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Dàn bài ( 5-7 PHÚT )

1. Những từ vựng thuộc topic sẽ dùng trong bài này

replace, locate, accommodation,

2. Những từ trong đề mà em nghĩ sẽ phải Paraphrase & list những

Map=picture, the transformation of the farm, in 1976 in 2006= between 1976 and 2006.

3. Có note lại những điểm ngữ pháp nào sẽ dùng trong bài viết để tối ưu điểm ngữ pháp không?

Mệnh đề rút gon, bị động, câu phức

4. Dàn bài mà em lập cho đề này

Đoạn 1 e mô tả farmlands năm 1976

Đoạn 2 e ns về centre năm 2006

Bài viết của em ( luôn nhớ max 300 words cho Task 2, max 160 words cho Task 1
Given is the diagram illustrating the transformation of a Bell Hill farm into an environmental study center between 1976

and 2006.

Overall, it can be seen that the farm was converted into a center with more accommodations to serve the study’s


In 1976, a farmhouse in the centre was encircled by a farmyard in which plenty of bam such as com and so on was

planted, and they also raised a number of animals that consisted of cow sheds and chicken. In addition, it had a road

which was to the left of the farmhouse directly opposite a storage for farm machinery.

In 2006, the farmyard was replaced by the number of accommodations. To be more specific, a multimedia room was

constructed at the top of the center, and student housing was established on the right-hand side. Furthermore, a

stimulating recreation area set up was in front of the farmhouse. While the storage was renovated into car parking, the

road remained the same.

⇒ Về cơ bản mô tả ok rồi nha

Học thêm:

● transformation (n) : sự biến đổi

○ IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The maps show the transformation of Bell Hill Farm from a farmstead in 1976 to an

Environment Centre in 2006 .

● farmstead (n) : trang trại

● machinery (n) : máy móc

○ IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: Overall, changes were made to the machinery storage lot, the corn plantation, farm

yard, and animal housing areas over a 30-year period.

● plantation (n) : đồn điền, nơi trồng trọt

● plethora (n) : trạng thái quá nhiều, dư thừa cái gì đó

○ IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: In 1976, Bell Hill Farm was made up of a plethora of old-style farmland equipment

and land planning and development.

● converted to (v) : chuyển đổi thành

● major (adj) : chính yếu/ chủ đạo/ quan trọng

● outdoor recreation area (n) : khu vui chơi giải trí ngoài trời

● cowsheds (n) : chuồng bò

○ IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: Two further major changes include the central farmyard being converted to an

outdoor recreation area and the cowsheds and chicken coops to student housing

● chicken coops (n) : chuồng gà

● forked road (n) : đường ngã ba

○ The forked road to the left of the central farmhouse, and the farmhouse itself have remained the same

over the 30-year period.


● Overall: nhìn chung có sự thay đổi lớn ở 2 năm, năm 2006 hiện đại hơn rất nhiều về mặt công nghệ cũng như giải

trí (Có thể tham khảo: Overall, it is apparent that this area underwent major changes to be repurposed into the

Environment Centre, with the sole facility left intact being the farmhouse)

● IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn chia bố cục thành 2 đoạn thân bài:

○ Body 1: năm 1976:

■ Thuần nông nghiệp khi farm machinery để ở nhà kho (Có thể tham khảo: Towards the North-

western corner of the farm was a warehouse for farm machinery, while a barn that stored corn and

other agricultural produce was placed in the North of the farmyard.

■ Chăn nuôi chicken, cow và trồng barn… (Có thể tham khảo: There was also a farmhouse standing

in the South with a chicken coop nearby, and some cowsheds could be spotted in the North-eastern


○ Body 2: năm 2006

■ Gần như thay đổi toàn bộ hiện đại hơn rất nhiều, chỉ có farmhouse là không đổi (Có thể tham khảo:

30 years later, while the road and the farmhouse remained unchanged, the other facilities

experienced considerable alterations to become the Environment Centre)

■ Phương tiện di chuyển thay đổi từ xe công nông —> ô tô, có chỗ parking đàng hoàng không phải để

ở nhà kho nữa (Có thể tham khảo: In detail, the warehouse in the North-west was converted into a

car park, whereas in the North, a multimedia room was built, totally replacing the old barn)

■ Multimedia room thay cho chỗ trồng barn

■ Student housing thay cho chỗ nuôi trồng cow & chicken (Có thể tham khảo: The cowsheds and the

chicken coop were removed in order to make room for a large building for student housing)

■ Farmyard được thay bằng recreational area (Có thể tham khảo: Another change that took place

was the addition of a recreation area in the center of the old farmyard) >> IELTS TUTOR có hướng

dẫn Cách dùng từ "recreation" tiếng anh

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