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Anatomy of Construction Disputes

Sai On Cheung, F.ASCE1; and Karen Hoi Yan Pang2

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Abstract: Disputes have been identified as one of the epidemics of the construction industry. Many studies have found that risks, uncer-
tainties, inadequate contract documentation, and behavioral factors are notable dispute sources. Many have described disputes with reference
to the subject matter. This approach is pragmatic but has not yet lead to any form of conceptualization. The study contributes to the con-
struction dispute research domain in (1) proposing an anatomy of construction disputes, (2) identifying the key factors contributing to the
happening of construction disputes, and (3) providing an example on the use of the anatomy through a dispute occurrence likelihood evalu-
ation exercise. The proposed anatomy distinguishes two types of construction dispute: contractual and speculative. Contract incompleteness
is the root cause and underpins both types of construction disputes. In addition, task and people factors fuel contractual and speculative
disputes, respectively. The proposed anatomy is arranged under a fault-tree framework whereby the events are linked by logic gates. In this
format, construction participants could understand how these events contribute to the occurrence likelihood of disputes. As an illustration, a
web-based assessment tool was developed to collect occurrence likelihood assessments of dispute artifacts. The fuzzy occurrence likelihood
of construction disputes was then computed. The dispute occurrence likelihood evaluation exercise supports the observation that construction
disputes are inevitable. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000532. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Construction industry; Dispute resolution; Risk management.
Author keywords: Construction dispute; Fuzzy occurrence likelihood; Web technology.

Introduction development of the anatomy is then detailed. An evaluation of

occurrence likelihood of construction disputes is used to illustrate
Construction projects face enormous uncertainties and the contract an application of the proposed anatomy.
is unavoidably incomplete in terms of the inability to incorporate
provisions to deal with all the possible contingencies. Joint efforts
are needed in such situations to solve the problems that may arise. Functional Analysis of Construction Contracts
Any unresolved issue arising there, which may become a dispute, is
one of the most damaging relationship destroyers in construction In its most basic form, a contract serves to restate the intentions
contracting. In addition, the commonly used competitive tendering of the contracting parties. That includes setting out the proce-
system encourages awarding contracts to the lowest bid. Very often, dures to facilitate accomplishing the project intents (Hughes and
the contractor behaves opportunistically in an attempt to recoup the Greenwood 1996). Moreover, to deal with the uncertainties during
deficit stemming from the cutthroat bids through postcontract the construction stage of projects, conditions of contract have be-
claims. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for clients to refuse to come more and more complex and highly elaborated with the aim
give fair compensation to contractors even though there are legiti- of having provisions to deal with all possible contingencies and
mate causes, thus offering the perfect recipe for a dispute. Many their effects. In this regard, contract clauses can be analyzed in
have described disputes with reference to the subject matter. This terms of their functions. As presented in Fig. 1, concentric circles
approach is pragmatic but does not lead to any form of conceptu- are used to illustrate the evolving and progressive relationships
alization. This study aims to provide an alternative approach to among the essential provisions of construction contracts.
describe construction disputes by proposing an anatomy. This The innermost circle of Fig. 1 represents the core of all construc-
paper is organized as follows: A functional analysis of construction tion contracts: stipulating the obligations of the contracting parties.
contracts is first outlined to highlight the role of dispute resolution Changes are considered necessary and unavoidable in all construc-
in construction contracts. The fault-tree (FT) methodology that tion projects. To plan for such eventualities, provisions for instruct-
is used to frame the proposed anatomy is introduced. The ing variations, acceleration, and postponement together with the
corresponding time and monetary adjustments have to be incorpo-
Professor, Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit, Dept. of rated. Thus the layer next to the central core is the adjustment layer.
Civil and Architectural Engineering, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 83 Tat The dotted line is used to reflect the adjustment characteristic.
Chee Ave., Hong Kong (corresponding author). E-mail: saion.cheung@ According to Macneil (1975), planning for performance should take care of the obligations, ways to facilitate, and recognize such
Member, Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit, Dept. of completion. Measures such as supervision, inspection, testing,
Civil and Architectural Engineering, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee surety, and insurance are meant to control and facilitate the accom-
Ave., Hong Kong.
plishment of the project intents. Certificates are used to signify the
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 27, 2011; approved on
January 20, 2012; published online on September 16, 2012. Discussion
successful discharging by the contractor of its obligations. Control
period open until June 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for and approval reside on the third layer from the center. The outer-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engi- most layer is for the remedies available to the contracting parties for
neering and Management, Vol. 139, No. 1, January 1, 2013. © ASCE, ISSN default of performance. Thus circumstances on which the parties
0733-9364/2013/1-15-23/$25.00. can determine the contract are typically listed together with the


