Errors List Speedtec 400-500

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A two color light that indicates system errors. Normal operation is steady green light. Error conditions
are indicated, per Table.

Light Condition Meaning
Steady Green System O.K. Power source comunicating normaly with wire feeder.
Blinking GreenOccurs during a reset, and indicates the power source is mapping (identyfying)
each component in the systems. Normal for first 1-10 seconds after power is
turned on, or if the system configuration is changed during operation.
Alternating Non-recoverable system fault. If the PS status light is flashing any combination of
Green and Red red and green, errors are present in power source.
Individual code digits are flashed in red with a long pause between digits. If more
then one code is present, the codes will be separated by green light. Read the
error code before the machine is turned off.
If occurs, to clear the error try to turn off the machine, wait for a few seconds,
then turn on again. If the error remains, a maintenance is required.
Steady Red Non recoverable hardware fault. Generally indicates nothing is connected to the
power source wire feeder receptacle.
Blinking Red Not applicable.

Event Codes
011 Action db failed
012 Attribute error
013 Non-volatile attributes restore fault
014 Primary non-volatile section bad
015 Secondary non-volatile section bad
016 Non-volatile attributes write bad
017 HSL watch dog timeout
018 Mapping failed
019 Excessive EEPROM saves detected for the specified attribute
021 Fault state condition
022 Fault state entry caused by WCD error
023 Error updating active state
024 Error changing mode data
025 Write config mem with state mem action
031 Primary overcurrent
032 Cap bank 'a' under voltage
033 Cap bank 'b' under voltage
034 Cap bank 'a' over voltage
035 Cap bank 'b' over voltage
036 Thermostat tripped
037 Soft start failed
039 Misc hw fault (thermal or poc)
041 Secondary over current (long average)
042 Power down
043 Cap delta voltage
044 DSP detects '332 dropped HB
045 Output voltage high
046 Secondary over current (short average)
047 Misc hw fault (cap fault or hb)
048 Misc hw fault high (main opened)
049 Single phase
051 WC Attempt to set WS schedule memory failed
052 DSP load dangerously high- failure imminent
053 Voltage sense loss
054 Secondary overcurrent
055 Communication with DSP failed
061 Slope calculation truncated to zero
062 Sequencer weld cycle data retry
081 Motor overload fault code
082 Wire drive overcurrent fault code
083 Shutdown bit 1
084 Shutdown bit 2
085 Failed finding arcobject for trigger command
086 Wire drive input voltage too high
087 Wire drive could not find user interface
088 Wire drive could not send trigger
089 Failed finding PM for Profile Select
091 Failed to update the polarity attribute
092 Water cooler shutdown. No coolant or coolant flow problem
095 Spool/Pull motor overload fault code
111 Statemem Evt Queue overflowed
112 Err in State Timer Enable Access Func
113 Err in State Enable Access Func
114 Mode change evt didn't arrive in time
115 Failed creation of COS event
116 Failed to get the object's AL address
118 Dn io cnxn timed-out
119 DN Cnxn was Deallocated
121 Write_db_property failed
122 Read_db_property failed
123 Write failed setting DN IO Cmds Off
124 Failed to change modes
125 Err getting Scaled Trim Value
126 Err getting unscaled Trim Value
127 Err in setting trims on a mode change
128 Err in writting out an EE value
129 Err in initializing dnattrs
131 EE Read Failed or Bad EE Checksum
132 Write to EE Failed
133 Write Arclink action fail
134 DN Master got a Fragmented Exp Msg Resp
135 DN Master got a Bad Exp Msg Response
136 DN Master could not open slave
137 DN Master lost communications to slave
138 DN Master got a bad IO Msg Response
139 DN Master read a bad hi lim for the Set WFS
141 DN Master sending poll IO failed
142 Error in reading modes from WC
143 Error in setting SPI panel item
144 Error in setting SPI panel item
145 Dn master dup mac error
146 Dn master bus off
147 Error in access attribute of Polled IO
148 Error in switching schedules
149 Error Timed Out due to 0 len IO
161 Enet watchdog timeout
162 Enet Connection Timer Expired, Killed of Cxcn
163 Error in geting Sys Infor for Email
164 Error sending email
165 Error accessing email memory
166 Action failed
167 Ethernet europipe plc
168 Ethernet udp port busy
169 When connection has a watchdog timeout
171 When a socket times out
172 When ethernet times out
173 Failed creating a COS event
174 Failed getting an Arclink OBJ Addr
175 An Arclink message failed
176 Error in setting up the Web Server
177 Hi speed event registration failed
178 Hi speed event read failed
179 A incoming AL events queue overflowed
181 Failed to added self to the Arclink group
182 Couldn't allocate TPU timer
183 Error in deallocate TPU timer
184 Error in openning UDP Listen Port
185 Non-Authorized IP sent us an UDP Packet
186 Incoming UDP Packet bad (# bytes, format,..)
187 Could not allocate a UPD Packet
188 Send a UDP packet failed
189 Error in updating Cache memory
191 Error in checking UDP cache item
192 Error in creating UDP cache item
193 Error in removing an Arclink event
194 Error in send UPD msg from enet client
195 Had problem with a client socket call
196 Had problem openning client
197 Client detected problem with Server data
198 Client timeouted waiting for enet server reply
199 Error get a seq xref attribute number

