A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.: Week: Module in Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards

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Salida, Jaden Fate S.


Activity 6


1. What are the forms of Police Corruption?

A. Corruption of authority- When an officer receives some form of material gain by virtue of their
position as a police officer without violating the law per se (e.g. free drinks, meals, services).

B. Kickbacks-Receipt of goods, services, or money for referring business to particular individuals or


C. Opportunistic theft- Stealing from arrestees (sometimes referred to as ‘rolling’), from traffic
accident victims, crime victims and the bodies or property of dead citizens.

D. Shakedowns-Acceptance of a bribe for not following through a criminal violation i.e. not making
an arrest, filing a complaint, or impounding property.

E. Protection of illegal- Police protection of those engaged in illegal activities (prostitution, drugs,
pornography) enabling the business to continue operating.

F. The fix- Undermining of criminal investigations or proceedings, or the ‘loss’ of traffic tickets.

G. Direct criminal activities- A police officer commits a crime against person or property for
personal gain ‘in clear violation of both departmental and criminal norms.

H. Internal payoffs- Prerogatives available to police officers (holidays, shift allocations, promotion)
are bought, bartered, and sold.

I. Flaking’ or ‘padding- Planting of or adding to evidence (argued by Punch to be particularly

evident in drugs cases).

2. What are forms of Police Brutality?


A police brutality attorney will explain that, legally, police are only allowed to use the amount of force
that is reasonably required to accomplish the lawful duties required by the occupation. The definition of
excessive force will depend on the reason why the law enforcement officer attempted to arrest or stop the
individual, the way in which the person in question responded, and the circumstances of the stop.
This means it might be considered reasonable for an officer of the law to restrain someone who
committed a violent crime and is in possession of a weapon. Police could take action based upon a
reasonable belief that the suspect posed an immediate danger, even if their belief was not correct.
However, it is vital to note that an police officer may not hit or hurt a person who does not possess a
weapon, a person who is not acting in a life-threatening manner or a person who follows the instructions
of the officer. The application of force must halt once the suspect is restrained.
All claims of excessive force taken to a police brutality attorney need to show that there is an injury that
is clearly the result of force beyond what the situation warranted.


For a claim of false imprisonment to arise, an officer will have to take a man or woman into custody
without probable case or an arrest warrant. Probable cause occurs when a law enforcement officer sees a
crime being committed or he or she has a reasonable belief that the person had committed or was about to
commit a crime.

The perceived reasonableness is based upon the information that is available to law enforcement at the
time, even if it turns out to be wrong at a later date.

If law enforcement lacks any legal justification for arrest, the person detained in custody may have a
claim for false imprisonment or false arrest.

A claim of malicious prosecution may be claimed when a law enforcement officer initiates a criminal
proceeding without reasonable proof that a crime has been committed. The criminal proceeding will
usually end in favor of the victim without a conviction.
This type of claim arises because the law is meant to protect anyone from the following, if a criminal
matter lacks a legitimate basis:
Emotional stress
Financial expense.


In recent years, police powers have been expanded to allow a law enforcement officer to stop any person
if there is a reasonable suspicion that a crime was committed and that the person being detained
committed the crime. This kind of search allows the law enforcement officer to do a pat-down to ensure
that there is no weapon present.
There are still situations where an offer can go to far, and a search is no longer reasonable. The situations
for a claim of unreasonable search and seizure include:
Police entering and searching the home of a suspect without a warrant and without the claim of
emergency circumstances
Police conduct a body cavity or strip search on a suspect who is not under arrest, or one who was arrested
for committing a misdemeanor.
Even if a law enforcement officer has a lawful reason to make an arrest, the person arrested may have
legal claim to file for damages for any injury that occurs in the jail. When a person is detained, law
enforcement has complete control over the detainee and must determine if his or her medical, food,
shelter and psychological needs are being tended. Law enforcement officials must also protect the person
being detained from inmates in the facility.
Injury due to neglect during detention before the trial may be the basis for an individual to file a claim
against the agency that operated the detention facility.
If you or a loved one suffered an injury at the hands of local, county, state or federal law enforcement and
you believe the injury was due excessive force, neglect or abuse of authority, contact the police brutality
attorneys from Action Legal Group as soon as possible.



1. Malasakit- is helping other people without expecting anything in return. Do everything with
a good heart, expect nothing in return, and you will never be disappointed. Do good to others, and
you will do well for yourself.

2. Damayan-sympathy for people who lost their love ones. In case of death of a certain member in
the community, the whole community sympathizes with the bereaved family.
3. Pahiwatig- use of indirect communication through ambiguity and insinuation. We filipino people
believe in signs or omen if there is something good or bad that is about to happen. Example is, if
there is a butterfly fluttering that is an indication that you will be soon undergoing some changes
and/or a personal metamorphosis!

4. Makagaanan ng loob-this means that you feel at ease or relaxed at someone’s presence. We
filipino people are easy to get along with. We make sure that a visitor must feel at ease and
comfortable with our presence.

5. Pakikiramdam- is often practiced whenever we are in an ambiguous or unfamiliar situation,

wherein conflict may likely arise or when the use of direct language is deemed inappropriate. It is
also known as the ability to detect, interpret, and perform nonverbal cues during social
interactions. In other words, it is considered an improvisatory but thoughtful behavior wherein
one acts based on the conditions.

6. Paggalang-it means being respectful or giving due respect for a person. Filipinos are accustomed
to using the words “po,” or “opo,” and “ho” when they are conversing with older people or
sometimes to people with higher position or status in the society.

7. Samahan(camaraderie)- Pakikisama refers to an interpersonal relationship where people are

friendly with each other and is a typical personality trait of the Filipino people. It is expressed in
their private lives, public workplaces, and relationships with neighbors. It is characterized by
communal work towards one goal exemplified in carrying a nipa house or pushing a passenger

8. Awa (compassionate)- A Filipino trait of being sympathetic to others even if the person is a

stranger. An example of this is giving alms to beggar. This is observed when we
hear Filipinos saying “kawawa naman or nakakaawa naman”.

9. Balato(Bonus)-sharing ones fortune. Share of money given to another by one who wins in

10. Pagdamay(sympathy)- “Pagdamay” is like sympathy or grief, but those words aren’t deep
enough. It is to align yourself — emotionally and practically — with someone in a difficult
situation. We must allow ourselves to be pulled into the mess in order to make way for
restoration. None of this is easy or comfortable, yet we invite you to enter into the mess. When
armed with Love, we have seen beautiful things.

11. Pagtulong(helpfulness)- We, Filipinos are also known because of our generous and helpful
attitude. Most of us extend our help to others not only by money but also by the simple things that
we do just like helping others doing heavy things without expecting in returns even though
sometimes we didn’t even know that person.
12. Katapatan(sincerity)-resembling marriage bonds, faithfulness to husband or wife and faithfulness
to country and all ideals for which our republic stands

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