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

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Fig. 1. Functional analysis of construction contract

respective rights and obligations. Moreover, determination by The second and third columns of Table 2 list the dispute factors
either party is seldom unchallenged. One common contention in and the references for step 2. This study employs a fault-tree
such disagreement is the interpretation of the stipulated perfor- methodology to frame the proposed anatomy. An FT model uses
mance requirements. The dispute resolution provision is in place a bottom-up approach to analyze failure. In an FT model, basic
for such a gap-filling function (Macneil 1975). Although dispute events are at the bottom of the tree and need no further develop-
resolution is often regarded as a stand-alone provision, its use is ment; the top event represents the final result from the combina-
in fact intrinsically related to the operations of the provisions in tion of events at various levels and linked by logic gates; AND and
the preceding layers. OR are the common logic gates used to depict the possible com-
bination and sequences of events that contribute to the undesired
top event. Therefore, with a fault-tree methodology, the relation-
Methodology ships between events can be systematically arranged with respect
to hierarchical causal order. Fault-tree analysis serves to identify
There are three methodological steps involved in the development the weakest part of a system and in this study provides an
of an anatomy of a construction dispute: analytical way to identify the critical components contributing
1. Identifying dispute artifacts; to the occurrence of a construction dispute. In construction,
2. Conceptualizing the identified artifacts into an anatomy of fault-tree analysis has been applied in performance assessment
construction dispute; and (Pan 2006) and construction method selection (Pan 2008). Step
3. Validating the anatomy. 3 involved the input of the expert panel in refining the anatomy.
The authors completed the first two steps and came up with an The panel offered advice on eliminating duplications and noncriti-
initial anatomy that was then commented on by an expert panel cal artifacts as well as adding back omissions. The anatomy of a
composed of 24 experts including experienced lawyers, claim construction dispute in an FT format that has been endorsed by the
consultants, and senior construction professionals (Table 1). All expert panel is shown in Fig. 2.
panel members have at least 10 years of working experience in the
construction industry; indeed, the majority have over 20 years of
working experience. Collectively, the panel provides a balanced
Toward an Anatomy of Construction Disputes
perspective of major key stakeholders in construction. In this re-
gard, the wealth of knowledge possessed by the panel contributes The bottommost level of a fault tree lists the basic events
significantly to the authenticity of the proposed anatomy. (i.e., dispute artifacts) and the top event is the failure (i.e., construc-
For the identification of dispute artifacts (step 1), most literature tion disputes). Forty-six dispute artifacts are retained at Level 5.
on construction discusses dispute at the factor level (Level 4, Fig. 2). These are arranged in eight factors at Level 4 and further organized
as three factor groups (Level 3). Construction disputes (Level 1) are
categorized as either contractual or speculative (Level 2).
Table 1. Characteristics of Expert Panel Most literature on construction disputes discusses dispute-
Company Number contributing factors (Level 4). Working down the FT structure,
these factors are further operationalized by incorporating observ-
Construction law firm 6
able artifacts to enrich the anatomy. Working up the FT structure,
Claim consultant 2
Developer 3 it is proposed that these eight factors can further be categorized
Engineering consultant 2 into factor groups. Each of these factor groups is discussed
Quantity surveying consultant 5 subsequently.
Contractor 6
Working experience Number
Over 25 years 10 Contract Incompleteness
20–25 years 7 Contract incompleteness is one of the three factor groups of con-
15–20 years 3 struction dispute contributors. Risk allocation in a construction
10–15 years 4
contract is inequitable when the client shifts all or most risks to


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Top Event Category Factor Group Factor Artifact


