Body Tissues

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Body Tissues

Body Tissues 

tissue - ţesut
adipose tissue - ţesut adipos; grăsime
 Groups of cells which are similar
in structure and function are called

Part 1
 bone tissue (syn.) osseous tissue (syn.) bony tissue - tissues. The four primary tissue
ţesut osos types – epithelium, connective
 cancellous tissue - ţesut spongios tissue, nervous tissue, and muscle
 connective tissue (syn.) interstitial tissue - ţesut – interweave to form the “fabric”
conjunctiv, ţesut interstiţial of the body. If we have to assign a
 tissue damage - leziune tisulară single term to each primary tissue
 tissue graft - grefă tisulară type that would best describe its
muscular tissue (syn.) muscle tissue - ţesut overall role, the terms would most
The Faculty of Medicine

muscular likely be covering (epithelium),
 nervous tissue (syn.) nerve tissue - ţesut nervos support (connective), movement
tissular - tisular (muscle), and control (nervous).
First year

 epithelium - epiteliu
Tissues are organized into organs
such as the heart, the kidneys, and
 epithelial - epitelial the lungs. Most organs contain
Seminar 21 - Week 6-10 April 

to interweave, interwove, interwoven - a se îmbina,
a se încrucişa
overall - total, global, general
several tissue types, and the
arrangement of the tissues
determines each organ’s structure
 overall condition - stare generală and what it is able to do.
 overall health - stare generală de sănătate
 covering - învelitoare, husă, membrană, căptuşire

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Body Tissues Body Tissues

 protection - protecţie, protejare; ocrotire
 lining - căptuşire, înveliş; mucoasă  Epithelial tissue or epithelium  The epithelial functions include
 welfare protection - protecţie socială protection, absorption, filtration,
 to line - a acoperi, a căptuşi; a linia (epithe = laid on, covering) is the protective - protector
 glandular (syn.) glandulous - glandular lining, covering, and glandular
 and secretion. For example, the
 protector - protector, apărător; dispozitiv de siguranţă epithelium of the skin protects
 glandular fever (syn.) infectious mononucleosis tissue of the body. Glandular to absorb – a absorbi, a înghiţi; a îngloba, a încorpora,
(syn.) kissing disease - febră glandulară, epithelium forms various glands in  against bacterial and chemical
a integra damage, and that lining the
mononucleoză infecţioasă, “boala sărutului” the body. Covering and lining absorption (syn.) absorbtio - absorbţie, aspirare;
 glandular tissue - ţesut gladular epithelium covers all free body  respiratory tract has cilia, which
încorporare, înglobare, integrare sweep dust and other debris away
 dip - imersiune, imersare, înmuiere, baie surfaces and contains versatile absorptive - absorbitor, sugativ; de amortizare
cells. One type forms the outer
 from the lungs. The epithelium
 to dip, dipped, dipped - a cufunda, a îmbiba, a  to filtrate - a filtra specialized to absorb substances
imersa layer of the skin. Others dip into
the body to line its cavities. Since  filtration - filtrare lines some digestive system organs
 cavity (syn.) cavitas (pl. cavitates) (syn.) cavum such as the stomach and small
(pl. cava) - cavitate, cavum; cavitate a cariei epithelium forms the boundaries  filter-passing - filtrant
that separate us from the outside  filtrate - lichid filtrat, filtrat, filtru intestine, which absorb food into
 abdominal cavity (syn.) cavitas abdominalis -
cavitate abdominală world, nearly all substances given  secretion - secreţie the body. In the kidneys, the
 buccal cavity (syn.) vestibulum oris (syn.) off or received by the body must  secretory - secretor epithelium both absorbs and filters.
vestibule of mouth - vestibulul cavităţii bucale pass through the epithelium.  CILI(O)- formă combinatorie cu sensul de geană, cil
Secretion is a specialty of the
chest cavity (syn.) thoracic cavity (syn.) cavitas
glands, which produce such
  ciliary -ciliar substances as perspiration, oil,
thoracis - cavitate toracică cilium (pl. cilia) - cil; geană, cil palpebral
 cavitary -cavitar
 digestive enzymes, and mucus.
 to sweep, swept, swept - a mătura; a goni
 boundary - limită, prag, demarcaţie  debris - rămăşiţe, fragmente; eschile osoase
 to give off – a degaja, a emana, a emite; a  perspiration - perspiraţie; sudoare
produce, a răspândi
 to perspire (syn.) sweat - a elimina prin sudaţie, a
transpira; a asuda

