What Do We Say About The Double Shift Classes in CNHS?

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What do we say about the Double Shift Classes in CNHS?

Double Shift Classes or basically, shifting - This may be new to some of your
vocabularies, but yet very familiar to the students, teachers, and other school
faculties in CNHS. This topic may also be a very wide discussion to other schools
that have insufficient number of classrooms to fit all their students, especially
those who are really crowded now because of the K-12 program.

So what are Double Shift Classes or Shifting? Double shift classes are

implemented by schools which operates in two shifts, with one group of students
in the building early in the day and a second group of students later in the day.
The purpose of a double shift classes is to increase the number of students that
can be taught without having to build another building or while the building is
under construction. Here at Calape National High School first started this year
(2017), the morning shift, which are Grades 7 & 9, starts from 6 o’ clock in the
morning until 12 o’ clock noon while the afternoon shift, which are Grades 8 & 10,
starts from 12 o’clock noon until 6 o’clock late afternoon. While the senior high
school on the other hand, have regular schedule (8 am – 5 pm schedule)
occupying some of the room in CNHS while their building is under construction.
Many students said that this shifting is actually a good thing. First of all, it
does not just give way for an alternative solution for the insufficient number of
classrooms in the school, but also, it gives more time for students to review
lessons for tomorrow’s exam for the morning shift and the exam later on for the
afternoon shift. For the morning shift, they are more optimistic, more positive,
and more excited. Nothing has happened in their day yet; it's fresh and full of
potential. It's easy to find them in a great emotional/mental state that is
untampered with. A clean state like this can keep the inner critic at bay while they
are creating and listening. The remaining time can also be a time for rest and
recreation. The afternoon shift also wouldn’t need to wake up early. They would
have sufficient time for sleeping for a fresher and clearer mind before their class
later. Students would also have time to prepare for practicums or presentations
to be done. And more importantly, students who really love computer games and
things that tempt them to pursue cutting classes would be stopped because of
this implementation. Of course, cutting classes usually happens in a whole day
class or the regular class schedule. Since we are implementing double shift
classes, they are free to do whatever they want in their remaining time whether
they’re in morning or afternoon shift.
But we can never avoid bad comments about this. Some says that it’s very
tiring to wake up very early for the morning shift, since they also need to prepare
things like food and clothes. Sometimes, we also don’t have water supply, so we
really need to wake up earlier to fetch water from hand-operated pumps or wells
to have water for bathing. There are also some students whose houses are very
far away from the school. Thus, they may be troubled by finding vehicles for them
to be able to go at school really early. Some also are exhausted about this
especially for the morning shifts. They won’t be able to enjoy the remaining time
after school because they will probably spend their time to rest. In addition, for
the morning shift, they end their class at 12 noon but others need to walk to the
market to find a vehicle to ride on, for them to be able to go home. The heat of
the sun will be very stressing for them while walking because it’s noontime in
addition to their hunger and thirst, so they would probably go home almost 1
o’clock. For the afternoon shift, they may not be bothered by waking up early but
when they go to school, the intense heat will really diminish the freshness of their
mind. Thus, it adds stress which is really not helpful especially when they will have
a test or exam in their first period. And in the time that they will go home, it’s
around 6, so it’ll not be that safe to go home especially if they live far from the
school. Plus, some will be troubled by finding a way of transportation because it is
already very late except if they have their own vehicle that will fetch them after
There are definitely a lot of advantages and disadvantages of double shift
classes on us, but we should always keep in mind that it is the welfare of the
students and the school that’s what our school principal, Fernando I. Yap is all
thinking about.

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