Risk &

Task factor
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dispute CA1

Ambiguity CA2


Contract CF2
dispute incompleteness

Inconsistency CC2


Speculative Defectiveness



People factor PA1

Affective conflict


Fig. 2. FT model for a construction dispute

Table 2. Factor and Factor Groups of Construction Disputes

Factor group Factor References
Task factor Collaborative conflict Hewit 1991; Diekmann et al. 1994; Heath et al. 1994; Semple et al. 1994; Bristow and Vasilopoulous
1995; Conlin et al. 1996; Kumaraswamy 1997; Acharya et al. 2006
Risk and uncertainty Semple et al. 1994; Bristow and Vasilopoulous 1995; Diekmann and Girard 1995; Kumaraswamy
1997; Mitropoulos and Howell 2001; Acharya et al. 2006
People factor Opportunistic behavior Mitropoulos and Howell 2001; Rooke et al. 2003; Rameezdeen and Gunarathna 2003; Yates 2003;
Beach et al. 2005; Acharya et al. 2006; Chen and Chen 2007
Affective conflict Diekmann et al. 1994; Sommerville and Langford 1994; Semple et al. 1994; Diekmann and Girard
1995; Mitropoulos and Howell 2001; Belout and Gauvreau 2004; Acharya et al. 2006
Contract Ambiguity Bristow and Vasilopoulous 1995; Heath et al. 1994; Kumaraswamy 1997; Yates 1998; Mitropoulos
incompleteness and Howell 2001
Deficiency Kumaraswamy 1997; Yates 1998; Acharya et al. 2006
Inconsistency Kumaraswamy 1997; Yates 1998
Defectiveness Kumaraswamy 1997; Yates 1998; Acharya et al. 2006