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Body Tissues Body Tissues
 characteristic (syn.) trait - caracteristică, trăsătură, Special characteristics of the  basement - temelie, fundaţie, fundament, bază  The lower surface of an epithelium
însuşire, particularitate epithelium  basement membrane (syn.) basement lamina - rests on a basement membrane, a
 fit - criză, acces, atac; criză de isterie; acces de membrană bazală structureless material secreted by
epilepsie; adaptare, potrivire  supply - aprovizionare, livrare; rezervă the cells.
fit - bun (la, pentru), adecvat, potrivit, satisfăcător,  Epithelial cells fit closely together

to form continuous sheets.  blood supply - irigaţie, vascularizaţie
corespunzător; sănătos, în formă nerve supply (syn.) innervation - inervaţie,
to fit - a potrivi, a adapta; a monta, a instala Neighbouring cells are bound 
 Epithelial tissues have no blood
 inervare
sheet - cearceaf, foaie, coală, fâşie lată together at many points by cell supply of their own (that is, they

junctions, including desmosomes  to supply - a aproviziona; a livra, a furniza are avascular) and depend on
 bound - legat, ataşat avascular (syn.) nonvascular - avascular
and tight junctions.  diffusion from the capillaries in the
 to bind, bound, bound - a lega, a uni, a lega, a  diffuse - difuz, neclar; împrăştiat, nelocalizat underlying connective tissue for
bandaja  The membranes always have one
free (unattached) surface or edge.  to diffuse - a difuza, a răspândi; a împrăştia; a se food and oxygen.
 desmosome (syn.) bridge corpuscle - desmozom, combina prin difuziune
corpuscul de legătură This so-called apical surface is
exposed to the body’s exterior or to  diffusing - de difuziune
 junction (syn.) juncture (syn.) junctura (pl.
diffusion - difuziune, împrăştiere
 If well nourished, epithelial cells
juncturae) - joncţiune, junctură; legătură, unire; the cavity of an internal organ. The 
regenerate themselves easily.
articulaţie, încheietură exposed surfaces of some epithelia  to underlie - a fundamenta, a sta la baza
 edge - margine, muchie; tăiş are slick and smooth, but others  underlying cause - cauza care stă la bază
 apical - apical exhibit cell surface modifications,  nourishing - nutritiv, hrănitor
 apex (pl. apices) - apex, vârf such as microvilli or cilia.  nourishment - alimentaţie; hrană, aliment
 smooth - neted, plan, lustruit; şlefuit, fără cute
 to smooth - a netezi; a egaliza; a linişti, a calma
 smoothing - netezire, aplatizare
 microvillus (pl. microvilli) - microvil

