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The Impact of Online Gaming Sponsorship as

Advertisement on Sales Performance

Coronel, Elvira Rose D. Dominguez, Joyce C.

Universidad de Manila Universidad de Manila
College of Business College of Business
Administration Administration
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines

Dipasupil, Rube-Mae A. Maglangit, Robert Aristotle

Universidad de Manila Universidad de Manila
College of Business College of Business
Administration Administration
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines

Manalese, Jennifer B.
Universidad de Manila
College of Business
Manila, Philippines

This paper introduced the impacts of online game sponsorship as an advertisement on

the sales performance and also as a marketing tool of online game sponsorships and game

advertising. Information on the growth of video games is a unique feature of this segment of the

online gaming industry. Where financial and sales performance value of online game

advertising and sponsorships are first introduced. The importance of assessing the effectiveness

of online gaming advertising and sponsorships and need to systematically understand consumer

motivation and market demand for online games are highlighted. The following are some of the

expected objectives of this research

Keywords: Keywords— Mobile Gaming Network, Advertisement, Sales, and Sponsorship.

Chapter 1

Problem Rationale


An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the

Internet or any other computer network available. Online games are ubiquitous on modern

gaming platforms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including

first-person shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games

(MMORPG). A common trend among online games has been operating them as games as a

service, using monetization schemes such as loot boxes and battle passes as purchasable items

atop freely-offered games. Online gaming has drastically increased the scope and size of video

game culture. Online games have attracted players from a variety of ages, nationalities, and


Due to the different facets of online gaming specifically MOBILE LEGEND and the

rising impact on society, it’s becoming part of a modern subculture

On a global level and is therefore an interesting industry to look at from a marketing and

advertising point of view. A lot of companies from a wide range of industries, which are looking

for investment opportunities, are now trying to find their entry into the dynamically growing and

continuously forming online gaming sponsorship through TV advertisement like the telco

company SMART to support online gamers and to also increase their sales performance and


Advertisements create revenue streams by displaying content to the viewer. This entails

ad formats such as live streams on online platforms (e.g. Facebook or YouTube gaming), in-
between game ads or ads shown on broadcasting media. It is also expected that new brands,

especially non-endemic brands, will enter and further invest to drive the growth in sponsorship

revenues in the coming years. Advertising generates the second highest revenues and is expected

to grow.

In addition to that, the article released by one the projection made by Cebuano

entrepreneur Michael Cubos, founder of Monarchs Esports, an online gaming management firm,

in a press briefing. Monarchs is looking to develop the eSports ecosystem in Cebu by helping

professional and amateur players come together as the advent of livestreaming and sponsorships

have become mainstream.

The online gaming industry is seen to be a potential source of income for the locals by

joining local and international tournaments, Cubos said. Cubos underscored the growing

potential support of the local governments to eSports enthusiasts, citing a number of politicians

here sponsoring tournaments. While the industry is on track on its vision for development, he

cited the importance of the government's role to unlock the industry’s potential economic

returns. Competitive video games, or eSports, have become a multimillion-dollar business


  In the Philippines, it is slowly gaining attention given its skyrocketing revenues from

advertising, sponsorship, and media rights to competitive video gaming. Video games have

broken into mainstream social media platforms like Facebook. Celebrity streamers and

professional gamers with thousands of followers play video games like Mobile Legends on live

video streams. With the launch of The Nationals, the first franchise-based electronic sports

league in the Philippines, sponsored by the MVP Group of Companies, eSports as a billion-peso

industry is starting to take shape in the country. In Cebu, Cubos said much can still be done to
further develop the eSports industry by supporting video gaming athletes reach the international


  That is one of the goals of Monarchs: to have a professional management group to unlock

the potential of the eSports enthusiasts. Online gaming teams joining tournaments could earn as

high as PHP20,000 for local competitions and as high as PHP200,000 to a million for

international tournaments, he said. In 2017, the Philippine Games and Amusement Board, which

is under the Office of the President, gave legitimacy to eSports as an officially recognized sport

and allowed professional eSports players to secure athletic licenses, which gave eSports players

more freedom to participate in international tournaments to represent the country. In 2019,

eSports was highlighted when the Philippines hosted the 30th Southeast Asian Games which

included six eSports titles as medal events.

In order to understand the full potential of online gaming sponsorship as advertisement

on sales performance, the advertiser must first be fully aware of the various possibilities in which
they could promote their brand within the game. For example, advertisement can be placed in
different locations of a video games; such as on loading screens, in the game play areas, menu
screens and lobby screens.

Nowadays, people are starting to use the internet to promote their brands and at the same
time, online games have become extremely popular among the young generation. In the nature of
Filipinos, we somehow nurtured the aspects of advertisement in sales performance in by the
online gaming sponsorship. Online games sponsorship is a rapidly evolving communications
platform at a fledgling stage for sponsorship-linked marketing. The complex and involving
nature of the phenomena offers new research opportunities and the potential for innovative
marketing strategies. The Internet presents the opportunity to combine aspects of traditional
event/activity sponsorship and media sponsorship innovatively and to extend marketing strategy
in new directions. 
For our industry, this is an exciting time. There are many students just starting out in

sports marketing and sponsorship who are trying to figure out what they should do next. So what

is the importance of online gaming sponsorship? The importance of having this in industry is as


Sponsorship and Marketing are intertwined

In contrast to traditional media, sports marketing is freely embraced and open to interpretation.

The sponsors hire a marketing and PR staff to promote their athletes and acquire exposure, from

defining their viewers and target audience to motivating them on social media. Because certain

athletes are well-known around the world, they project a celebrity image that advertises their

official sponsor's services immediately. Despite the fact that sports marketing necessitates a large

promotional expense, significant firms are willing to test their ideas due to the high likelihood of

success. Due to their symbiotic nature, the sports team sponsored by a certain brand becomes

intimately attached to each other throughout time.

Businesses and Sports Sponsorship

Sponsorships in sports and business are inextricably linked. Many businesses devote a

portion of their marketing and public relations resources to supporting great athletes and teams.

