EXAMPLE 73 Mois sir exit at 80°F dy-bul temperature, 60°F thermodynamic wet-bul temperature, tnd 14496 pl pressure, Through we of Tables AAE and AE, determine (8 the degree of ‘saturation, and (b) the enthalpy. ‘Soluton: (a) By Eg. (716) and (7.14), Os = Wy7 = A uae ‘Thos fh _ 26467 — (0011087) 2768) — 19222 24479 - (0022) 27. = 0201 0) By Eg. (7.16), = 19222 + (0291) (24479) = 2634 Bu/lbon, EEE EEE — PERFECT-GAS RELATIONSHIPS FOR APPROXIMATE CALCULATIONS “The methods of Sec. 74 allow accurate caleuation of mois air properties through use of ‘Table A4. However, Table Ais restricted to standard atmospheric pressure. Basi rela- tionships shown in Secs, 7.2 and 73 may be applied for any existing pressure, The dis- cussion presented in Chapter 2 regarding low-pressure water vapor showed that for ‘water-vapor pressure below 1 psia (6.9 kPa) the vapor exhibits approximate perfect-gas behavior, Therefore in this section we wil assume that perfect gas relations exist and for- ‘ulations for this special situation will be developed for the expressions presented in Secs. 72 and 73. ‘A useful expression for the humidity ratio can be derived by substituting the per- fect-gas equations into the definition of W: hy = PaV IRA Ra Pe ma PyVIRT Re Py tis convenient to substitute forthe partial pressure of dry air, P,, by noting that the total pressure ofthe mitture, Ps the sum of the patil pressures. In ation, the ratio ofthe {2s constants can be replaced by the inverse ratio of the molecular weights. These sub- stitutions result inthe equation ie Wa 065 38) ‘Tis equation i aso useful in establishing a metho of evaluating the dew point tempes Ate since it shows that proces in which Wand P are constant oresponds oa process ich Ps constant. Therefore, from Eqs. (7.7) and (7.18) we may deduce that the dew: point tem, perature, f, is equal to the saturation temperature correspo vapor presse a per sponding to the TIC Propertos of Molt At 185 16 is a function of temperature only. Thus hem fend? Fora perfect gas the enthal hee [ema stant pes for dy nd Wate apo, ere an pg tempest at onan EA a se re at aya be tea cmt ne Se rept ses et ad ral Gch Ose dE Fae sae ee olan eer ha = Spal (7.19) peste cont resurface me ani Simi, este getinTans ATE ne ASL ey se select te spor can be expressed as (68 Sec. 2.14) Ig = hy = Spat * bao cu) es aber or Cb seein nalpy outed wae vapor a0 hina of ib) and 0 een TT Te ve he enti 3 0) ronson xeon fe getty the ate beaut th, a = eat + pet * hed) @ mer torm ofthe ena quson cote wen by ing pis ie abtaretya = opt Hope @ ich estan nett Whe sori sotume of be gc volume ofthe mitre, defined athe ome of em i ee ern the mrs the ey ai ane seepy he sane volume, TABLE 7.2 Quantios Usod in PrfoctGas ‘approximations fr Enthalpy English Units Si.upte Sa aaa Buliom, F180 Walk S a me 1.88 KAD MST pum, 2801 KITKS port / Rr oe 725) “The perfect gas approximation forthe relative humidity is obtained by observing ‘that fora perfect eas (728) and thus from Eqs. (75) and (7.26) Pa on5e can Equation (7:14) may be altered through use of the perfct-gas relations. By Eas. (0.18), (723), and (128) (We = Wyk = ole 1°) (728) By Eqs (7.14) and (7.21) 2) “The total entropy of a moist air mixture, 5, which is ata pressure and temperature and T, canbe written as S$ Sgo+ASz e+ MSuna + Syo + Sure + MS ni 030) “The quantities S, and Sy are the entropy values at the reference conditions for the dry sir and water