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Badminton is not just about rackets, shuttlecocks and net.

Its all about you,

enjoying the game regardless of how unskilled you are. I have been playing
badminton since my early childhood until now. Back in the days, we are clueless
of what skills we are required to have in order to play the sport properly. For us,
the only important thing is to hit the shuttlecock with the rocket and let it reach
your opponent and once the shuttle cock hits the floor, then you lose.
But as I grew older, I had the chance to watch some tournament match
whenever there is sports fest or Intramurals at school. I watch some techniques on
how to serve, how to hit and block the attack of opponent. Since then, I started
playing badminton with my cousins though I am not very good at it. Badminton
has benefited me a lot especially in physical aspect. It develops my muscular
strength. When you are used of attacking hard or powerful, you will rarely
experience muscle strain especially in the arm or shoulder area. Also, this sport
enhances my flexibility. The opponent might attack too strong or too weak and
because of that I need to practice my footwork and flexibility to be able to
continue the rally between me and my opponent.
Aside from the fundamental skills that I acquire in playing badminton.
Based on my own experience, this sport helps me in maintaining my body weight.
But often, it helps in losing weight. It also helps in strengthening the
cardiovascular system and lungs. During the game, I loss to much sweat and my
heartbeat and breathing become faster, with this, my heart and lungs are exercised.
When my cardiovascular system and lungs are exercised, I can endure a much
longer playing time without being tired.
Furthermore, as I play badminton, I usually engage with different persons to
become my opponent. I often play with my cousins and sometimes, other persons
outside the gang. I develop social interaction just by playing badminton. I do not
play badminton just to strengthen myself physically, but I also learn how to enjoy
playing with others and become socially active. With badminton, I learn how to
maximize my idle time. I learn how to use my time wisely, having a good time
with friends while exercising and helping your body to become fit and away from

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