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Chapter 7


7.1 Hypothesis
7.1.1 Types of Hypothesis
7.1.2 Types of Errors
7.1.3 Level of Significance
7.1.4 Types of Tests
7.1.5 Steps in Hypothesis Testing
7.2 Hypothesis Testing for Population Means
7.2.1 Testing the Difference between Large Sample Mean and the
Population Mean
7.2.2 Comparing Two Large Sample Means
7.2.3 Comparing Two Population Proportions
7.3 Hypothesis Testing for Sample Means
7.3.1 Small Sample Hypothesis Test for the Mean of a Normal Population
7.3.2 Testing the Difference between Two Sample Means
Hypothesis Testing
Any individual has tis own statement to claim. Teacher a believes that students
performed better in class using game simulation than the ordinary classroom setting. A scientist
firmly believes that the ozone layer is already deteriorating and has hazardous effects on
mankind, while a psychologist claims the substantial relationship between the student’s self
concept and learning. The truth of these statements is in question. Statistics help us decide
whether to accept or reject one’s statement.

7.1 Hypothesis

A statement with many faceted ideas that are still to be resolved whether they are true or
not is called hypothesis. A hypothesis us subjected to testing statistically. If it is to be true, then
it is accepted, but if it is found to be false, it is rejected.

7.1.1 Types of Hypothesis

There are two kinds of hypothesis, the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. A
null hypothesis must always express the idea of nonsignificant different which is denoted by Ho
while, alternative hypothesis is just the negation of the null hypothesis, and denoted by H1.
Rejection of null hypothesis leads to the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis.

Example 1:

Ho : The mean weight of a newly born baby is equal to 6 lbs.

Ho: x̅ = 6

H1 : The mean weight of a newly born baby is not equal to 6 lbs.

H1: x̅ = 6

Example 2:

Ho : There is no significant difference between the mean height of the palay planted in
lahar soil and agricultural soil.

H0: x̅1 = x̅2

H1 : There is a significant difference between the mean height of the palay planted in
lahar soil and in agricultural soil.

H1: x̅1 ≠ x̅2

Example 3

Ho : The performance of the recent CEU pharmacy graduates in the board examination
do not differ from that of the past.

H0: x̅1 = x̅2

H1 : The performance of the recent CEU pharmacy graduates in the board examination
is better than that of the past.

H1: x̅1 > x̅2

7.1.2 Types of Errors

In real life, making a decision is sometimes difficult. We are not sure if we made the right
or wrong decision. In hypothesis testing, there is also possibility of committing errors in making
a decision of whether to accept or reject the hypothesis. Statistical test has two types of error,
the type I error and the type II error.

Type I = Rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact it is true.

Type II = Accepting the null hypothesis when in fact it is false.

7.1.3 Level of Significant

The probability of committing type I error or is called the level of significance. The level
of significance for type I error is denoted by alpha (α), while the probability of committing a type
II error is denoted by beta (β). The value of α is equal to the probability of making an error in
rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact is true. Similarly, the value of β is equal to the
probability of committing an error in accepting the H0 when in fact it is false.

Choice of the value of the significance level ranges from .01 to .10, depending on the
risk the researcher is willing to take for making a type I error. A .01 or 1% level of significance
means the researcher is giving 1% error his decision. Moreover, it implies that he is 95%
confident if his to be right. Likewise for α = .05 and α = .01.

7.1.4 Types of Tests

A hypothesis could be one-sided (directional) or two-sided (non-directional). The one-

sided test hypothesis is referred to as one-tailed test. If the alternative hypothesis is expressed
in terms like “greater than” or “less than”, it is called one-tailed test. The rejection region lies
only in one tail of the distribution.
Figures above show the rejection for a one-tailed test. Figure 1 shows the rejection
region at the right end tail of the normal curve, while Figure 2 shows the rejection region at the
left end tail of the curve.

Figure 3 ( 110 )

If an alternative hypothesis is expressed in a non-equality statement, it is a non-

directional or two-tailed test. Figure 3 shows the rejection regions for a two-tailed test. It is
located both tail ends of the curve.

7.1.5 Steps in Hypothesis Testing

1. Formulate a null hypothesis (H) and the alternative hypothesis (H1).

2. Set the level of significance.

3. Identify the type of statistical test as either one-tailed or two-tailed test. (Hint:
consider how the alternative hypothesis is being expressed.)