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Body Tissues Body Tissues

 Connective tissue connects body
 squamous (syn.) scaly - scuamos, solzos  Classification of the epithelium  to distribute - a distribui, a repartiza, a difuza; parts. It is found everywhere in the
 SQUAM(O)- formă combinatorie cu The covering and lining epithelia a clasifica body. It is the most abundant and
sensul de solzi are classified according to cell  distribution - distribuţie, repartizare, difuzare; widely distributed of the tissue
shape and arrangement. Squamous clasificare types.
 squama (pl. squamae) - scuamă  vascular - vascular
 flat - plat, orizontal, întins, plan, turtit cells are flattened like fish scales
(squam = scale), cuboidal cells are  vascularity - vascularitate Common characteristics of
 to flatten – a aplatiza, a turti cube-shaped like dice, and  vascularization - vascularizaţie; formare de connective tissue
 scale - scală, scară gradată, gradare, columnar cells are shaped like vase sanguine noi
gradaţie; solz; crustă; coajă, pojghiţă columns. According to the  vascularized - vascularizat
classification by cell arrangement  vasculature - vasculatură, sistem vascular;  Variations in blood supply. Most
 to scale - a coji, a jupui, a decortica, a lua vasele unui organ connective tissues are well
pielea; a detartra, a decapa (layers) there are two types: simple
epithelium (one layer of cells) and  poor - sărac; sterp, nefertil; inferior, prost; slab, vascularized, but there are
 to scale off - a descuama stratified epithelium (more than biet; deficitar exceptions. Tendons and ligaments
 scaled - solzos one cell layer). The terms  poor health - sănătate precară have a poor blood supply, and
 dice (sg. die) – zaruri describing the shape and  poor memory (syn.) failing memory - cartilages are avascular.
arrangement are then combined to memorie slabă Consequently, all these structures
 die - model de bont coronar heal very slowly when injured.
describe the epithelium fully.  poor prognosis - prognostic nefavorabil
 column (syn.) columna (pl. columnae) - Stratified epithelia are named for  poor sanitation - condiţii precare de igienă (This is why some people say that,
coloană, columnă; stâlp, pilon the cells at the free surface of the given a choice, they would rather
 poor vision - vedere slabă
 stratification - stratificare epithelial membrane, not those have a broken bone than a torn
 tear - rupere, uzare; tăietură, ruptură ligament).
 stratified - stratificat resting on the basement membrane.  to tear, tore, torn - a rupe, a distruge
 stratiform - stratiform

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Body Tissues Body Tissues
 Connective tissues are made up of
many different types of cells, plus
 matrix (pl. matrices) - matrice; matriţă varying amounts of a nonliving  Various types and amounts of
 extracellular matrix - matrice extracelulară substance found outside the cells,  fiber (syn.) fibre (syn.) fibra (pl. fibrae) - fibers are deposited in and
 intracellular matrix - matrice intracelulară called the extracellular matrix. The fibră, filament, fir form a part of the matrix
 to bear, bore, borne - a duce, a ţine, a matrix is produced by the  collagen fiber (syn.) collagenous fiber (syn.) material. They include collagen
transporta; a suporta, a purta; a tolera, a răbda, a connective tissue cells and then white fiber - fibră de colagen, fibră albă
suferi secreted to their exterior.  elastic fiber (syn.) yellow fiber - fibră (white) fibers, elastic (yellow)
 to withstand - a rezista, a opune rezistenţă, a se Depending on the connective tissue elastică, fibră galbenă fibers, and reticular (fine
împotrivi type, the matrix may be liquid,  reticular fiber – fibră reticulară collagen) fibers. Like the rest
 stretching - întindere, tragere, alungire| semisolid or gel-like, or very hard.  fibrous - fibros of the matrix, the fibers are
 stretch - întindere, alungire, tensiune Because of its extracellular matrix,  FIBR(O)- formă combinatorie cu sensul de made by connective tissue cells
 stretch mark - vergetură connective tissue is able to bear fibre and then secreted.
stretcher - brancardă, targă weight and to withstand stretching  retial - reticular, relativ la o reţea

and other abuses, such as abrasion,  Connective tissues perform
abrasion - abraziune; julitură, jupuitură,  RETICUL(O)- formă combinatorie cu sensul

zgârietură; şlefuire, lustruire, roadere, ştergere that no other tissue could endure. de reticul, reţea many functions, but they are
 abrasive – abraziv But there is variation. At one  reticular (syn.) reticulated - reticular, primarily involved in
 endurance - anduranţă, rezistenţă; durată; extreme, fat tissue is composed reticulat, în reţea; care are aspectul unui reticul protecting, supporting, and
suferinţă mostly of cells, and the matrix is  reticulation - reticulaţie, reticulare, dispunere binding together other body
 exercise endurance - rezistenţă fizică, soft. At the opposite extreme, bone în formă de reţea, striere tissues.
rezistenţă la efort and cartilage have very few cells
 to endure - a îndura, a suporta and large amounts of hard matrix,
which makes them extremely

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