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A Study of Hebrews
By Jen Wilkin

Articulate - articulate something (to somebody) (formal) to express or explain your thoughts or feelings clearly
in words
Grounded - having a sensible and realistic attitude to life; (be) grounded in/on something - (to be) based on
Sermon - a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service – проповед
Foreword - a short introduction at the beginning of a book, usually by a person other than the author –
Aid (verb) - to help somebody/something to do something, especially by making it easier
Declared – stated (кажано) in an open way so that people know about it
Intend (verb) - to have a plan, result, or purpose in your mind when you do something
By-product - a substance that is produced during the process of making or destroying something else
Thus – in this way, like this
Pursuit - the act of looking for or trying to get something
Entail - to involve something that cannot be avoided
Yield - to produce or provide something, for example, a profit, result, or crop
Cumulative - having a result that increases in strength or importance each time more of something is added
Repetitively - repeatedly, especially in a way that becomes boring; again and again, every time in the same way
Glance - to look quickly at something/somebody
Precisely – exactly
Comprehension - the ability to understand; сознавање, сфаќање
Imply - to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something, without saying so directly; to make
it seem likely that something is true or exists
Draw on (something) - to use a supply of something available to you
Supporting - a supporting actor in a play or film has an important part but not the leading one; helping to show
that something is true; carrying the weight of something
Glean - glean something (from somebody/something) to obtain(здобие) information, knowledge, etc.,
sometimes with difficulty and often from various places – стекнува
Guideline - a set of rules or instructions that are given by an official organization telling you how to do
something, especially something difficult; something that can be used to help you make a
decision or form an opinion – водич, упатство
Dwell - to live somewhere
Acquisition - the act of getting something, especially knowledge, a skill; something that somebody buys to add
to what they already own, usually something valuable
Retention - the action of keeping something rather than losing it or stopping it; the ability to remember things
Earnestly - in a very serious and sincere way
Sincere - (of feelings, beliefs or behavior) showing what you think or feel; genuine (вистински)
Initially – at the beginning
Initial - happening at the beginning; first
Cross-reference – cross-reference (to something) a note that tells a reader to look in another part of a book or
file for further information
Deceptively - in a way or to an extent that gives a misleading impression; to a lesser or greater extent than
appears the case – измамнички
Provision - the act of supplying somebody with something that they need or want; something that is supplied
Labor - work, especially hard physical work; work hard; make a great effort
Dovetail - dovetail (something) (with/into something) if two things dovetail or if one thing dovetails with
another, they fit together well
Consider - to think about something carefully, especially to make a decision; consider somebody/something
(formal) to look carefully at somebody/something
Facilitate - facilitate something to make an action or a process possible or easier – олесни
Contribute - to give something, especially money or goods, to help achieve or provide something; … to speak
during a meeting or conversation, especially to give your opinion– придонесе
Clarity – the quality of being expressed clearly
Lingering - slow to end or disappear; lasting for a long time or slow to end – долготраен

Week one:

Hebrews Introduction
Who wrote the Book of Hebrews?
Epistle – послание
Abbreviation - a shortened form of a word or phrase – кратенка
Attribute - to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing – се припишува
Letter to the Hebrews, also called Epistle to the Hebrews, abbreviation Hebrews, anonymous New
Testament letter traditionally attributed to St. Paul the Apostle but now widely believed to be the work of
another Jewish Christian. Some traditions hold that the author may have been St. Barnabas or perhaps one of
Paul’s other associates or later disciples.
When was it written?
The letter was composed sometime during the latter half of the 1st century and is the 19th book of the
New Testament canon. The most probable date for its composition is the second half of the year 63 or the
beginning of 64, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia.
To whom was it written?
To judge from its contents, the letter was addressed to a Christian community whose faith was faltering
(becoming weaker or less effective – колебање) because of strong Jewish influences.
Оние на кои им е напишано Евреите се чини дека почнаа да се сомневаат дали Исус навистина
може да биде Месијата што тие го чекаа, бидејќи веруваа дека Месијата проречена во Хебрејските списи
требаше да дојде како милитантен крал и да ги уништи непријателите на својот народ. Меѓутоа, Исус
дошол како обичен човек кој бил уапсен од еврејските водачи и кој страдал и бил распнат од Римјаните.
И иако беше виден како воскреснат , тој сепак ја напушти земјатаи неговиот народ, кој сега се соочува
со прогон наместо победа. Книгата на Евреите го решава овој проблем тврдејќи дека Хебрејските списи,
исто така, претскажале дека Месијата ќе биде свештеник (иако од различен вид од традиционалните
левитски свештеници) и Исус дошол да ја исполни оваа улога, како жртвен принос на Бога, за да искупи
за гревовите. Неговата улога на крал допрва доаѓа , и затоа оние што го следат треба да бидат трпеливи
и да не се чудат што страдаат засега.
In what style was it written?
Евреите е многу свесно „книжевен“ документ. Чистотата на неговиот грчки јазик ја забележал
Климент Александриски , според Евзебиј ( Historia Eccl. , VI, xiv), а Ориген Александриски тврди дека
секој надлежен судија мора да препознае голема разлика помеѓу ова послание и оние на Павле.

Fortify - fortify something (against somebody/something) to make a place more able to resist attack, especially
by building high walls; fortify somebody/yourself (against somebody/something) to make somebody/yourself
feel stronger, braver, etc. – зацврсти
Consequently - as a result; therefore – затоа...
Prospect - the possibility that something will happen; an idea of what might or will happen in the future; the
chances of being successful; a wide view of an area of land, etc.
Spurn - spurn somebody/something to reject or refuse somebody/something, especially in a proud way
Emphasis - special importance that is given to something
Ornate - covered with a lot of decoration, especially when this involves very small or complicated designs -
What is the central theme of the book?
Писателот ги охрабрува да останат во христијанската вера, укажувајќи им дека Исус Христос е
вистинското и конечно откровение од Бога за луѓето. Притоа, посебно се нагласени три вистини, и тоа:
(1) Исус е вечниот Божји Син, Кој ни ја покажа вистинската послушност кон Бога преку Своето
страдање. Како Божји Син, Исус е над пророците и над ангелите, а поголем е и од Мојсеј.
(2) Бог Го прогласува Исус за вечен Првосвештеник, Кој е над сите старозаветни свештеници и
(3) Нашето спасение од гревот, стравот и смртта е можно само со вера во Господ Исус Христос, како
наш Првосвештеник. Сите обреди и жртви на животни се само сенка на вистинското спасение, кое е во
Наведувајќи низа примери на богоугодна вера кај познати библиски личности (11), писателот ги
повикува и читателите да останат верни до крај (12), со поглед вперен во Христос и ги охрабрува да ги
издржат сите страдања и прогонства. Посланието завршува со совети и предупредувања.

Week two:

Better than Angels


Alternate - occur in turn repeatedly; every other; every second – наизменично, променливо, се менува

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