4. Determine the tabular value for the test from the table (Tables can be found in
the Appendix of the book.)

5. Compute for the required statistical test. (Either Z or t-test)

6. Decide whether to accept or to reject the null hypothesis. Accepting the null
hypothesis implies rejection an alternative hypothesis, while rejecting Ho implies
accepting H2. The statement below can be used as guidelines in making a

6.1 Accept Ho if the computed value is less than the tabular value.

6.2 Reject Ho if the computed value is greater than the tabular value.

7. Conclusion is the last step in hypothesis testing. It is the part where the
researcher explains his decision. Interpreting a result may not end by simply
saying “null hypothesis is accepted” or “null hypothesis is rejected .” Moreover, it
is a good idea to explain the implication of the result.

Hypothesis testing means finding cut if the mean difference is statistically significant or
not. A t-test or a z – test may be used for the particular purpose.

A Z – test is used when the population standard deviation is know and the sample is
sufficiently large. However, if the population standard deviation is not known, a t-test can be
used even if “n” is greater than 30. Sufficiently large means sample size is at least 30 (n>30), if
the distribution of the variable is normal and is at least 50 (n>50) for any distribution. Table
shows the critical value z.

Table 7.1

Critical Values of Z

Significant level .10 .05 .25 .01

Types of test
One – tailed ± 1.28 ± 1.645 ± 1.96 ± 2.33

Two – tailed ± 1.645 ± 1.96 ±2.33 ± 2.58

On the other hand, a t-test (also known as student t-distribution) is used when the size is
small and the population standard deviation is unknown.

7.2 Hypothesis Testing for Population Means

7.2 1 Testing the difference between large sample mean and the population mean.
Example 1:

A group of biology students from the college of science wished to determine whether an
insect population found only in one location of a forest belonged to a certain specie. The only
morphological characteristic with appeared from that of the known members of the specie was
wing length. The mean wing length of the specie was 15.4 millimeters with a standard deviation
of 2.3 millimeters. The students measured the wing length of 50 insects and had a mean of 17.4
millimeters. Can the student conclude, at the .05 level of significance, that the insects are of
different species?


Given: µ = 15.4

Χ = 17.4

o = 2.3

n = 50

Step 1: Ho : the insects are not a different species

Ho : µ = 15.4
H1 : the insects are of a different species

H1 : µ = 15.4

Step 2: α = .05

Step 3: The alternative hypothesis is expressed in a non equality or non-directional


thus, the test is a two tailed test.

Step 4: By referring to the table of the critical value of z, the tabular value is just the value
under the .05 level of significance and the two tailed test which is + 1.96. in

Step 6: Zc > Za

The computed value is greater than the tabular value.

The computed value lies in the rejection region of the normal curve distribution. This
means that the null hypothesis is rejected. This leads to the acceptance of the alternative

Step 7: The biology student can therefore conclude that the insects gathered in
the forest are of

a different specie.
7.2.2 Comparing Two Large Sample Means

Example 2:

A nutrition teacher wants to compare the food value of the nutrition and dietetics
students with those of the nursing students. She constructed a questionnaire composed of 15
items. The teacher administered the questionnaire to 75 nursing students and obtained a mean
of 3.98, while the 40 nutrition students had a mean of 4.12. If the population standard deviation
is 27, what conclusion can the nutrition teacher draw about the food value of the student? (use .
01 level of significance).


Given: x1 = 3.98

X2 = 4.12

α = .27

n1 = 75

n2 = 40

Step 1: Ho : There is no significant difference between the food values of the nutrition

and of the nursing students.

Ho : x 1 = x2
H1 : There is a significant difference between the food values of the nutrition

And of the nutrition students.

H1 : x1 = x2

Step 2: α = .01

Step 3: The required test is two – tailed test (Why?)

Step 4: From the Z table, tabular value is

Za = ± 2.58

Step 5:

Step 7: Conclusion

The nutrition teacher can therefore conclude that at .01 level of significant there
is a significant between the food values of the nutrition/diabetics students and of the nursing

7.2.3. Comparing Two Population Proportions

Where P₁ = protection of the first sample

P₂ = protection of the second sample

q₁ = 1 - P₁

q₂ = 1 - P₂

n₁ = number of observation in the first sample

n₂ = number of observation in the second sample

Example 3:

Two hundred fifty AIDS victims during 1989 had only 1% chance of survival. After 3
years a new medication was found and tested. A total of 500 AIDS victims have been treated
and 15 have survived. Does this result show that the new medication is more successful than
the old one? Use the .05 level of significance.