vapor, respectively. The terms AS, x pand AS,.7.p are the entropy changes that result in going from the reference states to the state P. and the terms AS, qu and Sanu ae the mixing entropies forthe dy air and wates vapor. These latter two mixing {eras Secount for the fac that itis the partial pressures, P, and P,, not the total pressure, that are needed in evaluating the entropies of the components. For the ease of perfect gases with constant specific heats and with Py, Ty asthe ref- erence sate =m sul0 7, ~ Rela) 31) MScnie ™ m,(Re 1. #4) (132) Asap malt ~ Rol 7.) 033) sscaen-m (tans) oo ‘The temperatures and prstures in Eqs. (7.3) thra (7.34) must be absolute values, In the English system of units the reference condition is taken as T, = 0“F and = 14.656 pri, It wl be convenient to select Sy and Sy such that the values ofS wll respond to tabulated valves. The dry air able are consrctd wih zero entropy at “F, 14.096 psa, Therefore, S,. = O-However, the steam tables are constructed with the Properties of Molt Alr Ty =: enropy of saturated tigudequal O54 ag anda value formu be lela Craremagh Sat Ssiious sate 20 vane by exon he SALAS el Ath te eerence stat at Toy Po TNE comet valves W, hana, wer ken fom ToT ‘A.aB. Figure 72 shows that the rot alton of huni ratio) EA, C2 han about 0.6 percent in the rt of = 90'F to 10°F (-46-C 1043), 2 for emperarres above about 100° Tae, ee ezrin caelation of Ty By, C2) is ess than about 04 Peay Pmperaare range of 30°F 10 124 ESC 49°C), he volume may be pe teme(1.2s) with an eer es than 02 percent. wt San te[ponPae a Rel® #2) 39 ure nt sain preset Ti SE *roeatre, Sabin sine (Feels in Oh eens Sigg = me(L $857 Brome R) = Mas EXAMPLE 7A to the i. system of units the ffs “condition is selected #8 To = 0 "Cand Fork Ex 7, using perec-an rlatlons 408 SE able data. y= 101.325 kPa. As before i Wye select valves Of Sa. ‘order that entropy va Fan ond to abused was © 8 Sofuton {) We may deduce {fom £4. 7.18) thatthe dew pont temperstr® en tanning pain Pemee fl! P Pe tert, = 028609 ps. By E838 Sua So = me(67975 1S TEB0° 8) = Mens suttioting Bas. (731), 032), (733), and (734) into Ba (730), seting $, = (0622) (0256) 91103 toma/Ib™ vida cough by mand combine (eS ma cr the following expression fo 14606 = 0256 Specific entropy fF the mixture a) By Tle AE, 0° Fa = O50 HDF eq, (748) for saturated st s abe W(sau cel ~ Rol) (oy 030) Seenenn gg MPR lies snnh Be) O ox GEOR, onensemon or By Eq. (74), P. Pa) 0.01103 se oeteninn fan # Hs :) a «a sean cin 2 to orta0z, x ec i a ein i Be fay and 125 esos or ra era 65 ps 10.25 ED : oy byte A180 8, = HEIDI FS ca, Fr toa) +013) 9620) = 3127 Bens (0) By E5025) = C2814 = aad) (i) 205 0PPe ste abare at th ae of Exasle 74 cer Du SRI SO those of Bumple 1 os! pn io ees ] emt Banrress cateuation of oat ar exes a 90°C ‘ ‘ao porcnt relative humidity, and 80.80 6F se Aryl emer, 0 pcm ie BH ‘ | barometric preare. Determine temperate en (Sieur iy doit tempers (0) he Pe halpy, and ve 12 Error of perfects TaVOnst fy Frans rato, enthalpy and Ytume of saturated ait a pressure (101324 KPA). pot mc Properties of Moist At 24 = 0450 20 percent roihe United Stes, condoning engines womans 8 an APRON rate perme proven celions THe ne "aRowedtsto wen cede err yest ase san ment po we any seer egonp valet hese CEE, mat relatos posed, consier he ena changin «Beer proces tnt goes fom state 11062. bhai Applying Ea. (722), ah Goats + Weel + Wad ~ Cat + Wire Wa) 038) uo t= ae bof (r+ Woe aw=W.