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African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 9. pp.

289 - 291
Printed in Uganda. All rights reserved
ISSN 1023-070X/2009 $ 4.00
© 2009, African Crop Science Society

Seed regeneration practices at the Southern African Development

Cooperation (SADC) Plant Genetic Resources Centre
SADC-Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Private/Bag CH6, ZA15302, Great East Road, Chalimbaba, Lusaka, Zambia
Bioversity International, Programme on Understanding and Managing Biodiversity. c/o AVRDC-RCA,
P.O. Box 10 Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania

Abstract Seed genebanks provide the most practical method for preserving large amounts of genetic material within a small space.
Seeds in genebanks, eventually, deteriorate whatever the conservation conditions. Genebanks managers are, therefore, faced with the
challenge of ensuring that samples stored are genetically very similar to the original sample collected in the field. Low temperature
and optimizing seed moisture content delays seed deterioration, but, when seed viability decreases to below 85%, regeneration is
recommended. Regeneration process appears routine and necessary but it may lead to losses of valuable traits if sufficient attention
is not given to factors affecting genetic integrity of the accession. Genebank managers at the SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre
(SPGRC) follow the recommendations published by Bioversity International (formerly IPGRI) and other Advanced Research
Centres during a regeneration process. This paper gives an overview of practical considerations and procedures carried out at SPGRC
while regenerating germplasm of orthodox seed crops.

Key words: Genetic integrity, genetic resources, regeneration, seed viability, SPGRC

Introduction characters, with the population then appearing to be more

uniform. Therefore, along with the need for seed
The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) regeneration, the process has to be managed in a manner
comprises 15 countries with a wide range of agro-climatic that the integrity of accessions is maintained as far as
conditions, rich in biodiversity and known for possible. Genebank managers at the SPGRC closely follow
domestication of several cultivated species. Before the the recommendations published by Bioversity
1980s, there were no formal genebanks for long-term International and other Advanced Research Centres in
conservation of genetic resources in the region. The order to maintain the genetic composition of an accession
utilization of modern varieties and agricultural practices during a regeneration process. This paper gives an
were seen then to be eroding most of this wealth of agro- overview of practical considerations and procedures
biodiversity in the field. SPGRC was established in Lusaka carried out at SPGRC while regenerating germplasm of
Zambia in 1989 to hold a base (long term) collection and some orthodox seed crops.
facilitate the establishment of National Plant Genetic
Resources Centres (NPGRCs) which hold the active (short Regeneration procedures
term) germplasm collections in their countries.
A critical objective of a seed conservation programme Seed sources for regeneration. National genebanks hold
is to preserve the genes with the same frequency as found active collections in their genebanks while SPGRC holds
when they were collected in the field. Seed banks provide the region’s base collection. The active collections are
the most practical method for preserving large amounts of used for evaluation, monitoring, utilization and exchange
genetic material within a small space. Nonetheless, seeds purposes. Samples for regeneration are taken from active
in genebanks eventually deteriorate whatever the collection when seed viability or the amount of seed in
conservation conditions. Low temperature and optimizing the active collection is depleted. The base collection at
seed moisture content can delay seed deterioration, but, SPGRC is maintained under the most appropriate
when seed viability decrease to below 85%, regeneration conditions for long storage as a back-up in case the
is recommended. Although the process of regenerating accessions are lost in the active collection. However, no
genetic resources in genebanks may appear routine and a matter how good the conditions of storage are, the seed
necessary operation to many scientists, it may lead to will undergo aging process. Therefore, if viability of seed
losses of valuable material when conducted without in base collection drops below the threshold recommended
sufficient attention, to the genetic quality of the accession by Bioversity, the seed accession will be taken from the
thus leading to genetic erosion. Burton 1975 for example base collection for regeneration.
made a comparison of the last generation with the first in
six different germplasm accessions of pearl millet and Criteria for scheduling regeneration of accessions from
showed that advancing germplasm of the crop narrowed base collection. The initial seed germination percentages
phenotypic variability, lost genes and obscured some for all accessions held in the base collection are known