The credibility and performance of your firm can have an impact on the sports team or group

you're supporting, and vice versa. When picking a club to sponsor, there are various aspects to

consider because it might have an impact on your company's sales and business strategy. Ensure

that the organization reflects your company's ideals, from examining the fan base to determining

revenue generating. Although some companies prefer to become formal sponsors of particular

teams, others prefer to just purchase ad space during the game.

Sponsorships Come in a Variety of Forms

Sports partnerships usually assist a team or player in every way possible, from supplying

them with necessary equipment to covering their travel fees. Financial sponsorship is the most

prevalent sort of assistance supplied by medium and large businesses that are able to provide

financial support for their athletes at important tournaments. Certain gamers become official

brand ambassadors, actively promoting the firm in exchange for monetary compensation. Small

businesses with limited resources partner with athletes to supply training equipment, sunglasses,

sports drinks, and other necessities during the game. In exchange for a compensation, an athlete

is partnered with a company that requires them to use their social media to promote the firm's


Sponsorship Stands to benefit for Teams and Athletes

Companies and sponsors frequently seek for talented and confident athletes to represent

them. Athletes can focus on increasing their caliber rather than worrying about funding, which

can lead to improved performance and confidence. To keep their sponsors satisfied, all they have

to do is perform well and provide consistent results. If they continue to perform well, they may

be offered a permanent or lifetime contract with specific sponsors. Other corporations may

examine the same players for sponsorship offers in the near future as they notice the current

athletes being sponsored.

Sponsorship Benefits for Business

Nearly every single sport has a large fan base that comes together to create a pleasant and

passionate atmosphere during game time. Businesses want to seize these opportunities to gain

attention and promote their products or services. The greatest approach to do so is to create a
reputation by sponsoring well-known clubs or sportsmen. The businesses can also access a large

spectrum of audiences all across the world. As previously stated, celebratory teams and

sportsmen may turn a brand into an asset, especially following a string of triumphs. In addition to

promoting and selling products under their athlete's name, sponsors generate additional cash.

It's Critical to Demonstrate a Gamer’s Worth

Companies expect high outcomes since they put a lot of money behind a single

team or player. However, if the team or athlete regularly underperforms, the sponsors may

withdraw their support or demand full reimbursement to avoid a big loss. This puts pressure on

the athlete, which might cause their performance to degrade even more. However, this has been

an unusual occurrence, with the majority of sponsors encouraging sports teams to reach promised

deliverables to date. Athletes are sometimes required to attend press conferences and promote

their sponsors on social media. As such, the online game’s audience is growing by the number

these days; hence advertisers and companies will benefit greatly when the brand is exposed to

such a target market. Gamer’s eyes are glued on the screen mostly every time. Thus,

advertisements will not bother them as much as long as they can play their desired games. If

these gamers are the brand’s audience, then sales are really expected to skyrocket, provided that

the advertisements are somehow engaging and do not seem annoying to its viewers.

The one clear thing is that gaming is on an upwards trend. In many ways, the medium is

replacing social media as the primary place where young users congregate online. That is good

news for advertisers since the gaming environment is also less convoluted than social media,

making it an ideal, clean format in which ads can be impactful instead of getting lost and scrolled

past in a never-ending social feed. More and more games have been developed lately, and brands
are hungry for more market share. Thus, leaning towards such an advertisement would be highly

beneficial for the organization in terms of sales performance.

This paper contributes to the understanding of sponsorship in eSports, shedding light on

an enormously important topic that has been little explored in academia. ESport is growing

internationally, mainly due to the easy access to technology, but also as a response to access to

different competitions on the part of the general public, and especially youth.

The emergence of eSports onto the media scene has led to the inclusion of a new

experimentation framework for advertising investment and communicative innovation. Brands

need new platforms to connect with their customers, especially among the youngest target groups

of consumers of other media and media that is less commonly used for conducting

communication campaigns.

The purpose of this study is to create awareness regarding the Impact of Online Gaming

Sponsorship as Advertisement on Sales Performance. In addition, researchers aim to investigate

the effect that eSport sponsorship has on the health of a brand sponsoring a competition.


The MPL-PH Season 5 is powered by Smart. With its commitment to empowering the

Filipino mobile gaming community, Smart offers GIGA GAMES, a specific data pack for

gaming which comes with Games All Day to access Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and more.

Smart’s partnership with MPL-PH further reinforces its continuous support for the country’s

mobile gaming scene by providing a better mobile gaming experience to gamers and fans. With

an overall SMART Communication aim of increased sales and profitability, sponsorship serves
two main purposes. To increase brand awareness and establish, change, or strengthen the image

of the brand. These two processes are primarily achieved through a frequent and sustained

presence of the brand alongside the sponsored be it on billboards at a sporting event or brand

adverts featuring a sponsored athlete. However, for ultimate value, brands and talent must co-

create in a much more intimate manner. The creation of something new embeds the relationship

deeper in the mindsets of the public.

Video games are a type of media that is frequently related to negative implications for

health. However, they are a best condition of stress reduction as well as a mechanism for

improving mental health and learning cognitive skills when games are played in moderation and

with mindfulness. A comparatively new means of entertainment is video games themselves. On a

degree distinct from that of typical board games and other modes of entertainment, they are

interactive and immersive. The player consciously adds to the amount of enjoyment he/she gets

from this medium and is hence more involved in the video game elements and able to participate.

A major element in the results of games is also the amount of play time. While unnecessary

playtime can have negative effects, it can be safe, enjoyable, and informative to play in

moderation. The aim of this is to build a bond or association between the sponsor and the

sponsored. In doing so, the characteristics associated with the sponsored property can pass the

relation back to the sponsor so if a brand is promoting a very famous online games team, they

expect that they can either pass or attach the positive qualities tagged to that team. In this way,

when evaluating sponsorship options, emotional affiliation is the most important aspect to

remember for any brand manager.

Great sponsorship requires the optimistic feelings involved with the transition or linkage

of the funded property to the supporter. In doing so, the good thoughts that customers currently

have about a brand would make them more likely relative to rivals to purchase the brand.