-™% then Eg (738) can be rewritten a8 (ut We) AC Gal + od 039) ste ern onthe igh-hand side of Eq (738) can be tough of he Sa cuange oe emibleand nent process, respects. Ths the oa oi ‘ivded into sensible and latent oe haley ens Ah= Bhs~ Bh, 4) where hy = Get Weg) At: sensible at) bh, = pat + yo) AW latent an) ‘he coetcien (+ We) she average specific eat forthe moist ir mixre forthe proces from sal 1 toate 2: ms 143) 3 = ent Wego ‘The coeticient (ul + ficient (cyt + yo) shatpy of water vapor for ) cane interpreted asthe average ‘the process from state 1 to state 2: * = epet + he 44) wt yy SE -terefore Eqs (7.41) and (742) can be weiten 8S bn,=%, At (ss) Ws fy de humidity ratios and tem. fore, constant al ‘gener hone, --C)- Depending UPOD Ce oy ary om abou 105 19 of ete san cefients makes the Prose vigne 73 Fundamental geometry of bet ppsychrometric chart gus TaUCTION OF THE PSYCHROMETRIC ‘cHART a tn previous sections of his chaple We a= 180-0 +8) In pred the equaonrcaning Bam. og +p) = aneenp + et ems eoacerning moist ai. Howen®, be ted sina = sin(@ +B) = sin ws + core 8 (748) saree considerable avanta2e and psytromarric chart, Such 2c 2% 0 ical ns Baycol proves for convenient Br : prob ods a9) ‘A thermodynamic "Ape By Bas (147)-(749) we ave frente. Traditionally i; baramordtaates i, of cours, arbitra cot + oot = 7 50) Suates hve employed 31 a Le 923, Richard Moller (8] of D i ‘We may define an enthalpy scale factor 5, DY iy ratio asthe coordinates “0 nok and bumiity ratio sale factor PY tg 0 Ey Thea Ly _ Sulla L Ty BH) S as wvhere dure Figore 73 shows the basic ge dat norzontal humidity ratio line wt tau ditance representing (Ws ~ Ws 5, pcenion xo cart scale factor in Btu per Tom (17K Ee) epresenting (ha ~ hs) 8 La = By the law of ines, we may Write a pata ‘is af = RE = etn moire ase jn Brulbo (I7eB) Propet of Most Alt spy Eqs. (7.50) and (7.51), cote +o = (sy squat (752) the genera emution wed 5 ST the various He an efron UME eal factor $e neo th Dp esas. Each may be a their choice th ng gene a usb) He vale cer iene any wal] mote wn cr change deb 0 tn some ter band the ena al BEG thal for acurate reading of etiapy vals suay be fixed by choosing some erty tine and considering ofthe dy bulb emp emaperature line £0 be eae (7.50) and (7.53) we have men Z Equation (754 establishes the incination of He cathalpy lines. The pid of hand) may then be constructed. Ia eeining procedure for constructing 8 compete psychometric chat be reviewed. yn Curve, ‘The saturation sir, For standard barometsic pressure, val cad from Table A.4and the points pot fend Ea (721) may be used. pryBulb Temperatuio Unes. We have area 2 toa on ete za apromation, hese Hines are ight By Eqs. he cot =F = cotB sate col or various dy bull temperatures we may GRIMES and calculate co For a oy be conteleniyToeated at W = Oa nowledge of fete us draw the line rermodynamic WetBub Temperate unes. BY Bq. 014) 2 tak We qaw q port tt -pora tine of constant wet-bulb temperature, Eg, (7.52) Pecomes cot = E— cotB twos thermodynamic wet-blb temperature nes ar etal 6 For various val ra ar yay dotrmine ® and extend the nes through one ee ‘pit, Locations es fon th saturation curve or unsaturated at 9 point may ‘pe ealeulated by 01¥- fing Eq (714) or Ea. (7.29)- Volume Lines. Lines of constant specific volume, ar no CT) straight, but ne mete ight that they maybe drama srg Hoes For 2 ine of constant their curvy the perfet-gs