Control Servers in The Core Network: Andreas Witzel

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Control servers in the core network

Andreas Witzel

The horizontally layered architecture introduced by Ericsson is playing a development subsequently progressed to-
key role in the migration from earlier architectures into third-generation ward frame relay, which was faster.
multiservice networks. These networks existed in parallel—each
A central element in the horizontally layered architecture is the network of them tailored to its own specific pur-
control layer. Here, control servers perform call and session control. pose—and were run by specific operators.
Although in the early days various national
In this article, which describes Ericsson’s move away from the tradi-
authorities controlled these operators, the
tional, vertically integrated networks, the author gives a broad overview of trend toward deregulation in Europe opened
the new architecture supplied by third-generation networks. He also up the market for many new network oper-
emphasizes the central network control layer and the control server relat- ators. It also unleashed fierce competition
ed to it, by giving detailed examples of typical traffic cases for the differ- between them.
ent domains in the network control layer. The deregulated market dropped prices for
telecommunication services and boosted the
number of subscribers and the volume of traf-
fic. However, the growth of the network has
Introduction been outrun by the growth of the Internet,
which started and grew as a network of its
However stable it was throughout earlier own, mainly built on computer connections
decades, the architecture of telecommuni- between different local area networks (LAN).
cation networks has become subject to pres- If we put all these factors together, it be-
sure in recent years. Not only are new de- comes clear that the existing networks are
mands being put on the network, but also a vertically oriented, with almost no synergies
changing environment and greater aware- or interworking between them.
ness on the part of users are forcing telecom- Now that the third generation of mobile
munication network architects to change systems has emerged, it has at last become
some fundamental concepts. possible to combine computing, communi-
The first step was taken in the early 1990s, cation and broadcasting technologies. Like
when the GSM standard emerged in Europe. the fixed telephone networks, digital mo-
Although mobile access had already been bile systems started off as a conveyor of the
available via various analog systems, GSM human voice. However, along with unlim-
was the first digital system that allowed ited mobility, the third-generation systems
roaming between different countries in Eu- will offer a broad range of information and
rope. Today, with the GSM standard spread multimedia services.
around the globe, worldwide GSM roaming If this is to be achieved in a way that is
is becoming commonplace. economically feasible, the vertical structure
The GSM network was introduced in par- of the network architecture cannot be main-
allel to the existing networks for fixed line tained; it must be replaced by horizontal lay-
access and cable TV. At the same time, net- ering, which represents a more generic ap-
works dedicated to packet data traffic also proach. By being one of the initiators of this
emerged. Starting with X.25 in early 1976, approach, Ericsson has succeeded in anchor-


3GPP Third-generation Partnership Project GTP-C Gateway tunneling protocol, control PSTN Public switched telephone network
AAA Authentication, authorization and GTP-U GTP user plane RADIUS Remote authentication dial-in user
accounting HSS Home subscriber server service
API Application program interface IB Interface board RANAP Radio access network application part
APN Access point name IMSI International mobile subscriber RTP Real-time transport protocol
BICC Bearer-independent call control identity SCS Service capability server
CAMEL Customized applications for mobile IP Internet protocol SDL Specification and description
network enhanced logic ISDN Integrated services digital network language
CSCF Call state control function ISP Internet service provider SGSN Serving GSN
DNS Domain name server MAP Mobile application part SIP Session initiation protocol
DPE Distributed processing environment MGCF Media gateway control function SMS Short message service
EIR Equipment identity register MGW Media gateway SMS-C SMS center
GCP Gateway control protocol MIP Mobile IP SSF Service switching function
(for example, H.248) MPB Multiprocessing board TSC Transit switching center
GGSN Gateway GSN MSC Mobile switching center UDP User datagram protocol
GMSC Gateway MSC OSA Open service architecture UMTS Universal mobile
GPB General processing board PDP Packet data protocol telecommunications system
GPRS General packet radio service PEB Power and Ethernet board VHE Virtual home environment
GSN GPRS support node POP Point of presence VLR Visitor location register

