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UbD Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name Chris Date Dec. 9

Subject Area Social Grade 6
Topic Athenian Democracy Performance Task Time 12:45 - 1:30 (45 mins)

General Learner General Outcome 6.2

Outcome(s) Historical Models of Democracy: AncientAthens and the Iroquois Confederacy
(from Alberta Program of
6.2.3 analyze the structure and functions of the democratic system in ancient Athens by
exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
• How was the government of ancient Athens structured? (PADM)
Specific Learner • How did the structure of the government in ancient Athens provide opportunities for citizens to
Outcome(s) participate in decision making? (C, PADM)
(from Alberta Program of • How did identity, status and class structure impact citizenship in ancient Athens? (C, I)
Studies) • How did the social structure of ancient Athens impact its political structure? (CC, PADM)
• To what extent were democratic ideals of equity and fairness part of the structure of government
and society in ancient Athens? (I, PADM)

1) Students will be able to recall and evaluate the fairness of ancient athenian
Learning democracy
Objectives 2) Students will demonstrate a position, fair or unfair about athenian democracy,
What do you want your
students to learn? and support, with evidence, that decision through a speech/video, other other
Pre-preparation ● Portable whiteboards (put the questions on them)
Materials ● print 20x Ancient Athens Performance Task.pdf
What will I have ready?
What resources will you ● Portable whiteboards
Conversation - Do the students feel confident about the material enough to have a class discussion?
Assessment Observation - Are the students able to think independently in order to brainstorm the questions?
How will you assess
Product - fairness table. Students will complete these during the lesson.
Product - Brainstormed whiteboards.
● One-on-one help (ari, joseph, taliyah, owen, leigha?).
Differentiation ● Another potential solution, have a conversation with these students about which side they want
What strategies will you use?
to choose and offer them a completed planning page (graphic organizer) that allows to
participate despite low literacy level
1. Fairness chart
2. Intro to project
Lesson Overview 3. Brainstorm
What will happen at a glance
4. Fill in talking points/ideas
5. closure

Introduction (How will you introduce the topic?)

Attention Grabber -
1 minute “Today we are starting a project about ancient Athens. By the end of the project you will make a short video
12:45 - 12:46 of your opinion of Athenian democracy. I will guide you through the process.

“Lets begin with a look at a summary of what each person was allowed to do in ancient athenian
society. Please take out your ‘democracy, social classes, rights & responsibilities in Ancient Athens’ from
your unfinished work folder”

Body (How will you teach them?)

Fairness Chart (5-10 mins)
We will be completing the chart on the back page.

Tell students that this chart looks at what each individual in ancient Athens could and
couldn’t do. Tell them they will be filling this out with either Y/check or N/x
Give Ss 3-5 mins to fill out
Project answers on the board and ask -
5- 10 mins
“Is anything in this chart surprising?”
12:46- 12:56
“After looking at this chart, how do you feel about Athenian society?”

Instruct Ss to check their answers before we continue to our next activity.

“This chart is interesting, isn't it? The reason we just completed this is to lead into our final project about
athenian democracy- we will be an ambassador and decide if our city adopts or rejects democracy. Let's take
a look at the task”

Introduce Performance Task - (5 mins)

Hand out the papers after the brainstorm.
“You will be an ambassador of Sparta who has learned about Athenian democracy and needs to convey that
information back to their people. During this you will choose a side, fair or unfair, and support that with
5 mins examples. I would like you to do this in the form of a speech (using the ipads). This is a solo task..I expect us
12:56 - 1:01 to do the bulk of planning this today!”

“To get started on this task we will have a group brainstorming activity”

15-20 mins Class Brainstorming Session (15-20 mins)

1:01 - 1:21 Set up three whiteboards in the classroom with the 3 questions:
1) How was the Athenian government structured?
2) Explain how Athenian citizens had opportunities to participate in government and decision-
3) How did identity and class have an impact on Athenian society?

Instruct Ss-
“We will be answering these questions as a class. This is an individual activity but we can collaborate. You will
go to a station, any of them, and think of an answer, write it on the board. Maybe you can’t remember a full
answer but remember an important word, you can write that too. Use your social notebook as a resource, we
have lots of good information in there now. I expect in 10 minutes these boards should have lots of writing on
them and we can discuss our answers as a class”

Lead the Ss towards key information with prompting questions or following their train of thought
For Q1-
“What were the 3 tiers of government?”
“Where did the assembly meet?”
“How many people could partake in the assembly?”
“What would citizens discuss in the assembly?”
“What was the council of 500?”
“Who was allowed?”
“Where would they meet?”
“How were they chosen?”
“What are the main 3 positions in the courts?”
“What would the courts handle?”
For Q2-
“What could male citizens do?”
“Were they allowed to be a part of the govt? when why how?”
“What about women, children, slaves, foreigners??
For Q3-
“Which people had the most freedom?” “Which had the least?”
“Did everyone get a say in how they lived?”
“What about the military? Were people obligated to fight for their city even if they couldn’t vote?”

**While doing this, walk around to each station and condense the ideas to something digestible for the

“That was a good discussion. Next class we will summarize this into key points, I’ll hand out a graphic
organizer to help you summarize our discussion. Before we go to PE, I want to have a quick debrief.”

Closure (consolidation of learning)

Fist to 5:
● How do you feel about your understanding of Athenian Democracy?
5 mins
Poll the class:
1:21 - 1:26 ● Do you feel ready to give your final reason why Sparta should adopt or reject democracy? Why/ Why

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