approximation, we may show hat th (Fn 16086) _ Po oof (ata aque temperature To it the sfeence wemperatare in abe in defining the To pvt the mature, Ley Ty = A60°R (273 K). An Soe W may be used in Ea. ate evr. For example, value of © 002% ‘acceptable,) This leads to the 3 we te slope of the constant volume ne preset 8 (0.55) is only a func- rer he eosenv and the pressure, whe conan © cate chart. Tis slope, on ofa tat Ea. (752), yes ae forthe angle 9. Oe chosen v, a value win ut mperature mabe found at W = 0 Trough knowledge ‘of 8, we may then ‘tend the volume line. 755) ‘olative Humidity Lines. By Eqs (7.18) and (7.27) we have = 062 oP W062 OP or chown vates of and, we may calelate values of and pit Pon {or aline of ‘constant relative busty. Enthal re Roto Prottactor. A convenient sid in many peychronei, cna cet protector showing the direction of sale Noe values of eeaesRhatpy moisture ratiog’.Such a protractor may be ire calculated from Eq. (7-52). sensible-Heat Ratio Protractor. Many psyehrometic chats BV sensible ea arse protector, Fora ive proces from sate (066 ‘sensibleheat estat (SHR) protepie enthalpy change divided by he total etary change (756) “The tlationsip between the SHR andthe enthalpy-moistureraican Be ound by com- Dining Eqs. (7.56), (7.40), and (7.46): aw bh hy re Propertios of Most At 198 Thus Se EXAMPLE 7.7 SHR =1- 7 os Moist six ta condition of 10°F dg ha ampere 5 *Fthermdynamie wet bald Mei are, and 149% pin promars, Demin) sity ratio, (b) entalPY. « Mt tere) ve tad) at soli Te att yb nid. FH CAE Me TE of he 100°F dy {osAR Seltin rei and ihe 65 thermodynamic wenn = perature He moder to draw 9 SHR protractor, ORs, value of fi is selected. Therefore th (a) Read W = G82 Tm water vapor a a $e approximate oe pacnineeatoremet niger tho ae pps Tah et nen sen Rend san ce Tecan at ane ee The ene hen oe T= 0 {THE ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHARTS: . a ra (@ Read 6 = 13 pees (0 Theol ay be axa ound lnc ee ight poychrometric charts are inctuded with hitext- Tse ae the Engh 00S Te aT er Eig FPipe thre ASHRAE sea level ‘Sears (low, normal and high 1 fen ai Ts = 14:2 0 son od tne ASHRAE charts for BO airs ation (5000 ft and 1500 m) at temperatures er pree ASHRAE psyshrometic sore are similar in format. We wil Limit fa incospon inthe section (0 Fi CSE 28 ruisityrato lines are permeen the vue ines ENDNOTES Sin forthe range from 22° isarelom dry ait oF 10308 ey air Enthalpy lines are ob isthe chartin intervals ofS 4 ASHRAE Handbook, ndanets Volume (ti ASE) ot Heating, Refs ee Alena} Nes are ee Eg el Edge sales for ‘ating aad Air Cond sang Engineers 1993), 64 OP & SI Editions). arya um aove the saturation cu 2 ne Presto and right-hand marin 2, 1.A.Goft,“Standardzationof Teemotynanis Properties of Moist Ai” Trans ASHVE,SS ne pal temperate ins ate shove otal of °F or -C. The dy ul {i903 463-468. perature ines re awn Susi 6° oad aightly from the vertical oR . eras parallel 10 one anoteT inctineyaamic wer-bulb temperate mot wn across te char in IES Saf ot VC. These directions d Stata tom that ofthe enthalpy "The thermos stn cy straight but are 0% SY parallel to each other ray ity esa sown in ST of 10 ° 00 pee tation cE “obliquely drawn a 100 ers pm dry aor 01 mcg. dy i THE olume lines are n0U to one another. another rgion above the saturation has been developes 6° F686 ‘afogaechnial ise of tre ear and water droplets Trans. ASHVE, 55, 3-474 3 ft and 