234 Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000

ing the concept of horizontal layering in the Application servers External services Content servers
ongoing standardization of 3GPP, due for
release 4 in March 2001. Application
The horizontally layered APIs
network architecture Control servers Control servers
In the horizontally layered network archi-
tecture (Figure 1), functionality and nodes Network control
are arranged in layers according to their spe- layer
cific areas of use. This separation into inde-
pendent layers, which is a key principle in GCP
modern networking, has been integrated networks
into several standardization initiatives such
as Megaco (in the IETF), Tiphon (in ETSI)
and the Multiservices Switching Forum Connectivity
(MSF) led by several large operators and layer
manufacturers. It is also an integral part of
3GPP. The layered concept of the network Media gateways Internet
architecture introduced with release 4 of the
3GPP specifications comprises three dis-
tinct layers:
Figure 1
• an application layer; Horizontally layered network architecture.
• a network control layer; and
• a connectivity layer.
The application layer
The application layer is where the end-user
applications reside. In modern networks,
applications are implemented in mobile ter-
minals and in dedicated application servers
in the network. The application servers are
often complemented with content servers,
which host service-related databases or li- Figure 2
The structure of the application layer.
braries (such as video-clip libraries or news
history databases).
Application support
Concepts such as the virtual home envi- servers
ronment (VHE) and open service architec-
Directory Customer support
ture (OSA) were developed in the 3GPP to management servers
allow operators to provide unique services. Application servers and end-user applications
Operators benefit from being able to differ- Service/ Customer
subscription care
entiate themselves from one another by pro- Application server management system
viding unique services, thus securing for
themselves a higher position in the value management Billing
chain. They also have the option of devel- system
oping these services themselves or of ob- service
taining them from third-party software Network
houses—they can even get external service Performance mgmnt
management system
providers to run them. This flexibility al-
lows the operator to choose from a huge port- Application layer
folio of services that it can offer its sub-
scribers. API interfaces
The application layer (Figure 2) interfaces
with the network control layer via a defined Service
set of open application program interfaces servers SMS-C positioning application gateway
center toolkit
(API). By using open APIs, application de-
velopers can make use of the features of stan-
Network control layer
dardized service capabilities, to design new
services and applications.

Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000 235




Network control layer
Circuit-switched IP multimedia
domain domain

Figure 3
Domains in the network control layer.

The network control layer multidomain entity. Because it contains all

The network control layer incorporates all subscriber data in the network control layer,
the functionality needed to provide seam- the HSS can handle authorization, authen-
less, high-quality services across different tication and location management queries
types of network. The different networks can from all domains.
be seen as a set of domains, each of which
houses control servers that are specific to a The connectivity layer
given network (Figure 3). The connectivity layer is a pure transport
Among the domains listed is the tradi- mechanism that is capable of transporting
tional circuit-switched domain based on the any type of information via voice, data and
GSM standard, which uses ISDN-related multimedia streams. Its backbone architec-
signaling. Also shown are the soon-to- ture incorporates core and edge equipment.
emerge packet-switched domain based on The core equipment transports aggregat-
GPRS technology, and the Internet multi- ed traffic streams between the different
media domain; both will be introduced in nodes at the edges of the backbone. As a rule,
release 5 of the 3GPP specifications in De- core equipment is a backbone router or back-
cember 2001. Other domains control access bone switch that handles traffic streams ei-
to the fixed network or the delivery of cable ther according to very simple classification
TV. principles, or according to routes that the
Generally speaking, the network control network operator has predefined by means
layer houses several different kinds of net- of traffic engineering.
work server. The servers are responsible for Edge equipment collects customer-
controlling mobility management, the set- specific data and statistics for accounting and
up and release of calls and sessions request- billing purposes, and provides the single bit-
ed by end-users, circuit-mode supplemen- pipes that guarantee an appropriate quality
tary services, security, and similar functions. of service. The edge equipment is usually a
These domains can be owned by various in- media gateway, which operates under the
dividual operators or wholly owned by a sin- full control of the nodes in the network con-
gle operator. trol layer. In addition, a media gateway al-
The home location register (HLR, known lows the bit streams to be processed, thus
from the GSM standard) is being integrat- providing coding/decoding of speech
ed into the home subscriber server (HSS). In streams, canceling echo, bridging multiple
contrast to the other control servers in the party calls, and converting transport proto-
domains, the HSS plays a central role in the cols. The nodes in the network control layer
network control layer and so becomes a also control these manipulations.