Given: P1 = .01


P2 = ̶ - = .03


q1 = .99

q2 = .97

n1 = 250

n2 = 500

Step 1: Ho : The new medication is just the same as the old medication
Ho : P₁ = P₂

H₁ : The new medication is more successful than the old medication

H₁ : P₁ > P₂

Step 2: a = .05

Step 3: The test is a one – tailed test

Step 4: Ha = ± 1.645

Step 5:

Step 6: Z > Za : thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Step 7: Since the null hypothesis that the new medication is just the same as the old

Is rejected, the result implies that the new medication is more successful than the
old Medication.

7.3 Hypothesis Testing for Sample Means

7.3.1 Small Sample Hypothesis Test for the Means of a Normal Population
Example 4:

A perfume company claims that the best selling perfume contains at most 25% alcohol.
Twenty (20) bottles were selected and found to have a mean of 29.7% and standard deviation
of 4.8%. test the claim of the perfume company at the .05 level of significance.


Step 1: Hₒ : The best selling perfume contains at most 25% alcohol.

µ = 25

H₁ = The best selling perfume contain more than 25% alcohol.

µ > 25

Step 2: α = .05

Step 3: one tailed – test

Step 4: tₐ = 1.729

Step 5:
Step 6: tc > t ; therefore null hypothesis is rejected.

Step 7: computed t value is false on the rejected area, H₁ is accepted. The statistical

Result means that the claim of the perfume company should not be accepted.

Perfume appears to contain significantly more than 25% alcohol.

7.3.2 Testing the Difference between Two Sample Means

Where t = t – test

x̅₁ = mean of the first sample

x₂ = mean of the second sample

s₁ = sample standard deviation of the first sample

s₂ = sample standard deviation of the second sample

Example 5:

A businessman prospects two possible location for a new restaurant. A study was
conducted and focused on the pedestrian traffic at both areas. At each location the pedestrians
are observed in 1 hour units and for each hour an index of desirable characteristic is complied.
The sample units are given below.

Mendiola Recto
n = 25 n = 30
_ _
x = 245 x = 438
s = 103 s = 79

Test the claim that the characteristics mean indices in Mendiola are less than the mean
indices in Recto. Use .05 significance level.


Stet 1: Hₒ : u₁ = u₂

H₁ : u₁ < u₂

Step 2: α = .05

Step 3: one – tailed test/t test

Step 4: df = n₁ + n₂ - 2

= 25 + 30 – 2

df = 53

ta = 1.645

Step 5:
Step 6: tc > ta reject the null hypothesis

Step 7: Reject the claim that the characteristic mean indices in Mendiola are less

the mean indices in Recto. Therefore the mean indices in Mendiola are

than mean indices in Recto.

Sample size Extroversion Neuroticism

Sun sign n x̅ s.d x̅ s.d

Water signs 78 12.80 4.63 13.57 5.25

Other signs 199 13.67 5.18 13.43 5.34

Winter signs 82 12.58 5.43 12.97 5.22

Summer signs 53 15.78 4.84 15.45 5.03

a. Is there sufficient evidence to indicate that those born under water signs have a lower
mean extroversion score than those under other (nonwater) signs? Use a level .01 test.
b. Do the data strongly suggest that those born under winter sighs have a lower mean
extraversion score than those born under summer sign? Use a level of .05 test?
c. Do the data indicate that those born under water signs differ significantly from those born
under other signs with respect to mean neuroticism score? Use a =.05
15. A celebrity`s endorsement of product is a common advertising technique. A group of 298
viewers shown an ad containing Aga Muhlach endorsing a product and a second group of
247 was shown the same ad but using an unknown actor. Each participant rated the
commercial`s believability on a scale 1 (not believable). Results were follows:

Believable of Ad

Type of Ad Mean Std.Den.

Popular Celebrity 3.87 1.25 248

Unknown Celebrity 3.50 1.03 247

Is there sufficient evidence to indicate that the use of a popular celebrity`s endorsement
results in a

true mean believability rating different from the true mean rating for unknown celebrity`s

endorsement? .05 level of significance in testing a hypothesis.

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