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Unit 1 Page 8 Page 12
VOCABULARY 1 1 1 why 2 relevant information 1 1 40% (of) 2 a third (of) 3 one in
Page 4 3 organise 4 space 5 short phrases 10 people 4 approximately 5 (just) over
1a 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 6 notes 6 (vast) majority (of)
1b 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C 2b 1  happen 2 different way 2a 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 E 5 A 6 F
2 1 alias 2 given 3 surname 4 stage
3 included 4 associate 5 memory 2b 1 half of the people 2 a/one quarter
6 believe 7 damage; life 8 distinct of 3 a (tiny/small) minority of 4 three
5 pseudonym 6 initials 7 title
3 1 different 2 suggestion 3 related quarters of 5 One in three people 6 The
3 1 assumed 2 family 3 maiden
4 colour 5 good 6 intend 7 pilot vast majority of
4 brand 5 username 6 domain name
8 surprising 9 identity 10 personality/ 3 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
4 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A
identity 4 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A
5 1 nickname 2 household 3 given
4 surnames 5 username 6 title VOCABULARY 2 LIFE SKILLS
6a 1 named … after 2 called names Page 9 Page 13
3 big name 4 give … a bad name
1 1 appearance 2 sleepy 3 forgetful 1 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 G 7 F
6b 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 4 training 5 improvement 2 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 F 5 A 6 G 7 E
2 1 successful 2 exaggeration
READING 3 strengthen 4 memorise 5 imagination VOCABULARY REVIEW 1
Page 5
6 associations 7 meaningful 8 practice Page 14
1 1 type 2 heading 3 structure
Words & Beyond 1 1 nickname 2 maiden 3 surname
4 information 5 section 6 information
3 1 typhoon 2 Sustained 3 landfall 4 pen 5 stage 6 initials
2 C
4 surge 5 indigenous 6 vulnerable 2 1 A 2 E 3 B 4 F 5 C 6 D
3 1 B 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 D
7 perspective 8 vast 9 impact 3 1 forgetful 2 sleepy 3 practical
4 C
4 trained 5 successful 6 imaginative
5 1 False 2 False 3 Not given 4 Not
7 memorable 8 apparent
given 5 True 6 False 7 True GRAMMAR 2
Page 10 4a 1 un 2 im 3 un 4 un
GRAMMAR 1 1 1 an apple 2 the first winner 3 the 4b 1 untrained 2 unimaginative
sky 4 the Sahara Desert 5 the poor 3 impractical 4 unforgettable
Page 6
1 1 facts 2 temporary/changing 6 happiness 7 Roman Road
2a 1 the 2 the 3 a 4 the 5 – 6 a GRAMMAR REVIEW 1
3 changing/temporary 4 always 5 past
7 the 8 an Page 15
6 completed 7 now 8 continuous
3 1 some 2 the 3 – 4 an 5 the 6 a 1 1 this 2 a 3 been 4 practising
2 1 understand 2 want 3 look 4 own
7 – 8 – 5 have 6 Do 7 learning 8 had 9 an
5 hear
4a John 10 is
3 1 plays 2 trains 3 (is) studying /
4b 1 a few 2 a few 3 few 4 a few 2 1 lately 2 for 3 yet 4 already 5 ever
studies 4 (is) working / works 5 goes
5 few 6 a few 6 never 7 recently 8 at the moment
6 feels 7 tries 8 does
5 1 either 2 some 3 both 4 every/each 3a 1 Where do 2 What do 3 Where’s
4 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 B 8 C
5 neither 6 most/many/some 4 Who’s 5 How 6 Do 7 What’s 8 Are
Page 7
3b A 1 B 8 C 2 D 5 E 7 F 3 G 6 H 4
5 1 Do you often go snowboarding? 2 Is
your team doing well these days? 3 Has SPEAKING
he told the players who’s in the team? Page 11 Unit 2
4 Does every sports wheelchair look the 1 Suggested answers: 1 ✗ 2 ✓ 3 ✓
4 ✗ 5 ✓ 6 ✓ 7 ✗ 8 ✗ VOCABULARY 1
same? 5 Are you currently training for
2 1 B 2 A ✓ C ✓ D ✓ Page 16
any particular competition? 6 Have you
3a 1 aren’t 2 friend 3 meet 4 name 1 1 EPIC 2 MYTH 3 LEGEND 4 FABLE
been running recently?
5 Oh, right 6 Really 7 interesting 5 NOVEL 6 SAGA 7 TALE
6 1 beaten 2 broken 3 caught
4 forgotten 5 shut 6 learnt/learned 8 more 9 Go 10 After 11 say A M Y T H I F O
7 rung 8 sold 3b Make conversation introductions
7 1 haven’t seen 2 has it been 3 since You’re Annie, aren’t you? / I’m Paul. I’m
4 got 5 We’re having 6 We’re 7 I a friend of Yuna’s. / Nice to meet you. / A U N O V E L D
remember 8 have you been doing What was your name again? S F E L A T S Z
9 been 10 got back Invite someone to talk Go on. / After O A M D C J C Y
8 1 just 2 yet 3 already 4 just 5 yet you. / What were you going to say
Show interest Oh right. / Really? / Tell B B W L C I P E
6 already 7 already / just 8 yet
9 1 already prepared 2 ’ve been working me more. / That’s interesting. R L D N E G E L
3 have you been waiting 4 ’ve only read 4a 1 You’re Annie, aren’t you? 2 I’m K E H W A G Q R
5 ’ve sent 6 hasn’t finished 7 ’ve been Paul. I’m a friend of Yuna’s. 3 Nice to
meet you. 4 What was your name again? 2 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 F 5 B 6 E
trying 8 ’s been studying
3 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 A

