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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Lubao, Pampanga
SY 2018-2019

Allocation, sourcing, and managing resources is a major dimension of the school. Resources
could be human, material and financial which are necessary for school operation. With so much to do
and with very limited resources, the need for resource
generation, its judicious allocation and utilization is imperative. Financial resources of
school may come from the general Appropriation Fund, regular Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses (MOOE), local government allocation, special education fund (SEF), community
contributions, grants and other income-generating project.

When it comes to education, resource management is the work that allows schools to organize
the resources they need to have to make appropriate decisions about such resources. Resource
management involves evaluation and maximization of such resources. Participation or involvement of
the External stakeholders are important in this matter, through helping hands, any endeavor will come
into reality. Their participation in the strategic planning for school improvement and attainment of
learning outcomes is crucial, Aside from helping generate additional resources for the formulation and
implementation of the school improvement plan, they should be involved in the monitoring and
evaluation of learning outcomes. Through the wise utilization of the school funds by our school heads,
PTA and other stakeholders our school improved a lot.

In every place, a school serve as a landmark that is why school are considered one of the most
common places people would look for. It is important that a school should be aesthetically
presentable, safe and secured, so physical improvement should be done. The school needs to have a
physical landmark so, the students and even alumni would have the symbol that they are in their
school which is considered as their second home.

Prepared by:
Essa M. Cabacis
ASP Leader

Noted by:
Louise L. Lumanug
School Head

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