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• Papaya is one fruit that has benefits for heart health.
Papayas are high in vitamin C and lycopene, substances that help
reduce the risk of heart disease. Papaya also contains antioxidants
that can increase the effect of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.
• Papaya fruit contains a variety of nutrients that are good for the
body, such as:
Vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and
vitamin K.
• Mangosteen fruit contains several nutrients with antioxidant capacity, such
as vitamin C and folate. In addition, the mangosteen fruit can also provide
xanthones, a unique type of plant compound known to have strong
antioxidant properties.
• Based on the nutritional contents above, some of the benefits stored in the
mangosteen fruit are:
 Helps lose weight.
 Control blood sugar levels.
 Boost the immune system.
 Maintain skin health.
 Prevent cancer.
 Relieves arthritis.
 Maintain heart health.

• Not only the fruit, mangosteen peel is also known to be efficacious to treat
various diseases to inhibit the growth of cancer. This is because the
mangosteen rind is an excellent source of antioxidants.
• Pineapple contains antioxidants, which are molecules that help the body
fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radicals interact with the
body's cells and cause damage associated with chronic inflammation,
a weakened immune system, and dangerous diseases.
• Pineapple itself is a tropical fruit that knows no seasons. Behind the sharp
skin, pineapple has nutritional content and is rich in vitamins. Then, what
are the benefits of pineapple?
 Rich in nutrition
 Antioxidant
 Smooth digestion
 Reduce cancer risk
 Increase immunity
 Relieve arthritis symptoms
 Speed ​up post-surgery recovery
 So the diet menu
 Boost immunity
• What are the vitamins for durian?
Durian fruit secretly contains a fairly high antioxidant. Not only
that, in 100 grams of this fruit contains about 27 grams of
carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, 1.5 grams of protein, 5 grams
of fat, 44 IU of vitamin A, 20 mg of vitamin C, 30 mg of
magnesium, 39 mg of phosphorus and other minerals.
• Durian contains 436 mg of potassium in 1 durian fruit. This
potassium content can help the body in maintaining healthy
muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels, as well as lowering
high blood pressure.
• Besides being rich in vitamins, durian, which is known as the
king of fruits, also has an antioxidant effect. Antioxidants play
an important role in counteracting free radicals, which are
molecules that can damage cells in the body.
• Ambarella fruit functions as a natural antioxidant. The content of
vitamin C from kedondong fruit helps in tissue repair and maintains
the skin. Ambarella fruit also increases collagen production and
improves skin beauty. Ambarella is also used to treat skin diseases.
• Ambarella fruit contains vitamins C, B, and A which are needed by
the body. In addition, this fruit also contains important minerals such
as iron and phosphorus which can prevent various diseases.
• Due to its diverse nutritional content, Ambarella can provide various
health benefits, including:
Increase body immunity.
Reduce the risk of heart disease.
Maintain eye health.
Facilitate digestion.
Maintain skin health.
Lose weight.
• Because it contains many nutrients, it's no wonder that rambutan
fruit can provide extraordinary benefits for health, including:
Launch the digestive system.
Strengthen body resistance.
Maintain heart health.
help lose weight.
Maintain bone health.
Reduces the appearance of cancer.

• Rambutan fruit also contains magnesium, folate, zinc, choline, and

various other vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin B. Rambutan
fruit is also rich in various antioxidants, such as anthocyanins,
phenolic compounds, and flavonoids.
• Snake fruit contains natural vitamin C which has properties to
repair body cells, boost the immune system, and ward off free
• Here are 10 benefits of snake fruit as quoted from the Health
Benefit Times:
Eye health. The benefits of snake fruit are apparently quite
good for eye health.
Digestive health.
Memory booster.
Control blood sugar levels.
Cardiovascular health.
Maintain stamina.
• Efficacy and Benefits of Bananas
Source of Carbohydrates and Vitamin A. Bananas are rich in
vitamins and fiber.
Bananas Smooth Metabolism. No need for medicine.
Increase Immunity.
Streamlining the Flow of Oxygen to the Brain.
Overcoming Anemia.
Lose weight.
Healthy Bones.
Bananas as "Mood Food“.
• Can star fruit lower blood pressure?
In addition to potassium, the benefits of star fruit for lowering
high blood pressure are also obtained from the pectin content
in it. Pectin is a type of fiber that can help keep blood pressure
normal. Although the amount is not much, star fruit also
contains calcium and magnesium.
• The following are some of the benefits of star fruit for the
health of the body that you need to know:
Lose weight.
Controlling blood sugar levels.
Strengthens the immune system.
Relieves stomach ache.
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Watermelon contains a lot of what vitamins?
Maintain eye health. Watermelon contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and
the antioxidant lycopene. These three nutrients are known to
improve eye health and prevent the risk of decreased vision due to
age factors, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
• What are the benefits of watermelon for beauty?
Benefits of watermelon for facial skin beauty
Natural toner. Watermelon has natural substances that can make
your skin fresh.
Prevent premature aging.
Moisturizes the skin.
Reduces excess oil on facial skin.
Rejuvenate skin.
Acne medication.
• If you regularly use aloe vera, here are a myriad of benefits that
you can get:
Prevents Signs of Aging.
Wound Healer.
Effectively Moisturizing Skin.
Soothes and Hydrates the Skin.
Reduces Stretch Marks.
Reduces Inflammation or Inflammation.
Reduces Dandruff.
Natural Detoxification Media.

• The tropical fruit products we displayed are fresh fruits. Not all
the fruits displayed are ready. Due to the seasonal factors of
fruits, please consult us first.

• If you need other fresh fruits, you can consult us, we are always
at your service.
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• Address : Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum, Epiwalk Office Suite A501
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12940

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