3BUA000135R5001 DCI Config

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800xA - System
800xA for DCI
System Version 5.0

800xA - System
800xA for DCI
System Version 5.0

This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a
description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to
the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a
standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document
support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine
the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the
product specifications for the particular ABB product.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard-
ware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC.

All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respec-
tive owners.

Copyright © 2003-2006 by ABB.

All rights reserved.

Release: September 2006

Document number: 3BUA000135R5001

About This Book

General ..............................................................................................................................7
Document Conventions .....................................................................................................7
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons..................................................................7
Related Documentation .....................................................................................................8

Section 1 - Introduction
Product Overview..............................................................................................................9
Functional Description ......................................................................................................9

Section 2 - Composer CTK

Introduction .....................................................................................................................11
Description ......................................................................................................................11
Creating a DCU Tag List......................................................................................12
DCU Manager .................................................................................................................14
Node Addressing and Network Status Display ...............................................................15
Network Device Assignment...........................................................................................15
DCU Resident Configuration ..........................................................................................16
DCU Support Services ....................................................................................................16

Section 3 - Network Services

Introduction .....................................................................................................................17
DCU Connectivity ...........................................................................................................17
Conductor NT/UX Synchronization................................................................................17
Time Synchronization of DCU........................................................................................18

3BUA000135R5001 5
Table of Contents

Service Startup ................................................................................................................ 18

List of Required DCI Network Services ......................................................................... 18

Section 4 - Control Object Type Definition

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 21
Standard DCU Module Types ......................................................................................... 21
CIO Module Types .......................................................................................................... 21
Object Types Structure......................................................................................... 22
CCAs ............................................................................................................................. 22
Data Type Conversion.......................................................................................... 22
Array Handling .................................................................................................... 24
Object Type Definition for Symphony DCI OPC Control Network.................... 24

Section 5 - Security
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 25
DCI Security.................................................................................................................... 25
Aspect Integrator Platform Security................................................................................ 26
DCI System Level Security............................................................................................. 27
CTK Security .................................................................................................................. 28

Section 6 - Administration
Backup and Restore......................................................................................................... 29
Access ............................................................................................................ 29
Function ............................................................................................................ 29
Configure Users and Security ......................................................................................... 30


6 3BUA000135R5001
About This Book

This instruction describes the configuration steps related to 800xA for DCI.

Document Conventions
Microsoft Windows conventions are normally used for the standard presentation of
material when entering text, key sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen
elements, etc.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This publication includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate
to point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to
point out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be
interpreted as follows:

Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in
electrical shock.

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could result in personal

Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept

discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard which could
result in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.

Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
3BUA000135R5001 7
Terminology About This Book

Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
fully comply with all Warning and Caution notices.

A complete and comprehensive list of Terms is included in the IndustrialIT
Extended Automation System 800xA, Engineering Concepts (3BDS100972Rxxxx)
instruction. The listing includes terms and definitions as they apply to the 800xA
system where the usage is different from commonly accepted industry standard
definitions and definitions given in standard dictionaries such as Webster’s
Dictionary of Computer Terms. Terms that uniquely apply to this instruction are:

Term/Acronym Description
CCL Controlware ™ Command Language – Used to create Controlware phase logic
executed by the DCU.
Composer ™ CTK CTK - Configuration Tool Kit.
Conductor Refers to Symphony™ console applications such as Conductor NT or
Conductor UX products.They interface to multiple ABB systems.
Controlware Symphony/DCI based control logic utilizing softwiring between function modules.
DCU Distributed Control Unit (Symphony DCI Controller).
HDCU Harmony Distributed Control Unit (Symphony DCI Controller).
GDBA Global Database Access (Symphony DCI).