8. Grae, Terodgnamic Properties of Mok ‘ain Tran, ASHVE, St (945), 125-164 se yan and A. Wea, "Formulations he Them Proprticeof Dry Ait BW and an oral Mt Ao 17318 KTS Pees fro Vas ASHRAE Trans, 8, pt 2 (058 ear tee naman Vom tan: Ames Soy Henin Re AR A Conditionng Engie= 199) wine ann a dio, undaenl Voie (ns Ancien Sode ofS Rete ASH se Coitioing Engines 1977), S558: i ate proud bY nie red Rea Mali “Ene sem tr Deaptagemishe,” 2VDI- 67 eptember 8 temperature aie condition produced BY tat ; and aia git ih water athe ae rel 4. Willa Goodman, Air Condtioning Analyst (New York eillan C: 2a on a ea od rb temper wate Cone ig Analysis ( ‘The Macmillan Comps. ogre porate ote a tracer cn fy eto of nt one fo stot Bet F80 one ote rurctor. The PFO ad eo PROBLEMS ct oe Ba) 3 Sen ort repens, Ue ba NTO A i bani anand 18656 pit Sia in and C+ —< Aand funda (c) volume in ft'/Ibm,, an¢ spony ari CAE aE CASH man je Propetis of Most A ———E—S--—__ 2. Calculate values of humidity ratio, enthalpy, and ‘olume for strated air at 14696 pia pressure, {sing perfece gas relations and Table A, fr tem peratures of (@10'Fand—) -20°% Compare your results with those shown in Table AL (3 The atmosphere within # room iat 70°F dry-balb Temperaare, 30 percent degree of saturation, and ‘6 pra pressure. The inside surface tempera: ture of the windows ie 0. Will moisture con- ‘Sense out of the sir upon the window glass? +A Assume thatthe dimensions ofthe r00m of Prob. 273 are 0 ft by 15 feby Bit high Cleuate the num: ber of pounds of water vapo ia the room. 1 Calculate values of humidity rato, enthalpy, and ‘Stam for saturated ar at 101.328 KPa pressure {ing perfec ps relations and Table A., for tem- of peratures (@) 20°C,and_—_@) -25"C. Coaapare your results with those shown in Table Aa 116 Mois sr exists a dr-bull temperature of 40°C, fetative humidity Of 20 percent, and 101,325 KPa Pressure. Find the enthalpy in kg. Base the ‘ution on Table At and fundamental relations ‘Do not use perfect gs expresios. 2 Moist ir exists a dey-bulb temperature of 100°F, felative humidity of 20 percent, and 14:96 psia ‘ressre: Find the enthalpy in Btlom,. Base the Tettion on Table A.¢ and fundamental relations Do not use perfect as expressions. “78 Moist sir exists at a dew-pointtemperatire of 65, a relative humidity of 603 percent, and 0 pressure of 1400 pia. Determine {@) the bumiity rato in mb, and (©) the volume in bm, 19° Moist sir exists at 2 dew-point temperature of 20 a reatve humidity of 603 percent, and 2 pressure of 96.5 kPa. Determine {@) the bumiity ratio, and (©) the volume in ah, 1740 The inside surface temperature of «window in a ‘house is °C. Te dry bulb emperstre of iin the Howse i:20°C and the pressure is 10.325 kPa, What the maximum relative humidity allowable inthe howe if no condensation 0 form onthe window? ‘at Determine the relative humidity and dew-point Temperature of moist ara 95°F dry-bub temper ne 80°F thermodynamic wet-bll temperature, find 1320 pia pressure. Dette te elie Hui Bd ep SENG emadganic verb tn es ie wet {ean 0th pene Create they tener of tay SS hceoaynani erates an humans 9001s pene Sane eta Buper, ofig OF theca wel pe SU teat leper, a 1 rene Cate te dys temperate of ‘at 80 °F thermodynamic wet-bulb 7a Sito oncom, ay roto, nd ay vee Develop te camps deraton 9, (3) ‘Twrouth teat of bas eSnitons and Tervaon, dn folowing guatne ona = 0) =160-(, ¥ _) a= 107 (;«TsaW) Teh ett Doktens reduces to a vp 11s planned to