from a register of the internally developed SPGRC out for maize accessions to maintain genetic integrity and
Documentation and Information System (SDIS) database get sufficient seed quantities.
that is updated each time a sample of any accession is
entered into the collection. Seed accessions in the Seed storage facilities and seed longevity. The growing
genebank are monitored at intervals of five years for conditions, post harvesting handling, drying, packaging
germination percentage and quantity of seed. Accessions and storage conditions determine seed longevity. To
that have low viability and those with insufficient seed achieve high initial seed viability, infestation of seed by
quantities are marked for regeneration and the list is passed pest and diseases is minimized. However, some germplasm
to Regeneration and Multiplication section which will accessions are more vulnerable than others and problems
determine the number of accessions to be regenerated such as diseases and pest attacks are sometimes
based on the availability of resources (financial and encountered. If the problem is experienced for the first
personnel) and the type of accessions (wild, weedy, time and appears to have a substantial effect on the plants,
cultivated) before regeneration is undertaken. First priority where possible chemicals are applied to control the pests
is given to accessions with low seed germination or diseases otherwise application of chemicals is not
percentage and insufficient seed quantity; followed by encouraged during seed regeneration activities in the field.
accessions with low seed germination percentage with Attention is also paid to harvesting each accession at the
sufficient seed quantity and least prioritized are seed right time, giving priority to shattering types. Post-
accessions with high germination percentage with harvesting handling activities such as threshing are carried
insufficient seed quantity. out with great care before the pre-storage activities begin.
The genebank uses the dehumidification method of drying
Field practices. Regeneration practices aim to produce germplasm with drying temperature of 150C and relative
sufficient seed with genetic composition as close to the humidity of 15% to dry seed to between 5-3% of moisture
original sample as possible; but experience shows that it content achieved over a period of 2 to 4 weeks for many
is not always possible to produce sufficient seed in one crop species in a walk-in drier. The method minimizes
regeneration cycle from small seed sample sizes commonly damage to the seed even to seed with high initial moisture
received from collection missions. When the seed sample content. When seed has dried to required low moisture
size is sufficient the appropriate size of a plot for production content, it is placed in airtight bottle for conservation and
of adequate quantities is chosen. For most field crops the in five aluminum foil packets each used to monitor viability
normal size of a plot is five meters long with 0.80 meters status of the accession on intervals of five years or more.
between rows. The number of rows will vary with the sample The sealing operation is carried out with care and as fast
size. On the whole, seed sowing follows the agronomic as possible to ensure seed does not re-absorb moisture
requirements of the crop. Proper land preparation, plot after drying and before it is stored at -20oC in the genebank.
markings in the field and sowing also depend on the crop. To store adequate seed in a bottle and ensure sufficient
Sowing is done in December and early January and seed seed is available for monitoring viability over a period of
is sown in ridges to encourage drainage. Both basal and 30 years, at least 2500 seeds from self pollinated species
top dressing fertilizers are recommended and and 4000 from cross pollinated species are required. The
supplementary irrigation is applied during dry spells. genebank uses chest freezers to conserve the base
Weeding is done manually and chemicals are used as a materials as appropriate technology for the region.
last resort to control pests and diseases. Field rotations
are considered on routine basis to minimize accumulation Discussion
and spread of pests and diseases. Strict isolation
procedures to avoid adulteration by foreign pollen (Rao, Constraints. Regeneration is a costly difficult operation
et al., 2006) are followed for all cross pollinating that requires special skills. Two main factors are considered
germplasm. Isolation is mainly achieved by controlled at SPGRC during regeneration of germplasm: the quantity
pollination using waxy pollination bags used for collection of seed to be produced and preserving the genetic integrity
of pollen and isolating individual plants or flowers. of the accession. To preserve the genetic integrity of the
Appropriate cost effective mating system such as selfing accession during seed regeneration, crop specific or
as many plants as possible or sibbing is normally used. In sometimes accession specific procedures are applied.
a few cases individual accessions are isolated by distance Theoretical knowledge on the factors that affect genetic
or by time. In a number of cases multiple cycles of integrity of germplasm under regeneration is very
regenerations are required to achieve the target amount important. Regeneration guidelines have been developed
of seed for long term storage. Since each multiplication for a number of crops. However, the majority of accessions
cycle may affect the genetic composition of the original handled by SPGRC are landraces consisting of mixtures
accession by altering the frequencies from one generation of populations, therefore, harvesting time and procedures
to another or by the loss of alleles a target minimum number may not be the best for all the plants which may have an
of plants to be grown for regeneration is normally set. For effect on the longevity of the seeds in storage and
example for pearl millet, at least a minimum of 200 plants probably unwanted natural selection. This is a major
are required from each regeneration cycle while 150 plants challenge that must be kept in the minds of staff all the
are grown for sorghum accessions 150 plants are grown time to avoid accidental systematic selection. In addition,
Seed regeneration practices 291