Even though you're a modest business owner, you can find the right kind of sponsorship

and strike a deal with a prospective player. As previously said, you can simply sponsor the

training equipment or enlist your athlete in an affiliate program. Whether you're an athlete or an

entrepreneur, choose the right partner to help you promote each other and gain reputation. A

positive relationship can also be found between experiential marketing (sense, feel, think, act,

and relate) and customer satisfaction (Zena and Hadisumarto, 2013). The activation of

experiential sponsorship in this study allows customers to get the sponsor's products (e.g.,

apparel, towels, and other outdoor equipment) ahead of time and test the quality of the products

during a sporting event. As a result, we believed that participant satisfaction would be influenced

not only by the sporting event's service quality, but also by the experience with the sponsor's


H1a: Sponsorship understanding in the category of sports has a favorable impact on sponsor


H1b: Sponsorship is directly influenced by sports fan participation.

H1c: The intention to acquire Sponsors' items is positively influenced by corporate image.

H2a: Experiential marketing activation has a beneficial impact on participants' satisfaction with

sponsorship events.

H2b: Experiential marketing's activation has a favorable impact on the sponsoring company's

brand equity.
H2c: Experiential marketing has a beneficial impact on participants' purchase intentions for the

sponsoring company's products.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

It is widely known to have advertisements that uses mobile games and sports tournament

to be sponsored. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following predicaments:

1. What is the effect of online gaming sponsorship as advertisement on sales performance?

2. What kinds of online gaming sponsorship as advertisement will reach the target audience of

the brand?

3. What are the advantages of using online gaming sponsorship as an advertisement tool over the

traditional sports in sales performance?

4. Why should a company consider online gaming sponsorship as advertisement method? 

5. Is there any association between the audience of online gaming, and those of the advertised


1.4 Objectives

1. To determine whether sponsoring an event boost the name of the company and helps the

company gain more customers.

2. To know if sponsoring an online gaming tournament helps smart telco in increasing its sales.
3. To find out whether online gaming tournament will build trust and loyalty for the company.

4. To check whether sponsoring online gaming is the best strategy to get more viewers. If this

method was not an option, would it be possible to still get more viewers and boost sales.

5. To see the difference between using other forms of advertisements and using sponsorship.

1.5 Significance of the study

The research significance in this research is explained in terms of theoretical

consideration and the practical one. Theoretically, it is expected that this research provides

valuable contribution to the study of Sociolinguistics. It will provide more examples of registers

in online especially the players in Mobile Legends.

1. To the students - this research study acts as a guide and reference for the student who create

the research paper. thus, it allows student to improve their understanding on what are the Impact

of online gaming sponsorship as advertisement on sales performance.

2. To the players of online games - Online gaming has become a significant part of people’s

lives, and one of the most popular platforms for this is mobile, especially who are playing this

game. the communication skills also improve which opens the door to further maturity. The same

applies when you’re on the Internet and real life. When you achieve something, that usually

means that you’ve done a lot of effort, work, and thought on that specific goal which broadens

your perspective onto different kinds of things.

3. To Event Sponsorship - This research paper contains information on why it is important to

sponsoring online games, sponsorship is a great way to increase the competitive advantage by

enhancing the brand, reputation and popularity of business by promoting activities that your
target market considers attractive. Most of these sponsorships allow these companies to boost

their public profile relatively cheaply.

4. To future Researcher - This will be important for future researchers as a whole as it can be

used as a reference for any researchers throughout its relatively.

1.6 Conceptual Framework




This chapter present the conceptual

framework for the research on Impact of

Online Gaming Sponsorship as

Advertisement on Sales Performance

This study is essential for strategic

marketing planning where it can be applied to

look at opportunities whereas the main goal is

to grow revenue or sales performance for a business through developing new products and

services or "tapping into" new markets

Sponsorship is when a company commits money or resources to a nonprofit event or

program in exchange for specific promotional benefits. At its core, sponsorship is an exchange of

money for services.

1.7 Scope and Limitation

The researcher aims to identify the sponsorship as advertisement on a sales performance,

the favorability sponsorship delivers can give a business a competitive edge that goes beyond

product and price. Increasingly, businesses of all sizes are striving to balance profit with

purpose through sponsorship and other socially responsible marketing. The study focused on

what are the impact of online gaming sponsorship as advertisement on a sales performance it

will be gather through surveys and questionnaires that will be answered by the respondents, and

to be use as a reference of the data. As such, there are attempts to make these activities more

effective by leveraging them using advertising, sales promotions the data will only cover on

what are the impact of online gaming sponsorship as advertisement on a sale. Sponsorship is

when a company commits money or resources to a nonprofit event or program in exchange for

specific promotional benefits. At its core, sponsorship is an exchange of money for services.

The favorability sponsorship delivers can give a business a competitive edge that goes beyond

product and price. Increasingly, businesses of all sizes are striving to balance profit with

purpose through sponsorship and other socially responsible marketing.


1. MOBA – multiplayer online battle arena

2. Competitive – as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.

3. Pro player – a pro player is a professional sportsman or woman.

4. Commercial – making or intended to make a profit.

5. Established – having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and

generally accepted.

6. Benefactor – a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.

7. Promoter – a person or company that finances or organizes a sporting event or theatrical


8. Addiction – the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or


9. Streamer – a person who broadcasts his or herself in real time while playing video

games is known as a streamer.

10. Assistance – the provision of money, resources, or information to help someone.

11. Recommendation – the action of recommending something or someone.

12. Esports – a multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators, typically by

professional gamers.

13. Investment – the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.

14. Moonton – Chinese video game developer and publisher based in Shanghai, China.

Founded in April 2014.

15. Game Developer – a video game developer is a software developer specializing in video

game development



This chapter highlights some related literature and studies that are relevant to this topic. It

contains different sources that the researcher gains from books, journals, magazines, internet and

other electronic sources.

