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Restructuring of Membrane Water and Phospholipids in Direct

Interaction of Neurotransmitters with Model Membranes Associated
with Synaptic Signaling: Interface-Selective Vibrational Sum
Frequency Generation Study
Biswajit Biswas and Prashant Chandra Singh*
Cite This: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879 Read Online
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sı Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Comprehensive molecular-level understanding of

the role of interfacial water and phospholipids associated with
synaptic membranes during their direct interaction with neuro-
transmitters is essential because of their involvement in synaptic
signaling. Herein, the interfacial regions of the synaptic membranes
mimicking anionic and zwitterionic phospholipids are probed in
the presence of dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters using
surface-specific vibrational sum frequency generation technique.
Neurotransmitters intrude into the headgroup region of both
zwitterionic and anionic lipids by restructuring the interfacial water
associated with the phospholipids, although the restructuring
mechanism is different for both lipids. Neurotransmitters also
decrease the overall ordering of both the phospholipids probably by creating gauche defects. Neurotransmitters restructure the
surface water, conformation, and the ordering of the hydrocarbon chains of the zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids associated
with synaptic membranes, which could be potentially an important step for synaptic signaling.

N eurotransmitters are an important class of chemicals

which transmit brain signals from one neuron across the
synapse to a target cell.1−5 In the presence of an appropriate
membrane and that disbalance in the composition of lipids
causes neurological diseases.10,11,14
MD simulation studies have pointed out that lipophilic
electric field, neurotransmitters burst out of the presynaptic neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine intrude into
membrane and communicate with receptors present in the the interface of synaptic membranes.10,11,16,19 The interfacial
postsynaptic membrane. It has been acknowledged that region of the synaptic membranes contains phospholipids as
phospholipids associated with the synaptic membrane play a well as associated interfacial water. Neurotransmitters have
crucial role in synaptic neurotransmission.6−9 However, the complex interactions with phospholipids as well as interfacial
role of phospholipids in synaptic transmission is mainly studied membrane water which may affect its functionality.11 Indeed, it
in the context of their cooperation with membrane proteins, has been already known that the interfacial water beneath the
and the interaction of neurotransmitters with phospholipids is phospholipid plays a key role in the stability of the membrane
assumed to be passive in this process. as well as fibrillation and conformation change of different
Apart from the well-documented lipid−protein interactions, proteins at the membrane.20−22 Hence, understanding the
a significant number of recent studies suggest that specific structure of phospholipid and its associated interfacial water
neurotransmitter−lipid interactions can also affect the synaptic during the direct interaction of neurotransmitters with the
signaling process.10−12 Thermochemical and NMR studies of membrane is essential to get insight into the synaptic signaling
dopamine neurotransmitter with anionic lipid vesicle suggest process. However, earlier experimental studies of neuro-
that dopamine binds with the anionic membrane mainly via transmitter binding with lipid could not provide insight into
electrostatic interaction.13−15 Similarly, serotonin, another
important neurotransmitter, has been found to interact with
the zwitterionic lipid vesicles mainly via hydrogen bonds.16 Received: January 18, 2021
The fluorescence, calorimetry, neutronscattering and diffrac- Accepted: March 12, 2021
tion studies of melatonin suggest that it gets partitioned into
the membrane, thereby affecting its signaling process.11,17,18 It
has also been suggested that the binding of neurotransmitters
depends strongly on the phospholipid composition of the