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Page 17 Page 22 4 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 while / when /
1 1 context 2 parts 3 know 4 similes 1 1 past 2 present 3 simple 4 habits as soon as 5 four 6 A burst out B
5 idioms 6 dictionary 5 states 6 written screaming out C insecure D mixing with
2 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 C 2 1 use 2 used 3 use 4 used 5 also E amazingly
3 1 safekeeping 2 jar 3 stung 4 heal used 6 didn’t 7 use 8 didn’t
5 pleaded 6 suspicious 7 curiosity 3 1 used to 2 used to 3 would 4 used LIFE SKILLS
8 sorrows 9 punished to 5 would 6 would 7 used to Page 25
4a 1 Did you use to go to school with 2 1 D 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 B
GRAMMAR 1 Hermione? Yes, I did. 2 Did a red-headed 3 A 2 B 4 C 1 D 3 E 5
Page 18 boy use to help you? Yes, he did. 3 Did
1 1 completed actions 2 actions in you use to play Quidditch? Yes, I did. VOCABULARY REVIEW 1 & 2
progress 3 simple 4 before 5 because 4 Did Hermione use to do magic? Yes Page 26
6 in progress she did. 1 1 practical 2 improvement 3 success
2 1 beat; beat/beaten 2 became; 5 1 Did you use to go 2 didn’t use to go 4 strong 5 memories 6 apparent
become 3 began; begun 4 blew; blown 3 What did you use to 4 We would play 2 1 ALIAS 2 BEEP 3 BIRTHPLACE
5 broke; broken 6 bought; bought 5 didn’t use to play 4 BUMP 5 CREEP 6 HURRICANE
7 cost; cost 8 cut; cut 9 fell; fallen 7 IMPACT 8 INDIGENOUS 9 LIMO
10 felt; felt 11 found; found 12 flew; SPEAKING 10 MOIST 11 TITLE 12 VAST
flown Page 23 E N A C I R R U H I
3 1 attempted 2 had 3 broken 4 begin 1 1 E 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 F 6 B 7 G
5 had 6 were 7 needed 8 landed 9 had 2 1 on 2 interesting 3 joking 4 Really?
taken 10 was 5 interesting 6 were C Q A G E L C D Y R
Page 19 3a Tell a story Where was I? It was Q E S L S A I L A N
4a 1 Did; flying 2 Were; flew really scary. I don’t know how to A R T G P G E M X X
3 crossing; were 4 told; started 5 had; describe it. I felt scared. Do you know
gave 6 made; do what I mean? This is the best part. E I S M E H T N O I
4b A 3 B 1 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 2 Hang on. What was I saying? React to T L I N E U T A Z P
5 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 B a story Wow. That’s incredible. Go on. Y Q O H R A Z R T E
6 1 discovered; had been looking for Wow. That’s interesting. You’re joking.
2 was; hadn’t 3 was; happened 4 got; Really? You were lucky. That’s an
rang 5 was; knew interesting story. S D E O Y M K N I B
7 1 was 2 been 3 had 4 just 5 when 4a 1 B 2 B 3 1 alias 2 impact 3 limo 4 indigenous
6 got 7 knocked/banged 8 before 4b 1 Go on 2 Really 3 what did you say 5 vast 6 hurricane 7 creep 8 moist
9 asked/invited/let/welcomed/ushered 4 d’you know what I mean 5 What was I 9 title 10 beep 11 bump 12 birthplace
10 were 11 had 12 living/staying/ saying 6 That’s incredible 7 I felt scared
residing 13 been 14 were 15 ate/ 8 You’re joking 9 I don’t know how to GRAMMAR REVIEW 1 & 2
had 16 heard 17 was/started/began describe it Page 27
18 was 19 were 1 1 every 2 a/one 3 no/few 4 an
WRITING 5 always 6 either 7 a 8 be/get 9 a
LISTENING Page 24 10 a/each 11 the
Page 20 1 1 A 2 F 3 D 4 C 5 E 6 B 2 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 B
1 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 A 2 Suggested answers (it is also 3 1 Have 2 just 3 haven’t 4 wrote
2a C possible to use other conjunctions and 5 Would 6 don’t 7 ’ve been reading
2b 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 B word order): 8 Do 9 to read 10 would 11 had been
3 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 A 1 I like my teacher Mr Hardcastle reading 12 haven’t spoken 13 ’m
because he’s funny and interesting. finding 14 read
VOCABULARY 2 2 As soon as / When the lesson
Page 21 ended I asked my friends if they had
understood everything but they said they
Unit 3
1 1 creative 2 inventive 3 outgoing
4 tactful 5 temperamental 6 reserved hadn’t. / I asked my friends if they had VOCABULARY 1
7 sensible 8 practical understood everything when the lesson Page 28
2 1 outgoing 2 inventive ended, but they said they hadn’t. 1 1 of starting 2 to do 3 in making
3 temperamental 4 creative 5 sensitive 3 I met Anna in the park, but I forgot to 4 goals 5 succeeded
6 reserved 7 sensible 8 tactful ask (her) for her new number. 2 1 with 2 to 3 on 4 off 5 on 6 out
4 Anna was skating at the ice rink 7 up 8 up
Words & Beyond
when I met her. 3a 1 A and B 2 A 3 A and B 4 A and B
3 1 flea 2 frame 3 bumped 4 beyond
5 I think I’ll go and watch my little 5 A 6 A 7 A and B 8 A and B
5 memorabilia 6 seashore 7 kidding
brother play basketball in the park, 3b A work out B come up with C sign
8 amazement
where he often plays with his friends up for D take over E miss out on F put
4 1 B 2 H 3 G 4 E 5 C 6 I 7 D 8 A
after school. off G start up H give back
9 F
6 I might meet Anna there again, and 4 1 doing 2 putting 3 having 4 playing
maybe I’ll remember to get her phone 5 playing 6 fit 7 working
number this time.
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5 1 come 2 carry/keep/go 3 work/find VOCABULARY 2 LIFE SKILLS

