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Original Article

Small Group Discussion Vs Didactic Lectures Pak Armed Forces Med J 2015; 65(3):386-90


Mohammad Rashad Qamar, Amina Ahmad*, Khurram Niaz
Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur,*College of Physician and Surgeons Pakistan
Objective: To study and compare the impact of didactic lecturing with small group discussion among
undergraduate medical students.
Study Design: Sequential mixed method.
Place and Duration of Study: Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, from January 2012 to October
Material and Methods: Results of 2 final year classes comprising 566 students (of sessions 2011 and 2012)
were analyzed and 30 students from the existing final year were selected for focus group discussion by non-
probability convenience sampling technique. In the first phase, quasi experimental design was employed.
Small group discussion(SGD)learning format was used as an intervention on the interventional group(277
students)and results were compared with the scores of previous final year student(historical control group:
289 students) who learnt through didactic lecturing. In the second phase, focus group discussions of current
final year was arranged to dig out their views about SGD intervention. The quantitative data was analyzed by
using SPSS version 17. Content analysis method was applied for qualitative analysis of focus group
Results: The mean scores were 1006±60 in interventional group as compared to 1026 ± 57 in non-
interventional group (p<0.001). In second phase, the focus group discussion, students (30), found lecturing
was a better way of learning than SGD in terms of content coverage according to 15 students (62.5%), senior
people teaching: 9(37.5%), who were better prepared: 6(25%). Whereas, the downside of small group
discussion was related to the fact that the junior teachers were involved in teaching according to 15 (62.5%)
who were less prepared: 11 (45.8%) and lack of uniformity in practicing the intervention in different wards: 10
Conclusion: Students consider SGD as a relatively less favored mode of information transfer owing to
multiple factors influencing the learning process of students as opposed to didactic lecturing in our set-up.
Keywords: Academic performance, Didactic lecturing, Learning, Small group discussion.

INTRODUCTION students and is employed frequently in

The impact of teaching brings a major majority of medical schools despite numerous
difference in the learning outcomes in pitfalls2.
undergraduate’s learning. This is more Effective student learning is a primary
important in providing efficient and effective objective of all medical schools. Student-
professionals to our community. Its centered teaching strategies are considered
effectiveness depends on how much has been more efficient in motivating and encouraging
perceived and comprehended by the recipients: students to realize their actual potential. One of
the students. There is an array of modes of these strategies is teaching through SGD, which
information transfer employed by medical is student-centered where teacher facilitates the
schools for transfer of content such as: small process of learning3.
group discussions (SGD), seminars, tutorials, SGD technique has been one of the
class discussions, case studies, brainstorming, highlights of paradigm shift in medical school
videotapes, role playing etc1. Lecturing is a teaching over the last 40 years4 . In a way, SGD
traditional way of imparting knowledge to appears to be abroad term without a clear
definition. It encompasses tutorials, seminars
Correspondence: Dr Mohammad Rashad Qamar, and small group problem-solving sessions. A
29-B, Medical Colony, Bahawalpur, Pakistan small group is a limited number of people who
Email: interact in a face to face situation where the size
Received: 11Jun 2014; Accepted: 23July2 014 of the group may vary from a handful of

Small Group Discussion Vs Didactic Lectures Pak Armed Forces Med J 2015; 65(3):386-90

students to around 30 participants however, Associate professor, Assistant Professor and

about 8-12 is an optimal number5,6. Senior Registrar. The traditional lecturing or the
The concept of interactive discussions and content-oriented approach is still the core
small group teaching is not new. Socrates was a teaching method used for rest of the classes i.e.
great exponent of this method of teaching7. The 1st year to 4th year.
effectiveness of small group teaching against The aim of this study was to compare two
didactic lectures is well documented8. Small different teaching methods i.e. didactic lecture
group teaching helps in creating an atmosphere and interactive SGD sessions among
of free interaction between the teacher and the undergraduate students of final year (2012
students and among all the participants class) at QAMC. This study investigated how
themselves. The teacher who acts as the group the change of learning strategies could
leader is a facilitator, allowing the participants influence performance of final year students in
to express themselves6. In short, small group terms of summative assessment scores who
setting provides a near ideal environment for were initially exposed to didactic lecturing for
teachers to facilitate active participation of the last four years and then experienced
students5. learning through SGD. The study was also
Dividing a bigclass into small groups meant to find out the perceptions of students
produces many benefits for teachers and towards this change to ascertain the worth of
students; for example students receive more this intervention for future implementation.
individual attention, teachers are able to MATERIAL AND METHODS
manage students more efficiently, discipline A sequential mixed method study was
problems are likely to be less and there is more conducted at QAMC, Bahawalpur, Pakistan,
interaction between students and teachers. from January 2012 to October 2012 after
When the teacher spends less time in managing approval from the institutional ethical review
the students, more time can be utilized in board.
enhancing students’ learning8. Small group
In the first phase, quasi experimental
learning has become an increasingly important
design was employed. SGD was used as an
strategy for undergraduate medical education
intervention on the interventional group
and many schools with more traditional
comprising 277 final year medical students
curricula have incorporated a significant
(2012 class) participating in the study.
number of SGD sessions into undergraduate
teaching for medical students9. The SGD was conducted by the teaching
faculty including professors, associate
The traditional lecturing approach has
professors, assistant professors and senior
been the core instructional method in majority
registrars. The format was discussed both in
of medical schools. Several activities and
academic council and conveyed to facilitators in
initiatives at both national and individual levels
the departmental meeting. The duration of
have been adopted for reviewing medical
session was 3 hours in each ward.
school curriculum and introducing new
teaching methods in the country over the last Academic performance of new final year
two decades10. The same attempt was and old final year was compared in terms of
undertaken in Quaid-e-Azam Medical College scores obtained in the standard examination
(QAMC) Bahawalpur during an academic (summative assessment) by collecting the
session where only the final year class (2012) record of both classes (2012 class and 2011 class)
was subjected to this change as a pilot project from college student section after head of the
and morning lecture was replaced by SGD. As a institution’s permission. The mean ± SD of their
result, all teaching was being done in the final professional exam scores were compared
respective wards where SGD format was used with the mean ± SD of the final professional
for transfer of knowledge. The SGD was exam scores of immediate senior final year
conducted by the consultants i.e. Professor, student who learnt through didactic lecturing.