236 Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000

This exertion of control down to the bit- col (GCP). The control servers located in the
stream level allows the variety of services and circuit-switched domain are the mobile
applications implemented by the different switching center (MSC) server, the gateway
network control domains to be achieved via MSC server, and the transit switching cen-
a common connectivity layer. At the same ter (TSC) server.
time, the services and application are inde- In the packet-switched domain, we find
pendent of the transport technology ap- the serving GPRS support node (SGSN)
plied, which may be mixed or vary over time server. Note: the gateway GPRS support
as the network evolves. node (GGSN) is regarded as a network ele-
Connectivity-layer solutions can be based ment that handles the user-plane stream;
on either asynchronous transfer mode consequently, it is positioned as a special-
(ATM) transmission or Internet protocol ized media gateway in the connectivity
(IP) transmission (Figure 4). However, in layer.
the long run, the role of ATM as a transport Ericsson has recently defined the IP
technology is expected to diminish, leaving multimedia domain in 3GPP standardiza-
IP transmission as the predominant tech- tion. The call state control function (CSCF)
nology. server, which handles multimedia calls
based on the session initiation protocol
Control servers used in (SIP), is located in that domain.
UMTS MSC server
The MSC server, which is located in the
What is a control server? circuit-switched domain, handles control
A control server is a network element that layer functions related to circuit-mode com-
belongs to the network control layer. As munication services at the border between
mentioned above, the network control layer the access network and the core network. It
hosts a set of domains, and a control server hosts the following main functions:
can only occupy one domain. Control servers • Call-control and related supplementary
communicate with other control servers in services—the MSC server supports call-
the same domain by means of standard layer- control functionality as well as a compre-
3 protocols, such as ISUP and mobile ap- hensive set of supplementary services for
plication part (MAP). There is also some the teleservices and bearer services defined
inter-domain communication, but this can in GSM and UMTS.
be regarded as an exception to the rule. • CAMEL and IN services—the MSC serv-
A control server solely handles control er supports the integrated service switch-
communication—no user-plane streams ing function (SSF) entity as defined by the
pass through it. The user plane is located in customized applications for mobile net-
the connectivity layer and control servers work enhanced logic (CAMEL) specifica-
operate on it via the gateway control proto- tions of GSM and UMTS.

Figure 4
The connectivity layer, based on ATM or
IP transmission.

IP router
MGW ATM switches ATM


Connectivity layer MGW ATM

Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000 237

• Roaming—together with the HLR, the terface to the HLR in order to manage
MSC server supports roaming by sub- subscriber data, such as international mo-
scribers within the GSM network. Inter- bile subscriber identity (IMSI), sub-
system roaming allows the subscriber to scribed services, and so on.
roam from UMTS networks to GSM net- • Control signaling—the MSC server sup-
works and vice versa. The MSC server sup- ports the radio access network application
ports mobility management, thus en- part (RANAP) for control signaling over
abling mobile stations to attach/detach the RNC-MSC interface, so that radio ac-
and to roam within the UMTS network, cess bearers can be established and re-
between UMTS networks, and between leased. The MSC server also supports
UMTS and GSM networks. MAP signaling to the HLR and equip-
• Handover—the MSC server supports ment identity register (EIR). Further-
intra-MSC relocation for UMTS—that is, more, the ISDN and bearer-independent
the target RNC is connected to the same call control (BICC) protocols are used for
MSC server. The MSC server supports control signaling between the call-control
inter-MSC and intra-MSC handover from servers in the circuit-switched domain
UMTS to GSM so that the teleservices and and external integrated services digital
bearer services that are common to UMTS networks (ISDN).
and GSM can continue as the subscriber In addition to these functions, the MSC serv-
moves about. er houses the functionality of a GMSC and
• Media gateway control function—the TSC server.
MSC server supports the gateway control To illustrate the mechanisms in the net-
protocol (GCP) for controlling the circuit work control layer, it is best to analyze a typ-
handling functionality of the media gate- ical traffic case. Figure 5 shows the network
way. level view of a call originated from a mobile
• Integrated visitor location register (VLR) terminal. Let us assume that the mobile ter-
and subscriber data management—the minal is roaming in a UMTS access network
MSC server, which has built-in VLR func- using a WCDMA air interface—the mobile
tionality, supports the standardized in- terminal is already registered in the MSC