Related Documentation
A complete list of all documents applicable to the 800xA Industrial IT Extended
Automation System is provided in Released User Documents (3BUA000263Rxxxx).
This document lists applicable Release Notes and User Instructions. It is provided in
PDF format and is included on the Release Notes/Documentation media provided
with your system. Released User Documents are updated with each release and a
new file is provided that contains all user documents applicable for that release with
their applicable document number. Whenever a reference to a specific instruction is
made in this book, the instruction number is included in the reference.
8 3BUA000135R5001
Section 1 Introduction

Product Overview
The 800xA for DCI software product integrates the Symphony Distributed Control
Unit (DCU) controllers with the 800xA System. This integration provides one
operation and configuration view of the system. Connectivity to the DCU hardware
is accomplished through a dedicated OPC Server that is included with 800xA for
800xA communicates with the DCU controllers via the ABB ECCP Dual
Ethernet ™ Controller or through third party single Ethernet controller cards.
Workstations with ECCP boards support redundant Control Network (Cnet)
connections to the DCU controllers.
Composer CTK is a software package that provides an integrated set of
configuration tools in a graphical user environment for building DCU control
strategies. CTK is required to co-exist on the network with 800xA for DCI to handle
the configuration of DCU controllers while establishing and maintaining devices on
the DCI control network.
This instruction describes the features of Composer CTK version 6.0 that have been
added to accommodate 800xA for DCI. It is intended to be used as an addendum to
the Composer CTK User’s Guide (3BUA000315Rxxxx) instruction.

Functional Description
The 800xA System allows monitoring and control of process variables from the
DCU such as flow rate, temperature, and pressure according to a control
configuration that the engineer or technician defines. The DCUs and its input/output
(I/O) devices are connected for communication on the Cnet to System 800xA via
the 800xA for DCI software.

3BUA000135R5001 9
Functional Description Section 1 Introduction

10 3BUA000135R5001
Section 2 Composer CTK

Composer CTK is the tool that makes editing DCI tag object instance definitions
possible. Once they are edited, these changes can be exported from Composer CTK
and then imported into the 800xA system using the DCI Tag Importer. Refer to the
Industrial IT, 800xA - System, 800xA for DCI Operation (3BUA000129Rxxxx)
instruction for more information on importing DCI tags.

The DCI Tag Importer aspect of the 800xA for DCI software requires a list of tag
names and other module information so that it can create tag objects corresponding
to DCU databases. The 800xA tag list is an XML file that contains the following
• Name - Name of the DCU module.
• Type - ASCII name of DCU Module Type.
• FIX - Numeric value indicating the Function of the designated module type.
• Description - Description entered by the user of the module (LEG atom).
• Project - Name of the CTK project to which the module has been assigned.
When used for online controllers, the Project Name is blank.
• Controller - Name of the controller to which the module has been assigned. If
the module was taken from a CTK project and was not assigned to a controller,
the string UNASSIGNED will be used.
• Area - Area (number) to which the module has been assigned.

3BUA000135R5001 11
Creating a DCU Tag List Section 2 Composer CTK

Creating a DCU Tag List

The 800xA tag list is created in Composer CTK. From the main Composer CTK
window, select File > Export > 800xA Tag List. When 800xA Tag List is selected,
the 800xA Tag List Export window appears (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Selected Tags To Export

The Tag List Information tab shows the selected Tag List file (if any) and provides a
Browse button to specify the location and name of the Tag List file to be generated.
The default folder for Tag List files is 800xATagLists located in the
<installation_path>\ctk file path. Use the Browse button to change the path as
The Tag List Information tab also shows the complete list of selected tags for all
projects and controllers in a multi column list box. Items in the list box can be
selected and a dialog menu (right click) can be used to remove the selected item(s)
from the list. Figure 1 shows the number of tags currently selected.
When the 800xA Tag List Export window first appears, the Destination File box is
empty. If an existing file is selected in the Tag List Information tab, the tag lists are
updated to reflect the data from the file. If any tag selections have been made prior
to selecting a new destination file name, the user will be notified that the current
selections will be lost if OK is selected.