4 miss 5 giving 6 take Page 33 Page 37
1 1 of 2 of 3 for 4 for 5 for 6 for 7 on 1 1 D 2 E 3 B 4 A 5 C
READING 8 of 9 with 10 in 2 4
Page 29 2 1 get 2 for 3 ’m/was not 4 of 5 ’m 3 3 and 4
1 1 type 2 images 3 first 4 why 5 start 6 for 7 proud 8 of 9 taking / in 10 of
6 what 7 detail 11 keeping 12 on VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–3
3 1 C 2 B Page 38
Words & Beyond
4 1 A 2 E 3 D 4 B 5 C 1 1 E 2 B/C 3 F 4 C/B 5 D 6 A 7 H
3a Across 3 force 5 flair 6 ultimate
5 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 8 G
Down 1 staff 2 scratch 4 chores
3b 1 chores 2 flair 3 ultimate 2 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 B
Page 30 4 scratch 5 force 6 staff
4 1 panel 2 pitch 3 spread 4 investor 3 1 initials 2 legend 3 famous
1 1 timetables 2 arrangements 3 plans 4 perspective 5 addictive 6 ancestor
4 promises 5 probably 6 very soon 5 creative force 6 foolish 7 start-up
7 ability
2 1 a promise 2 an immediate decision Page 39
Page 34
3 a prediction 4 a fact 5 an immediate 1 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 B
decision 6 a fact 7 a fact 8 a promise
1 1 A 2 C 3 B
9 A 10 C
3 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C 2 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 B
2 1 joined 2 probably didn’t realise
4 1 able 2 likely 3 able 4 likely 5 able 3 1 be 2 got 3 have scored 4 be going
3 has been 4 won 5 claimed
5 be 6 have been
6 about 6 managed 7 had 8 ’s 9 What will
4 1 will have been working
Page 31 she do
2 team will have got
5a 1 What are you going to do today? 3 1 like 2 – 3 the 4 the 5 the 6 think
3 ’ll/will have been working
2 What time does the plane leave? 7 – 8 the 9 drink 10 –
4 ’ll/will have been learning/studying
3 Will we be able to meet before then?
Spanish 4 1 I’m going to go hiking in the Rockies
4 Will that suitcase be big enough? with my brother, Nate, this weekend.
5 ’ll/will have moved to
5 What are you going to do there? 2 I’ve not / I haven’t been hiking since
5 1 ’ll be arriving 2 ’ll have been
6 Are you taking your chess set with last summer.
travelling (’ll have travelled) 3 won’t
you? 3 I used to go hiking all the time.
have eaten 4 will have been 5 ’ll be
5b A 1 B 6 C 3 D 2 E 4 F 5 4 Nate has never been hiking, though.
6 1 able 2 I’m meeting 3 I’ll 4 we’re 5 He’s likely to get really excited.
going 5 I’ll need 6 I’m going to SPEAKING 6 Will the weather be OK? I hope so.
7 1 ’ll be 2 won’t be able to go 3 not 7 I’m about to check the forecast now.
Page 35
going to be/won’t be 4 I’ll definitely call 1a 1 definitely 2 sure/certain/positive
5 are going to take / are taking 6 ’ll be 3 course 4 doubt 5 likely Unit 4
able to 7 ’re having / ’re going to have
1c 1 Definitely 2 course 3 sure 4 likely
8 ’s likely to be 9 are going to form VOCABULARY 1
5 doubt
10 leaves/is leaving. Page 40
2 1 probably 2 unlikely 3 probably
8 1 will probably be able to come 2 are 1 1 castle 2 museum 3 palace
4 likely 5 is likely to be
going to do /are doing 3 start / will 4 pyramid 5 skyscraper 6 stadium
3a 1 I’m not really sure.
start 4 ’ll come 5 won’t believe 6 about 7 temple 8 theatre 9 tower
2 I doubt it.
to go 7 ’m likely to be 8 opens 9 ‘re
going 10 is going to write 11 is going to
3 And it’s definitely not boring. S K Y S C R A P E R
4 I’ll probably come, then. T I Y Q G M Y C R B
ask 12 ’ll support 13 takes / is taking
5 It’s quite possible they’ll be there.
14 are going to take / are taking A L A T U R A A T P
3b 1 I’m not really sure.
2 I doubt it. D U O E A L H S A J
3 And it’s definitely not boring. I F S M A E T T E F
Page 32
4 I’ll probably come, then.
1 1 there 2 it 3 who 4 this 5 One U U I P B U C L H B
5 It’s quite possible they’ll be there.
6 them 7 He 8 so 9 more M D C L B G V E T F
2 1 (an) actor 2 (school) students WRITING U X R E W O T K D D
3 four
Page 36
3 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 2 1 tower; skyscraper 2 temple
1 1 no 2 no 3 yes 4 no 5 no 6 no
4 1 older people 2 experiences 7 yes
3 stadium 4 theatre 5 museum
3 friends (made at school) 4 teachers 6 palace 7 castle 8 pyramid
2 1 full forms 2 formal 3 letter
5 school 6 challenges 7 bad results 3 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 E
4 underneath 5 left 6 know 7 don’t
8 people
8 Begin 9 Finish 10 know 11 don’t 4 1 D 2 F 3 E 4 C 5 A 6 B
5 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 B 7 B 8 B 12 underneath 5 1 steps 2 domes 3 façade 4 arch
3 1 A 2 E 3 D 4 F 5 B 6 C 5 blocks 6 museum
4 1 A 2 E 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 F 6 1 a big name 2 a house on fire 3 just
a façade 4 hit the roof

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Page 41 Page 45 Page 49
1 1 believe 2 worth doing 3 I’d have 1 1 freedom 2 powerful 3 friendship 2 A 2 B 4 C 1 D 3 E 6 F 5
preferred 4 apparently 4 failure 5 youth 3 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 F 5 D 6 B
2 C 2 1 fame 2 freedom 3 youth 4 fear
3 1 B 2 D 3 E 4 A 5 C 5 power VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–4
4 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 3 1 youth 2 sadness 3 regret 4 power Page 50
5 friendship 6 failure 7 fame 1 1 successful 2 strengths
GRAMMAR 1 4 1 maturity 2 success 3 weakness 3 imaginative 4 memorable
Page 42 4 bravery 5 joy 5 meaningful 6 amazement
1 1 If I have money, I’ll lend you some. 5 1 wonders 2 awe-inspiring 3 cutting- 7 exaggeration 8 appearance
2 If I had money, I’d lend you some. edge 4 contemporary 5 worship 9 outgoing 10 forgetful
3 If I’d had money, I’d have lent you 6 emblematic 2 1 with 2 on 3 for 4 of 5 of 6 on
some. 7 for 8 for 9 for 10 on
4 If I were rich, I’d have lent you money. GRAMMAR 2 3 1 ultimate 2 awe-inspiring
2 1 A Yes B No 2 A No B Yes 3 A No B Page 46 3 skyscraper 3 expense 5 fairy tale
No 4 A No B No 5 A No B Yes 6 A No 1 1 could 2 didn’t 3 hadn’t 4 ’d had 6 seashore 7 jewel 8 diversity 9 office
B No 5 would blocks 10 disappointed
3 1 B 2 A 3 E 4 F 5 C 6 D 2 1 wouldn’t 2 ’d told 3 could 4 didn’t
Page 43 5 would 6 were 7 had 8 didn’t have GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–4
4 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 B 9 were Page 51
5 1 provided 2 would 3 lend 4 would 3 A 1 B 9 C 7 D 3 E 8 F 2 G 4 H 5 1 1 reading 2 was 3 is 4 had read
have to 5 ’d do 6 ’d got 7 unless I 6 5 few 6 get 7 had 8 used to 9 ’d want
8 won’t 9 might understand 10 weren’t 4 1 could come 2 could do 3 wasn’t 10 little
11 had 12 ’m 13 wouldn’t 4 ’d known 5 ’d talked / could talk 2 1 no 2 the 3 some 4 and 5 None
6 1 Where would you go if you could go 6 understood / would/could understand 6 lot 7 the 8 if 9 a
anywhere in the world? 5 1 I knew what present 2 the weather 3 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A
2 If you went there, what would you see? had been 3 the live band had been/ 4 1 want 2 is likely to be 3 have never
/ What would you see if you went there? played 4 my dad wouldn’t try 5 hadn’t worked 4 did/could not believe 5 ’m not
3 If you’d had enough holiday time, stayed in such 6 wish I wasn’t so taking part 6 going 7 to take
would you have gone to Mexico sooner? 8 will be
/ Would you have gone to Mexico sooner SPEAKING
if you’d had enough holiday time? Page 47 Unit 5
4 Would you have travelled more if 1 Marie
you’d had the money? / If you’d had the 2a 1 think 2 as 3 see/get/know VOCABULARY 1
money, would you have travelled more? 4 honest 5 opinion/view 6 so/that Page 52
5 Do you learn some phrases when you 7 totally/completely 8 see 9 true/right 1a 1 non 2 un 3 common 4 bar
are going to travel abroad? / When you 3 1 B 2 D 3 E 4 C 5 A 5 extra 6 off 7 over 8 alter
are going to travel abroad, do you learn 4 1 agree 2 really 3 mean 4 point 1b 1 unpredictable 2 offbeat
some phrases? 5 1 What do you make of it? 2 What do 3 extraordinary 4 bargain 5 overpriced
6 Will you try the local food if you go to you reckon? 6 alternative 7 commonplace/
Spain? / If you go to Spain, will you try 6 Ask for an opinion: What do you make nondescript
the local food? of it? / What do you reckon? 2 1 low-cost 2 an arm and a leg
7 1 had a map, I would Give an opinion: If you ask me, … / To 3 rip-off 4 affordable 5 exorbitant
2 had a smartphone, I would be quite honest, … / If you want my 6 off-the-wall
3 as/so long as your opinion, … / The way I see it, … / As far 3 1 mundane 2 weird 3 remarkable
4 provided (that) you’re with as I’m concerned, … 4 commonplace 5 ordinary
5 unless you remember its Disagree but recognise the other opinion:
6 is late, they will Do you really think so? / I see what you READING
mean, but … / I’m not sure I agree. / I Page 53
LISTENING think that’s true up to a point, but … 1 1 purpose 2 inform 3 circumstance
Page 44 4 facts 5 action 6 persuading
1 1 wish 2 Imagine 3 future 4 past WRITING 2 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 B
5 would Page 48 3 1 D 2 B C E 3 E 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 A C
2 1 If I ruled the world 2 Say what they 1 1 subject 2 though 3 Whereas
would do (if they ruled the world). 3 Two 4 Nevertheless 5 Despite 6 fact GRAMMAR 1
3 1 cars 2 rain/weather 3 fitter 2 1 although 2 whereas 3 though Page 54
4 stolen 5 app 6 law 7 hobbies 4 However 5 despite 1 1 enjoy 2 manage 3 would 4 love
4 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 F 3 1 Although 2 Despite 3 While 5 forget
4 However 5 though 6 Nevertheless 2 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 A
7 In spite of the fact that 3 1 breaking 2 being 3 to make
4 1 Even 2 Nevertheless / However 4 showing 5 to apologise 6 pay
3 spite 4 While / Although / Though 7 accept