© XXXX American Chemical Society

2871 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter

the property and structure of the synaptic membrane region of the zwitterionic phospholipid by the restructuring of surface
because of the lack of interface selectivity of the techni- water and interact selectively with the negatively charged
ques.13,14,16 phosphate group of net neutral zwitterionic phospholipid. The
Vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) is an interaction of neurotransmitters affects the packing of the
interface-specific and sensitive technique that has been utilized hydrocarbon chain of the anionic and zwitterionic lipids as the
extensively to decode the properties of several different ordering of the hydrocarbon chain of both lipids decreases.
complex interfaces.23−32 The VSFG technique has been Figure 2a depicts the SSP (S, SFG signal; S, Visible; P, IR)
applied to understand the structure of surface water at the polarized VSFG spectra of anionic air/DPPG/water interface
surfactant/water, lipid/water, and protein/lipid/water inter- without and with different concentrations of dopamine. The
faces.33−36 Apart from that, the conformational changes of spectral feature in the range of 2800−3000 cm−1 represents the
proteins, as well as structural changes of lipid at different soft C−H vibration of the hydrocarbon group of DPPG as
interfaces, has also been investigated using the VSFG dopamine does not show any VSFG signal in the C−H
technique.24,33,34,36 Indeed, recently, our group has utilized stretching region at the air/water interface (Figure S1a),
the VSFG technique to show that the adsorption of whereas the spectral feature from 3000 to 3600 cm−1
monomeric α-synuclein reorganizes membrane water depend- corresponds to the OH stretch of surface water at the air/
ing on the headgroup of the lipid, which affects the fibrillation DPPG/water interface. In agreement with earlier studies, the
process of protein as well.22 intensity of the OH stretch of water at the air/DPPG/water
In order to get insight into the structure of phospholipid and interface gets enhanced ∼10 times compared to the air/water
associated surface water during the direct interaction of interface (Figure S1b).34,40,41 Increase in the intensity of the
neurotransmitters with the membrane, the VSFG spectra of water signal at the air/DPPG/water interface is due to the
the anionic (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac-1-glyc- increased probed length of oriented water present in the
erol sodium salt (DPPG)) and zwitterionic (1,2-dipalmitoyl- electric double layer (EDL) between the negatively charged
sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC)) phospholipid mono- headgroup of DPPG and diffused counterions.34,41,42 It is
layer/water interfaces in the absence and presence of noteworthy that the water signal in the EDL at the charged
dopamine, as well as serotonin neurotransmitters in the lipid interface has the contribution of χ(3) (third-order
aqueous phase, have been measured (structures of all the susceptibility) along with the χ(2) signal.43 The intensity of
chemicals are provided in Figure 1). Zwitterionic and anionic the OH stretch of water at the air/DPPG/water interface
increases upon the addition of ∼100−200 μM of dopamine
than the case of only air/DPPG/water interface. A similar
observation of the increase in the VSFG signal of water on the
addition of an approximately micromolar concentration of
counterions at charged interfaces has also been observed
earlier, and it has been assigned to the removal of destructive
interference from deeper-lying oriented water because of the
phase-matching condition.43,44 Hence, the increase in the
VSFG signal of water on the addition of micromolar dopamine
at the negatively charged interface can be due to the
interference effect from the deeper-lying oriented water,
although the dopamine has OH groups which can also form
a hydrogen bond with water molecules and may orient them
further to enhance the signal.
In contrast, the intensity of the VSFG signal of water
decreases monotonically with the further addition of dopamine
(800 μM to 50 mM) and almost becomes similar to that of the
Figure 1. Structure of lipids (anionic and zwitterionic), dopamine, air/water interface. On addition of higher concentration of
and serotonin neurotransmitters. dopamine, the NH3+ group of dopamine gets attracted to the
negative charge of DPPG by decreasing the probe length of
phospholipids are chosen as model membrane systems as they water molecules present in the EDL, causing a decrease in the
are the significant contributors of the neuronal synaptic water VSFG signal. At sufficiently high concentration (∼50
membranes.10,15,37 Dopamine and serotonin are two important mM), the NH3+ group of dopamine almost gets into the
chemical neurotransmitters whose imbalance causes several vicinity of the phosphate (PO4−) headgroup of DPPG and
serious diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, hyperactive and neutralizes its surface charge because the intensity of the VSFG
bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia in humans.9,38 Dopamine signal in the hydrogen-bonded region of water (3000−3600
and serotonin exist in cationic form around the physiological cm−1) at the air/DPPG/water surface with dopamine (∼50
pH as shown in Figure 1.39 The details of the interactions of mM) is almost like that in the air/water interface. In contrast
neurotransmitters with the headgroup and hydrocarbon chain to this study, it has been shown earlier that rather than the
of phospholipids as well as interfacial water have also been NH3+ group, the guanidinium group of the arginine interacts
supplemented with MD simulation data. preferentially with the negatively charged lipid, which may be
This study suggests that neurotransmitters intrude into the possible because of the enhanced hydrogen bonding capability
headgroup of the anionic phospholipid as the NH3+ group of of the guanidinium group in comparison to that of the NH3+
neurotransmitters screens the negative charge of phospholipid group.45
and decreases the probe length of the interfacial membrane The VSFG spectrum of the C−H stretch of the hydrocarbon
water. Neurotransmitters also penetrate the headgroup region chain of DPPG at the air/DPPG/water interface depicts
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter

Figure 2. (a) SSP polarized VSFG spectra of the anionic air/DPPG/water interface in the presence of different concentrations of dopamine. The
change in the CH3-ss, CH2-ss, and CH3-ss/CH2-ss of the hydrocarbon chain of DPPG for the various concentrations of dopamine is depicted in
panels b, c, and d, respectively. The surface pressure of DPPG during the measurement was 35 ± 5 mN/m (∼57.2 ± 1.8 Å2/molecule) depicting
the liquid compressed (LC) phase of lipid. The addition of dopamine does not affect the surface pressure of lipid within the uncertainty of the

signals at 2850 and 2875 cm−1 along with a relatively broad addition of dopamine (more specifically at high concen-
peak with double-peak features centered at 2950 and 2965 tration), which indicates the decrease in the overall ordering of
cm−1, respectively. The spectral features at 2850 and 2875 the hydrocarbon chain of DPPG. The decrease in the overall
cm−1 have been attributed to CH2-ss and CH3-ss of the ordering of DPPG suggests that increase in the gauche defects
hydrocarbon chain of the DPPG lipid, whereas the broad overtakes the effect of the orientational ordering of the
feature containing the peaks around 2950 and 2965 cm−1 have hydrocarbon chain on the addition of high concentration of
been assigned to its CH3−FR and CH3-as, respectively.40 In dopamine.
the presence of dopamine, the intensity of the CH2-ss and The VSFG data of water and C−H stretching regions of
CH3-ss stretching frequency of the hydrocarbon chain of DPPG in the presence of serotonin at the air/DPPG/water
DPPG lipid increases (Figure 2b,c), whereas the intensity of interface show qualitatively the same trend as observed for
CH3-as decreases. It is noticeable that the change in CH3-as dopamine (Figure S2). The intensity of the O−H stretch of
stretching (∼2965 cm−1) of the hydrocarbon of DPPG is water increases for the concentration ≤50 μM of serotonin,
heavily affected by the huge background of the interfacial water whereas it decreases significantly with the further addition of
signal. serotonin and finally becomes almost similar to the air/water
The VSFG signal of the CH2-ss of the lipid provides
interface. The spectral feature of the C−H stretch of DPPG in
information about the local conformation of the hydrocarbon
the presence of serotonin suggests that the hydrocarbon chain
chain of the lipid as it appears due to the gauche defects.24,32
The intensity of the terminal CH3-ss signal depends on the of DPPG gets disordered at high concentrations of serotonin.
dipole alignment of the hydrocarbon chain of the lipid, which The only difference between the behavior of dopamine and
makes them a sensitive probe of the local orientational order of serotonin at the DPPG interface is that the requirement of
the lipid tail.24 Indeed, the intensity ratio of the CH3-ss/CH2- serotonin concentration to affect the water and hydrocarbon
ss has been utilized to assess the overall order of the lipid chain of the air/DPPG/water interface is less than dopamine,
monolayer.32 The addition of dopamine increases the intensity which is due to the higher lipophilicity of serotonin than
of CH2-ss of DPPG (Figure 2b), suggesting the increase in the dopamine.10,11 The VSFG spectra of serotonin at the air/
gauche defects by the local perturbation in the conformation of DPPG/water interface were also measured (Figure S3a) at
the hydrocarbon chain of anionic lipid. The CH3-ss of DPPG physiological pH (7.4, 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer), and the trend
also increases (Figure 2c) on the addition of dopamine, was qualitatively similar to that without buffer conditions (pH
indicating that the orientational ordering of the hydrocarbon ∼5.8). The VSFG study of dopamine at physiological pH
chain gets enhanced under the effect of dopamine. The could not be performed because of the oxidation of dopamine
intensity of CH3-ss/CH2-ss decreases (Figure 2d) on the within the measurement time scale.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter

Figure 3. (a) SSP polarized VSFG spectra of zwitterionic air/DPPC/water interface on the addition of different concentrations of dopamine. The
changes in the CH3-ss, CH2-ss, and CH3-ss/CH2-ss of the hydrocarbon chain of DPPC for the various concentrations of dopamine are depicted in
panels b, c, and d, respectively. The surface pressure of the DPPC during the measurement was 35 ± 5 mN/m (∼44.5 ± 1.2 Å2/molecule)
depicting the LC phase of lipid. The addition of dopamine does not affect the surface pressure of lipid within the uncertainty of the measurement.

