BB kiểm tra cực từ. Site minutes of rotor pole (12.5.2021)

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BIEN BAN KIEM TRA HIEN TRUONG SITE MINUTE (Bién ban gitta Andritz Hydro va Xekaman 3 vé viée mo kién kiém tra tinh trang thiét bi tai kho XKM3) (Between Andritz Hydro and Xekaman 3 regarding the unboxing and inspection of equipment at XKM3’s warehouse) Dakchung, May 12, 2021 iicipants/ Thanh phan tham gia Q ‘ong ty TNHH Dign Xekaman 3/ Representative of Xekaman 3 Power Company Limited. - Mr: Hoang Dinh Chinh Title: Director - Mr: Dang Phuong Dong _Title: Manager of maintenance work shop* 2. Dai dign: Céng ty TNHH Andritz Vigt Nam /Representative of Andritz Hydro Viet Nam Company Limited. - Mr: Vishwajeet Dwivedi Title: Lead Supervisor Il. Can eit/ Bases - Hop déng s6 17/2019/HDTV/AH-XKM3, ky gitta AH va Xekaman 3 ngay 15/1/2019 vé vige sita chita May phat, Turbine, Van cdu — Dy an thity dign Xekaman 3; - Contract No. 17/2019/HBTV/AH-XKM3, signed between AH and Xekaman 3 dated January 15, 2019 regarding the repairing of the Generator, Turbine, Spherical inlet valve of Xekaman 3 Hydropower Plant. - Van bin sé HVN-XKM3-GEN-TUR-054 ngay 12/8/2020 Théng bio giao hang chuyén hang s6 XKM-3/HIB/RU1&2 gdm cue tir, céc 16 hang roi (truc roto, m&t guong, quat DE, bé dau) va hang cdp moi; - Document No. HVN-XKM3-GEN-TUR-054 dated August 12, 2020 Notice of shipment No. XKM-3/HIB/RU1&2 containing poles lot, shipment of break any oer Ni 1 bulk lot (rotor shafts, thrust head, fan DE, Oil pot) and shipment of new supplies lot; ml. N6i dung/ Content Cée kign hang XKM-3/HIB/RU2/007 — Packing list: Pole complete 2,4,6.8...DRW2771805 (cue tit sé: C283/U2/P02), XKM-3/HIB/RUL/012, — Packing list: Pole complete 2,4,6,8...DRW2771805 (cuc tir 283/UL/P11), XKM-3/HIB/RU2/002 — Packing list: Pole complete 1,3,5,9...DRW2771805 (cy tir sé: C283/U2/P12) dugc XEKAMAN 3 tigp nhan ngay 23/9/2020 va bao quan bén trong nha may; Boxes No. XKM-3/HIB/RU2/007 - Packing list: Pole complete 2,4,6.8...DRW2771805 (pole No. C283/U2/P02), XKM-3/HIB/RUI/012 — Packing list: Pole complete 2,4,6,8...DRW2771805 (pole No. 283/UL/P11), XKM-3/HIB/RU2/002 — Packing list: Pole complete 1,3,5,9...DRW2771805 (pole No. C283/U2/P12) received by XEKAMAN 3 on September 23, 2020 and stored inside the powerhouse; Ngay 12/5/2021 sau khi kiém tra céng truéng chuyén gia AH dé nghj mo kién, trude khi mé kién kiém tra bén ngoai céc kign hang khé réo, hang nguyén dai, nguyén kign. Qué trinh mé kién c6 sy gidm sét cia chuyén gia AH. Trong qua trinh mé kign nh4n thay l6p bao bi déng kién cilia cdc kign hang da bi ct ra. On May 12, 2021, after overall inspection, AH supervisors requested to open the above mentioned boxes. The box was dry, sealed and no damage detected before unboxing. The unboxing was under the supervision of AH supervisors and it is found that the packaging layer was Cut out. Kiém tra tinh trang thiét bi bén trong céc kién hang, nhan thay bé mat cde cue tir bi hoen gi tai cdc vi tri bao bi bj cat. During inspection after removing the packaging layer, it is found that the poles’ surface is rusted at the position right under the cut out. Nguyén nhan duge cho la do mé kién kiém tra hai quan nhung khéng due déng géi lai ding quy trinh. 2 se Iv. The original cause is assumed that the box was opened for customs check, but not properly packed after that. Céc bén théng nhat lap bién ban dé xdc nh4n hién trang. The parties agreed to make a minutes to confirm the status of the pole. Kién nghj/ Recomendation: Dé nghi AH cé giai phap xir ly dé khéng lam anh huéng dén tién d6 cia dy an. Request for treatment solution from AH management in order to ensure the project’s progress. oe rr ' ee ae ae S eyN ser pane. isiaiheneni come 2 XKPE3/ HIB/RU,002- 13/5 12024 Bao bi déng kién da bj ct ra dé kiém tra hai quan/ The packaging layer was opened for customs check. va AKP-3/ HIB/ RU|002- 45/5/2024 | SEO Xv 2 zl ag Cuan r-3/ HIB) RUYOM? e [2024 Be mat cuc tir bi hoen gi/ the pole’s surface is found that. gio erm Notes of AH supervisor/ ¥ kién cta chuyén gia AH: 1. All the components are duly inspected, packed in AH India factory before dispatch. Toan bé thiét bj di duge kiém tra theo dung quy trinh, déng géi tai nha may AH An dé truéc khi chuyén di. 2. Delivery from India to the site is delayed due to Covid 19 pandemic, lockdown in Viet Nam and Laos and border gate closed; Qua trinh van chuyén tir An Dé t6i cng trudng bi tri hoan do dich Covid 19, gidin cach x4 hGi, phong ta tai Viét Nam va Lao va cira khdu bj tam dimg hoat déng; Andritz Viet Nam Company Limited Xekaman3 Power Co., Ltd 4 uw

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