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

the contractor (Cheung 1997). While some of these risks are opportunistic behavior or affective conflict. Fig. 2 presents the
beyond the controllability and foreseeability of the contractor, proposed anatomy in a fault-tree framework.
many are even beyond the contractor’s manageability if they
materialize. In addition, the clients or the consultants are boundedly
rational in foreseeing the extent of uncertainty and risk involved Use of the Anatomy: A Case of Assessment of
(Simon 1961). Decision makers are bounded by their ability to Occurrence Likelihood
estimate consequences, understand implications, and make com-
parative judgments on complex alternatives (Simon 1979). The Diekmann and Girard (1995) and Molenaar et al. (2000) employed
behaviors of decision makers are intendedly rational, but only limit- logistic regression and applied discrete choice modeling to develop a
edly so (Simon 1961), and directly associated with uncertainty and dispute potential index. The index reflects the degree of proneness of
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complexity (Williamson 1975). Rationality reaches its limits under a project having disputes. Both metric and ordinal data were used in
the conditions of uncertainty and complex circumstance because the modeling. The result is an overall view of the dispute potential.
decision makers do not and are not able to process complete infor- With the proposed anatomy and by evaluating the occurrence
mation (Masters et al. 2004). Furthermore, Williamson (1981) elab- likelihood of the dispute artifacts, the occurrence likelihood of the
orated the implication of bounded rationality and suggested that other nodes of the fault tree will be automatically calculated on
economic organization fails to anticipate eventualities due to the basis of the logic relationships. Thus the individual nodes can
bounded rationality, and contracts are unavoidably incomplete. be evaluated. In the following sections, the applications of a fuzzy
An incomplete contract is a platform of construction claims. In this membership function and a mathematical expression of logic gates
context, contract incompleteness is the key element leading to both are described.
contractual and speculative disputes.
Fuzzy Sets and Membership Function
Task Factor
Zadeh (1965) has used the fuzzy sets theory to address the subjec-
Ambiguities of contractual agreements may cause interpretational tivity associated with human judgments. In fuzzy sets, the degree
difficulties, in particular with the incompatible interests of the con- of belief of every fuzzy subset is represented in a membership
tracting parties. Accordingly, most claims are somehow related to the function (MF) with values in [0, 1]. As a management decision
divergent views on rights and responsibilities arising from the tasks support tool, the evaluation should be easy to apply and relate
(Jergeas 2001). This is particularly problematic when the tasks are in a business sense. Thus, linguistic-based fuzzy evaluation is
associated with risk and uncertainty. Furthermore, when a task re- proposed. Triangular MFs were employed to study performance
quires the collaborative effort of the parties, the effect of divergent improvement (Juan 2009) and project cost contingency estimation
interests is particularly significant. For instance, the consultants fail (Idrus et al. 2011). Triangular MF with uniformly distributed lin-
to provide adequate drawings; the owners make changes frequently; guistic variables is the most appropriate membership function for
and the contractors delay work. This type of occurrence may become use in fuzzy control systems (Zhao and Bose 2003). Wang and
a dispute if not addressed appropriately and timely. Hence, contrac- Kerre (2001) used seven fuzzy set assessments for system-failure
tual disputes are triggered by risk and uncertainty as well as the col- evaluation. Likewise, Zhao and Bose (2003) compared the perfor-
laborative conflict of a construction project. mance of symmetrical membership functions for all the variables
and found that seven fuzzy sets (N ¼ 7) is the optimal case of the
symmetrical distribution of the triangular membership function.
People Factor Singh and Tiong (2005) and Pan and Wang (2007) have applied
Conflict can also stem from cognitions, behaviors, and emotions of seven linguistic variables to the study of contractor selection
the people involved (Garcia-Prieto et al. 2003; Jehn 1997). and bridge failure, respectively.
Cognitive conflict refers to the collaboration problems encoun- Linguistic variables define natural languages in words that
tered during the construction stage. The bottlenecks that result are characterized by a universe of discourse of fuzzy sets. Seven
negatively influence project implementation and thus project suc- linguistic variables, namely, very low, low, fairly low, average,
cess. Behavioral conflict describes the opportunistic strategies in fairly high, high, and very high, are used to evaluate the occurrence
construction claims. The contractors may bid opportunistically in likelihoods of the dispute artifacts. In the example of inclement
competitive tenders (Ho and Liu 2004). The clients may reject weather, the occurrence likelihood is to be assessed by seven
contractors’ claims sinuously. Williamson (1975) described such linguistic variables represented by a scale of 1 to 7, respectively.
behavior as opportunism defined as behaviors of “self-interest The triangular MFs and linguistic variables used in the scoring sys-
seeking with guile” or “calculated efforts to mislead, distort, tem are shown in Table 3.
disguise, obfuscate or otherwise confuse.” Contracting parties be- Aggregation on fuzzy parameters averages the respondents’
have opportunistically by seeking their own interests and benefits preferences into group preferences (Singh and Tiong 2005). The
under the conditions of asymmetrical information and uncertainty. aggregated value can be expressed as
Emotional conflict delineates the personal and interpersonal  
affective conflict among project team members. It often fuels A~ j0 ¼ ⊗ ða~ 1  a~ 2  • • •  a~ p Þ for j ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; p ð1Þ
arguments and impedes efforts to seek optimal solutions for con-
flicts and claims.
where a = first fuzzy parameter of selected linguistic variable; and
p = number of respondent;
Types of Construction Disputes  
Construction disputes can either be contractual or speculative. B~ j0 ¼ ⊗ ðb~ 1  b~ 2  • • •  b~ p Þ for j ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; p ð2Þ
Rooted in an incomplete contract, risks, uncertainties, and collabo-
rative conflicts would evoke contractual dispute. Likewise, also where b = second fuzzy parameter of selected linguistic variable;
rooted in an incomplete contract, speculative dispute emerges with and p = number of respondent; and


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

Table 3. Linguistic Variables in Triangular Membership Functions Y
γ ¼ 1− Pi ð6Þ
Linguistic Fuzzy parameter
score Interpretation (a, b, c)
where Pi ¼ ðA~ j0 ; B~ j0 ; C~ j0 Þ is the aggregated fuzzy parameter of
Very low Involved event is avoidable. (0.00, 0.10, 0.30)
the input event (Chanda and Bhattacharjee 1998; Dunyak
Low Involved event is partially likely (0.00, 0.20, 0.40)
to occur. et al. 1999).
Fairly low Involved event is rarely likely to occur. (0.20, 0.35, 0.50) Data for the occurrence likelihood assessment was collected
Medium Involved event is occasionally likely (0.30, 0.50, 0.70) through an online system. The conceptualization of construction
to occur. disputes in this study was first introduced. Respondents first iden-
Fairly high Involved event is somewhat frequently (0.50, 0.65, 0.80) tified a project for which they wish to evaluate the occurrence like-
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likely to occur. lihood of a construction dispute. Project particulars including the

