Solution For Pollution: Waste Management

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Solution for Pollution
Waste Management


Solutions: Waste Management
All the data has been collected from various authentic sources suggested by National Solid Waste
Association of India.

National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI) is the only leading professional non-profit
organization in the field of Solid Waste Management including Toxic and Hazardous Waste and also
Biomedical Waste in India

They have given reference of some nongovernmental organizations like –

 Morarka Foundation
 Clean India
 Indian Environmental Society
 Tata Energy Research Institute
 India habitat
 International Solid Waste Association etc.

1.Social Awareness and training Programmes-

Today most of our towns and cities are unable to cope with the rapid pace of urbanisation. People do not
understand that it is their right to clean water to drink, clean air to breathe, proper housing, education and health.
We also shun our responsibility of keeping our environment clean. It is an acceptable fact that no government can
keep cities clean by mere enforcement of environmental laws. Public co-operation and participation is vital for
cleaner and greener cities.

We lead the way

" The child is the father of man " and thus a powerful agent of education. We must realizes
the enormous potential hidden in the students and youth group which is capable of
changing the world. The programmes must aim to mobilize community responsibility for
environmental assessment and improvement in all major towns and cities of India.

2.Adopt A Slum
Slums are a common feature of most urban cities in the country. They give shelter to people with
poor economic conditions and the migrant population. They are characterized by lack of education,
high density of population, unhygienic environment and sanitation, poor health and other

Through "Adopt A Slum"

project we can aim to
involve schools, colleges
etc in the betterment of
urban slums ensuring
sanitation, health care,
better environment and
integrated development.
It should also aim to
create awareness
regarding the status and
problems of the urban
slums among students. Student interacting with community
The students should do various activities in the slums like literacy campaigns, sourcing them with
old books. Projects should be implemented in these places like composting, paper recycling, etc., as
these would improve not only the environment but also their income. Other activities like the clean
up drives, getting eco - lavatories constructed, planting fruit bearing trees, etc. are taken up
gradually and as per the need.


Wastes are variety of materials that are no longer required by people. We usually call this
garbage. Waste is a natural by-product of any process on Earth and cannot be avoided.
Nature reuses all of its by-products, with no waste in the end. What is waste for one is
useful for another. For example dead leaves decompose to provide nutrients to plants and
oxygen released from trees is used by us.

We humans, however, have disturbed this balance by bringing in new problems such as
toxic and non-degradable wastes and even nuclear wastes into the environment. Even
‘normal’ solid waste is now a problem because there is too much of it. 
Studies show that on an average, each person in urban areas produces half a kilogram of
garbage each day. This doesn’t include the garbage we make indirectly - through industry,
agriculture and mining. Twenty per cent of Indians live in urban areas. This calculates to
more than 36 million tons of garbage each year in cities alone !

With the objective of managing the waste locally through simple techniques, natural
composting, vermicomposting, paper recycling and Reuse Society should be a part of

Composting is, in the broadest terms, the biological reduction of organic wastes to humus.
Whenever a plant / animal dies, its remains are attacked by soil micro-organisms and are
reduced to an earthlike substance that is beneficial for the growth of plant (roots). This
process is repeated universally and continuously in every part of the world, and is a part
of the wheel of life.

Two methods of Composting are

Vermicomposting and Natural Composting.

Natural Composting

In natural composting, the waste decomposes with the aid of other factors such as insects,
worms and tiny microbes. This is possible in small institutions/households, irrespective of
the amount of waste they generate. They can decompose all their garden waste easily by
alternatively layering a pit ( 1 m deep, 1 m wide and 1 m.long, as per convenience) with
the waste and soil.. The compost thus generated can be used in lawns and gardens as a
substitute for manure, thus saving the cost of fertilizers.


This is the process through which we can convert biodegradable waste into rich humus by
using earthworms. After an earthworm ingests organic matter, the matter undergoes
chemical changes and what comes out is a rich plant food. This makes our soil fertile and
plants stronger. Then we need not buy chemical fertilisers..             

4.Re-Use Society

What is waste for you, is wealth for somebody else. There has been a tradition in India of
finding an innovative use for every thing: - tyres, battery cases, plastic bins and what not.
A similar thing is started in School which saves both the environment and money in the
bargain, in addition to inculcating in students a habit of not discarding things

Apart from making innovative things from discarded things in the Crafts Period, two
major activities are suggested to the school under the Reuse Society. The first activity is to
exchange books and even notes at the beginning of each academic session. Students of a
senior class give the books to the students of a junior class and, in turn, receive books from
the senior section, and a chain is established throughout the school. This way a lot of
paper and consequently trees can be saved.

The next major activity in the Reuse Society is to donate books and outgrown clothes, toys,
etc. The books / story books /comics that have been read and re-read, the clothes and
shoes that have outgrown, are collected in schools/colleges and given to the less
fortunate children of the society. Such collection is presented to Child Welfare
organizations, slums, orphanages etc.  

5.Paper recycling and paper machine

Saving Paper is Saving trees!! It takes 17 full grown trees to make one tonne of paper. 

So how about saving

paper, reusing used
paper, recycling and in
turn saving trees, energy,
water, chemicals utilised
in paper making and also
reducing garbage.