Figure 5
Example of a call originated from a mobile MGW selection Selecting MGW
and codec selection. with TDM trunks to the
terminal. Cotrol of speech coder external network
via GCP.
MSC server TSC server
Network control layer



Connectivity layer MGW

lu interface,
Conversion: Speech coder.
ATM to IP conversion: ISDN, PSTN
IP to TDM networks
IP transmission using RTP,
codec speech External interface

238 Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000

server, and the integrated VLR has fetched TSC server also receives the identity of the
and stored the subscriber data from the HSS. selected media gateway at the edge leading
When the mobile user initiates a call, the to the ISDN/PSTN. The TSC server must
MSC server receives a RANAP message. then select a media gateway with TDM
This message specifies the destination of the trunks to the requested destination. To min-
call and the type of service—for example a imize the use of network resources, the TSC
voice call. Taking into account the location selects a media gateway at the edge that leads
from which the call originates, the MSC to the ISDN/PSTN. This means that the
server selects a media gateway (located at the media gateway provides both the voice coder
edge) to the access network. and the TDM trunks in the same physical
It is the media gateway’s task to adapt the node, and is controlled by two control
access network to the core network. Adap- servers for the same call.
tation is required for the Finally the call set-up is extended to the
• conversion from ATM to IP (as the trans- external ISDN/PSTN where the called party
port technology); is located.
• conversion from ATM-based quality of
service (constant bit rate), to IP-based SGSN server
quality of service based on the differenti- The SGSN server, which is located in the
ated services (DiffServ) concept; and packet-switched domain, handles control
• conversion of the framing mechanism layer functions related to packet-mode com-
used at the Iu interface to standard IP munication services at the border between
framing based on the real-time transport the access network and the core network.
protocol (RTP). The SGSN server hosts the following main
To allow traffic engineering in the core net- functions:
work, the media gateway must select an ap- • session management—by session man-
propriate multiprotocol label-switching agement is meant the establishment,
(MPLS) path to the destination. To increase maintenance, and release of end-user
transmission efficiency, besides compress- packet data protocol (PDP) contexts. This
ing the lengthy RTP/UDP/IP header of the includes interworking with the GGSN for
voice sample, the media gateway can IP addresses. Session management also in-
multiplex several connections into one cludes functionality for establishing
MPLS path. WCDMA radio access bearers for end-
The MSC server selects a second media user IP data transportation, as well as
gateway according to the destination of the functionality for end-user QoS negotia-
call—that is, at the edge that leads to the tion.
external ISDN or public switched telephone • mobility management—by mobility
network (PSTN). In the media gateway, the management is meant the functionality
MSC server selects the voice coder hardware, that supports roaming within and be-
which allows coded speech to be transport- tween GSM and UMTS mobile net-
ed from the terminal up to the edge of the works.
core network. Coded speech consumes only • integrated VLR and subscriber data man-
one seventh as much bandwidth as pulse- agement—the SGSN server supports the
code-modulated (PCM) speech, thus saving standardized interface to the HLR in order
bandwidth in the transmission backbone to manage end-user subscriber data, such
network. as the international mobile subscriber
When it begins communicating with the identity (IMSI), quality-of-service profile,
TSC server, the MSC server controls two access point names, and so on.
media gateways. The BICC communication • integrated domain name server—the
protocol is used. This protocol is an evolved SGSN server supports an integrated do-
version of the ISDN protocol. In contrast to main name server (DNS) to find GGSN
the ISDN protocol, which is defined for IP addresses related to a given access point
time-division multiplexing (TDM) trunks, name (APN).
the BICC protocol allows any transmission • GGSN interface—the gateway tunneling
media to be used. protocol-control (GTP-C) supports con-
The TSC server owns the TDM logical trol signaling between SGSN servers and
trunks that lead to the external the GGSN. GTP-C is transported by
ISDN/PSTN. The physical trunks are also UDP/IP and contains functionality for
located in a media gateway. As it receives SGSN-to-GGSN tunnel management
the set-up request from the MSC server, the and control.

Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000 239

SGSN server

HSS Network control layer

Access Foreign agent
networks Mobile IP

Connectivity layer GGSN Home

MGW agent

Figure 6 ISP-POP
Example of PDP context activation initiat-
ed by a mobile terminal.

