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Nathaniel C.

BS Computer Engineering 1A
Ph.D. Tomas O. Bańez


Test I. Essay.

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a curriculum requirement for college
students under Republic Act (RA) No. 9163. Under the NSTP Program, both male and female
college students are obliged to undergo one of three program components for an academic period
of two semesters. There are several legal precedents to the National Service Training Program
(NSTP) Act of 2001. Commonwealth Act No. 1, enacted by the National Assembly of the
Philippines on December 21, 1935, Presidential Decree No. 1706, otherwise known as the
"National Service Law", was signed into law on 8 August 1980.


The preamble is like a nation's "abstract"-it tells you the goals, aspirations, and what to
expect from a nation's set of laws. It would tell you what the Filipino people are striving for,
what they aspire to be, and what they believe in. The first paragraph of the Philippine
Constitution is important because it will tell you why a particular clause in the Constitution is
there. The 1987 Constitution was ratified by a nationwide plebiscite on February 8, 1987. The
constitution provides for three governmental powers, namely the executive, legislative, and
judicial branches. The argument for waiting for the legislation of an Anti-Political Dynasty Law
only benefits politicians who are standing members of political dynasties. The Philippine
Constitution is important because it protects our rights. It enables us to have justice and live a
beautiful life. It helps us to know our limitations and the right things we should do in order for us
to become a good citizen. We'll know how to defend ourselves against adversaries.The
Constitution is important because it protects individual freedom, and its fundamental principles
govern the United States. The Constitution places the government's power in the hands of the
citizens. It limits the power of the government and establishes a system of checks and balances.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the

history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds
from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General
Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights
to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages. Everyone is
entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any
kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made based on the
political, juridical, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs,
whether independent, trust, non-self-governing, or subject to any other form of sovereignty


Our flag—the Sun and Stars—is the living symbol of our country, the Philippines. It is
the emblem of our nationhood, of what we have been, of what we are, and of what we hope to
be. In our flag are crystallized our common aspirations as Filipinos and our collective vision for
our country's future. As the symbol of our country, our flag should be accorded due respect and
honor. Hence, its use and display should be regulated by approved practices as prescribed by our
government. Scouts and citizens should show it their utmost respect. It is regrettable that some
are very careless in the observance of the laws concerning our flag. Perhaps this is brought about
by ignorance of existing laws, rules, and regulations governing the proper respect due it. As a
Filipino citizen, whenever I see the flag of the Philippines, I always give respect by putting my
right palm over my chest, where my heart is located. By just doing this, I feel proud of what my
country has been through just to be an independent country. That’s why I always pay respect to
our flag on behalf of those soldiers, Filipinos, and heroes who have lost their lives fighting for
peace and freedom in our country.


As an NSTP student at Samar State University, I can prove that I am exercising good
citizenship to help the environment because I am active in helping the community, like
voluntarily joining activities in our barangay like cleaning drives and "libong mo, limpyo mo."
And I can say that I am a patriotic citizen, which I obey laws, respect my country’s flag, I don’t
engage in acts of vandalism that deface my environment. And as a person, I have these personal
qualities of a good citizen which are: honesty, integrity, responsibility, respect, compassion,
kindness, tolerance, courtesy, self-discipline, moral courage, and love of justice.


Voter education means providing citizens of a democracy with basic information about
participating in elections. Voter education is often provided by the state itself, often through a
national electoral commission, so it is therefore important that it is politically non-partisan.
Government departments that focus on voter education are often highly scrutinized by a third
party. In addition, there are various private institutions whose mission it is to strengthen
democratic values by increasing voter education. The focus is often on how to vote rather than
who to vote for. It is important because citizens should choose a good leader that will lead the
country. Being a citizen, it is our duty to be a good leader. We are part of the government and we
are the strong fundamentals of it. If there is something wrong with citizens, then the government
will be too. It will be just a cycle. That’s why it is important to have voter education in order for
the registered voter to be aware of what or who they are going to vote for and what the
consequences will be if they vote for the wrong leader.

TEST II. Multiple choice Read the statements carefully. Select the best answer by encircling the
letter of your choice.

1. An act instituting the comprehensive dangerous drugs Act of 2002, and repealing
Republic act 6425.

ANSWER: A. R.A 9165

2. The Article and section of RA 9165 which stipulate the instruction on drug abuse
prevention and control to be integrated in the elementary, secondary and tertiary
school curricula of all public and private schools, whether general, technical,
vocational or industrial.

ANSWER: A. Article IV section 43

3. The dangerous drug commonly used by most Filipinos

ANSWER: B. Shabu

4. The five countries that are largely involved in the trafficking of drugs in the

ANSWER: B. China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, and Peru

5. The agency responsible to carry out the provisions of republic Act 9165 known as
dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.


6. The body responsible in making policies and formulating strategies and programs on
drug prevention and control.


7. The term used to describe the secret places of manufacturing drugs.

ANSWER: c. Stock house

8. An activity where drugs are spread or sold for consumption from one location to

ANSWER: A. Drug trafficking

9. The commonly abused drugs in the country and in the Asia pacific region.

ANSWER: c. All of the above

10. The modes of drug transfer used by foreign nationals in drug trafficking.

ANSWER: c. all of the above

11. The common place where dangerous drugs are mostly seized.

ANSWER: A. Seaports, Airports

12. The group of substances that are distributed to destroy health.

ANSWER: A. Dangerous Drugs

13. The substances which are useful and considered as essential drugs but dangerous
when used in excess.

ANSWER: C. Narcotics

14. The early signs of individuals who are affected by dangerous drugs, except one.
ANSWER: C. Good grooming

15. The effects of dangerous drugs to individuals, except one.

ANSWER: C. Good attention span

16. The age group level that composes the majority of patients affected by dangerous

ANSWER: B. 15-29 years

17. The region that has the highest number of affected barangays in the country.


18. The region with the highest organized groups to fight drug abusers.

ANSWER: C. NCR and region 3

19. The Highest marijuana –producing region in the land.


20. The number one source of dangerous drugs in the Philippines.

ANSWER: C. China

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