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4 1 working 2 taking 3 being 4 1 more 2 Fewer and fewer 3 Far

4 asking 5 sharing 6 being 7 to relate 4 Slightly 5 less 6 Much Unit 6
8 speaking 5 1 slightly 2 bit/little 3 many/far
Page 55 4 than 5 most 6 more/better 7 as
Page 64
5 1 telling 2 to take 3 seeing 4 keep 8 better
1 1 class 2 cap 3 alley 4 guitar
5 to send 6 be 7 becoming 8 to be 5 racket 6 ball 7 board 8 course
9 to come 10 coming 11 thinking SPEAKING
Page 59 2 1 G 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 F 6 H 7 E 8 B
12 to keep
1 1 to invite her to the cinema 2 Yes 3 1 hard-working 2 bad-tempered
6 1 Would you like to have a cup of tea?
3 easygoing 4 well-behaved 5 open-
2 That would be very nice. 2a 1 Just 2 Wait 3 saying 4 sorry 5 on
minded 6 self-confident
3 Where would you like to go? 6 Actually
4 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 D
4 Right now, I’d prefer to go somewhere 3a Interrupt: Just a minute. / Wait a
warm. second. / Hang on. / I’m sorry, but … /
5 Do you want me to show you the new Actually, …
Page 65
museum café? Return to a topic: What were you saying?
1 1 first 2 topic 3 idea 4 paragraph
6 Lovely. I’ll need to stop and get some 3b Interrupt: Yes, but …
5 sentence 6 support 7 develop 8 facts
money on the way, though. Change topic: By the way, …
9 images 10 examples 11 explanations
7 1 suggested going Return to a topic: So … / As I was
12 information 13 opinions
2 persuaded my friend Alice to saying …
14 conclusion
3 succeeded in getting
4 I hoped to be
Page 60 3 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 A
5 enjoyed watching
6 stopped being 1 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 A 2 B 4 C 6 D 1 E 3 F 5
7 warned us to 2 1 C 2 A 3 B
8 remember not being 3 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 C
9 didn’t let us
Page 66
4 First paragraph: B Second paragraph:
10 managed to see 1 1 places 2 object 3 extra 4 that
C Third paragraph: D Fourth
5 relative pronoun
paragraph: A
LISTENING 2 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A 6 A
Page 56 LIFE SKILLS 3a 1 ✓ 2 ✓ 3 ✗ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✓
1 1 topic 2 context 3 picture 4 general Page 61 3b 1 Applications, which must be
5 attention 6 speak 7 note 1 A 4 B 6 C 1 D 7 E 3 received by May 1, will be processed in
2 Student’s own answers (Actual 2 A 2 B 5 C 6 D 1 E 4 F 3 G 7 the following two weeks.
answer: D) 2 Please include a sample of your own
3 A 6 B 5 C 2 D 3 E 1 F 4 VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–5 handwriting, which should be in pencil,
4 D Page 62 by copying this sentence:
1 1 remarkable 2 imagination 6 Travel expenses, which can be up
5 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C
3 memorable 4 sensible 5 reasonable to £150, will be repaid on the day of
VOCABULARY 2 6 mysterious/mystery 7 apparent the interview.
Page 57 8 foolish 4 1 I’m in a team which I like.
2 1 building 2 pride 3 iconic 2 I do experiments that/which are
1 1 increasing 2 resulting 3 decreasing
4 architecture 5 expense 6 structure interesting.
4 rising 5 leading 6 growing
3 I go the job (that) I wanted.
2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D 7 result 8 rise 9 memorable/
extraordinary 10 quirkiness 11 façade 4 I’m working on a project (that’s) about
Words & Beyond colour.
12 fame 13 transform 14 memorable/
3 1 bags 2 affordability 3 marble 5 I’m doing my maths homework, which
4 origin 5 boundaries 6 outsiders is easy.
3b A 5 B 1 C 4 D 6 E 2 F 3
4 1 ideological 2 hands-on 3 quirkiness 6 I have to work weekends, which is not
3c 1 emblematic 2 majestic 3 barrier
4 consent 5 blast 6 juxtaposition so good.
4 contemporary 5 wipe out 6 fate
Page 67
GRAMMAR 2 5 1 that 2 where 3 that 4 which 5 that
Page 58 6 what 7 where 8 when 9 that 10 what
Page 63
1 1 brighter 2 the most 3 as much as 6 1 that 2 whose 3 whom 4 when
1 1 used 2 most 3 being 4 However /
4 fewer 5 far 6 less 7 the happier 5 which 6 who 7 that 8 where 9 which
Nevertheless 5 be 6 to 7 thinking 8 in
2 1 the safest 2 faster 3 easier 10 when 11 whose
9 the 10 few
4 hungrier 5 the most popular 6 the 7 1 the part of the brain that/which
2 1 stop playing 2 only I was/were
brightest 7 not as attractive controls instinctive processes
3 will have finished school 4 succeed in
3 1 The more you spend, the less money 2 The/This idea/notion that you lose
winning 5 I didn’t forget 6 ’ll be waiting
you have. 3 , which are thought to keep you warm,
3 1 were 2 ’ve been waiting 3 left 4 ’d
2 The bigger your house, the longer you 4 , who is an expert on cold-weather
be 5 definitely 6 had 7 seen 8 have
have to spend cleaning it. survival, works at
been standing 9 will have started
3 The more you travel, the more (things) 5 blowing on your hands to keep them
10 we’ll arrive late
you learn. warm, which (is something)
4 The brighter the clothes you wear, the 6 internal temperature, which should be
happier you might feel. 35 degrees Celsius,
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LISTENING 4 impression 5 sound 6 reality GRAMMAR 1