2.1 Foreign Literature

2.1.1 How About Playing Games as a Career? The Evolution of E-Sports in the Eyes of

Mainstream Media and Public Relations

This paper examined the media and public relations coverage of e-sport in China over a

17-yr period, focusing on how the representations of e-sport as a fast-growing industry have

changed in China during that time. With the theoretical underpinning of media framing, the study

used content analysis and examined 400 e-sport-related reports. Specifically, it investigated the

tone of coverage, the topic emphasis of e-sport-related stories, and the use of jargon and statistics

in the reports. In general, findings indicated that both mainstream media and public relations

gradually covered e-sport issues in a more positive way as time went by. Similar to reporting on

traditional sports, the topic emphasis changed from nongame issues to player and team

performance in the contemporary climate. The findings highlight the importance of live-

streaming platforms in e-sport development and suggest that more traditional-sport-styled media

coverage of e-sport might benefit the industry. Finally, the study calls for an evaluation of media

e-sport coverage in different cultural contexts and comparisons between e-sports and traditional

sports’ representation in the contemporary media climate. ( Jue Hou, Xiaoxu Yang, and Elliot

Panek. 2019)

2.1.2 Competitive video game play – also known as esports

Has come a long way from its humble origins in arcades and personal computer (PC)

cafes, having evolved into a multibillion-dollar global industry today. Despite its allure for

aspiring professional players – and opportunistic investors – the world of esports remains

misunderstood by many. In this chapter, Orme offers an overview of the global esports industry

while engaging with some key debates surrounding esports, from what “counts” as esports to

mounting concerns about cheating and corruption. The chapter begins with a discussion of what

constitutes esports, followed by a brief description of the various league and team systems that

permeate much of esports and how professional players fit into that landscape. From there, Orme

discusses some of the major social issues related to esports, such as a professionalization of

video game play and esports’ symbiotic relationship with video game live-streaming. Finally,

Orme homes in on the physical and mental impacts that esports are already found to be having

on its players, from anxiety and burnout to athletic injuries. (Stephanie Orme, 2020)


2.1.3 Gender in eSports research: a literature review

The popularity of eSports has skyrocketed recently, prompting increasing academic attention.

However, reflecting the male-dominated reality of the eSports industry, most research is focused

on men. Decades of research on gender in the context of technology and computer gaming

present a valid cause for concern regarding how women and other minority individuals in these

settings have been and remain oppressed. This article presents a traditional narrative review of

how the theoretical concept of hegemonic masculinity is used to understand gendered power
inequalities in eSports in the research literature. The review reveals that research that focuses on

gender and eSports revolves around three main themes: (1) issues of the construction of

masculinity, (2) online harassment, and (3) negotiations of gendered expectations. Based on a

discussion of gendered power inequalities within these themes, the review concludes that

although eSports and traditional sports are clearly different, they discursively link masculinity,

athleticism, and competition very similarly. This has significant implications for women and

minority players, which in turn calls for more research on how masculinity is regaining

dominance despite the increasing participation of girls and women within eSports (Egil Trasti

Rogstad, 2021)

2.1.4. Pre-Empting the Competition: How Do Shareholders View Sponsorships in the Sport

Apparel Industry

Gaining exclusive sponsorship rights to international football club apparel has become

increasingly competitive, resulting in larger deal values. The first objective of this study was to

analyze the effect of kit sponsorship announcements on the underlying value of sponsoring firms.

Utilizing event study analysis, we found that firms announcing kit sponsorships experience

negative abnormal returns. This finding may not be surprising given the fierce competition for

obtaining valuable, scarce marketing space and the well-known winner’s curse. The second

objective was to shed further light on the value of kit sponsorship deals by conducting a novel

test in which we analyzed a subset of sample observations where the kit sponsorship changed to

a new sponsor. We found that firms may be willing to overpay for sponsorships to pre-empt their

direct competitors from obtaining valuable, scarce marketing space. Firms losing a pre-existing
sponsorship to a direct competitor experience large negative abnormal return. (Adrien Bouchet,

Thomas W. Doellman, Mike Troilo, and Brian R. Walkup. 2016)



2.1.6 Corporate accelerators: a study on prevalence, sponsorship, and strategy

In recent years, corporate accelerators have emerged as a new method to foster

collaboration between startups and established companies. This thesis presents, to my

knowledge, the first comprehensive database of corporate accelerator programs across the globe.

On the basis of this resource, I propose a definition for corporate accelerators and show that they

follow the same basic principles as non-corporate accelerators. Further, I provide evidence that

corporate accelerators have been growing considerably over the past few years and have reached

a level of presence close to that of corporate venture capital funds. While growth has been

slowing down recently, I argue that corporate accelerators are well-suited to becoming a

permanent element in the startup ecosystem and that they are likely to capture market share from

non-corporate accelerators. On the basis of a population of 847 largely capitalized corporations I

show that corporate accelerators are more frequently sponsored by large, information-related

firms that are also investing corporate venture capital. This study provides first indications that

corporate accelerators are not likely to deliver direct operating profits to the sponsoring firms.

However, I provide examples of significant strategic explorations, including companies that

select portfolio firms to help them innovate along their supply chain and distribution channels or

to provide them with strategic gains in the marketplace. (S.M. in Engineering and Management,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2015.)

2.1.7 Online games and Culture

As esports gain popularity, and in some cases surpass the viewership of traditional sports

(Lynch, 2017), they create opportunities for studying people and systems on a massive scale.

Research around esports, however, is in its nascency. Establishing a foundation for interested

researchers, we review the academic esports literature published before spring 2018. The work

comes from many fields that historically have not been in conversation with one another, yet we

find numerous areas of common interest. In this article, we describe the methods we used to

collect literature, summarize the research in each field publishing academic literature on esports,

and identify convergent trends across those fields

2.1.8 Origin of Mobile Legends and controversies following it

The development of Mobile Legends began after the successful launch of Magic Rush:

Heroes. The game is developed and published by Moonton, a video game developer and

publisher from China. It was released in 2016 and gained massive popularity in Southeast Asia.