High Involved event is most frequently (0.60, 0.80, 1.00) nature of works, procurement method, consultant performance, and
to occur. contractor competence were first input by the respondents. The re-
Very high Involved event is almost inevitable. (0.70, 0.90, 1.00) spondents then assign the fuzzy occurrence likelihood of 46 dispute
artifacts. For this exercise, a total of 116 responses were received
  from senior construction professionals who are members of (1) a
1 panel of arbitrators and accredited mediators of the Hong Kong
C~ j0 ¼ ⊗ ðc~ 1  c~ 2  • • •  c~ p Þ for j ¼ 1; 2; : : : ; p ð3Þ
p International Arbitration Centre, (2) companies listed on The Hong
Kong Institute of Architects, The Hong Kong Institution of Engi-
where c = third fuzzy parameter of selected linguistic variable; and neers, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, or The Hong Kong
p = number of respondent. Construction Association, and (3) registered authorized person
After the aggregation of fuzzy parameters, defuzzification of listed in the Building Department, The Government of the Hong
fuzzy parameters represents the expected value of selected linguis- Kong Special Administrative Region. By profession, the respond-
tic variables (Shaheen et al. 2007) or the degree of satisfaction of ents include construction lawyers (30%), claim consultants (9%),
the aggregated fuzzy parameters (Kales 1998). The defuzzified architects (19%), engineers (10%), quantity surveyors (12%), and
value equals the mean values of triangular probability distribution project managers (20%).
(Shaheen et al. 2007) that can be expressed as Following the concept indicated in Eqs. (1)–(4), the aggregated
fuzzy parameters and defuzzified values of dispute artifacts are
e ¼ ðA~ j0 þ B~ j0 þ C~ j0 Þ=3 ð4Þ presented in Tables 4–6.
For comparison purposes, all fuzzy occurrence likelihood values
where A~ j0 , B~ j0 , and C~ j0 = aggregated fuzzy parameters. are kept with four decimal places at the factor level (Level 4). First,
The occurrence likelihood of the top event (i.e., construction the occurrence likelihood of dispute artifacts indicates that late
dispute) and intermediate events (i.e., two types of dispute and information and instruction from consultants and unreasonable
three dispute contributors) are calculated based on the logic rela- client’s requirement are significant collaborative conflicts in con-
tionships arranged for the anatomy. The expression of the fuzzy struction projects; inconsistent and insufficient drawing details
probability of the AND and OR gates are as follows: are the common manifestations of contract incompleteness and
n rejection of contactor’s claims, and overclaims by contractors are
γ ¼ Pi ð5Þ common speculative behaviors in construction contracting. The
i¼1 defuzzified values of these artifacts are above 0.6.

Table 4. Occurrence Likelihood of Task Factor

Dispute artifacts Aggregated fuzzy parameters Defuzzified value
Task factor (0.9986, 1, 1) 0.9995
Risk and uncertainty (0.9409, 0.9942, 0.9998) 0.9783
TR1 Inclement weather (0.35, 0.53, 0.71) 0.5294a
TR2 Change of government policy (0.21, 0.38, 0.56) 0.3833
TR3 Strike (0.11, 0.27, 0.45) 0.2758
TR4 Fluctuations in material price (0.41, 0.59, 0.77) 0.5905a
TR5 Fluctuations in labor cost (0.35, 0.53, 0.70) 0.5262a
TR6 Shortage of labor (0.29, 0.47, 0.65) 0.47
TR7 Shortage of materials (0.30, 0.47, 0.65) 0.4727
TR8 Uncertain ground condition (0.32, 0.50, 0.68) 0.5002a
Collaborative conflict (0.9758, 0.9983, 1) 0.9914
TC1 Contractors employed directly by the client delays in works (0.33, 0.50, 0.68) 0.5021a
TC2 Nominated subcontractor delays in works (0.31, 0.48, 0.67) 0.4871
TC3 Nominated supplier delays in works (0.27, 0.44, 0.62) 0.4436
TC4 Architect fails to issue instruction within time (0.44, 0.62, 0.79) 0.6140b
TC5 Engineer fails to provide adequate site investigation details (0.36, 0.53, 0.70) 0.5260a
TC6 Consultant fails to give information within due time (0.46, 0.63, 0.80) 0.6307b
TC7 Client requests acceleration unreasonably (0.37, 0.55, 0.73) 0.5522a
TC8 Client requests change unreasonably (0.42, 0.60, 0.78) 0.6015b
Defuzzified values above 0.5.
Defuzzified values above 0.6.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

