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When a fluid is flowing through a pipe, it experiences some resistance due to which some of energy
(head) of fluid is lost. Energy loss through friction in the length of pipeline is commonly termed the
major loss (hf) which is the loss of head due to pipe friction and to viscous dissipation in flowing water.
The resistance to flow in a pipe is a function of the pipe length, pipe diameter, mean velocity, properties
of the fluid and roughness of the pipe (if the flow is turbulent), but it is independent of pressure under
which the water flows.


To confirm the expression

4𝑓𝑙𝑣 𝑛
ℎ𝑓 =

and determine the values of f and n.


1. Pipe
2. U tube manometer
3. Apparatus for measuring flow


1. Two points a distance l apart were connected to a U tube manometer which contains a red
gauge fluid.
2. The pipe was connected to a constant head tank and water allowed to flow at its maximum rate
by turning the valve.
3. The reading on the gauge was noted and the discharge determined by collecting water in a
measuring cylinder over a timed interval.
4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until 12 sets of readings are obtained by approximately reducing the
head by constant intervals.


Diameter of the pipe, d = 6.25mm

Length of pipe in consideration, l = 2m

h1 h2 V t
(cm) (cm) (cm3) (s)
119.5 54.0 960 20.12
117.1 56.5 880 18.86
115.1 58.7 740 16.85
113.1 60.7 600 14.49
111.1 62.4 510 12.60
109.1 64.3 440 10.71
107.1 66.3 320 8.64
105.1 68.3 240 6.78
103.1 70.2 190 5.99
101.1 71.6 160 4.71
99.1 73.8 120 3.67
97.1 75.8 50 2.10


-The head loss in terms of water is obtained by,

ℎ𝑓 = ℎ𝑚 (𝑠 − 1)

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑚 = ℎ1 − ℎ2

h1 h2 hm=h1-h2 hf=hm(s-1)
(cm) (cm) (m) (m)
119.5 54 0.655 1.2838
117.1 56.5 0.606 1.18776
115.1 58.7 0.564 1.10544
113.1 60.7 0.524 1.02704
111.1 62.4 0.487 0.95452
109.1 64.3 0.448 0.87808
107.1 66.3 0.408 0.79968
105.1 68.3 0.368 0.72128
103.1 70.2 0.329 0.64484
101.1 71.6 0.295 0.5782
99.1 73.8 0.253 0.49588
97.1 75.8 0.213 0.41748
-The velocity v is obtained by,

𝑄 𝑉 ⁄𝑡
𝑣= =

V t Q v
(cm3) (s) (m3/s) x 10-5 (m/s)
960 20.12 4.77137 1.5552
880 18.86 4.66596 1.5209
740 16.85 4.39169 1.4315
600 14.49 4.14079 1.3497
510 12.6 4.04762 1.3193
440 10.71 4.10831 1.3391
320 8.64 3.7037 1.2072
240 6.78 3.53982 1.1538
190 5.99 3.17195 1.0339
160 4.71 3.39703 1.1073
120 3.67 3.26975 1.0658
50 2.1 2.38095 0.7761

-Analyzing the expression

4𝑓𝑙𝑣 𝑛 4𝑓𝑙
ℎ𝑓 = 2𝑑𝑔
= 𝐾𝑣 𝑛 where 𝐾 = 2𝑑𝑔

log ℎ𝑓 = 𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑣 + log 𝐾 (y=mx + c)

-n is obtained as the gradient from the graph of log hf against log v.

-Log K is obtained as the y- intercept from the graph of Log Q against log h.
Graph log hf against log v

0.1 y = 1.7414x - 0.2482

R² = 0.9113
-0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
log hf




log v

-From the graph n = 1.7414 and log K = -0.2482

-Therefore K=0.5647

𝐾 = 2𝑑𝑔

0.5647 =
2 × 0.00625 × 9.81

𝑓 = 8.656 × 10−3


𝑛 = 1.7414

𝑓 = 8.656 × 10−3 = 0.0087


- The friction factor was obtained as 0.0087 is within the recommended limits (0.90-0.99).
- Source of error in the experiment may include:
1. Failing to account for change in manometric reading for the flow through the pipes
before and after taking of readings of volumetric measurements.
2. Reading errors when taking manometric readings and volume readings.
3. Lack of synchrony between stopwatch operations and taking of volumetric
- The friction factor represents the loss of pressure of a fluid in a pipe due to the interactions in
between the fluid and the pipe. The friction factor is important in many pipe flow calculations.
- The friction factor depends on the flow’s Reynolds number and the pipe’s relative roughness.


-The head loss experiment helped us understand the head loss in pipe flow and to define relationships
between the head loss and the dimensions of the pipe. The experiment gave us a real understanding of
the Darcy-Weisbach equation. All the objectives were achieved but many errors were encountered
during the experiment and thus affected results.


- Experiments in Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines: Theory and Procedures, by M. N. Shesha

- A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, by Dr. R.K. Bansai
- University of Nairobi hydraulics laboratory manual

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