Page 68 7 honest 8 fact 9 behave 10 actually Page 78
1 1 A 2 C 3 F 4 E 5 B 6 G 7 D 3b to be honest 1 1 had to 2 needn’t have done
2 1 E 2 B 3 A 4 F 5 C 6 D 3 wasn’t allowed to 4 should(n’t) have
3a 1 someone else 2 isn’t 3 surprised LIFE SKILLS done
4 fun 5 asks 6 a little 7 doesn’t 8 on Page 73 2 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 No 5 Yes 6 No
purpose 9 get more sleep 10 less 1 1 stay with a friend 2 negative 7 No 8 No
3 agrees 4 explain 5 isn’t 3 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C
VOCABULARY 2 2 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F 4 1 had 2 must 3 should have 4 has
Page 69 5 didn’t need to 6 needn’t have
1 1 of 2 up 3 look 4 on 5 up VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–6 Page 79
6 through 7 up Page 74
5 1 ’s not allowed 2 must be turned
2 1 grow out of 2 live up to 3 get up to 1 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 B off 3 have to wait 4 should be ordered
4 check up on 5 get through to 6 look 2 1 assumed 2 ancestor 3 affordable 5 can not/can’t be taken 6 must
up to 7 are not up to 4 alternative 5 addictive 6 aware not/mustn’t be removed 7 must be
3a 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 H 5 D 6 B 7 F 8 G 7 annoyed 8 assure accompanied 8 have to be left
3b 1 stand up for 2 get away with 3 get 3 1 FAILURE 2 FAME 3 FEAR 6 1 ought not to have gone 2 had to
through to 4 FREEDOM 5 HONESTY 6 HUMOUR wait 3 needn’t have queued 4 shouldn’t
7 POWER 8 REGRET have gone 5 wasn’t allowed to take
Words & Beyond
4 1 compromise 2 pose 3 hemispheres F R E E D O M H 6 better get home 7 I ought to 8 don’t
4 cure 5 valid 6 perspective have to do
5a 1 subconscious 2 genetic 3 bias 7 1 What did you have to do last night?
I Z F O X A V N 2 I had to go to an awards ceremony.
4 organisms
5b 1 genetic 2 bias 3 organisms L T C W M A Q E 3 Yes, but I needn’t have been.
4 subconscious U F C E U U U S 4 I couldn’t take more than one person.
5 But you should have taken your
R E G R E T H T mother.
Page 70 E A F G D Q Y Y 6 I ought to have considered her first.
1 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 E M R K C B R K P
2 1 Talking 2 chatting 3 sharing
Page 80
4 being 5 keeping 6 wondering GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–6 1 1 interview 2 topic 3 tone
7 Having 8 spoken Page 75 4 entertain 5 intention 6 phrases
3 1 calling 2 received 3 made 4 said 1 1 are 2 been 3 were 4 than 5 as 7 reaction
5 answering 6 wanting 7 calling 6 had 7 know 8 most 2 1 D 2 F 3 B 4 G 5 A
8 wanting 2 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 D 3a 1 B 2 E 3 F 4 D 5 A
4 1 speaking 2 keeping 3 calling 9 A 10 C
4 reassuring 5 listening 6 told 7 given 3b 1 Speaker 4 2 Speaker 3 
3 1 could 2 should 3 better 3 Speaker 2 4 Speaker 1 5 Speaker 5 
8 made 4 introduced 5 feel 6 would 7 I’ll start
Page 71
Unit 7 Page 81
1a 1 Could 2 tell 3 know 4 know 1 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 C
VOCABULARY 1 2 1 normal 2 final 3 complete
5 mind 6 mind 7 mind 8 wondering Page 76
1b 1 I possibly leave 2 tell me why you 4 serious 5 heavy 6 fatal 7 complete
1a 1 E 2 A 3 G 4 F 5 H 6 C 7 I 8 strong
3 if she would be 4 know why she’s 8 D 9 B
5 mind if I ask 6 mind if I sat 7 mind 1b 1 horror 2 action/adventure Words & Beyond
shutting the 8 was wondering if I could 3 science fiction 4 comedies 5 cartoon 3a 1 patron 2 screening 3 sing along
2a 1 Do 2 Do/Would 3 Would 4 Could 6 musicals 7 documentary 4 massive 5 continuous 6 wrappers
5 Would 6 Do 7 Would 2 a foyer b auditorium c aisle d box 7 take
2b A 1 B 7 C 6 D 2 E 3 F 4 G 5 office e row f screen 3b 1 patron 2 screening 3 continuous
3 1 row; row 2 dubbed; dubbed 4 singalong 5 take 6 massive
WRITING 3 trailer; trailer(s) 4 credits; credit 7 wrappers
Page 72 4 1 humble 2 unwrap 3 makes
4 1 cinemagoer 2 foyer 3 auditorium
1a Suggested answers: 1 ✓ 2 ✓ 4 rows 5 dubbed 6 subtitles 7 session 4 irritating 5 drinking 6 ruined
3 ✗ 4 ✗ 8 trailer 9 remake 10 spoiler 7 pretend to sing 8 not acceptable
1b 1 robot 2 human
2 1 tired 2 a model 3 as if 4 to READING GRAMMAR 2
be 5 like 6 as if 7 seems 8 that Page 77 Page 82
9 as 10 In fact 11 The 12 Actually 1 1 humorous 2 style 3 signs 4 jokes 1 1 would 2 were 3 was
13 appearing 14 reality 5 exaggeration 6 meanings 7 opposite 2 1 wouldn’t 2 was 3 was 4 was
3a 1 looks 2 seems 3 comes 2 1 B 2 A 3 D 5 would 6 were 7 would 8 was
3 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 C 3 1 were going to 2 was about to tell
3 (had) meant to 4 was expecting /