Table 5. Occurrence Likelihood of Contract Incompleteness
Dispute artifacts Aggregated fuzzy parameters Defuzzified value
Contract incompleteness (0.9904, 0.9996, 1) 0.9967
Ambiguity (0.6970, 0.8759, 0.9665) 0.8465
CA1 The scope of work is unclear (0.34, 0.51, 0.69) 0.5129a
CA2 The specification is unclear (0.37, 0.54, 0.71) 0.5373a
CA3 The rules to evaluate star rate are unclear (0.28, 0.45, 0.63) 0.4532
Deficiency (0.5946, 0.7904, 0.9205) 0.7694
CF1 The rules to evaluate substantial change in quantity of works are not addressed (0.31, 0.49, 0.66) 0.4869
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CF2 The drawings provide insufficient details (0.41, 0.59, 0.76)

Inconsistency (0.7684, 0.9136, 0.9801) 0.8874
CC1 The quantity of the same items in the contract bills are substantially different to (0.35, 0.52, 0.69) 0.5213a
the actual quantity
CC2 Some items are missing from the contract bills (0.39, 0.56, 0.73) 0.5599a
CC3 The drawings contradict with the specification (0.41, 0.59, 0.76) 0.5888a
Defectiveness (0.6591, 0.8371, 0.9483) 0.8148
CT1 The details in the drawings are inconsistent (0.45, 0.63, 0.80) 0.6257b
CT2 The drawings are inconsistent with the contract bills (0.38, 0.56, 0.74) 0.5616a
Defuzzified values above 0.5.
Defuzzified values above 0.6.

Table 6. Occurrence Likelihood of People Factor

Dispute artifacts Aggregated fuzzy parameters Defuzzified value
People factor (0.9998, 1, 1) 0.9999
Opportunistic behavior (0.9895, 0.9996, 1) 0.9964
PO1 Contractor purposely fails to notify omission of items in the contract bills of (0.33, 0.50, 0.68) 0.5004a
PO2 Contractor purposely works below the specified standard (0.30, 0.47, 0.64) 0.4699
PO3 Contractor purposely fails to notify the substantial difference in quantity (0.30, 0.47, 0.64) 0.4695
between contract bills of quantity and actual quantity
PO4 Client rejects outright extension of time claim submitted by the contractor (0.41, 0.59, 0.77) 0.5921a
PO5 Client rejects outright monetary claim submitted by the contractor (0.45, 0.63, 0.80) 0.6228b
PO6 Contractor overclaims costs for progress acceleration (0.47, 0.65, 0.82) 0.6433b
PO7 Contractor purposely fails to disclose the specification of the materials used (0.31, 0.48, 0.65) 0.4777
PO8 Contractor purposely does not provide invoice for the materials used (0.29, 0.46, 0.64) 0.4657
PO9 Client orders extra without providing proper cost reimbursement (0.38, 0.56, 0.74) 0.5629a
PO10 Client orders extra without granting justified extension of time (0.40, 0.58, 0.75) 0.5753a
Affective conflict (0.9811, 0.9991, 1) 0.9934
PA1 Psychological distress such as fear, sadness, anger, and guilt are displayed (0.33, 0.51, 0.69) 0.5088a
by member(s) of the project team
PA2 Emotions such as dominance, assertion, bullying, and forcefulness are (0.36, 0.54, 0.72) 0.5414a
displayed by member(s) of the project team
PA3 Intellectually curious, behaviorally flexible, and liberal in their attitudes and (0.30, 0.48, 0.66) 0.4785
values are qualities displayed by member(s) of the project team
PA4 Hostility, callousness, and cynicism are manifested by member(s) of the (0.32, 0.50, 0.68) 0.4993
project team
PA5 Excessively neat or overly exact attributes are displayed by member(s) of the (0.28, 0.46, 0.64) 0.4624
project team
PA6 Certain member(s) of the project team find it difficult to relax (0.33, 0.51, 0.68) 0.5075a
PA7 Certain member(s) of the project team are nervous (0.31, 0.49, 0.66) 0.4858
PA8 Certain member(s) of the project team are upset or agitated (0.33, 0.51, 0.69) 0.5075a
PA9 Certain member(s) of the project team are irritable or overreactive (0.33, 0.51, 0.69) 0.5109a
PA10 Certain member(s) of the project team are impatient (0.37, 0.54, 0.72) 0.5412a
Defuzzified values above 0.5.
Defuzzified values above 0.6.