12 3BUA000135R5001
Section 2 Composer CTK Creating a DCU Tag List

The Tag Selection tab presents a tree view, containing all projects, online
controllers, and CIO database names, as well as two lists showing all of the tags for
the currently selected tree item as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Selected Tree Item

The tags are listed as Available Tags or Selected Tags. The default project name is
selected when the window is first selected. When a project name is selected in the
tree view, a list of all tags in the project appear in the list boxes. When the project is
expanded, the tree view shows all module types for which at least one tag exists in
the project. If one of the module types is selected, the list boxes show only the tags
of the specified type. Tags can be moved between the lists by using the appropriate
buttons. The double arrow button moves the entire list in the direction indicated.
The single arrow button moves only selected item(s) (Figure 2).
Right click over a tag name in one of the list boxes to display module information
such as Module Type, FIX, Legend, and AREA.
When an online controller name is selected in the tree view, a list of all tags in the
controller appear in the list boxes. When the project is expanded, the tree view
shows all module types for which at least one tag exists. The CIO Databases group
is shown if CTK can locate any CIO Database files (dumped by DCU Manager on
page 14). The CIO Database file names are shown if CIO Databases is expanded.
When a CIO Database is selected, a list of all tags in the Database file appear in the

3BUA000135R5001 13
DCU Manager Section 2 Composer CTK

list boxes. When a CIO Database is expanded, a list of available CIO Module Types
is shown.
The same tag name may exist in different projects and/or online DCUs. However,
duplicate tags cannot exist in the 800xA Tag List file. If the user selects a tag
from a project or controller when it already exists in the complete list (in the Tag
List Information tab), an error is issued stating that the tag must be removed from
the list before adding it from another source (project or controller). From the Tag
List Information tab, the source project or node of a tag can be viewed by right
clicking it.

DCU Manager
Various DCI related features that were previously found only in Conductor NT/UX
products have been integrated into Composer CTK. Utilities such as Network
Device Assignment, Status Display, File Operations, DCU operations, etc. are
organized under the DCU Manager.
The DCU Manager is accessed by selecting Tools > DCU Manager in Composer
CTK. A tool icon is also available on the main CTK toolbar:

The DCU Manager consists of a tree view containing a root named Devices and all
available online DCU nodes in the left window pane, and information that is related
to the selected tree item in the right window pane (Figure 3).


Figure 3. DCU Status

14 3BUA000135R5001
Section 2 Composer CTK Node Addressing and Network Status Display

When the Devices root item is selected in the left pane, a summary of all available
nodes is shown in the right pane containing the device name, type, IP address and
Ethernet address.
Various operations are available on items in the tree view. A Menu of available
operations is displayed by right clicking over the desired tree item.

Node Addressing and Network Status Display

When a DCU node is selected in the tree view, Node information is displayed as
shown in Figure 3. When a DCU node is expanded in the tree view, the type of
board in each used slot of the DCU frame is displayed. When one of these slot items
is selected in the tree, the I/O board status is shown in the right pane. Operations are
available on DCU node items in the tree view. A menu of available operations is
displayed by right clicking over the desired DCU node.
Refer to the Industrial IT, 800xA - System, 800xA for DCI Operation
(3BUA000129Rxxxx) instruction for more information.

Network Device Assignment

Right click the Devices item in the tree view and then select Network Device
Assignment. When selected, the Network Device Assignment window appears.
Entries in the device table can be added, deleted, or edited using the buttons
To edit an entry, select the device name and select the Edit button. The Edit Device
Properties window appears. The basic properties for editing are the Device Name,
Device Type, IP address, Physical address, and an indication of whether the device
is present on the network. Depending on the Device Type selected, there may be a
Device Settings button available to configure additional device dependant items.
Validation of Device Properties occur when the Edit dialog is closed by selecting
To create a new entry, select the Add button and then proceed in the manner as
described for Edit.

3BUA000135R5001 15
DCU Resident Configuration Section 2 Composer CTK

DCU Resident Configuration

Right click on a DCU Node item to configure the DCU Resident Configuration
(Figure 4).


Figure 4. DCU Resident Configuration

When selected, a dialog appears in which DCU Resident Configuration menus are
available. Only keyboard input is accepted in this dialog. For example, type LT on
the keyboard to recall the Serial Port Login Table.