The best way to learn
how recycled paper is
made, is to make it
Students recycling paper on 
yourself. So why not give TARA paper recycling plant
it a try.

What will you need for paper recycling ?

 Waste paper or old newspapers

 A blender / mixer
 Five cups of water
 A big square pan (or a large dissection tray ) that’s atleast 3 inches deep.
 A piece of window screen (mesh / sieve / jali ) that fits inside the pan.
 A flat piece of wood the size of a newspaper’s front page.
 A measuring cup
 Fenugreek ( methi ) seeds soaked for a few hours.

How to make recycled paper ?

1. Tear the newspaper / waste paper into small pieces. Soak them for 10 - 12 hours
in water.
2. Put the soaked paper into the blender / mixer. Also put the soaked methi seeds in
3. Close the blender with its lid.
4. Switch on the blender / mixer for a few seconds till the paper is turned into pulp.
5. In the pan pour about one inch of plain water.
6. Pour the blended paper pulp into a measuring cup.
7. Put the screen into the pan.
8. Pour one cup of blended paper pulp over the screen.
9. Spread the pulp evenly in the water with your fingers.
10. Lift the screen and let the water drain.
11. Open a newspaper section to the middle.
12. Place the screen with the pulp on one side of the newspaper.
13. Close the newspaper.
14. Carefully flip over the newspaper section so that the screen is on top of the pulp.
This step is very important.
15. Place the wooden board on top of the newspaper and press to squeeze out excess
16. Open the newspaper and take out the screen.
17. Leave the newspaper open on a flat surface for atleast 24 hours.
18. The next day check to see if the paper is dry.
19. If the paper is dry, carefully peel it off the newspaper.
20. With scissors or paper cutter , trim the edges.

How to make the paper colorful?

To obtain colored paper, you can add natural coloring agents, like turmeric powder (haldi)
, flowers of Semul, Flame of the Forest, Harshingar, etc. in step 3.

Dried leaves and petals of flowers (like marigold petals) can also be stuck on the wet
surface of the paper in step 17.

Thus garbage problem can be reduced by recycling one’s paper .......... and buying recycled


What will you need for paper machine?

Waste Paper (1kg), Glue, Methi seeds (fenugreek),2 tablespoons oil, sieve, paints, dried
flowers, moulds of articles,   

How to make Paper Machie ?

1. Tear the waste paper into small pieces. Soak it in a bowl of water so that it is
completely soaked. 
2. Put the soaked paper into the blender / mixer and blend into a homogeneous pulp.
Also put the soaked methi seeds in it. This can also be mashed with hands or a
grinding stone.
3. Remove the excess water from the pulp and add a few drops of gum to the pulp
and mix. 
4. This is ready to take any desired shape. Spread the pulp evenly on any oil smeared
bowl or other shape and let it dry for 24 hours. 
5. Remove the dried material with a knife or spatula. You will get another bowl, made
of paper. 
6. You can paint the article with suitable colors. While it is still wet , dried flowers
can be stuck on to the wet surface.
6.The SIX R’s

You should REFUSE :

 Polybags and carry your own cloth/jute bag when you go shopping. Every time
you use a cloth bag you save a polybag.

 mini sachets of shampoos, etc. and go in for products with big packing.

 Over-wrapped products like individually wrapped biscuits or cheese slices. This

unnecessary plastic will sit in landfills for 100's of years. 

 any disposable item which needs to be thrown after one time use like disposable
razors, pens.

 Disposable plastic or Styrofoam cups and plates and use steel or porcelain cutlery.
For disposable cutlery use ‘donas’ or plates made from leaves and ‘khullars’ or
earthen glasses. They are biodegradable and give employment to our rural people. 

 Cold drink cans or PET bottles and demand cold drinks in glass bottles.

 to buy more and more new clothes and shoes before existing ones are outgrown or
worn up, just because there is a discount sale or your friend has it.

You should REDUCE :

 mineral water bottles and carry your own water when ever you travel.

 aluminum foil to wrap your food.

 use of paper bags

 thermocol, plastic for packaging and even for making your school projects.

You can REPLACE :

 polybags with cloth or jute bags.

 aluminum foils with cloth napkin

 tissue paper with cloth handkerchief

You can  REUSE :

 packaging of bread, biscuits, tea as foil for packing your food.

 glass and plastic containers for storing your things. 

 the soft drinks polybottles for storing water.

 outgrown clothes, unused toys by giving to unprivileged children.

 books after each academic year by giving them to juniors and taking books from
seniors. But remember to keep your books in good condition so that they may be

 old calendar paper for covering books. 

 gift wrappers for packing gifts or even covering books. 

 one sided paper, envelopes for rough work.

You can REPAIR or get repaired 

 Your bicycle, watch, toys, torches, music system, furniture...   

and use it longer instead of throwing them away and getting new ones.

You can RECYCLE :

 paper

 metal

 glass

 thermocol

 certain plastics .....

         ...... by segregating and giving them to ragpickers or kabadiwala

 biodegradable waste of kitchen by composting

 if you cannot compost, vegetable peels can be fed to animals. 

Whatever garbage is left should not be thrown anywhere but ONLY into the municipal bin
as the collection is generally done from there.

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