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expected 5 would be 6 meant 4 spire 5 dome 6 ship 7 queue 8 aisle 4 We always get (our) food delivered by
7 would ask 9 wrapper(s) 10 warehouse the supermarket.
4 1 was about to be 2 were supposed 4 1 C 2 G 3 F 4 B 5 E 6 D 7 A 5 John is having a tooth taken out later
to 3 was expected to start 4 would not today.
be 5 was going to 6 wasn’t meant to GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–7 6 I’m having / I’m going to have / I
Page 87 will have a special cake made for my
SPEAKING 1 1 ’ve 2 has 3 ’ll 4 eaten 5 be 6 see birthday next Saturday.
Page 83 7 a 8 which 9 much 10 only 7 1 Coffee was first drunk in Africa. 2 It
1 1 huge 2 awesome 3 to 2 1 which 2 who 3 had 4 known was transported to Yemen before the
4 particularly 5 amazing 6 disappointed 5 would have 6 reading 7 send 15th century. 3 Coffee was banned (by
2 7 disappointment 8 waste of time 8 educated 9 to get 10 his 11 the the authorities) in some places. 4 It
9 stand 10 anything for me 11 crazy 12 feel 13 that was thought to be too strong by some
about 12 criticise something 13 up 3 1 wouldn’t have missed 2 will have people. 5 Mass production was started
to my expectations 14 disappointed 3 won’t go unless 4 left without telling (by the Dutch) in Central America.
15 huge fan of 16 cup of tea 5 only I could have 6 would be able to 6 Some of the best coffee is produced
3 17/18 I can’t make up my mind about 7 only you had told 8 the more you by Jamaican growers.
it. / I don’t really know how I feel.
4 1 Speaker 3 2 Speaker 2 3 Speaker Unit 8 LISTENING
3 4 Speaker 1 Page 92
5a 1 do 2 cup 3 disappointment VOCABULARY 1 1 1 Speaker 2 2 Speaker 1 
4 liked 5 fan 6 up 7 mind 8 about Page 88 3 Speaker 4 4 Speaker 3
9 stand 1 1 E 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 F 6 A 2 1 angry 2 doesn’t 3 try 4 positive
2 1 manufacture 2 industry 3 ship 5 won’t
WRITING 4 Storage 5 store 6 warehouse 3 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 B
Page 84 7 transport 8 motorway 9 railway 4 1 B 2 F 3 E 4 D 5 C
1a 1 go 2 I prefer 3 becoming 4 start 10 freight 11 goods 5 Extracts 1 and 5
5 study 6 to watch 7 trying 8 prefer 9 I 3 1 manufacturing 2 industry
1b To make suggestions: Have you 3 warehouses 4 storage 5 Retailers VOCABULARY 2
considered becoming a film director? 6 transportation/transport 7 goods Page 93
/ Why don’t we start a film club? / I 8 residents 9 locations 1 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 B 6 A 7 D
suggest you study film. / What about 2a 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 E 5 C 6 F
trying the new Multiplex? READING 2b 1 import 2 export 3 exchange rate
To express preferences in general: I Page 89 4 currency 5 purchase 6 delivery
prefer comedy to all other movie genres. 1 1 reference 2 there 3 thing 4 later
Words & Beyond
/ I prefer going to independent cinemas. 5 below
3a 1 globalisation 2 convention
To express preferences in a specific 2 1 ✓ 2 ✓ 4 ✓
3 consumerism 4 trade fair 5 abolish
situation: I’d rather not go to the cinema 3 1 I 2 E 3 A 4 K 5 D 6 F 7 J 8 H 9 L 6 speedy 7 unload 8 steel
tonight. / I’d prefer to watch a comedy 10 G 11 C 12 B
3b 1 globalisation 2 abolish 3 speedy
this time. / I’d prefer the local cinema
4 steel 5 unload 6 convention 7 trade
instead. GRAMMAR 1
fair 8 consumerism
2 1 suggest 2 could/can 3 prefer/ Page 90
4 1 tribute; horns 2 footprint 3 income
like 4 rather 5 prefer/like 6 about 1 1 past 2 two 3 past
4 expenses; savings 5 breathtaking
7 rather 8 suggest/prefer 9 rather 2 1 is estimated 2 are consumed 3 it’s
10 considered 11 Why bought 4 be found 5 be charged 6 it’s GRAMMAR 2
sold 7 produced 8 be expected
3 1 want 2 was grown 3 spread 4 are 1a 1 evidence 2 ’m sure 3 expect this
Page 85 needed 5 are found 6 produces 7 was
4 possible 5 future
1 A 4 B 9 C 7 D 2 E 1 F 10 G 5 H 6 broken 8 was presented 9 weighed
I 8 J 3 1b A He might be angry. B She could
Page 91 have gone out. C You might have asked
2 Student’s own answers 4 1 mustn’t be brought 2 are not first. D You could have caused an
3 1 Speaker 1 ✓ Speaker 2 ✗ allowed to run 3 must be respected accident.
2 Speaker 1 ✓ Speaker 2 ✓ 4 is not tolerated / will not be tolerated 2 1 D 2 C 3 D 4 C 5 C 6 D
3 Speaker 1 ✗ Speaker 2 ✓ 5 are not accepted 6 are decided by
4 Speaker 1 ✓ Speaker 2 ✗ 5 Speaker  3 1 may 2 should 3 could 4 must
5 1 is known 2 be made 3 is believed 5 might 6 won’t
1 ✗ Speaker 2 ✓ 4 being woken up 5 shouldn’t be drunk 4 1 must 2 can’t 3 must 4 can’t
6 being excited 5 might 6 will 7 might
VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–7 6 1 We always have our coffee imported
Page 86 5 1 could have been 2 must have been
from Brazil. 3 could have got 4 might/may/could
1 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 A 2 I got my hair cut yesterday.
2 1 rude 2 fake 3 groundbreaking have forgotten 5 might (still) be 6 the
3 We are having our house painted on waitress will have
4 never-ending 5 competitive Tuesday next week. / We’re going to
6 affordable 7 valid 8 quirkiness have our house painted on Tuesday next
3 1 palace 2 pyramid 3 skyscraper week.

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SPEAKING that of their parents’. The writer F Scott