DCU Support Services

Right click on a DCU Node item to configure the DCU Resident Services
(Figure 5).


Figure 5. DCU Resident Services

When selected, a dialog appears in which DCU Resident Configuration menus are
available. Only keyboard input is accepted in this dialog. For example, type LEG on
the keyboard to perform Legend Verification.

16 3BUA000135R5001
Section 3 Network Services

A subset of the current Conductor NT Network Services are used in 800xA for DCI.
These services provide connectivity to the DCU as well as synchronization with
Conductor NT/UX and other vital services, such as DCU licensing and loading.

DCU Connectivity
The DCU has several interfaces for accessing (reading and writing) its internal data.
The most prominent one is Symphony DCI Global Database Access (GDBA). Other
interfaces are used much less often and are not used at all for process data. The
Conductor NT Network Services have built-in support for all of the interfaces as
shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Data Access Interfaces From DCU

Interface Name Type of Data

Global Database Access GDBA Process Data
System Operations SysOps DCU internal board information and status.
Node Introduction NodeIntro Node and network connection status
Alarm/Event Messaging Event Service DCU Alarm and events
Other Interfaces Various —

Conductor NT/UX Synchronization

It is necessary for the DCI connectivity tasks to interoperate with Conductor NT and
Conductor UX consoles. The DCI connectivity tasks are responsible for maintaining
and establishing such tables as the Network Device Assignment table.

3BUA000135R5001 17
Time Synchronization of DCU Section 3 Network Services

It is also necessary to synchronize the DCU database images between Conductor

NT/UX and the DCI connectivity server. This will require running the Conductor
NT dirsync.exe task at certain times. Refer to the Conductor NT Operation
(WBPEEUI340012xx) instruction for more information.

Time Synchronization of DCU

The DCI connectivity server performs time synchronization to the Symphony DCI
nodes. The time synchronization is performed by the TSYNCD DAEMON. The
time synchronizer is responsible for synchronizing time with the DCU, Composer
CTK, and Conductor NT/UX nodes on the same network.

Service Startup
The startup sequencing of the DCI network services is controlled by a task similar to
Conductor NT NWKSER service.

List of Required DCI Network Services

The following table (Table 2) lists the network Services for DCI.

Table 2. Conductor Services For DCI

Service Name Description
Service Number
10 N_MSG_SRVC Message server
11 N_MESSAGE_SRVC Service for message broadcast
12 N_TAB_SRVC Global tables service
14 N_TAB_SRVC Event subsystem - Alarm server
16 N_DCU_ALARM_UPDATE_SRVC DCU Event subsystem - Update server
17 N_DDB_SRVC Display database server
19 N_XDC_ALARM_UPDATE_SRVC XDC event subsystem - Update server

18 3BUA000135R5001
Section 3 Network Services List of Required DCI Network Services

Table 2. Conductor Services For DCI (Continued)

Service Name Description
Service Number
21 N_TABI_SRVC Internal global tables
22 N_EVENT_EVTMSG_SRVC Event subsystem - Message server
23 N_FSN_SRVC File sync service
25 N_EVTBIT_SRVC Event bit service
32 N_DBASER_SRVC DBA access box server
33 N_LICENSE_SRVC Software license server
39 N_ALM_RELAY_SRVC External alarm relay service
56 N_MBIT_SRVC Event bit update messages
59 N_LOCAL_LIC_SRVC Local license counter service
60 N_TABIS_SRVC Table sync service
61 N_CLIENT_INFO_SRVC Client information request service
62 N_SYS_TAB_SRVC Global tables - system wide‘
63 N_SYS_TABI_SRVC Internal global tables - system wide
64 N_SYS_TABIS_SRVC Table sync service - system wide

3BUA000135R5001 19
List of Required DCI Network Services Section 3 Network Services