However, the game’s release faced a lot of hiccups due to lawsuits filed by Riot Games and their

parent company, Tencent. Before the lawsuit, Riot had even contacted Google to get the game

removed from their Play Store. However, Moonton themselves removed the game and

relaunched it with the new name ‘Mobile Legends Bang Bang’. According to a report by Sensor

Tower, the game surpassed the lifetime revenue of $500 million by the end of 2019.There are

only two Chinese games that are included in the list of applications banned by the Indian
government. One of them is ‘Mobile Legends’ and the other is ‘Clash of Kings‘. Elex Wireless, a

Chinese company, developed the latter.

2.1.9 Nature of Expertise

Researchers in cognitive science, informatics, and sociology each study expertise in

esports through different levels of analysis. Cognitive scientists are looking at the performance

of individual players, who may or may not be nested in teams, and aim to identify constructs

previously explored outside of esports that correlate with higher skill levels in competitive play.

Huang and colleagues (2017), summarized in the Esports within the Disciplines: Cognitive

Science section, exemplify this approach relying on practice, routine, and habit formation

literature from contexts as disparate as construction work and chess to understand expert SC2

players’ in-game behavior.

2.2 Local Literature

2.2.1 Cultivating Community: Presentation of Self among Women Game Streamers in

Singapore and the Philippines

This study explored how women game live streamers in Singapore and the Philippines

make sense of their presentation of self as performers and gamers in a medium dominated by

Western games, performers, and platforms. We conducted six in-depth interviews guided by

interpretive phenomenological analysis in order to understand their experiences, uncovering

issues such as audience connection and maintenance, the difficulties of presenting their own

femininity, and the influence of being Singaporean, Filipina, and Asian on their success as

performers. We discuss directions for study that further explore gaming and streaming as a form

of cultural labor in Asia. (Alvarez, Katrina Chen, Vivian Hsueh Hua, 2021)

2.2.2 From Physical Recreation to Digitisation: A Social History of Children’s Games in the


This study aimed to examine aspects of validity and reliability of the Test of Gross

Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) in Filipino children with intellectual disability. Content and

construct validity were verified, as well as inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. Two pediatric

physiotherapists tested 81 children with intellectual disability (mean age = 9.29 ± 2.71 years) on

locomotor and object control skills. Analysis of covariance, confirmatory factor analysis and

analysis of variance were used to test validity, while Cronbach’s alpha, intra-class correlation

coefficients (ICC) and Bland–Altman plots were used to examine reliability. Age was a

significant predictor of locomotor and object control scores (P = 0.004). The data fit the

hypothesized two-factor model with fit indices as follows: χ2 = 33.525, DF = 34, P = 0.491,
χ2/DF = 0.986. As hypothesized, gender was a significant predictor for object control skills (P =

0.038). Participants’ mean scores were significantly below mastery. (Charita Arcangel Delos

Reyes. 2016)




2.2.3 Playing two games: internal negotiations in the Philippines

This study explores the relationship between principles of distributive justice (DJ) and the

durability of negotiated agreements. Sixteen peace agreements negotiated during the early 1990s

were coded for the centrality of each of four principles of DJ – equality, proportionality,

compensation, and need – to the core terms of the agreement. The agreements were also assessed

on scales of implementation and durability over a five-year period. Another variable included in

the analysis was the difficulty of the conflict environment. These data were used to evaluate

three sets of hypotheses: the relationship between DJ and durability, the role of the conflict

environment, and types of DJ principles. The results obtained from both statistical and focused-

comparison analyses indicate that DJ moderates the relationship between conflict environments

and outcomes: when principles of justice are central to an agreement, the negative effects of

difficult conflict environments are reduced; when principles are not central, the negative effects

of difficulty are heightened. These relationships are accounted for primarily by one of the four

DJ principles – equality. Implications of these findings are discussed along with a number of

ideas for further research. (Daniel Druckman, Justin Green. 2012)



2.2.4 Online learning with games: The university of the Philippines Open University setting

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) has looked into the

incorporation of virtual environments and serious games as learning tools in its academic

programs. Ideas and exploratory work abound in many educational institutions. But there are

challenges that must be overcome, in order to gain acceptance. A survey in the Bachelor of Arts

in Multimedia Studies (BAMS) program revealed three basic points. First, with a very small

number of exceptions, students in the program are already knowledgeable with a variety of video

games. Second, access to high quality equipment and Internet connectivity is a problem for some

learners in UPOU. Lastly, there remains a small, but significant group of people expressing

skepticism over the use of games in their courses. The deployment of an online pilot course on

the use of games in education highlighted the above-mentioned issues. But satisfactory learning

outcomes were still achieved through finding solutions to the issues, particularly with the

provision of multiple game options to achieve learning objectives and the establishment of a peer

support group within the class that can help students not just with technical, but also gameplay

issues. Despite the apparent success, employment techniques must continue to be refined. A

model that can specially cater to the situation UPOU deals with can also be invaluable when

attempting to adopt games as a learning tool in more courses. In relation, as this focused on

students, succeeding studies should also pay more attention to the side of the faculty. Lastly, the

apparent skepticism of some students alludes to the need for nurturing a gaming culture within

the UPOU community, or at least among those who will be affected should the university adopt
games more pervasively. This study aims to find ways to address these issues. (Al Francis D.

Librero. 2013)









2.2.5 Residents’ Perception towards Hosting the 2019Southeast Asian Games: Is the

Philippines as Developing Country Ready for Sport Tourism

Sport tourism has been identified as one of the most important industries of recent years.