• MAP and RANAP control signaling— gateway at the edge facing the access net-
the SGSN server supports the RANAP work and orders it to create a GTP tunnel
protocol for control signaling over the transfer point. The media gateway sends a
RNC-SGSN interface for establishing request, via the GTP-C protocol, to the
and releasing radio access bearers. The GGSN, asking it to establish a GTP tunnel
SGSN server also supports MAP signal- and to allocate an IP address for the termi-
ing to the HLR, equipment identity reg- nal that will be used during the session.
ister (EIR), MSC server and SMS center The GGSN assigns a dynamic IP address,
(SMS-C). either from the range of IP addresses allo-
• media gateway control function—the cated to the public land mobile network
SGSN server supports the GCP protocol (PLMN), or from an external authentica-
for controlling the packet-handling func- tion, authorization and accounting (AAA)
tionality of the media gateway. server or remote authentication dial-in user
To illustrate the mechanisms in the network service (RADIUS) server. This IP address is
control layer, let us analyze a typical traffic returned to the SGSN server and, finally, the
case. Figure 6 shows the network level view GTP tunnel is established. As soon as the
of packet data protocol (PDP) context acti- PDP context activation is confirmed to the
vation initiated by a mobile terminal. Let us mobile terminal and the user’s own IP ad-
assume that the mobile terminal is roaming dress is received, IP-based communication
in a UMTS access network using the can start between the mobile user and the
WCDMA air interface. The mobile termi- external packet data network via the
nal has already been attached to GPRS in GTP user plane (GTP-U) tunnel.
the SGSN server, and the integrated VLR If global mobility is to be implemented
has fetched and stored the subscriber profile for roaming between various networks, the
from the HSS. mobile IP concept can be employed. To sup-
When the mobile user requests that a port global mobility, the GGSN must sup-
PDP context be activated, the SGSN server port “foreign-agent” functions. The corre-
receives a RANAP message. The message sponding “home agents” can be located any-
contains the requested QoS for the session where in the global Internet.
and the related access point name. The
SGSN server then identifies the target CSCF server
GGSN by checking the received access point The call/session control function (CSCF)
name (APN), and using the integrated do- server, which is located in the IP multi-
main name server (DNS), resolves the IP ad- media domain, handles control-layer func-
dress of the selected GGSN. tions related to SIP-based multimedia ses-
The SGSN server then selects a media sions. The CSCF server, which is currently

240 Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000

being defined by standards bodies, can host face. The mobile terminal is already attached
one or more of the following main functions: to GPRS in the SGSN server. We can also
• interrogating CSCF (I-CSCF)—the assume that the terminal has performed a
I-CSCF function interrogates an external SIP registration to the home network—that
location-service function to determine is, a serving CSCF server has been allocated
which CSCF is serving at a given time and to the terminal, and data relating to the user
acts as a SIP proxy firewall to fulfill net- profile has been fetched from the HSS and
work security and privacy functions; stored in the serving CSCF server.
• serving CSCF (S-CSCF)—the S-CSCF is When the mobile user wants to initiate a
the serving network element with which SIP call while roaming in another network,
subscribers register in order to be reached the GPRS bearer must first be established.
when roaming. It temporarily stores user- The network does this by activating a PDP
profile-related data, which is downloaded context, as described above.
from the HSS as registration takes place. When the GPRS tunnel has been estab-
The S-CSCF also triggers the call- and lished, a SIP message is sent to the proxy
session-related services to which the user CSCF server in the visited network. The
has subscribed; and proxy CSCF server is able to resolve the ad-
• proxy CSCF (P-CSCF)—the P-CSCF, dress of the subscriber’s home network and
which contains a very limited CSCF func- forward the SIP message.
tion, is the only Internet multimedia The SIP message enters the home network
function placed in the network being vis- in an interrogating CSCF server, whose task
ited; that is, when the subscriber’s unit is is to find the serving CSCF server in which
roaming outside of its home network. The the subscriber is currently registered. The
P-CSCF contains address translation interrogating CSCF server does this by send-
functions in order to proxy the session re- ing a query to the location service in the
quest directed at the I-CSCF in the home HSS.
network. When it receives a reply from the HSS,
To illustrate the mechanisms in the network the interrogating CSCF server forwards the
control layer, it is best to analyze a typical SIP message to the serving CSCF server,
traffic case. Figure 7 shows a SIP call from which acts as host to the call-control logic.
a mobile terminal to a fixed ISDN phone. Because the destination address is located in
Let us assume that the mobile terminal the fixed ISDN network, the SIP message is
roams to a network that provides UMTS forwarded to the ISDN gateway network,
packet access using the WCDMA air inter- which may be physically located in either