The following error codes are used when there is a problem with a specific board that is needed for
machine to operate
212 Control board can't be found
213 Control board is offline
214 Wire drive board can't be found
215 Wire drive board is offline
216 Error sending Msg to Enet Client
217 Arc Master Had a Problem
218 Action to Seq Failed
219 Control board can't be found
221 Had Problem with updating Seq Mem
222 Problem getting Seq Xrefs
223 Problem getting Arc Data
224 Had problem with a message to a server
225 Reset, got different sessionid from server
226 Had problem with a message to a server
231 Arc cntl obj problem
232 Arc cntl obj write wp
233 Arc cntl obj write trim
234 Arc cntl obj write wave1
235 Arc cntl obj write wave2
236 Arc cntl obj write wave3
237 Arc cntl obj write wave4
238 Arc cntl obj write wfs
239 Arc cntl obj write timer
241 Arc cntl obj write state enable
242 Arc cntl obj write timer enable
243 Arc cntl obj read
244 Arc cntl obj can't find object
245 Arc Cntl Obj non seq WRITE
246 Arc Cntl Obj mode change
247 Arc Cntl Obj latched fault

User Interface event codes

261 Dual Memory Panel Dip switches not set right
262 Power source is not compatible
263 The UI found no weld modes it is capable of controlling
264 The UI tried to select a non-existent weld mode
265 The selected weld mode is no supported by the UI
266 The UI I/O is preventing the UI from becomming ready
267 UI found too many Arc Cntl Objs
268 Arc Cntl Obj not enabled
269 An arc was not established in a reasonable amount of time, turn off output to keep hot wire
from continuing to feed
271 UI shutdown bit 1
272 UI shutdown bit 2
273 UI CPLD not supported
274 The info restored from a memory did not match the weld mode info (e.g. wc1 units)
275 UI memory write failure (could not lock UI memory resource)
276 UI memory read failure (could not lock UI memory resource)
277 UI memories were converted due to change in number of UI params stored in EE
278 UI limits were converted due to change in number of UI params with limits
279 UI detected problem with dip switches that control mapping
281 UI failed a read_db
282 UI failed a write_db
283 UI failed an AL action
284 An attempt to update arc object was made with group or sched !=0
285 User or procedure memory recall from EEPROM failed due to bad checksum
Gas Controller event code
291 Input B shutdown

Production Monitoring
301 Write to battery backup failed
302 Write to battery backup failed
303 Write to battery backup failed
304 Read from battery backup failed
305 Read from battery backup failed
306 Read from battery backup failed
307 Read_db_property failed
308 Write BBRAM fail
309 Read BBRAM fail
351 Weld profile fault. I Limit occurred
352 Weld profile fault. V Limit occurred
353 Weld profile fault. W Limit occurred
354 Weld profile fault. X Limit occurred
355 Weld profile fault. T Limit occurred
361 Weld profile alarm. I Limit occurred
362 Weld profile alarm. V Limit occurred
363 Weld profile alarm. W Limit occurred
364 Weld profile alarm. X Limit occurred
365 Weld profile alarm. T Limit occurred
371 Weld profile runt occurred
372 Consumable low
381 Weld profile latched alarm. I Limit occurred
382 Weld profile latched alarm. V Limit occurred
383 Weld profile latched alarm. W Limit occurred
384 Weld profile latched alarm. X Limit occurred
385 Weld profile latched alarm. T Limit occurred

Spread Arc event code

411 Both limit switches are simultaneously active

Fatal Errors
111 UN_INIT. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
112 BUSERROR. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur
because of hi-frequency noise or power line noise
113 ADRERROR. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur
because of hi-frequency noise or power line noise
114 ILLEGAL. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
115 ZERODIV. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because
of hi-frequency noise or power line noise
116 CHK. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of hi-
frequency noise or power line noise
117 TRAPV. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
118 PRIVILEGE. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because
of hi-frequency noise or power line noise
119 TRACE. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
121 EMULA.The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
122 EMULF. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
123 HW. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of hi-
frequency noise or power line noise
124 PROTO. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
125 FORMAT. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
126 UNINIT. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
127 RESVD. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
128 SPURIOUS. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because
of hi-frequency noise or power line noise
129 AUTO1. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
131 AUTO2. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
132 AUTO3. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
133 AUTO4. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
134 AUTO5. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
135 AUTO6. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
136 AUTO7. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
137 TRAP0. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
138 TRAP1. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
139 TRAP2. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
141 TRAP3. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
142 TRAP4. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
143 TRAP5. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
144 TRAP6. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
145 TRAP7. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
146 TRAP8. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
147 TRAP9. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
148 TRAPA. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
149 TRAPB. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
151 TRAPC. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
152 TRAPD. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
153 TRAPE. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
154 TRAPF. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of
hi-frequency noise or power line noise
155 USER. The machine experienced and internal error. This can sometimes occur because of hi-
frequency noise or power line noise
156 UNS_INSTR (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
157 NPC_BKPNT_DEBUG_INTR (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
158 PC_BKPNT_DEBUG_INTR (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
159 FP_BRANCH (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
161 FP_INEXACT (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
162 FP_DIV_BY_ZERO (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
163 FP_UNDERFLOW (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
164 FP_OPER_ERR (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
165 FP_OVERFLOW (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
166 FP_IN_NOT_A_NUMBER (ColdFire MCF5485 only)
167 FP_IN_DENORMALIZED (ColdFire MCF5485 only)

