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Nama : Ivania Ayu Paninggar

Kelas : 2A2

NIM : P1337420120060

The nursing profession is one of the most influential professions in the patient's healing process. And
can collaborate with other health workers such as doctors, nutritionists, in order to carry out their duties
properly. In this industrial 4.0 era, nursing science must adopt technological developments because the
handling of patients in the future will also be different over time. Therefore, mastery of technology is
something that must be implemented.

Nursing in the future will lead to the use of robots that can replace some nursing functions. This is not
impossible with the support of technology, now robots have been created that can provide medicine.
Utilization of technology and artificial intelligence operates various technologies ranging from the
production process and distribution to consumers,It will certainly provide new opportunities to increase
industrial competitiveness and change lifestyles.

The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 on the world of nursing can be viewed from 2 aspects, namely
positive and negative aspects, on the negative aspects of the impact of the industrial revolution 4.0
there is nursing science that robot technology can provide medicine to patients, will not care about
service to patients, robots will never be able to replace caring position in a nurse in any era. But the
impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 on the world of nursing is reviewed on a positive aspect, namely
with the existence of insulating technology which aims to minimize the risk of micro-organism
contamination by humans, animals, the environment for production made aseptically, this industrial
technology has grown rapidly.

Nurses must be prepared to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and nurses must be able to face
the big challenges that will occur in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and in the midst of
globalization that is happening today, a nurse must be able to balance and adapt to a technology-based
environment. The important factor is the skills and competence of nurses in medical personnel
consistently. It needs to be improved according to developments and prioritize patient safety. Nurses
must also have critical thinking, have innovative ideas, and be adaptive to changing eras to face all
elements, both patients and other medical personnel.

The role of nurses is not limited to providing nursing care (ASKEP) but is required to have counseling
skills to deliver education to patients, this phenomenon has changed the nature of nursing services from
focal services that are only based on professional services that work on mastery of nursing science and

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