20 3BUA000135R5001
Section 4 Control Object Type Definition

800xA for DCI uses Object Types to provide a connection to and control of the
DCU Controlware modules from the 800xA System. Each DCU module type has a
corresponding Aspect Object Type. Module types with multiple Functions (FIXs)
have an Object Type for each FIX. The CIO module types (AIO, AIOB, etc.) also
have corresponding Object Types.
The following functions are automatically provided by 800xA for DCI:
• Creation of all required Object Types and related Object Type Groups for DCU
Controlware modules in the Object Type Structure.
• Creation of all Control Connection Aspect properties for each Object Type
• Creation of a DCI OPC Control Network Object Type. This Network Object
Type includes the DCI Tag Importer. Refer to the Industrial IT, 800xA - System,
800xA for DCI Operation (3BUA000129Rxxxx) instruction for more
information on the Tag Importer.
• Creation of required Aspect System Objects (ASOs) for the DCI Object Types.

Standard DCU Module Types

An Object Type has been defined for each of the supported module types in DCI.
Each module type corresponds to an Object Type as shown in the Object Types
structure. A Control Connection Aspect (CCA) exists for each Object Type. The
properties included in the Object Types are all those that have DBA access for the
given module type and FIX.

CIO Module Types

An Object Type should be defined for each of the following CIO module types:
• AIO.
3BUA000135R5001 21
Object Types Structure Section 4 Control Object Type Definition

These module types correspond to Object Types as shown in Object Types Structure
on page 22.

Object Types Structure

The Object Types Structure in the Plant Explorer Workplace is where the Object
Types are created. The Symphony DCI Controlware Modules Object Type Group
resides under the Control System Object Type Group.

Each Symphony DCI Module Object Type has an OPC CCA. The CCA lists all of
the DBA accessible atoms as properties of the Aspect. Figure 6 shows a sample
CCA Property View for an ANI FIX 0 Object Type.


Figure 6. Property View of the Control Connection Aspect

Data Type Conversion

The Data Types assigned to the properties of the CCA are derived from the Data
Types stored in the Composer CTK project databases. The Composer CTK data

22 3BUA000135R5001
Section 4 Control Object Type Definition Data Type Conversion

types are derived from the types stored in the DCUs ALD format. The ALD types
are in turn derived from the DCUs Data Dictionary Data Types.
Table 3 and Table 4 show the conversion from DCU Data Dictionary Data types to
the CCA property Data Types.

Table 3. Data Types 1

Composer CTK Composer CTK

DCU Data DCU Data
Data Dictionary Data Dictionary
Dictionary Type Dictionary Type
Type Type

3BUA000135R5001 23
Array Handling Section 4 Control Object Type Definition

Table 4. Data Types 2

Composer CTK Composer CTK

Process Portal Process Portal
Data Dictionary Data Dictionary
Variant Type Variant Type
Type Type

Array Handling
Some Symphony DCI Controlware atoms are defined as arrays. These atoms appear
in the CCA with a data type of either VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY or

Object Type Definition for Symphony DCI OPC Control Network

This Object Type is a specialization of the Generic OPC Server Network Object
Type. Its aspects include the DCI Tag Importer which is the uploader for the tags.

24 3BUA000135R5001
Section 5 Security

GDBA write security is a function of the controller. GDBA write security is
maintained on an Area basis and an access level. There are up to 255 areas in a DCI
installation, and there are nine access levels as defined in Table 5.

Table 5. Symphony DCI Access Levels

Level Trust Level Trust

Operator 1 1 (low) Engineer 3 6
Operator 2 2 Supervisor 1 7
Operator 3 3 Supervisor 2 8
Engineer 1 4 Supervisor 3 9 (high)
Engineer 2 5

Operator Level 1 is considered the lowest and least trusted level, while Supervisor
Level 3 is the highest and most trusted level. Each level is a superset of the
preceding level in terms of allowed access and trust. Beyond that, the actual
implementation and use of the access levels is user designed and user specific.
Areas and access levels are fundamental to DCI security and must be preserved.
Refer to the Controlware II Module Reference (3BUA000313Rxxxx) instruction for
information and detail concerning the dynamics of security in the DCU.