To understand the effect of neurotransmitters on the surface air/DPPC/water interface show peak features at 2850 and
water near the zwitterionic lipid-containing model membrane, 2883 cm−1 and relatively broad features with a peak at 2950
VSFG studies of the air/DPPC/water interface without and cm−1. The peak feature at 2850 cm−1 has been attributed to
with dopamine and serotonin have been performed. The VSFG CH2-ss, whereas the peak features at 2883 and 2950 cm−1 are
spectrum of the air/DPPC/water interface is in accordance assigned to the CH3-ss and CH3-FR with CH3-as of the
with the earlier studies as the intensity of water signal at the hydrocarbon chain of DPPC, respectively.24,40 With the
air/DPPC/water interface is higher than that in the air/water addition of dopamine, the intensity of CH2-ss and CH3-ss of
interface (Figure S1c).34,41,46 Irrespective of the zero net the hydrocarbon chain of DPPC increases (Figure 3b,c),
charge on DPPC, it possesses higher dipole moment (∼24 D) whereas the intensity of the CH3-as decreases, which could be
because of the presence of NH3+ and PO4−.47 In earlier studies, related with the fluctuation in the background signal of surface
it has been suggested that the high dipole moment of the water. The trend of the intensity of CH2-ss and CH3-ss and the
DPPC orients the surface water, which results in the higher ratio of CH3-ss/CH2-ss of DPPC on the addition of dopamine
VSFG signal of interfacial water at the air/DPPC/water than is similar to the case of anionic DPPG lipid. The intensity of
the air/water interface.46 In the presence of dopamine, the CH3-ss/CH2-ss decreases with the addition of dopamine,
intensity of the VSFG signal of water molecules at the air/ especially at the high concentration, suggesting that dopamine
DPPC/water interfaces decreases monotonically (Figure 3a), decreases the overall ordering of the hydrocarbon chain of the
which indicates that dopamine interacts with the DPPC lipid zwitterionic DPPC lipid.
irrespective of the fact that it does not possess any net charge. Further, the VSFG spectra of the air/DPPC/water interface
The decrease in the VSFG signal of interfacial water in the were measured without and with serotonin, and the results are
presence of dopamine suggests that dopamine goes to the qualitatively similar to those of dopamine (Figure S4). Similar
interfacial region near the DPPC and decreases its effective to dopamine, the NH3+ group of serotonin also reaches near
dipole moment, resulting in the reduction of the oriented water the phosphate of DPPC and decreases its net dipole moment
at the air/DPPC/water interface. The VSFG data indicates which reduces the VSFG signal of water. Serotonin also
that the NH3+ group of dopamine approaches near the PO4− decreases the ordering of the hydrocarbon chain of DPPC.
group of DPPC lipid at the interface and partially neutralizes Indeed, earlier thermo-chemical along with MD simulation
them, which reduces the dipole moment of DPPC lipid. studies also concluded that serotonin interacts with zwitter-
Indeed, in one of the earlier simulation studies, it has been ionic lipid vesicles.16 The VSFG spectra of the air/DPPC/
suggested that the NH3+ group of neurotransmitters interacts water interface without and with serotonin were also measured
with the PO4− group of the phosphocholine lipid, which is in (Figure S3b) at the physiological pH (7.4, Tris-HCl Buffer),
agreement with our VSFG data.16 and the trend was qualitatively similar to that without buffer
In agreement with the earlier studies, the SSP polarized condition (pH ∼5.8). The VSFG study suggests that the
VSFG spectra in the C−H stretching region of DPPC at the amine-based chemical neurotransmitters also interact with the
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter

Figure 4. (a) Probability distribution of different atoms of negatively charged DPPG lipid and dopamine. (b) Snapshot of the intrusion of
dopamine in the DPPG monolayer. The radial distribution functions [g(r)] of phosphate and carbonyl groups of DPPG with different groups of
dopamine are depicted in panels c and d, respectively. g(r) for the interaction of water molecules with different groups of dopamine is depicted in
panel e.