Research about Philippine sport tourism, however, is scarce. The aim of the present investigation

was to assess residents’ perception on the impact of hosting an international sports event on their

community. A previously validated impact questionnaire was used in this study. The respondents

were 262 (Males, n=47%; Females, n=53%) residents of the different cities hosting the 2019

Southeast Asian Games (SEAG) in the Philippines. They were generally well-educated (87%), of

prime working age (68%), average earners (76%), physically active (61.3%), and watched sports

(51%) using mobile devices (59%). The results revealed that the respondents (81.3%) generally

support the present SEAG. The majority agree that the event would signal urban development

(77.8%), develop positive socio-psychological benefits (84%) such as civic pride but also bring
about negative consequences (57.6%) such as overcrowding and traffic congestion. There is

general ambivalence about the positive outcomes outweighing the negative ones. Among the

demographic variables, age (p=0.002), gender (p=0.004), income status (p=0.027) and media

preference (p=0.018) have significant effects on the respondents’ support for the event. Although

there is general support for hosting the international sports event, the respondents’ general

perception was marred by domestic issues related to corruption, environmental destruction and

displacement of some ethnic groups. (Reylin Maciejewski. 2019)

2.2.6 Internet speed set-backs

Although online gaming has become a popular online activity in the Philippines, one

factor that limits a smooth gaming experience is the user’s internet connection. Across the Asia-

Pacific region, the Philippines had the slowest broadband connection. Getting an internet service

provider that provides fiber internet would provide a better internet experience among the online

community. One company that has this service is CONVERGE ICT Solutions Inc. and was

ranked the second-best ISP based on its internet download speed as of June 2020.


2.2.7 Online gamers

In a recent survey conducted in the Philippines, an average online gamer spends between

one to two hours on online gaming daily. As a result, a vibrant video game culture has emerged

among Filipino gamers, with some of them opting to play in a bigger scope and audience. While

some prefer streaming on social media platforms, others have taken it to a higher level and

competed internationally. Recently, the Philippines has been recognized as one of the fiercest

competitors in Esports within tournaments involving multiplayer online battle

arena (MOBA), first-person shooter (FPS), fighting, card games, battle royales, and real-time

strategy (RTS).


2.2.8 Game on: e-sport scene of the Philippines

The success of Mineski only underscores what many of competitive gaming’s supporters

have been saying over the years: there is a market for competitive gaming in the Philippines, and

it’s only growing larger. Filipinos have been competing in international esports competitions for

years, and growing support only means bigger rewards. Esports has been further legitimized by

the Gaming and Amusements Board (GAB) of the Philippines, which under the Office of the

President allowed gamers to secure athletic licenses starting August 2017. This is one part in a

wave of rising support for esports athletes in the Philippines, including the addition of five

esports games in the SEA Games to be held in Manila. Despite the infancy of esports in the
country, the Philippines has seen moderate success on the international stage. In 2016 the

Philippine team TNC Gaming took out European heavyweights OG, who were widely

considered to be one of the top 5 European teams. This, along with the general enthusiasm

Filipinos have shown when it comes to online gaming, proves that the country is fertile land for

esports growth.

2.2.9 Biggest Mobile Game Gathering in the Philippines

Bam (2019) Smart Communications Inc. is powering Siklab Saya, it’s a nationwide

gathering and tournament for Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, happening from November 2019 to

January 2020. Covering at least eight key venues nationwide, Siklab Saya is shaping up to be the

biggest ML gathering in the country, bringing the game closer to Filipino fans.

With Php20 million worth of prizes up for grabs, thousands of Mobile Legends fans are

expected to troop to Siklab Saya venues and celebrate the mobile arena game, test their skills

with other aspiring pros, and compete for exciting prizes.

Siklab Saya is powered by the awesome GIGAfied gaming experience only Smart Giga Games

provides. With Smart Giga Games 99, subscribers get 2GB open-access data and 1GB of Games

All Day for nonstop Mobile Legends and other top mobile games valid for seven days! Simply

dial *123# to Gigafy your love for gaming today!

Chapter 3


This part of the study discusses on the methodology on how will the researchers gather

and compute data to differentiate the variables and the range on how many people are playing

mobile games and how many persons can reach by sponsoring an online game as advertisement.

Using the conducted survey, questions are prepared to disseminate the variables to know how

will sponsoring the online gaming give benefits on sales performance. This chapter consist of

four parts that includes Research Design, Sample and its Settings, Data gathering procedure and

Statistical Treatment.


The focus of Qualitative research is understanding query as a humanistic or idealistic

approach. We use this method to know the range of our target and understand people beliefs,

attitude, behavior and interaction about the specific study. Using this method, we, the researchers

is expected to build exploratory research so that we can explore on how will the sales affect if we

will sponsor the online gaming as an advertisement. The goal of this design is to find an idea that

can improve the sales performances and this paper indicates that we will test if sponsoring an

online gaming will be effective.


The study "Impact of Online Gaming Sponsorship as Advertisements on Sales

Performance" was conducted at Universidad de Manila (UDM) alongside Central Terminal

Station of LRTA Line 1 and is near at SM Manila and Manila City Hall. The respondents are 50

students of UDM that are playing online games like Mobile Legends .


The researchers want to conduct a face-to-face interview with the respondents for them to

gather the data using surveys and observations but eventually, a nationwide pandemic so it is

hard to conduct a face-to-face interview because we need to comply to the AITF guidelines and

protocols to prevent the widespread of covid-19. So, we use online Questionnaire and online

surveys as a Research instrument so we will be able gather data virtually. The researchers had

allotted vigorous time, effort and cooperation in developing their questionnaire so as to serve it’s

intended respondents. The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related

research and individual questions formed by the researchers. The respondents of this study will

be the Mobile Legends BangBang players and gamers of the students of Universidad De Manila.

These respondents are the ones who are knowledgeable enough to answer the questionnaire that

the researchers gave.

The researcher used Google Form to determine if the respondent agreed or disagreed in a

statement. After that the researchers send it through email to the 50 respondents of ML Player or

online gamers of Universidad De Manila. Participants were given time to respond and then the

researchers collected the online survey form. The data gathered from this research instrument

were tallied for interpretation according to the frequency of items checked by the participants.

This part interprets the equations and formulas to analyse the data we collected from the

survey. Responses to the questionnaire by students of Universidad De Manila were statistically

analysed with the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count;

to know how often values occur in a set of data.

Mean; to determine the average.

Percent; to know the partition of the answers and Rank; to determine the hierarchy of the


To know if there is a correlation between the independent and dependent variables Person

Product Moment of Correlation was utilized with 0.05 level of significance. Researchers will use

to translate the data to determine the percentage, usually for data on profile (e.g sex,age etc.)