DCI Security
Each user login is assigned one of the nine access levels in Table 5 and anywhere
from 1 to all 255 areas. The assignments are made when the user login is configured
and may be modified by the customer when the need arises.

3BUA000135R5001 25
Aspect Integrator Platform Security Section 5 Security

Each GDBA writable atom in each DCU module has an assignable write access
level from Table 5. Access level assignment is a function of the DCU Data
Dictionary. Also, each individual DCU module is assigned to a specific area as
defined by the AREA atom. However, areas are dynamic and may be changed as
part of the security for a control algorithm.
Each individual atom write request is checked to see if the AREA of the atom is set
in the area mask, and if the access level of the atom matches that in the transaction.
Only those that match are permitted. If any write request does not match, the overall
transaction status is marked as containing errors, and the individual write request is
marked as failed due to a security violation. It is left to the originating application to
deal with the transaction status. In the case of a display, such as a point or graphic
display, an error indication pops up with a text message describing why the
transaction failed.
Symphony DCI users have the flexibility to design the security within these
parameters and that it is vital to preserve the current functionality. The console
does not have the ability to predict or track the dynamics of AREA manipulation
as performed by Controlware. Security control must still be done within the

Aspect Integrator Platform Security

800xA System security is an adjunct to Windows Server 2003 security and is
achieved by association with Windows Server 2003 groups. The initial installation
of 800xA System creates five Windows groups automatically, which are intended to
provide levels of security and trust. The five groups and their intended usage are
shown in Table 6 (refer to the Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Administration and
Security (3BSE037410Rxxxx) instruction for more information).

Table 6. Industrial IT Windows Server 2003 User Groups

800xA Group Recommended Usage DCI Approximation

IndustrialITAdmin Configure Admin. Structure. None.
IndustrialITUser Read. Operator 1.
IndustrialITOperator Read and operate. Operator 2.

26 3BUA000135R5001
Section 5 Security DCI System Level Security

Table 6. Industrial IT Windows Server 2003 User Groups (Continued)

800xA Group Recommended Usage DCI Approximation

IndustrialITApplicationEngineer Read, Operate, Configure, and Operator 3 to Engineer 3.
Tune permission.
IndustrialITSystemEngineer Read, Administrate, Security Supervisor1 to Supervisor 3.
Configure, and Configure
NOTE: All users must be added to the IndustrialITUser group.

DCI System Level Security

The Conductor NT Security table is configurable from Composer CTK to provide
access to the table on systems without Conductor NT. Select Security > DCI
System Level Security.
An existing user can be edited by selecting a user name in the list and then selecting
the Edit button. A new user can be added by selecting the Add button. A user can
be deleted by selecting the desired user, then selecting the Delete button.
The Default user name cannot be deleted.

System Security is activated selecting the Activate Security button. When selected,
security is activated, the button label changes to Deactivate Security, and the button
remains depressed. To deactivate security, select the Deactivate Security button;
this causes the security checking to be deactivated and the button label to change to
Activate Security.
The Area Access table contains 255 possible area names and is configured by
selecting the Area Names button. The configured names for the 255 DCI Areas are
changed in the resulting window.
The User Name must be unique. The list of access levels are the same as shown by
Conductor NT:
• Operator Level 1.
• Operator Level 2.
• Operator Level 3.

3BUA000135R5001 27
CTK Security Section 5 Security

• Engineer Level 1.
• Engineer Level 2.
• Engineer Level 3.
• Supervisor Level 1.
• Supervisor Level 2.
• Supervisor Level 3.
The Area Access list shows all 255 area names as specified in the Area Names
global table. The desired area names can be selected using this list. Areas that have
been selected are highlighted in the list.