Boot code errors

1111 Boot code checksum error
1112 Reset Status Register != POW (power on reset)
1113 Boot mode forced by jumpering Tx and Rx lines
1116 Problem with reading RAM correctly
1117 Problem with data or address lines
1118 Problem with map ping

OS errors
1213 OS timer could not be allocated
1214 Bad event queues
1215 Bad event queue read
1216 Watchdog time expired

System errors
1311 Main code checksum error
1312 Parameter file checksum error
1313 FPGA file checksum error
1314 Weld table checksum error
1315 DSP checksum error
1316 Parameter file format error
1317 Hardware Revision format error
1318 System configuration is incompatible with automap feature
1319 Sections in the module specific area of EE overlap
1321 UI parameter definition error - should only ever occur during deveopment
1322 Bad FGEN (FPU) File
1323 FGEN (FPU) Error in Loading it with HPI

LINC-NET / CAN errors

2111 Can spurious interrupt, status has not intr source set
2112 Can spurious interrupt, source object status <> pend
2113 Can spurious interrupt, error status intr not enabled
2114 Can object allocation error
2115 Can weld cycle blocks out of sequence
2116 Can bus warn
2117 Can bus error
2118 Can object 15 was data (following interrupt) not new
2119 CAN hardware did not come out of reset

HSL errors
3111 HSL spurious tx interrupt
3112 Mail for serial download request was bad

Flash program errors or EEPROM errors

4111 Flash programming not supported in main code
4211 Specified EEPROM section number is invalid
4212 Too many nonvolatile attributes found
4213 Non-volatile attribute EEPROM checksum invalid after save all
4214 EEPROM defined sections overlap
4215 EEPROM defined section smaller than section header size
4216 Log section of EEPROM is calculated larger than allocated

MISC errors
5111 FGEN busy
5112 Unable to init DN attribute

Sequencer errors
6111 SEQ_BADWCYC. The machine experienced and internal error
6112 SEQ_WRITE_ERR. The machine experienced and internal error
6113 SEQ_BUILD_ERR. The machine experienced and internal error
6114 SEQ_BUILD_CFG. The machine experienced and internal error
6115 SEQ_BUILD_CON. The machine experienced and internal error
6116 SEQ_MEM_OVERFLOW. The machine experienced and internal error

Weld controller errors

6211 Empty Weld Table
6212 Some error other than an empty weld table

Wire drive errors

6311 If get NUM_SHORT_TACH_PERIODS in a row, WFS tach input was noisy and can't be used

Ethernet errors
6411 Stand alone Phase Generator got mapped

SPI errors
7111 An SPI panel was detected that could not be found in the panel database
7112 Not enough panel RAM has been pre-allocated to support a given SPI panel
7121 Repeated bad data read from panel 0 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7122 Repeated bad data read from panel 1 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7123 Repeated bad data read from panel 2 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7124 Repeated bad data read from panel 3 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7125 Repeated bad data read from panel 4 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7126 Repeated bad data read from panel 5 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7127 Repeated bad data read from panel 6 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7128 Repeated bad data read from panel 7 (only fatal if panel is essential)
7131 Panel 0 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7132 Panel 1 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7133 Panel 2 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7134 Panel 3 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7135 Panel 4 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7136 Panel 5 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7137 Panel 6 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed
7138 Panel 7 is considered "essential" to operation and is not installed

DSP errors
8111 An error occurred while transfering DSP code from main FLASH to FPGA registers
8112 The DSP clear program could not clear (=0) all DSP FLASH bits
8113 The DSP set program could not set (=1) all the DSP FLASH bits
8114 The DSP program could not program the DSP FLASH properly
8115 The DSP version number changed since an initial read at power up
8116 The DSP reported a ram error status at sys_init
8117 The DSP reported a checksum error status at sys_init
8118 The DSP reported a heartbeat error
8119 The DSP did not respond within the required amount of time while programming
8121 The DSP is no longer operating
8122 The DSP depletion program could set (=1) all the DSP FLASH bits using depletion algorithm
8123 The DSP Flash Loader does not exist in Flash
8124 The DSP Program Loader does not exist in Flash
8125 The DSP Main Program does not exist in Flash
8126 The DSP did not respond in a timely manner
8127 The DSP did not return the sent character properly

FPGA errors
9111 FPGA has a bad configuration (CRC)
9112 FPGA programming fault

9311 SwitchBoard (SB) fault

9511 Ethernet Stack report a problem

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