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New order period: Reform Era

New order period: 1.The legal basis is Law No. 3 of 1999
1. The legal basis is Law No. 15 of 1969 2.The principles used are Direct, General, Free
2. The principle used is honest and fair or and Confidential (LUBER) and Honest and Fair
abbreviated JURDIL. (JURDIL).
3. There were 10 political parties participating 3. There were more political parties
in the general election in 1955. participating, namely in 1999 as many as 48
4. Political parties, in subsequent elections political parties with the winner being the
were merged into only 3 political parties. Democratic Party, in 2004 24 political parties
5. Election organizers are the government participated and the highest number of votes
through the KPU (General Election was the Golkar Party, elections were held
Commission). again in 2009 with 38 political parties and the
6. Election supervisors are the government Democratic Party participating won 20.85% of
through Panwaslu (Election Supervisory the votes and became the winner of the 2009
Committee). election. And the last one was the 2014
7. The election results have been confirmed by election which was only participated by 10
the ruling party, namely Golkar, after which political parties with the winner of the
the elected representatives will elect Suharto Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
to become the next president. (PDIP).
4. Election organizer is a free and independent
General Election Commission consisting of
elements of the political parties participating
in the election and the government. KPU is
responsible to the president.
5. Election supervisor is a free and
independent Panwaslu consisting of the
police, the public, the prosecutor's office,
universities and the press.
6. Election results cannot be predicted
because they are purely based on the results
of the vote count carried out by differences in
population and citizens.

The following is a comparison table regarding the elections that took place during the New Order and
the Reformation Period. In my opinion, during the New Order, only a few parties were used, while
during the Reformation period, there were only 10, now there are 40 parties. Here, we can see the
comparison. what has actually been improved and also in the election is a democratic party that should
be a party for all citizens who have met the requirements for forming a political party to determine their
political choices, but on the other hand there is a lot of fraud that occurs so that citizens are not free to
determine what they choose.

3. Theory of Separation and Division of State Power. Separation or division of power means that state
power is separated into several parts, both regarding its organs and regarding its functions which
indirectly run in a structured system. In contrast to the separation of powers mechanism, in the power
sharing mechanism, state power is divided into several parts (legislative, executive, and judicial), but not
separated. This has the consequence that it is possible for the parts of the state power to coordinate
and cooperate. So far it is related to the executive institution, namely the power to run the government
of a country where this institution is tasked with implementing policies, regulations and laws made by
the legislative body, an example of this institution is the president, vice president, minister, the winner is
as described in the law and then the legislature namely the institution that has the task and authority to
formulate and make regulations, policies and laws of a country. Examples of this legislation are many
that we often see, namely the DPR, bpj MPR, which is like the last one, namely the judiciary. monitoring
the process of implementing laws and supervising legal institutions in a country, examples of judicial
institutions, namely the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Judicial Commission

4. So in the government system there are two systems, namely presidential and parliamentary.

(Weaknesses of the Presidential system of government)

The accountability system is not very clear

People's supervision is weak, Executive power is outside the direct supervision of the legislature so that
it can give rise to absolute power. Decision making / public policies are generally the result of bargaining
between the executive and the legislature so that indecisive decisions can take place and take a long
time. And the influence of the people in the country's political policies less attention

(Advantages of a Presidential Government System)

The executive body is more stable in its position because it does not depend on parliament, that a
minister cannot be dropped by parliament because it is responsible to the president.

The government can be free because there is no shadow of a cabinet crisis. The legislature is not a place
of regeneration for executive positions because it can be filled by outsiders, including members of
parliament themselves.,The term of office of the executive body is more certain with a certain period of
time. For example, the term of office of the President of the United States is for four years, while the
President of Indonesia is five years.

(Weaknesses of the Parliamentary System of Government)

Success is very difficult to achieve if there are very many parties in the country (many votes), Parliament
is a place of regeneration for executive positions, their experience as members of parliament is utilized
and becomes an important provision to become ministers or other executive positions, and the Cabinet
is often disbanded because of getting Parliament's vote of no confidence

(Advantages of the Parliamentary Government System)

The influence of the people on the politics that is carried out is very large so that the voice of the people
is very much heard by the parliament. With the parliament as the representative of the people, the
government's supervision can run well. Policy makers can be handled quickly because it is easy to adjust
opinions between the executive and the legislature. This is because the executive and legislative powers
are in the hands of one party or coalition of parties, and the accountability system in making and
implementing public policies is very clear.The system used in Indonesia is the presidential system. How
is this system, which is a country led by the President and the President is the head of state as well as
the head of government. As we see Indonesia, we have a president where our current president is Mr.
Jokowi Dodo, without explaining from an example. In this we can see how the presidential system is a
government system as well as a system as a tool to regulate the course of the government according to
taxes to fill the country with the aim of maintaining the stability of the country.

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