wild species are particularly difficult to regenerate species including less known crop species need to be
optimally. Brown (1997) emphasizes that optimum developed. These kinds of studies can be coordinated in
regeneration of wild species requires a clear definition of the region as well as outside the region so as to get the
objectives and priorities among accessions, monitoring best input by different experts.
of mating system and genetic structure, maintenance of
accession purity and associated passport data, and Conclusions
biologically realistic and flexible guidelines for sample size.
Most wild, weedy, and some cultivated species have not Regeneration of genebank accessions by SPGRC heavily
yet been regenerated at SPGRC partly because of this depends on the network linkage with NPGRCs which
problem. If an accession cannot be restored from active provide appropriate sites for materials collected from their
collection, the national genebank is normally asked to make countries and also expertise. By carefully sifting through
arrangements for regeneration closest to a site where the the documentation system it has been possible to narrow
sample was adapted and collected, and usually, specialist down to crops and accessions that can be regenerated at
scientists who are familiar with the biology of wild, weedy the SPGRC site allowing NPGRCs to delegate some of the
and other difficult species in the country of origin are regeneration load whenever appropriate. A large number
consulted. A site at SPGRC is used to regenerate accessions of the materials under conservation are heterogeneous
with majority being from major cereals crop species landraces or wild crop relatives which are not well studied.
including some maize, sorghum and pearl millets which These materials therefore pose a major challenge to
grow in a wide range of ecological conditions. Data from scientists since they will soon need regeneration. It is,
the SPGRC Documentation and Information System (SDIS) therefore, necessary to initiate coordinated studies in the
database is used to determine on a case by case basis, region as well as outside the region so as to get the best
whether an accession can be regenerated at SPGRC fields. input by different experts.
Other constraints include incidences of wild animals
selecting out specific material during growing season Acknowledgement
necessitating hiring people to scare them; power shortages
resulting in heavy dependence of the standby generator. This paper was prepared with permission of the Head of
These constraints increase the cost of regeneration SPGRC which is greatly appreciated.
Research needs. Considering the number of crops and
the type of materials maintained by the SPGRC, there is Brown, A. H. D., Brubaker, C.L. & Grace, J.P. 1997.
need for studies in the regeneration of mixed populations, Regeneration of Germplasm Samples: Wild versus
wild relatives of crops and some of lesser known crops. Cultivated Plant Species. Crop Science 37, 7-13
Paying attention to methods and tools such as use of Burton, G..W. 1975. Gene loss in Pearl millet germplasm
controlled pollinations, planting an appropriate number pools. Crop Science 16, 251-255.
and making balanced samples from the individuals Rao, N.K., Hanson, J., Dullo, M.E., Ghosh, K., Nowell, D.
contributing seed to the next generation is important for & Larinde, M. 2006. Manual of Seed Handling in
efficiency and quality of samples put in storage. Dormancy Genebanks. Handbook for Genebanks No.8. Bioversity
breaking protocols for some wild, weedy and difficult International Rome, Italy.

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