construct an hW dag evel presiue from Table AE. Sef the diagram to be 1000 Brum water dy bulb temperate line is to be vera mune the sloe (an 8 of the 60°F ‘resbul temperate line. Fora line of constant volume in bay Moller psychometric chat, ond fat iiss erect gas mise, dete {iting A good staring place is Eat (023), As, the reas of Prob, 7170) ‘sel in substituting for tin Ba fnind that the temperature rin FCO) fn absolute units) ‘Work Prob, 7.1 using the peony Compare the answers to thos fund Work Prob. 76 sing the payors compare answers What errors would have cso neglected the deviation fom stand Post i ‘and had used the psyehrometric chart in Forking Prob. 7.12? ols sie exists under conditions of 85 °F dy Mtb temperature, 40 percent relative humidity, () What i the sensible heat ratio, SHR, forthe proces! (@ For each pound of dry air undergoing the roots how much water vapor bm, js added? E1496 psia pressure. By the paychrometrié 7.27 In a poychrometic process, mois air a standard fart, determine (te dew-point temperature, ( taermodynamic wet-bulb temperature, (9 bumiiy ratio, {a enthalpy. and {se volume: (0 arent under conditions of 25°C dy-balb Moperature, 4) percent relative humidity, and fon gzs KPa presse. By the psychrometric chart, ftermine (the dew point temperature, ‘tmospherie pressure goes from state 1 of 15°C ‘Gey bulb temperatare and 10°C wet-balb tempers: ture to sate? of 35°C dry-bulb temperature and 10°C dew poiat temperature. By the psychromet- fie chart, determine (cate at for he roses (@) the sensible beat rato, SHR, forthe proces. Notice thatthe SHI sale onthe right side ofthe Chart can be read with much greater accuracy than the one on the protractor tothe left ofthe ( pemmodyoanc wet bulb temperature, char. {0 amity ratio, {@ ccthlpy. and {e) she volume. na psyehrometric process, moist air at standard perc pressure goes fom sate 1 of 55 °F emperature and 30 F ew-pont temper- tere to state 2 100°F dry-bulb temperature and So percet relative humidity. Use the psychromet- fechas and answer the following (a) What the eathalpy-humiciy the process? 1128 Saturated moist sit at 15 °C and standard atmos- peri pressure undergoes a process which bas a Feosibie-heat ratio of SHR = 070. After the proces, the dry-alb temperstre is 4. By the Dojehrometichat, determine the following at the nd of the process: (@) humiaty ratio, (@) dew-point temperature, (6) relative humidity, and (4) wot bulb temperature, SYMBOLS Coetceat in Ba. (73). Speci heat of mos ai at constant pressure, Bulb, -"F or kik, -*C. “Average speci heat of moist air a constant pressure for a proces, Brom, °F or ‘ag °C. Specie heat of dy ai at constant pressure, Bul,» F or kk: *C. Specific heat of water vapor a constant pressure, asd, "FoF Kika, °C. Enthalpy, Btu or J; H, for dy is H, for water or water vapor. Spee i Blt, Rf ahs saturated moist ‘Speci enthalpy of liquid water, Brulm, or Key Specie enthalpy of sturated water vapor Bu/bm, oF Kkgy ‘Average enthalpy of water vapor defined by Eq, (7.44), Brum, or iT hy — RP, Bello, or Uk. Enthalpy of saturated water vapor at 0°F or 0°C,Brafboy or Keb Latent change of specific enthalpy of moist air fora proces, Brum, or Ke, ‘Sensible change of specific enthalpy of moist alr fora proces, Brum, or Kg, Enthalpy of water added to moist alr, Btulbm, oF kik hy = hy for low-pressure veter vapor. Ke Properties of Molt Ar 199

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