Module 4 Management Accounting

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Management Accounting

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 1

Module -4 Management Accounting 9 hours

Scope, Purpose of Management Accounting Cost Volume
Profit Analysis: Meaning-Methods of determination-
Applications. Managerial Decision-Making Make /Buy etc:
Short-run Decision Analysis-Decision situations: Sales-
volume related, Sell or further process, Make or Buy,
Operate or shut-down.

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 2


Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 3

Definition of Management accounting

The Institute of Cost and Management

Accountants, London, has defined Management
Accounting as: “The application of professional
knowledge and skill in the preparation of
accounting information in such a way as to assist
management in the formulation of policies and in
the planning and control of the operation of the

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 4

Provides Accounting Information

Technique of Selective Nature

Nature of
Concerned With Future

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore

Accounting Cause And Effect Analysis

No Fixed Conventions

Provides Data And Not Decisions

Presentation of Data

Objectives or
functions of Planning
Management Facilitates Control
Better Decision Making

Proper Planning And Formulation Of Policies

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 6

Helps In Decision Making

Controls Management Performance

Scope of
Proper Planning And Formulation Of Policies
Accounting Interprets Financial Information

Motivates Employees

Evaluates Policies Effectiveness

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 8
Points of Difference Financial Accounting Management Accounting
The main aim is to provide information to outside
Here, the aim is different than financial accounting.
parties. Outside parties include creditors,
Generally, management accounting information is
Aim investors, customers, etc. Hence, it is mainly
meant for management to make informed business
aimed at assisting investors in making informed
It is a mandatory requirement for every public
It is at the discretion of management. There is no
Regulatory organization by the government. Thus, they are
Requirements mandatory requirement but still, institutes like CIMA,
governed by Accounting Standard Boards,
ICWAI, etc provide some framework and formats.
companies’ law and government.
Financial accounting statements are prepared
based on ‘Generally Accepted Accounting There is no standard basis for preparing management
Governing principles Principles (GAAP)’. This GAAP is different for accounting statements. Hence, they are prepared based
different countries with more or less same on the requirement of the management team.
The time horizon for financial accounting is ‘past’. It has no specific time horizon but the main focus is
Time Horizon
Generally, it is one accounting year. on the future.
It is prepared for outside or external parties. Reports prepared under management accounting are
beneficiaries External parties like shareholders , suppliers, useful to internal parties like CEO, directors,
customer, government, banks, etc. promoters, and higher-level managers, etc.
Financial accounting reports consist of profit and Management accounting reports are the monthly,
Outputs loss statements, balance sheet and cash flow weekly or yearly analysis of products, geographies,
statement. functions, etc.
Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 9
Data of management accounting is not
Data of financial accounting are 100%
necessarily 100% verifiable. So, the data
Relevance and Precision of Data verifiable and precise. Hence, everything has
should be relevant, timely and logical. For
evidence to support it.
instance, nobody can forecast sales perfectly.

Independent audit of financial accounting There is no specific requirement for an

reports is mandatory in most countries. For independent audit. But, management at its
Independent Audit instance, in the USA, CPA conducts such audits discretion can take the initiative to conduct an
and in India, Chartered Accountants (CA) independent audit, for the sake of efficient and
conducts such audits. effective management.

Financial accounting statements are publicly Management accounting statements are meant
published statements and are meant for the for management and confidentiality of the
public only. So, there is no question of statements is the key concern. It is because they
confidentiality. contain business secrets.

It is concerned with the whole business and it is On the other hand, it is concerned with a
an end in itself. Thus, Some accounting specific area or segment for their analysis.
Segment Reporting
standards in some countries bind the companies Hence, segments may be a product line,
to do segment reporting in defined formats. geography, manufacturing unit, etc.

Perspective It has a historical perspective. It has a futuristic perspective.

Both, financial and non-financial information is
Information required for financial accounting
Nature of Information Input utilized in the preparation of management
statements is financial in nature.
accounting reports.
Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 10
Meaning The recording, classifying and summarizing The accounting in which the both
of cost data of an organization is known as financial and non-financial
cost accounting. information are provided to managers
is known as Management
Information Type Quantitative. Quantitative and Qualitative.
Objective Ascertainment of cost of production. Providing information to managers to
set goals and forecast strategies.
Scope Concerned with ascertainment, allocation, Impart and effect aspect of costs.
distribution and accounting aspects of cost.

Specific Procedure Yes No

Recording Records past and present data It gives more stress on the analysis of
future projections.
Planning Short range planning Short range and long-range planning

Interdependency Can be installed without management Cannot be installed without cost

accounting. accounting.
Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 11
Tools of Management Accounting

1.Based on Financial Accounting Information

• Analysis of Financial Statements through Ratio
• Analysis of Financial Statements through
comparative statements, trend, graph and
• Fund flow and cash flow analysis.
• Return on capital employed techniques.

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 12

Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore

2. Based on Cost Accounting Information

Marginal costing (including cost volume
Tools of ▪

profit analysis).
▪ Direct or incremental Costing and
Accounting differential costing.
▪ Standard Costing.
• Analysis of Cost Variances

Cost Volume Profit Analysis

C.V.P. analysis is a technique used to study the inter-

relationship between costs, sales and net profit. It shows
the net effect that fluctuation in cost, price and volume has
on profits. The higher the volume of output, the lower will
be the unit cost of production and vice-versa as the fixed
overhead cost in total cost does not change with changes in
the volume of output.
Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 14
Objectives of Cost Volume Profit Analysis
Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore

(1) To forecast profit accurately. It aims at measuring variations in cost with volume.
(2) C.V.P. analysis is used in setting up flexible budgets which show costs at various
levels of activities.
(3) C.V.P. analysis helps management in the evaluation of performances for control
(4) C.V.P. analysis may be helpful in formulating pricing policies by projecting the
effect that various price structures have on costs and profits
(5) C.V.P. analysis helps to ascertain the amount of overhead costs that could be
charged to product costs at different levels of operation.
(6) It helps in making short-run tactical decisions, e.g., shift working, acceptance of
special order, choice of sales-mix, etc.
Cost Volume Profit Analysis – Purposes

• (i) To ascertain the amount of profit (or loss) at any level of activity.
Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore

• (ii) To determine the selling price/sales volume which will give the desired
amount of profit.
• (iii) To ascertain the selling price/sales volume which will yield the desired
return on capacity employed.
• (iv) To determine costs and revenues at various levels of activity.
• (v) To ascertain the effect of change (increase or decrease) in fixed costs,
variable costs, selling price, production/sales volume on profit.
• (vi) To suggest the change in sales mix for obtaining maximum profits.
• (vii) To compare profitability among products and firms.
1. Cost Control:

Applications 2. Profit Planning:

of Marginal
Costing 3. Evaluation of Performance:

4. Decision Making:

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Prof. Rajimol KP,ACME, Bangalore 18

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