Small Group Discussion Vs Didactic Lectures Pak Armed Forces Med J 2015; 65(3):386-90

Quantitative analysis was done using SPSS of focus group discussions, followed by word
version 17 to calculate descriptive statistics such frequency count to identify clusters of ideas
as mean, SD of scores. Independent t-test was grouped under 2 major themes as they
applied to calculate statistical difference appeared in the text.

Good students ask questions, that's beneficial

for all

Knowledge delivery in lectures is of good


Teachers are well prepared 6

Senior teachers take classes 9

Better content coverage 15

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Figure-1: Reasons of adequacy of lectures and inadequacy of small group discussion.

between the performances of two groups. A p Triangulation of narratives under each
value of ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically theme was done with the help of responses
significant. obtained from the survey questionnaire to
In the second phase, focus group confirm the accuracy of information presented
discussion (FGD) sessions of current final year to the readers.
(class 2102) were arranged to dig out their Conclusions were drawn by adopting a
views about SGD. Sample for FGD was selected constant iterative process by re-visiting research
after tabulating results of students in questions, transcriptions, themes and
interventional group; three groups according to summaries of narratives under each theme and
their ranking based on their scores was done i.e. their verification with survey responses by all
high achievers, average and below average researchers after putting each other’s
students were randomly selected from all 3 interpretation to the test of plausibility,
groups for FGD using lottery method. Each sturdiness and conformability.
group (A, B &C) had 10 students. RESULTS
Three focus group discussions were Quantitative Analysis:
conducted at the regional centre of College of
Adequacy of lectures:
Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan of all groups.
The entire sessions were videotaped for It was identified that better content
subsequent transcription and content analysis coverage was perceived as most common
to draw inferences from the thick description (62.5%) advantage of lectures followed by the
and were complemented by manually perception that lectures were taken by senior
calculated frequencies of various responses in faculty members (37.5%). Better preparation by
the transcription. the teachers was third most frequent perceived
advantage (25%) of lectures as shown in Fig-1.
Qualitative analysis was done through
data reduction by transcribing video recordings

Small Group Discussion Vs Didactic Lectures Pak Armed Forces Med J 2015; 65(3):386-90

The most common reason of failure of SGD communicated that junior teachers with less
interventions identified by students was
involvement of junior faculty members in Some students get more
teaching (62.5%), less than optimal preparation attention
by the teachers (45.8%) and variation in the Some students take over the class 6
process of SGD in different wards (41.7%) as
Inadequate content coverage 8
shown in Fig-2.
Non uniform pattern in different

SGD helps in fostering reasoning and Teachers are not well prepared 11
problem solving skills among students, which
Junior teachers take classes 15
are needed to solve real life problems in clinical
practice8. However, in the current study, which 0 5 10 15 20
has its own limitations, it has been observed
that lectures were considered better than SGD, Figure-2: Reasons of small group discussion
something which is contrary to available failure.
literature. The results of an MBBS class preparation were available and there was no
experiencing SGD intervention showed poor uniformity of teaching. Some topics were
results in terms of their mean scores in final repeated many a times and some were not even
Tablel: Academic performance of interventional and non-interventional group.
Performance Interventional Group Non-interventional group p value
parameters (n=277) (n=289)
Mean± S.D marks 1006 ± 60 1026 ± 57 <0.001
(range) (852 – 1265) (865 – 1172)
Passing ratio 201 (72.6%) 248 (85.8%) <0.001
professional exam (1006 ± 60 versus 1026 ±57), touched and it was different for different
their pass percentage (72.6% versus 85.8%) and batches. In a study done in Hong Kong;
also in terms of their perceptions i.e. they had students expressed a preference for learning
reservation regarding the interventionits and interacting with teachers than colleagues
application and the faculty involved. Some but they concluded that effectiveness of small
other studies also revealed students’ negative group teaching may depend on the teaching
perspective regarding the worth of problem style in small groups. Students in the
oriented interactive sessions. In China, students interventional group showed higher marks than
reported: uncertainty on the accuracy of the students in the lecture format (p =0.059) but
knowledge acquired (80%), time wasted during similar to our study there were some negative
the session (35.4), inadequate focus in teaching attitudes like heavy workload on students
(32.9%), and heavy workload on the students (55%), and uncertainty about the accuracy of
(28.2%)11. In a Malaysian study, 27.0% of information from colleagues (52%)14. In another
students found problem oriented class to be study done in India, majority of students
very stressful12. However, in an Iranian study, favored a judicious mixture of didactic lectures
students believed that they needed extensive and case–oriented problem solving in tutorial
discussion on the given topics. All 22 students classes to be an efficient modality in
were satisfied and preferred SGD in terms of understanding a system under study15.
evaluation method for the course, participatory CONCLUSIONS
learning and team working, effectiveness and
Students consider SGD as a relatively less
developing self-learning skills (p<0.001),and
favored mode of information transfer owing to
scored higher on topics of SGD (p<0.01), but
multiple factors influencing the learning
believed that they needed longer discussion of
process of students as opposed to didactic
the topics13. In our study, the concern was

Small Group Discussion Vs Didactic Lectures Pak Armed Forces Med J 2015; 65(3):386-90

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