Formula: = FN x 100

Where: % = Percentage
F= Frequency

N = Number of Respondents

The study also used Pearson-R Correlation to determine the impact and true effect of the
two variables described in the title.



This chapter provides Data analysis and interpretation of data that the researchers

collected thru the survey conducted. It shows Tables and Graphs to explain the participants'

responses regarding the Impact of Online Gaming Sponsorship as an Advertisement on Sales


Table 1

Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Internet service provider

F %

Male 32 64%

Female 18 36%
Total 50 100%
15-20 9 18%
21-30 39 78%
31-40 2 4%
41 and above 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Internet Service Provider

DSL 7 14%

(Digital Subscriber Line)

Fiber 30 60%
Mobile Data 13 26%
TOTAL 50 100%

Among the 50 respondents, 32 or 64% are male and 18 or 36% are female.

Among the 50 respondents, 9 or 18% belonged to 15-20 years old, 39 or 78% belonged to 21-30

years old and 2 or 4% belonged to 31-40 years old.

Among the 50 respondents, 7 or 14% are using DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 30 or 60% are

using Fiber and 13 or 26% are using Mobile Data.

Table 2

Customer Awareness
F %
Do you play online games?
Yes 48 96%
No 2 4%
Are you aware of online games
Total 50 100%
yes, what online games are you playing? 47 94%
No 3 70%
Total Legends Bang Bang 3550 100%
Are you aware of online games sponsorship? 20%
Call Of Duty Mobile 10
Yes 42 84%
Valorant 58 16%
Does online gaming sponsorship affect your
Total 50 100%
What making
gadget in choosing
do you online
usually use games?
to play your
Yes 25 50%
favorite online game? 25 50%
Total 50 100%
Smart Phone
If yes, how does it affect your decision 42
Tablet or Ipad
making? 0
Greatly affect 11 16%
PC or Laptop 8
Somehow affect 16 32%
Does not affect at al
Total 5023 46%
Total website do you visit to know about the
What 50 100%
What payment gateways do you use to pay for
latest game trends?
your game upgrade 78%
Facebook 3949 98%
None 1 2%
Total 0 50 100%
Instgram 0

Youtube 6 12%

Google 5 10%

Total 50 100%
What are the factors you’re considering in

choosing online games?

Video Game Accessibility 22 44%

The Online Reviews 8 16%

The Cost of the Online Game 4 8%

A game that suits my free time 10 20%

The excitement the game will give me 6 12%

Total 50 100%
Table 2 indicates the awareness of the respondents about online gaming sponsorships.

Online gaming sponsorship is being used as an advertisement in the gaming industry. It involves

paying good gamers and those who have a large audience to play video games. This table

identifies how advertisements on online gaming have an impact on the buying behavior of


Customer Perception Towards Online Gaming Sponsorship

Graph 1

Customer Perception Towards Online

Do you feel that sponsoring

an Online Game is the best F %

strategy to get more viewers?

YES 47 94%
NO 3 6%
TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1 shows that 94% of the respondents feel that sponsoring an Online Game is the best

strategy to get more viewers, while 6% feel that sponsoring an Online Game is not the best

strategy to get more viewers.

How Not effective Highly Total

effective is at all Effective
sponsored 1 2 3 4 5
F 0 1 9 27 13 50
% 0% 2% 18% 54% 26% 100%
The table shows that 26% of the total respondents agree that sponsored content is highly

effective, while 54% think that sponsored content is effective. 18% of the total respondents do

not support either side of the statement, and 2% of the total respondents said that sponsored

content is ineffective.

How Not Highly

significant is significant Significant Total
the impact at all 2 3 4 5
and effect of
online 1
on gamers?
F 1 1 7 22 19 50
% 2% 2% 14% 44% 38% 100%

The table shows that 38% of the total respondents think that the impact and effect of

online gaming sponsorships on gamers are highly significant, while 44% of the total respondents

agree that the impact and effect of online gaming sponsorships on gamers are significant. 14% of

the total respondents are not supporting either side of the statement. 2% of the total respondents

said that the impact and effect of online gaming sponsorships on gamers are not significant, and

2% of the total respondents said that the impact and effect of online gaming sponsorships on

gamers is not significant at all.

How much No impact Huge

impact does the at all Impact Total
image and equity 1 2 3 4 5
of the sponsor
affect the overall
popularity and
towards the
F 0 2 10 31 17 50
% 0% 4% 20% 42% 34% 100%

The table shows that 34% of the total respondents think that the image and equity of the

sponsor affect the overall popularity and general impression towards the gamer have a huge

impact while 42% of the total respondents say that the image and equity of the sponsor affect the

overall popularity and general impression towards the gamer have sentiment towards the image

and equity of the sponsorship. 20% of the total respondents are not supporting either side of the

statement. 4% of the total respondents said that the image and equity of the sponsor affect the

overall popularity, and general impression towards the gamer have discordance to the image and

equity of the sponsorship. In addition, 0% of the total respondents said that the image and equity

of the sponsor affect the overall popularity, and general impression towards the gamer has no

impact at all.

effective Not
and good effective at Highly
the gamer all Effective Total
becomes 1 2 3 4 5
when a
sponsor is
to his / her
F 0 2 6 19 23 50
% 0% 4% 12% 38% 46% 100%

The table shows that 46% of the total respondents think that it is highly effective when a

sponsor is being committed to gamer needs, while 38% of the total respondents agree that it is

effective when a sponsor is being committed to gamers need. 12% of the total respondents are

not supporting either side of the statement. 4% of the total respondents said that it is not effective

when a sponsor is being committed to a gamer's needs, and 0% of the total respondents said that

it is not effective at all when a sponsor is being committed to gamers need.