Figure 7
Example of a SIP call from a mobile termi-
Interrogating HSS nal to the ISDN.
MAP CSCF server Serving CSCF server
SIP Home network
server Proxy CSCF server SIP

Visited MGCF
ISDN gateway
GTP-C network



Connectivity layer networks

Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000 241

the home network or the visited network. thenticate and authorize users in the In-
Within the ISDN gateway network, a media ternet multimedia domain;
gateway control function (MGCF) converts • database—the database contains all rele-
the SIP message into appropriate ISDN vant information pertaining to mobile
messages and forwards them to the external subscribers, including dynamic data, such
ISDN network. as the subscriber location and the status
While the control signaling messages trav- of supplementary services, and permanent
el from the visited network via the home net- data, such as subscriber-associated num-
work to the ISDN network, the user-plane bers and category information. Authenti-
stream is sent directly from the GGSN in the cation and ciphering data for each mobile
visited network to the media gateway in the subscriber are also included;
ISDN gateway network, taking the shortest • administration support—this function
optimal path to the destination. The media handles the commands given by the oper-
gateway at the edge facing the external ISDN ator to connect mobile subscribers and to
network is controlled by the MGCF. define their corresponding subscriber data;
• analysis functions—analysis functions are
HSS used to analyze mobile subscriber num-
The HSS, which holds the master database bers, such as IMSI, MSISDN, and for-
for any given user, contains the subscrip- warded-to numbers; and
tion-related information necessary to sup- • mobile application part (MAP)—the MAP
port the network control layer entities’ han- receives messages and makes sure that the
dling of calls or sessions. For example, the appropriate action is taken. This consists
HSS provides support to the call-control of the call-handling part, which routes calls
servers, in order to complete the routing or that terminate in a mobile terminal, han-
roaming procedures, by handling authenti- dles mobility data and supplementary ser-
cation, authorization, naming and address- vice subscriber procedures, and analyzes
ing, and location dependencies. The HSS and handles bearer capabilities.
hosts the following main functions: The HSS is involved in almost all traffic cases
• location service—this function keeps of the different domains.
track of the domain in which a user is cur-
rently located. When the user is roaming
in the Internet multimedia domain, the
Control server platform
location service returns the identity of the
S-CSCF; MSC server
• AAA service—this function is used to au- The platform used for the MSC server, the
TSC server and the GMSC server is a con-
tinuation of Ericsson’s GSM MSC/VLR,
which is based on AXE technology. How-
ever, to cope with the demands that a pure
BOX B, THE APZ 30 CONCEPT control server is expected to meet, the AXE
platform is being streamlined for optimized
APZ 30 is Ericsson’s common architecture for APZ 302 configuration
the next generation of network servers and con- This is the TelORB configuration. It consists of
performance and characteristics:
troller nodes. This architecture TelORB3, which is a distributed operating sys- • the media gateway control function has
• ensures carrier-class in-service performance tem and middleware for real-time applications. been introduced and group switch hard-
on highly scalable hardware and software Thanks to TelORB mechanisms, processing ware has been removed;
components; capacity can be scaled linearly. The configura- • signaling connectivity has been improved
• supports open standards through the use of tion has been certified for use with 2 to 28 Pen-
common APIs and industry-standard devel- tium processors. Furthermore, TelORB is high- to support high-speed ATM and IP sig-
opment languages; ly available (zero downtime) and is an open naling interfaces;
• makes extensive use of off-the-shelf hard- system. Applications on TelORB can be written • a new CPU (APZ 212 40) has been in-
ware to give a high-value, future-proof invest- in Java and C++. TelORB runs on Pentium troduced that is based on open commer-
ment; and processors.
• secures a common user-interface and hard-
cial products;
ware structure for a wide range of network APZ 303 configuration • parallel code execution on multiple CPUs
nodes. This is the NSP/Ronja/DPE configuration. It con- is targeted for the near future; and
The purpose of APZ 30 is to allow each applica- sists of Ronja, which is middleware that (with • a new design environment has been in-
tion to be written in the most suitable program- the DPE component) merges the advantages of troduced that is based on the specification
ming language, and to be run in the most suitable high availability, distribution and scalability. The
environment on the most appropriate hardware. application, which is written in Java, runs on and description language (SDL) standard
Common interfaces and hardware ensure optimal Solaris. Ronja/DPE and Solaris run on SPARC of ITU-T.
synergies between applications, besides facilitat- processors.
ing business with satisfied customers. SGSN server