Page 95
Unit 9 Fitzgerald described women of the day
1 1 five 2 four as ‘young, confident and adventurous’.
VOCABULARY 1 They lived a fast-paced life and
2 1 like 2 Shall 3 Can 4 let 5 Just Page 100
6 say 7 think 8 Can enjoyed greater freedom than the older
1 1 H 2 F 3 D 4 C 5 G 6 A 7 E 8 B generation – they were ready to explore
3 1 hear 2 think 3 like 4 Can 5 say 9 J 10 I
6 Shall 7 I just 8 finish and discover the world.
2 1 anti-establishment 2 disagreed Fitzgerald wrote extensively about the
3 pro-freedom 4 interact 5 mistrust Jazz age, most famously in his terrific
WRITING 6 cooperated 7 reusing
Page 96 1925 novel The Great Gatsby. In truth,
3 1 mis 2 inter 3 re 4 inter/multi though, whatever about the stereotypes,
1 1 I wonder if 2 since 3 therefore 5 multi 6 multi 7 non
4 Moreover 5 on balance the youth of the Jazz era were not unique
4a 1 collaborative 2 preconception in being rebellious. Indeed, in a sense,
2 1 Moreover 2 However 3 I think 3 interview 4 non-violence 5 subculture
that 4 whereas 5 Furthermore 6 also isn’t rebelliousness just a characteristic
6 outdo of every young generation?
7 on the other hand 8 What’s more
4b 1 preconception 2 interview
9 because 10 on balance
3 Paragraph 1 B Paragraph 2 A
3 collaborative 4 non-violence GRAMMAR 1
5 subculture 6 outdo Page 102
Paragraph 3 D Paragraph 4 E Paragraph
5 C 1 1 predict 2 threaten 3 warn 4 admit
READING 5 insist 6 forgive
4 1 Despite 2 feeling/belief/view/ Page 101
opinion 3 reason 4 hand 5 Another 2 1 told 2 told 3 asked 4 told 5 said
1 B 6 said 7 persuaded 8 accused
6 due 7 consequence/result 8 more 2 1 B 2 G 3 C 4 A 5 F 6 D
9 all 9 insisted
3 If there’s one thing that young 3 1 I’ve forgotten my password. 2 Make
people have in common, it’s that they up a new one. 3 Is that a problem?
think they’re different from the older 4 No, it isn’t. / it’s not 5 The site
Page 97
generation. They try to look different, will send you an email to confirm the
1a A 3 (Income) B 2 (Fixed expenses)
listen to different music and even new password. 6 Can you think of a
C 4 (Variable expenses) D 1 (Savings)
develop their own vocabulary and ways password for me? 7 You should think of
1b A 2 B 4 C 3 D 1 of talking. Increasingly in the digital age, your own password. 8 You don’t want to
2a 1 no 2 £5 new trends are started and then left help. 9 It’s safer to use one no-one else
2b Suggested answer: 3 ✓ behind at astonishing speed. knows.
But whatever rebellious modern 4 1 asked Mary if she could go there for
VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–8 youth might think themselves, it’s a minute
Page 98 absolutely certain that they’re not 2 asked (John) what she could do for
1 1 amazement 2 investors 3 practical the first generation to feel this way. him
4 failure 5 breathtaking 6 industrial Back in the 1920s in the US, young 3 said (that) he couldn’t get a wi-fi
7 warehouse 8 storage 9 overnight people, especially college students, connection / told her/Mary that he
10 inventive 11 successful were questioning traditional values couldn’t get a wi-fi connection
2 1 D 2 A 3 F 4 E 5 H 6 G 7 B 8 C and looking for more freedom. Women 4 asked him/John if he had got the right
9 J 10 I wanted more independence and code
3 1 free 2 ending 3 bringing 4 minded there was a sense of a restlessness 5 said / told her he didn’t know
5 headed 6 skinned 7 through developing among both genders, which 6 asked if she could have a look at the
8 sighted had a significant influence on cultural options
trends of the time. 7 said / told her that there were those
GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–8 We do like the new, and In 1920s three
Page 99 America, there was a lot that was. The 8 asked him if he had tried the last one
1 1 is 2 but 3 were 4 the 5 which 6 to mass production of cars meant that (because it had worked for her)
7 as 8 where young people could get around and Page 103
2 1 might 2 must 3 carrying 4 bought socialise away from their parents. They
5a 1 G 2 A 3 E 4 H 5 F 6 C 7 B 8 I
5 eaten 6 to boil 7 has 8 used could listen to the radio and watch
5b 1 for saying 2 to do 3 going 4 to
3 1 produces more glass than 2 was films with voices for the first time. Jazz
call 5 asked me for 6 of 7 to wake
(probably) the Egyptians who (probably) music made black musicians very well-
8 doing
3 wasn’t made in 4 has been produced known and dance crazes such as the
in 5 didn’t become 6 It must have been 6 1 advised … to 2 refused to
Charleston became very popular indeed.
3 insisted that 4 explained to
Even parents got enthusiastic about
5 admitted (that) 6 invited 7 promised
some of these things and joined in.
to 8 threatened to 9 admit
Emblematic of the age were the
7 1 promised to be there 2 offered
fashionable, fun-loving young women
to take/bring (some) 3 asked if he
of the time, with their short hair and
could 4 was told to 5 suggested
distinctive style of clothing. And what
going 6 reminded him/Owen to take
was shocking to some – they also wore
7 congratulated her/Keira on passing
make-up! They had an image and an
attitude that was a world away from