Figure 5. (a) Probability distribution of different atoms of zwitterionic lipid DPPC and dopamine. (b) Snapshot of the intrusion of dopamine in
DPPC monolayer. g(r) of the phosphate and carbonyl groups of DPPC with different groups of dopamine are depicted in panels c and d,
respectively. g(r) for the interaction of water molecules with different groups of dopamine is depicted in panel e.

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter

Figure 6. Deuterium order parameter (⟨SCD⟩) for DPPG (a) and DPPC (b) monolayer without (black line) and with dopamine (red line).

net neutral zwitterionic lipid-containing model membrane. The The simulation data depict that dopamine intrudes into both
NH3+ of neurotransmitters reaches the interface region of lipid monolayers as the probability of dopamine is high in the
zwitterionic lipid and interacts specifically with its PO4− headgroup region of DPPG as well as DPPC, although the
moiety, which reduces the dipole moment of the headgroup intrusion of dopamine is greater in DPPG than DDPC. It can
of the zwitterionic lipid, causing decrease in the orientation of be seen that the probability of the existence of the OH group
interfacial water along with the decrease in the ordering of the of dopamine is higher near the carbonyl group, whereas the
hydrocarbon chain of the zwitterionic lipid-containing model NH3+ group of dopamine locates between the phosphate and
membranes. One noticeable observation is that the fraction of carbonyl group of DPPG and DPPC lipids, which is also
the disordering of the hydrocarbon chain by the neuro- supported by the snapshots (Figures 4b and 5b).
transmitters is relatively higher for the negatively charged lipid To further quantify the interaction between DPPG lipid and
(∼50%) than the zwitterionic case (∼25%), which probably dopamine, the radial distribution function [g(r)] between the
suggests that neurotransmitters intrude more into the hydro- different groups of the headgroup region of phospholipid and
carbon chain of the negatively charged lipid than the dopamine has been calculated, as shown in Figure 4c−e. The
zwitterionic. g(r) data suggest that both NH3+ and OH groups of dopamine
In order to get the molecular picture of the interaction of may interact with the PO4− of DPPG; however, the interaction
neurotransmitters with anionic and zwitterionic lipids, MD of the NH3+ with the PO4− headgroup is significantly higher
simulation studies of DPPG and DPPC lipid monolayer in the than the OH group (Figure 4c). Conversely, the OH group of
presence of dopamine have been performed for 250 ns using dopamine interacts significantly with the carbonyl group of the
the GROMACS 2016.348 package (the detailed simulation lipid (Figure 4d). The prominent interaction of NH3+ and OH
protocol is described in the Supporting Information). The groups of dopamine with PO4− and carbonyl headgroup of
similarity of the experimental data of dopamine and serotonin lipid is also supported by the probability distribution as well as
with lipids suggests that the mode of interaction of serotonin the snapshot feature, which depicts that the NH3+ group of
with lipids should be similar to that of dopamine; hence, only dopamine is mainly pointed down toward the phosphate of
dopamine was chosen for the simulation. The simulated DPPG, whereas OH is pointed up toward the carbonyl group.
average lateral area per lipid for DPPG and DPPC was found The g(r) of the interaction of dopamine with water suggests
to be ∼55 ± 2 and ∼48 ± 2 Å2, respectively (Figure S5a,b), that both NH3+ and OH groups of dopamine interact with
which is in line with the experimental condition as mentioned water molecules present in the headgroup of the DPPG lipid
in the captions of Figures 2 and 3. The simulated data also (Figure 4e). However, the interaction of dopamine with
show that the addition of dopamine does not affect the average interfacial lipid water is significantly less than its interaction
lateral area per lipid, which is in line with experimental with the DPPG lipid. Further, the probability distribution of
observation. The structural properties of anionic and the oriented water near the phosphate group of DPPG without
zwitterionic phospholipid monolayer and the adsorption and with dopamine has been calculated (Figure S6b). The data
behavior of the neurotransmitter were elicited using the suggest that the hydrogen of water is up-oriented (∼130°)
positional probability distributions of the selected atoms of near the phosphate group of DPPG, and the probability of up-
lipids and dopamine [DPPG and DPPC lipids: phosphorus oriented water decreases away from the interface as the
atom of the phosphate group (P), the carbonyl group (C1, randomization of water takes place in the bulk medium. Upon
glycerol backbone), terminal methyl group (C16), the nitrogen the addition of dopamine, the orientation of water near the
of the choline of DPPC(N), the oxygen atom of water (Ow); phosphate group is similar to the pure DPPG case (Figure
dopamine: OH and OH1, NH3+ groups] as shown in panels a S6b). However, the probability of up-oriented water decreases
and b of Figure 4, respectively. The positional probability slightly in the vicinity of the PO4− group of DPPG in the
distribution data of the lipid monolayer system suggest the presence of dopamine, suggesting the decrease of the probe
broad distribution of the polar headgroup (P for DPPG, P and length of interfacial water in line with the experimental finding.
N for DPPC), a flexible hydrocarbon tail, as well as the The simulation data of DPPG along with the experimental data
incursion of water into the lipid headgroup region consisting of indicate that the NH3+ group of dopamine intrudes into the
polar groups in addition to glycerol regions, which resemble lipid by removing the surface lipid water and interacts with the
the results of earlier reports of the bilayer of phospholipids.12,16 phosphate group of DPPG.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 2871−2879
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter

The snapshots (Figure 5b), as well as g(r) data of DPPC and water created by the dipole of the headgroup of DPPC. The
dopamine (Figure 5c,d), suggest that the NH3+ of dopamine intrusion of neurotransmitters into the headgroup regions of
prefers to predominantly interact with PO4− of DPPC, whereas both anionic and zwitterionic lipids decreases the interaction
OH of dopamine is accommodated preferably near the between the hydrocarbon chains of lipids and changes its local
carbonyl group of the zwitterionic lipid. The interaction of conformation, which leads to the disordering of the hydro-
the OH of dopamine with the choline group of DPPC is very carbon chain of lipids. The VSFG and MD simulation studies
weak as the g(r) for this interaction is broad and appears at indicate that the direct interaction of the neurotransmitters
greater distance (Figure 5c). The g(r) data of water indicates significantly restructures the membrane water as well as the
that both NH3+ and OH groups of dopamine interact with ordering of phospholipids, which can be utilized to understand
water. However, dopamine prefers to interact mainly with the the complex synaptic signaling processes.
lipid headgroup as compared to interfacial lipid water
molecules (Figure 5e). In comparison to the DPPG case, the
decrease in the orientation distribution of water in the vicinity

sı Supporting Information
of the phosphate of DPPC is significantly less (Figure S6c), The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
which could be due to the different nature of the headgroup of
DPPG and DPPC. Indeed, the decrease in the VSFG signal of
water is higher in DPPG than DPPC upon the addition of Experimental methods, molecular dynamics simulation
dopamine in the experimental data also. The experimental and protocol, and supporting figures (PDF)
simulation data both suggest that the NH3+ group of dopamine
gets closer to the phosphate of the DPPC. The possible
interaction of the NH3+ group of dopamine with the phosphate
Corresponding Author
of DPPC decreases the dipole moment of the headgroup of Prashant Chandra Singh − School of Chemical Sciences,
DPPC, resulting in less oriented interfacial lipid water. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Sciences, Jadavpur,
Further, the deuterium order parameter (⟨SCD⟩) of the Kolkata 700032, India;
hydrocarbon chains DPPG and DPPC without and with 9039; Email:
dopamine have been calculated to get insight into the effect of
a neurotransmitter on the ordering of the hydrocarbon chains Author
of the lipid monolayer (Figure 6).49,50 It is apparent that the Biswajit Biswas − School of Chemical Sciences, Indian
order parameter of the hydrocarbon chain of both lipids Association for the Cultivation of Sciences, Jadavpur, Kolkata
decreases in the presence of dopamine, indicating that the 700032, India;
hydrocarbon chain of both lipids gets disordered in the Complete contact information is available at:
presence of dopamine, which is in line with the experimental
observations discussed above. Indeed, the tilt angle (the angle
between the monolayer normal and the directive vector of the Notes
alkyl chains) distribution of the hydrocarbon chain of both The authors declare no competing financial interest.

lipids (Figure S7a−c) increases with the addition of dopamine,
which also suggests the disordering of lipids induced by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dopamine. It is well-known that the hydrophobic interaction
between the hydrocarbon chains plays a key role in its The financial support from DST-SERB India (Grant Number:
ordering.50 The g(r) data for the interaction of hydrocarbon CRG/2019/001389) and CRAY for computation of IACS are
chains of both lipids decrease in the presence of dopamine in gratefully acknowledged. B.B. thanks CSIR and IACS for

comparison to that of pure cases (Figure S8). The data also
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