How Low High Total

would you
rate 1 2 3 4 5
g the event
venue and
in regards
to how it's
served in a
F 0 2 6 23 19 50
% 0% 4% 12% 46% 38% 100%
The chart shows that 38% of the total respondent’s rate five (5) as they think sponsoring

the event venue and equipment will greatly help a player, while 46% of the total respondent’s

rate four (4) as they think that sponsoring the event venue and equipment will help a player. 12%

of the total respondent’s rate three (3) as they think sponsoring the event venue and equipment
will somehow help a player, while 4% of the total respondents’ rate two (2) as they think that

sponsoring the event venue and equipment will not help a player, and no respondent rates one


How Irrelevant Highly Total

relevant Relevant
was the 1 2 3 4 5
g an E
F 0 0 5 18 27 50
% 0% 0% 10% 36% 54% 100%

The table shows that 54% of the total respondents think that the audience for sponsoring

an E-Sports event was highly relevant, while 36% of the total respondents agree that the

audience for sponsoring an E-Sports event was relevant. 10% of the total respondents are not

supporting either side of the statement, while no one answered that the audience for sponsoring

an E-Sports event was irrelevant.


Through the use of Pearson-R Correlation, it was determined that there is indeed a

significant impact of all advertisements vis-à-vis sponsorships, as well performance. This

negates the Null Hypothesis that these factors have no relationships and impact at all.

A strong 0.7624 – which is higher than the acceptable value for a decent relationship of

0.40 - value as described on the following page attests to this.

More so, basic common-sense dictates that of course, something that is sponsored and
paid for will truly motivate and will result to actual positive performance.

Chapter 5


Summary of Findings
This study was undertaken to understand the full potential of online gaming sponsorship
as an advertisement on sales performance. This study made use of the descriptive method of
research and the tool used to gather the necessary data was an online questionnaire. After the
presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data, the researchers found out the following
findings of the study:

1. The researchers have summarized and investigated it based on the result of the survey that
conducted that the Mobile Legend is the most-played game. In addition to that, mobile phones
are widely used gaming gadget. The respondents are mixed in gaming references in terms of its
effect on choosing the kinds of game to play.

2. The idea that online gamers play for hours in isolation is outdated. Online gaming has
transformed over the past decade, becoming a deeply social activity. Today, esports organized,
multiplayer video game competitions are a multibillion-dollar business. This rapidly growing
entertainment market offers valuable opportunities for brands to reach their target audiences, as
well as engage in powerful new ways. Contributing to the popularity of esports are live
streaming services, which have helped to normalize watching others play online games. Esports’
rapid growth is partly because streaming services like Twitch offer a range of viewing metrics
that make it easier for teams to find sponsors for their tournaments.

3. In terms of future potential, eSports will match the biggest traditional sports leagues, and there
are significant development areas for this new business in advertising, ticket sales, licensing,
sponsorships, and merchandise. Companies utilize a variety of media to advertise about sales
promotions, including printed materials such as posters, coupons, direct mail pieces, and
billboards, radio and television advertisements, and media content such as text messaging, email,
websites, and social media.

4. This study was made to know anything about the impact of Online Gaming Sponsorship as an
Advertisement on Sales Performance. Companies should consider online gaming sponsorship as
advertisement as researchers have found out that 94% of the respondents are into Online Game
events. These kinds of events are attracting more viewers which leads to more buyers.

5. Most brands' online gaming sponsoring faces a risk of their marketing activities being seen as
intrusive or unwanted endeavors, but with the eSports audience, it has been proven to understand
the economic necessity of sponsors. The researchers have found out that 54% of the fans have
shown good feedback towards the presence of sponsors in eSports. Though there is a sign of
dependency of sponsors in eSports fans, it shows that any brand is helping to improve and
support something important to them, which is to improve brand image.

Based on the summary findings of the study, the researchers drew the following

1. There is a positive effect of gaming preferences in terms of sales and the actual efficiency of
the games as they play. This is rather given fact since people obviously take motivation when
they are empowered.

2. Despite the positive aspects, E-sports are not exempt of problems. This industry is susceptible
to a spectrum of risks with the potential of negatively affecting its entire ecosystem and
stakeholders. E-sports sponsors must be aware of these issues as they can lead to various
unwanted or unforeseen negative effects, like negative brand image transfer. Since there is a high
probability of the sponsor’s image being associated with the sponsored party, companies must
tackle this market very carefully

3. Although eSports grew through the internet, which is very much different from how
traditional, sports became prevalent as society. We should embrace the consequences of the
changing character of sport as eSport becomes more sophisticated and the internet becomes a
more essential part of our life. Sport should adapt with the times, and since we are living in a
technology era centered on the internet and computers, computer-based sports should not be

4. Companies should consider online gaming sponsorship as advertisement as it leads to more

buyers and more buyers means more sales.

5. Esports main problem is it is a recent industry that focuses mainly on the gaming side, which
means that this is a fairly unknown marketing landscape that would be difficult for brands to
enter and become a sponsor for a game that is fairly only known to younger generations. Though
they can still join and make sales in this industry, it would still take much of their time to pour all
their strategy into these new kinds of advertisement, which is eSports.


Based on the findings and conclusions the researchers come up with the following

1. Encourage more sponsors to subsidize and motivate through their financial leverages to
empower more gamers so that profitability will also increase.

2. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, they discovered that online gaming is an
excellent way for businesses to reach the targeted millennial audience.   As a result, online
gaming sponsorship can assist a corporation in promoting products and services while also
increasing revenue.

3. When it comes to sales performance, the next researcher should focus on what precedence to
preserve the balance of online game advertising over traditional.

4. The researchers recommend companies to consider online gaming sponsorship as

advertisement as most of the respondents thinks that it is the best strategy to get more
viewers/audiences which are also relevant when sponsoring an E-Sports event. Companies
should consider this strategy as it helps gain more sales and as it is effective to have sponsored

5. Sponsorships are the primary source of esports. Brands should also give importance to this
new and emerging market which could rip significant ROIs from just sponsoring and throw in
the best tactics to maximize their potential ROIs. Though there is a more considerable gain in
these, brands should be aware of the possible threats that may affect their brands and to mitigate
possible dangers that would arise during those sponsorships, an example of which is if the team
that you are sponsoring didn't even enter the "playoffs" or just made it to the top four teams in
the league. These incidents are possible and could lead to bad feedback to your brand as well as
to your company.

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