Second, ambiguity, inconsistency, and defectiveness of contract Third, the occurrence likelihood evaluation at the factor group
incompleteness are the most significant dispute contributors. level shows that contract incompleteness (defuzzified value of
Their dispute artifacts all have defuzzified values greater than 0.9967) is a pernicious structural problem in construction con-
0.5. Moreover, majority dispute artifacts of collaborative conflict, tracting. Similarly, opportunistic behavior (defuzzified value of
opportunistic behavior, and affective conflict have defuzzified val- 0.9964) appears to happen quite readily in construction contracting.
ues greater than 0.5. Thus these three factors are detrimental factors Opportunism is undesirable because it would trigger mistrust and
in construction projects. drive irrational decisions.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

Finally, the fuzzy occurrence likelihood of task factors, contract damaging. Contracting parties are generally self-interest-seeking
incompleteness, and human factors by using the concept of Eq. (6), (Williamson 1985). It is difficult for all construction participants
the equation of the fuzzy occurrence likelihood of task factors, con- to have common goals and values. As such, incompatibilities usu-
tract incompleteness, and people factors, are expressed as Eqs. (7), ally exist in construction contracting. The tight tendering bidding
(8), and (9), respectively. With reference to Fig. 2, either risk and period and short construction period are primers for stress and ten-
uncertainty or collaborative conflict would result in a task factor sion on project team members.
(i.e., task factor ¼ risk and uncertainty ∪ collaborative conflict);
either ambiguity, deficiency, inconsistency, or defectiveness
Fuzzy Occurrence Likelihood of Task Factor
of a construction contract would cause contract incomplete-
ness (i.e., contract incompleteness ¼ ambiguity ∪ deficiency ∪ Task factor ¼ risk and uncertainty ∪ collaborative conflict:
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inconsistency ∪ defectiveness); and either opportunistic behavior Y

8 Y
or affective conflict would stimulate the people factor P~ T ¼1− ð1− P~ TRi Þ⊗ ð1− P~ TCi Þ
(i.e., people factor ¼ opportunistic behavior ∪ affective conflict). i−1 i¼1
The fuzzy occurrence likelihood of the three factor groups ¼1−½1−ð0.9409; 0.9942; 0.9998Þ⊗½1−ð0.9758; 0.9983; 1Þ
(Level 3) are close to 1. Again for comparison purposes, four deci-
mal places are kept. The results indicate that contract incomplete- ¼1−ð0.0591; 0.0058; 0.0002Þ⊗ð0.0242; 0.0017; 0Þ
ness is the root cause of contractual dispute. External risk and ¼½1−ð0.0591×0.0242Þ; 1−ð0.0058×0.0017Þ; 1−ð0.0002×0Þ
uncertainty are found to be less detrimental in construction projects
than internal collaborative conflict and contracting behaviors. Con- ¼ð1−ð0.0014Þ; 1; 1Þ¼ð0.9986; 1; 1Þ ð7Þ
struction contracts usually address compensation on force majeure, i.e., defuzzified value ¼ ð0.9986 þ 1 þ 1Þ=3 ¼ 0.9995.
inclement weather, and strikes. It could limit the implications from
risk and uncertainties. Previous studies identify that claims and dis-
Fuzzy Occurrence Likelihood of Contract Incompleteness
putes mostly involve the people factor, such as arguments and in-
compatibilities (Tsai and Chi 2009; Diekmann and Girard 1995). Contractincompleteness ¼ ambiguity ∪ deficiency ∪ inconsistency ∪
The findings also indicate that opportunism is relatively more defectiveness:

3 Y
2 Y
3 Y
P~ C ¼ 1 − ð1 − P~ CAi Þ ⊗ ðP~ CFi Þ ⊗ ð1 − P~ CCi Þ ⊗ ð1 − P~ CT i Þ
i−1 i−1 i−1 i−1

¼ 1 − ½1 − ð0.6970; 0.8759; 0.9665Þ ⊗ ½1 − ð0.5946; 0.7904; 0.9205Þ ⊗ ½1 − ð0.7684; 0.9136; 0.9801Þ ⊗ ½1 − ð0.6591; 0.8371; 0.9483Þ
¼ ½1 − ð0.3030 × 0.4025 × 0.2316 × 0.3409Þ; 1 − ð0.1241 × 0.2096 × 0.0864 × 0.1629Þ; 1 − ð0.0335 × 0.0795 × 0.0199 × 0.0517Þ
¼ ½1 − ð0.0096Þ; 1 − ð0.0004Þ; 1 ¼ ð0.9904; 0.9996; 1Þ ð8Þ

i.e., defuzzified value ¼ ð0.9904 þ 0.9996 þ 1Þ=3 ¼ 0.9967.

Fuzzy Occurrence Likelihood of People Factor Similarly, the fuzzy occurrence likelihood of a speculative dis-
pute is expressed as speculativedispute ¼ contractincompleteness ∩
People factor ¼ opportunistic behavior ∪ affective conflict:
peoplefactor, as shown in Eq. (11).
10 Y
10 The fuzzy occurrence likelihood of a speculative dispute is
P~ p ¼ 1 − ð1 − P~ PAi Þ ⊗ ð1 − P~ POi Þ
i−1 i−1 P~ SD ¼ P~ C ⊗ P~ P ¼ ð0.9904; 0.9996; 1Þ ⊗ ð0.9998; 1; 1Þ
¼ 1 − ½1 − ð0.9895; 0.9996; 1Þ ⊗ ½1 − ð0.9811; 0.9991; 1Þ ¼ ð0.9904 × 0.9998; 0.9996 × 1; 1 × 1Þ
¼ 1 − ð0.0105; 0.0004; 0Þ ⊗ ð0.0189; 0.0009; 0Þ ¼ ð0.9902; 0.9996; 1Þ ð11Þ
¼ ½1 − ð0.0105 × 0.0189Þ; 1 − ð0.0004 × 0.0009Þ; 1 − ð0 × 0Þ
i.e., defuzzified value ¼ ð0.9902 þ 0.9996 þ 1Þ=3 ¼ 0.9966.
¼ ð1 − 0.0002; 1; 1Þ ¼ ð0.9998; 1; 1Þ ð9Þ In this study, the fuzzy occurrence likelihoods of contractual and
i.e., defuzzified value ¼ ð0.9998 þ 1 þ 1Þ=3 ¼ 0.9999. speculative disputes are 0.9998 and 0.9966, respectively. This is
The fuzzy occurrence likelihood of a contractual dispute virtually equivalent to 1, i.e., certainty. These assessments echo
is expressed as contractual dispute ¼ task factor ∩ contract the perception that construction disputes are inevitable in construc-
incompleteness, as shown in Eq. (10), where contractual dispute tion projects. In this regard, the proposed anatomy allows evaluat-
is the intersection of task factor and contract incompleteness. ing the impact of dispute factors including uncertainty, cognitive
The fuzzy occurrence likelihood of a contractual dispute is issues, contract incompleteness, behavioral problems, and affective
conflicts in construction.
P~ CD ¼ P~ T ⊗ P~ C ¼ ð0.9986; 1; 1Þ ⊗ ð0.9904; 0.9996; 1Þ
¼ ð0.9986 × 0.9904; 1 × 0.9996; 1 × 1Þ Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study
¼ ð0.9890; 0.9996; 1Þ ð10Þ
This study employs the conventional FT framework to frame con-
i.e., defuzzified value ¼ ð0.9890 þ 0.9996 þ 1Þ=3 ¼ 0.9962. struction disputes. The assumption of independent basic events


J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2013, 139(1): 15-23

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