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Page 104 Page 109 4 1 so 2 such 3 enough 4 too 5 too
1 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 5 2 1a 1 Candidate 4 2 Candidate 2 3 6 enough 7 so 8 such
2 1 irony 4 idiom Candidate 1 4 Candidate 3 5 1 far 2 such 3 so 4 much 5 enough
3 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 B 1b 1 positive 2 confident; overconfident 6 too 7 little 8 Many
3 polite 4 punctual 6 1 remarkably 2 such 3 pretty
VOCABULARY 2 1c 1 prepared 2 flexible 3 smart 4 totally 5 so 6 really 7 incredibly
Page 105 2 Juno ✓ 7 1 absolutely essential that 2 such a
1 1 tree 2 moment 3 bridge 4 chest pity/shame 3 far too late to 4 rather
5 iceberg 6 tunnel 7 bright 8 end VOCABULARY REVIEW 1–9 unhappy/upset 5 weren’t careful enough
9 stick 10 bridge Page 110 6 love her so much
2 A 9 B 3 C 7 D 4 E 5 F 2 G 1 H 10 1 1 household 2 extraordinary
I 8 J 6 3 strengthen 4 massive 5 creative LISTENING
3 A 6 B 4 C 3 D 9 E 5 6 majority 7 imagination 8 branding Page 116
2 1 for 2 to 3 of 4 out 5 up 6 to 1 Suggested answers: 1 B, D 2 B 3 C
Words & Beyond 4 A
7 in 8 on
4 1 forecast 2 foreseeable 3 1 three 2 colour, gender, direction/
3 speechless 4 beforehand 5 willing
3 1 motorway 2 compiled 3 tactful
4 immoral 5 myths 6 pigments space 3 six (eight if English and French
5 1 quote 2 secure 3 label are included, but these were only
4 self-obsessed 5 Indeed 6 assignment
4 1 friendship 2 temperamental 3 mind
4 ordinary 5 humour 6 exceptional mentioned as languages)
7 consultant 4 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A
7 name 8 quirkiness
Page 106
Page 111 Page 117
1 1 subject 2 negative 3 positive 1 Across: 2 bloke 3 crash 4 loo
4 auxiliary 5 up 6 down
1 1 who 2 some/his 3 had 4 him/
that/it 5 bit 6 The 7 you Down: 1 dosh 2 beat 3 cool
2a 1 aren’t 2 haven’t 3 wasn’t 2 1 cool 2 crash 3 dosh 4 loo
4 wasn’t 5 are 6 shouldn’t 7 isn’t
2 1 is generally provided by 2 if she
knew who 3 is said to be 4 is so 5 beat 6 bloke
8 aren’t 9 didn’t 10 shall 11 aren’t
popular that 5 claimed that his voice 3a 1 beat 2 crash 3 stressed 4 dosh
12 do
had 6 should listen to 7 must have 5 Chill 6 cool 7 mate 8 worries
2c 1 ✗ 2 ✓ 3 ✓ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✓ 7 ✓ 8 ✓ 9 Cheers 10 off
been 8 , who met him once,
9 ✓ 10 ✗ 11 ✓ 12 ✗
3 1 less 2 with 3 makes 4 doesn’t 3c 1 Dean 2 Brad
3 1 isn’t it? 2 didn’t 3 haven’t you?
5 doing 6 spent 7 are you 8 ’re also 4 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 C
4 does it? 5 do I? 6 won’t you? 7 won’t
8 shall we? GRAMMAR 2
4 1 aren’t we 2 won’t we 3 can I Unit 10
Page 118
4 shall I 5 isn’t it 6 are you 7 shall we
VOCABULARY 1 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 E 5 F 6 A
8 isn’t it 9 wasn’t it 10 doesn’t it
Page 112 2 1 have I 2 did I 3 than 4 was I 5 was
1 1 by 2 out 3 on 4 up 5 across 6 Had I
6 out 7 across 8 up 9 up 10 up 3 1 only 2 but 3 also 4 rarely 5 sooner
Page 107
11 up 12 down 6 than 7 so 8 that 9 Had
1a 1 sure 2 lost 3 awful 4 afraid 5 just
2 1 up 2 by 3 across 4 out 5 looking 4 1 Had I told Jane about 2 when we
6 sorry 7 want 8 think 9 luck 10 main
6 make 7 end got there did 3 Not only were these mice
11 different 12 probably
3 1 work out 2 broke down 3 get by 4 So big were they that 5 Never did we
1b 1 sure 2 afraid 3 sorry 4 just
4 pick you up 5 keep up 6 came across talk about 6 Only (much) later could we
5 different 6 think 7 main 8 probably
9 lost 10 want 11 luck 12 awful 4 1 die out 2 get … across 3 caught on
4 keep ... up 5 pick up 6 come across SPEAKING
2 A 2 B 3 C 1 Page 119
7 break down 8 try out
3 2 ✓ 3 ✓ 6 ✓ 1 Part 1: A Part 2: A Part 3: B Part 4: B
WRITING READING 2a 1 top … corner 2 bottom … corner
Page 113 3 foreground 4 background 5 towards
Page 108
1 vocabulary … back 6 back 7 either side 8 sides
1 1 informal 2 close friends 3 don’t
2b 1 D 2 B 3 E 4 C 5 G 6 I H 7 F 8 A 9 from … side … other 10 one 11 right
know 4 contraction 5 direct 6 idea
12 quite make … out 13 sure what
2 A
GRAMMAR 1 14 looks 15 what looks
3 Suggested answers: A Hi B I’ve got to
Page 114
C get in touch / get on with D out of this WRITING
1 1 tired 2 amazing 3 so 4 such a
world / over the top / out of the blue E Page 120
5 loud 6 big enough
fantastic / fabulous 1 1 Frankly 2 Apparently 3 Admittedly
2a 1 K 2 D 3 A 4 L 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 E
4 1 Thanks for the 2 house was/is 4 Unfortunately 5 On the contrary
9 J 10 I 11 C 12 B 13 N 14 O 15 M
brilliant 3 Can you help 4 pass it on 2 1 Apparently 2 frankly 3 appalling
2b Group 1 A Group 2 B
5 There’s something else you 4 Admittedly 5 never 6 more
3 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 A 6 C
7 unnecessary 8 Unfortunately
9 contrary 10 time

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

3 1 is a totally 2 before has (such) 3 1 He was very fond of them.
3 Unfortunately, there is 4 Frankly, it is 2 They were expected to marry rich men,
5 about time adults stopped attacking live in a big house with servants, and
6 utterly ridiculous look after their husbands and children.
3 Use it to make Middlemarch a
LIFE SKILLS better place.
Page 121 4 He was sure that she’d say yes.
1 1 E 2 D 3 F 4 C 5 B 6 A 5 He thinks they’re not trained to do the
2 Suggested answer: E work involved.
6 The fact that Sir James wants to marry
Page 122 4 1 his work 2 myths and world
1 1 interview 2 advantage religions 3 help him with his work
3 competition 4 interviewer 5 location 5a 1 ✗ He thought he wasn’t going to
6 surprisingly 7 impressed 8 willing like it but in fact he does. 2 ✓ 3 ✗ She
2 1 at the end of the tunnel 2 under the says the book deals with a lot of issues
bridge 3 of the iceberg 4 that bridge that are still relevant today. 4 ✗ She
when we come to it 5 end of the stick says that women authors today still
6 up the wrong tree 7 of the moment often use a man’s name to be taken
8 of the day seriously. 5 ✓ 6 ✗ He’s definitely going
3 1 aisle 2 alias 3 dome 4 fake 5 fate to finish it.
6 massive 7 resident 8 secure 9 staff
10 weird Extra Reading – Moby Dick
Page 126
F R E Y R F A T 1a 1 D 2 E 3 C 4 B 5 F 6 A
X S R W D I N F 1b Other names in order of appearance:
Archie, Cabaco, Queequeg, Tashtego,
C A U T S E F A Fedallah, Starbuck, Stubb, Flask, Elijah.
D I C L D A D T 2 He sees the whale – Moby Dick.
3 Suggested answers: 1 If all the
O L E I T R C E stories about Moby Dick were true
M A S S I V E F then the whale would have been in ten
different parts of the world at the same
E E W E K A F T time, which isn’t possible.
2 Would the hatred that Captain Ahab
felt for Moby Dick turn out to be more
important to him than the safety of
GRAMMAR REVIEW 1–10 his crew?
Page 123 3 There were many rumours about the
1 1 don’t want 2 spoken 3 were 4 to five men who had appeared on the ship,
work 5 more 6 shared 7 laughs 8 get but none of them were based on fact.
2 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 C 4a Suggested answers: 1 observant
8 D 9 C 2 dangerous, obsessed, secretive
3 1 What do you think the problem is? 3 dangerous, mysterious
2 Why do you think there is a problem? 4b He’s an observer. The events
3 There is always a problem, isn’t there? and people he is describing are more
4 Isn’t it better to think of solutions important than his own story.
rather than problems? 5a 1 They both 2 They both 3 Jack
5 You think I’m too negative, don’t you? 4 Ella 5 They both 6 Ella
6 Why don’t you look on the bright side
of life?
4 1 don’t 2 may 3 isn’t 4 thought
5 Thinking 6 doesn’t 7 shouldn’t
8 such 9 shall 10 ’s 11 ’s been
12 could 13 thought 14 have been

Extra Reading – Middlemarch

Page 124
1 1 orphans 2 parents 3 uncle
4 guardian 5 nieces 6 governesses
7 guests 8 Reverend 9 scholar
10 neighbour
2 To help him arrange his notes so that
he can complete his work.

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

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