242 Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000

The SGSN server is built on the APZ 303 • equipment shelves with a switched Eth- TRADEMARKS
platform. The physical enclosure is a cab- ernet backplane;
inet with subracks, fans and air-inlet • processor boards with or without hard Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems,
units. disks and loading media; Inc. in the United States and other countries.
The processor and interface boards can • operating system and support software;
host different functions, realized through • high-performance, real-time transaction All SPARC trademarks are used under license
and are trademarks or registered trademarks
the assembly of different computing mod- software and database; and of SPARC International, Inc. in the United
ules. The boards are mounted in slots in the • O&M functionality. States and other countries. Products bearing
backplane of the subrack. SPARC trademarks are based upon an archi-
The backplane of the subrack distributes tecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
power and handles internal connections.
Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Cor-
Dual high-capacity connections facilitate The horizontally layered architecture allows poration in the U.S. and other countries.
communication between subracks. The network operators to evolve their systems
backplane provides redundant power distri- with the highest flexibility—a key benefit
bution and a redundant network for board now, when the industry’s future seems more
interconnections. and more difficult to foresee.
The device board can carry different The network control layer, which is the
processor modules and interfaces. It is a central layer in the horizontally layered ar-
generic and stable platform for present and chitecture, houses different domains; the
future designs. Generally, the device board control servers are specific to the “control-
is very flexible and allows for many differ- ling” domains. As new technology becomes
ent configurations: available, networks can be upgraded with,
• general processing board, GPB—supports say, a control domain for packet switching,
high capacity processors. The GPB has an or for SIP-based IP multimedia.
on-board disk for secondary storage. All control domains reuse a common
• multiprocessing board, MPB—handles transport mechanism that optimizes the use
protocols on level 3 and above. of transport resources. Reuse allows for dif-
• interface board, IB—mainly handles in- ferent transport technologies—both exist-
terface-specific protocol termination. ing and new—to be deployed without af-
Many variants are available, such as STM- fecting any layer other than the ones on
1, E1 and T1. which they are applicable.
• power and Ethernet board, PEB—sup- All control domains share a generic in-
plies power and handles internal commu- terface to the application layer. Services and
nication. applications can be developed and imple-
The middleware consists of Ronja5, a type mented once and then reused by all the con-
of portable Java middleware for telecom ap- trol domains, independent of the connec-
plications, and an integrated distributed tivity technology that may be applied.
processing environment (DPE).

CSCF server
The CSCF server, which is under develop-
ment on the APZ 303 platform, is based on
the open Solaris operating system that exe-
cutes on commercially available SPARC
CPUs. The middleware consists of Ronja 1 Dahlin, S and Örnulf, E.: Network evolution
and an integrated distributed processing en- the Ericsson way. Ericsson Review Vol.
76(1999):4, pp. 174-181.
vironment. 2 Architectural Principles for Release 2000,
3GPP technical report TR 23.821
HSS 3 Hennert, L. and Larruy, A.: TelORB—The
The HSS is under development on the APZ distributed communication operating sys-
tem, Ericsson Review Vol. 76(1999):3, pp.
302 platform. It contains a highly scalable, 156-167.
real-time database cluster for handling 4 Fyrö, M.; Heikkinen; K.; Petersen, L-G. and
high-performance, transaction-oriented ap- Wiss, P.:Media gateway for mobile net-
plications. The processing hardware is a works. Ericsson Review Vol. 77(2000):4, pp.
cluster of loosely coupled CPUs, which pro- 216-223.
5 IP Multimedia Subsystem Stage 2, 3GPP
vide excellent scalability from very small technical specification 3G TS 23.228
systems up to large clusters of several dozen 6 Karlson, M.: Ronja—A Java application plat-
CPUs. The main building blocks of the HSS form. Ericsson Review Vol. 77(2000):4,
are pp. 244-247.

Ericsson Review No. 4, 2000 243

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