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BALLISTIC PROTECTION ANALYSIS M6C SERIES TANKS (U) « aa /79.| FINAL REPORT by Bk Avyer and L Budo 3 ARM) MATERIEL COMM BND WANAGER-M60 wu CAAFOS-7C Seudis”) ‘CONFIDENTIAL (6 sonuse toring pas wumeary mh verge mat ptecin alae be + 3 tam a se noe tae ae 1 Pectin alae peor by TACO, Gintudacabsged toner CONFIDENTIAL get (os sot eo seat a sum oy | (U) Assumptions and methods used in determining the weighted average ballistic protection values are identified as follows: 1, (U) TACOM ballistic design data (Reference 1 and Figure 1) was used to deter- mine ballistic protection (Vsq). 2, (U) Thickness Inspection Point drawings (References 2 through 6) were used "to determine thicknesses and projected areas were defined so that these points should fal} to the approximate center of the areas, Thicknesses are measured perpendicular to the outside surface, | 3. (U)_Obliquity angles were determined from detail drawings (References 7 through -10) of the hulls and turrets, Obliquity angles are measured between the line of fire und the ‘normal to the outside surface. | 4. (U)_ Thickness and obliquity angles were checked with previous ballistic analysis ‘reports (References 11 and 12), + 5, (U) Average values of thickness and obliquity angle were determined for the gunshicld area. 6, (U) The cupola was not included in the calculations, -3- CONFIDENTIAL TWILNIGISNOD sect tind (oegrees) Ghee) Bay aba Geers) * bays ae ° 2 as ° ‘ Bg a ws & nes a & “8 & ee 38 3s 8 4 i a ee ‘be Re a ban” See 7 i Sy Bo So pert ne t ‘Against 100 nm A.P, 30° Flank Both, Sides (See View "B-B" of Fig. ) ‘Seyy20o merers 0 rap ° on ° x eB 8 = 8 u ve ‘8 we 2 8 so 2 Roe i a ca i ea 4 a a8 «oy saa u Use ©) 3300 5 ie ie z ie (3 ie ® co 8 son & Ln oe u nu « 3en ‘ na 83m fof projected area Strack) valued 120% fF actuot protection (balitetie Tinie velocit 5300 meters has been used. ‘WILN3GI4NOD WILNIGINOD average bontiqutey Fropgeston Projected weighted el ohted Thickness (Degrees) So Ree Aiea otect ton ine) creters) Or iay as BA oer, Pa 30 163 6 Bs na 3 25 = Hat = ua 2 va 0 eae ot usr 0 un Ageinge 14.5 mm 4. 0 Eaae 1 16 sides, (Gee View "C0" of Fig, 2) MEO, MéOA age ° ape8 1090 f ° 2a 02s 2 ° 160 corre Ey 130 2, least ° 300 1902 Stow 2 ° 1700 Tisa0 oS ° 380 1033 a ° S08 ‘om ° 600 ey log 80 = T0000 E805 ‘of Fg. 2) W605 meoAL 7 1a ies ° un 4038 ° 10 208 tan a 2 699 rms, 0 aon T0000 See View 00-0" and MEAEW of Fig. 2) HOON? Say 50 nocers eae ° ar rr ° 30 3 soe 12659 5 & 8 350 css, 6 « 0 204, 336 o ESI ES 1.0000 om Say 10 asters aWwINaGHNOD M60_M6OAI & M6OA2 Serna asa fos ree WERE oe FoR wo, MEA Oa Fo wecae y= TeRSION a “BAR T cs ; 1 - ne t et oO ° po \ 1 As ee { view A-A -Ol- FiG.2. SHEET | M60, M6OAI & MECAZ_ anne M60, M6OAI, M6OA2 1 M60, M6OAI M60A2 section E-E FIG.2, SHEET 3 TWILNIGISNOD cae o @ section (nt ® obtiquty (Degrees ) TURRET, soo ” Protection go) (teers) Against 100 mm A.P. Frantal (See Sheet 1 of Figure 2) a m as - as as au at an au AS ar ais on 2800 900 2900 2600 1600 ° 2600 2000 ° 2600 2400 2000 200 2800 2500 420 2700 2600 2200 (Continuod-on Sheet 2) Proetad anya) ae 456.3 21:8 ae ee a1. sia 50.5 st 38.3 aot 151 75.2 1 a 360 us 46 50.9 m2 Welghiea APA 0928 loser his oss Tone Toss Toes Tous. “oss 70120 “ois ‘oan “eas, “022s, oss “ass “0253 “0500 “oase “ones os? wolfted Protection (ateters) 3656 TWILNIGIINOD TL inne ity BALLISTIC ANALYSIS TURRET, M60 w ” “ ® ® 2, oo coli Prvactiontyg) ho mer see seen “ting” cone ‘Meters Oiag AEs gen Ss 0 _=a oa 3 a z Liane tine omelet 3 2 he pone Zz ABE ror 0" Ps ghand Lat ee et Sand & 3 es 3 BF reiwr.som ar ‘ 2 . Bustle > fan Le » ” putin = ie a, Against fragmentation from 10 round (162 mm H.E.) dotomated ata height of 10 meters: 95% Protection 1 robubiity of no penetration from 10 rounds (152 mm HE) detonated at a height of 10 moters: 80%, Notes = (1) Gunshie!2 ey ‘TURRET, MoO a @ 6 “ © ©, oe average Projected Weighted Woighted Thicksess obtiguty Protection sq) Area ‘rea Protection section Ty Degrees Motors) . ALEA (yet vn (Bees) (oters) (is.%) W) (ates BU" Flank, Uaft Side, Agusnst 100 mun A.D. (See Sheet 2 of Figure 2) a 2 tem me v8 Fa es = gob es ws soo hs “ort as 8 Se is as ee) a “oes ms g Sm th = ‘oo : “te we 3 5.8 ie fs a o ‘Se Ea 2 xem ore see so ” “en % 5 a re ‘oo 1m Bot ° 2 mo ES a a 2 id " &=1,0000 pe 2029 Stes + (1) Ganshiela | La3HS"e “O14 MIA NY IaeunT O3SW WILNIGISNOD oe ‘TURRET, M60 w e ° o 6 o 0 Average Projected ——-Woighted Weighted “Thickmss obliquity Pratactiont’ 5 ama ‘Area Protection section Cn.) (Dege20s) (Metors) cin. ATER gene? 4 Flank, Tight Sido, Against 100 mm A.P. (see Sheet 9 of Figure 2) a 2m 15.4 ° ast som ° a2 se n ° 163 0487 ° aa 6.00) 38.3 100 395 Janes 201 oo 3.85 m3 ° ar hha ° a 3.95 a9 3100 a3 Toaa9 125 oo 59 as 3650 266 ooo z= cs 10 2 ‘100 63 Lona 8 os 419 En 3950 a6 ‘os28 209 os sa a5, ‘400 88 Tons us os sa 38 200 189 osor a3 er 5.28 a ‘s00 2 ‘eats 9% ce 2.82 2.3 ‘200, a3, “e339 wae co 2.84 sus 3300 a leas 6 cio a2 51.9 100 20 ‘ex0 mt en 203 ous 3950 * ease 92 oz 2.90 a2 3850 95 “o2ss, 100 as 2es o uso n0 “aso ast cu zat 60.8 aro 132 “e398 150 es " 6 3000 6 “ozs 86 cis 2.66, oe 4000 125 ‘oats 150 on 214 0 ° m2 “oase ° cra 3 ar 3200 146 Loss, et Beas B= 1.0000 Ee 2040 say _ 2550 Motors TWILN3GISNOD , i eB WARD, © L33HS "f “O1d AIA. NWId awuNsaiNo> ‘wunaaiNo> ‘WUNaaLANOD ywunsauNo> eos) TURRET

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