Java Notes

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Language Fundamentals:
 Identifiers
 Reserved Words
 Data Types
 Literals
 Arrays
 Types Of Variables
 Var-ary Methods
 Main Method
 Command Line Arguments
 Java Coding Standards.

Name in Java program is known as Identifiers ,which can be used for identification.

 Class name
 Method name
 Label name
 Variable name
Ex: class test{
public static void main (string[] args){
int x=10

Rules of Identifiers:
 A to Z, a to z, 0-9, $ ,_ .
 Identifiers cannot start with digit .
Ex: 123total
 It is a case sensitive.
Ex: class test {
int number=10;
int Number=10;
int NUMBER=10
 There is no length limit for java identifier. But it is not recommended to take lengthy
 We cannot use reserved keywords as identifiers.
Ex: int x=10
Int if=10
 All pre-defined java class name can be used as identifiers but it is not recommended.
Because it causes readability and confusion.

Ex: class test{

public static void main(string[] args){
int string=888

Reserved word:
 Java has 53 reserved keywords.
 Keywords should be lowercase, no special characters and numbers.
 There is Delete keyword. Because destruction of useless object is the responsible for
garbage collector.
 In java some words are reserved words are used to represent some meaning or
functionality , such type of words are called reserved words.
 Reserved literals True, False, Null(Default value for Object Reference).
 Used keywords ->48, used ->2(goto,const)
(i.e.., Usage of goto created several problems in old language and hence some people
banned this keyword in java .Use final instead of const.)  COMPILIER ERROR.
 Keywords for Datatypes(8) -> byte,short,int,long,float,double,Boolean,char.
 Keywords for Flow-Control(11) ->
 Keyword for Modifiers(11)
 Keyword for Exemptional-Handling(5) -> try,catch,filehandling,throw,essert.
 Keyword for Class-Related(6)-> class,interface,extends,implements,package,import.
 Keywords for Object(4) ->new,instanceof,super,this.
 Keyword for Return(1) ->void (if the method won’t return anything we can use void).
(i.e.., In Java return type is mandatory if a method return anything then we have to
declare that method with void return type, but in ‘c language’ return type is optional and
default return type is int).
 Enem(we can use enem to define a group of named constants).
Ex: enem month{
Jan, Feb ,… Dec,
 strictfp(1.2v) , assert(1.4v), enem(1.5v) -> New keywords in java.

Data Types:

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