CTK Security
Some of the Composer CTK version 6.0 features are restricted by access rights that
are associated with the CTK login. The following table (Table 7) shows the access
rights required to use each CTK feature:

Table 7. CTK Security

Online Configuration Database Transfer

CTK Feature Administrative Rights
Rights Rights
DCU resident — Read/write —
DCU resident service — Read/write —
File download (Send To — — Upload/download
DCU button)
File upload (Get From — — Upload/download
DCU button)
DCI System Security Administrative — —

28 3BUA000135R5001
Section 6 Administration

Backup and Restore

Run the Backup option after creating a database for the first time. Run the Backup
option before doing an upgrade or making significant changes to the system
configuration. Run the Restore option when the system becomes corrupt or after an
upgrade takes place.

This feature is accessed through File > Backup in Composer CTK only.

Many of the files and internal tables used in Composer CTK are handled by the
Backup/Restore tool to prevent accidental loss of configuration data. Three new
options are available in the Library Components list:
• 800xA Taglist Files.
• DCU Manager Upload/Download Files.
• DCI System Configuration Tables.
The 800xA Taglist Files are XML files created by the 800xA Tag List Export Tool.
These are files saved to the default path recommended by the Tag List tool. If files
are saved in any folder other than the specified default folder, they will not be saved
in the backup file.
The DCU Manager Upload/Download Files are all those files listed in the DCU File
Operations window (ALD Database Files, CCL Files, etc.).
The DCI System Configuration Tables include the Network Device Assignment
table and the security tables for Users and Area Names.

3BUA000135R5001 29
Configure Users and Security Section 6 Administration

Configure Users and Security

Refer to the Industrial IT, 800xA - System, Administration and Security
(3BSE037410Rxxxx) instruction for more detailed information. Configure the Users
and Security using the following steps:
1. Assign Microsoft ® users.
2. Assign Security Settings in the Administrative Structure > Domains >
<computer name > System Domain according to the 800xA System
documentation and assign the Security Settings.
3. Use the Configuration Wizard to associate 800xA System groups to Microsoft
4. Use the Configuration Wizard to assign users to the groups in the user structure
(Operator to Operators group).

30 3BUA000135R5001
Numerics D
800xA Data access interface
Overview 9 DCU 17
Data types 22
A Database file 13
Assign microsoft users 30 CIO 13
DCI access levels 25
B DCI OPC control network object 21
Backup 29 DCI system level security 27
Backup and restore 29 DCU 9, 21
Data access interface 17
Time synchronization 18
DCU manager
Caution icon 7
Composer CTK 14
CIO database file 13
DCU manager icon 14
Composer CTK 11 to 13
DCU module types 21
Creating a DCU tag list 12 to 13
DCU resident configuration 16
DCU manager 14
DCU support services 16
DCU manager icon 14
DCU tag list 12 to 13
Description 11
Overview 9
Composer CTK 11
Reference instruction 9
Document conventions 7
Security 28
Documentation 8
Conductor NT 17
Synchronization 17
Conductor UX 17 E
Synchronization 17 ECCP controller 9
Configuration Engineering concepts terminology 8
DCU resident 16 Export 12 to 13
Configuration wizard 30 DCU tag list 12 to 13
Group association 30
Controller modules 21 F
Creating a DCU tag list 12 to 13 Functional description 9
CTK Security 27
Harmony OPC server
Users and security 30

3BUA000135R5001 31

I DCI access levels 25

Icons 7 DCI system level 27
Caution 7 Windows 26
Information 7 Structure
Tip 7 Object types 22
Warning 7 Support services
Information icon 7 DCU 16
M Conductor NT 17
Microsoft users 30 Conductor UX 17

Network device assignment 15 Terminology 8
Network service names 18 Engineering concepts 8
Network services 17 to 18 Time synchronization
Network status display 15 DCU 18
Node addressing 15 Tip icon 7
Node information 15
O Warning icon 7
Object type structures 22 Windows 26
Object types 21 Security 26
Object types structure 22
800xA 9
Composer CTK 9

Product overview 9

Related documentation 8 to 9, 11, 15, 18, 21, 25 to
26, 30
Release notes 8
Restore 29

Security 25
Composer CTK 28

32 3BUA000135R5001
3BUA000135R5001. Printed in U.S.A. September 2006
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