Re-Skilling Strategies For Digitalization of RMG

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Re-skilling strategies for digitalization of RMG:

Re-skilling is the process of learning new skills with goal of fining a different job or training
people to do different job. Re-skilling means looking for people with adjacent skills that are
close to the new skills to any company requires. It provides a lateral learning experience. In a
business context reskilling is also meaning to teach any employee a new skill set. Nowadays
every company is developing trough the technology, but many women workers have no idea
about this technology. But they can improve their skills through various training. In reskilling
employees learn a new set of skills which is not related to their current position, whereas in
upskilling, employees improve their existing skills and learn skills related to their current

The benefits of reskilling your employees:

When a employee reskill or upskill they take new task or new role and they save time and
money in the short term. They can build a stronger employer brand. Some benefits of reskilling
is given below:
1.Reskilling reduce the cost of filling new roles: When company reskill their employees they
tried to avoid the costs and the long timeline of hiring and onboarding a new person. That frees
their resources to help their existing people get up to speed for their next role in their
2.Reskiling can help attract new talent: When a company dedicated to help their employees,
they build new skills where it has an advantage when it comes to recruiting. Candidates who
wanted to get importance at work will often seek out employers with a culture of professional
growth that includes reskilling and upskilling opportunities.
3.Reskilling help to retain best talents: By reskilling employees it is very easy to get talented
employees which is more beneficial for the company.

How can RMG build a reskilling program:

1.Adopt a skills development platform: Nowadays we have so may online educational or
certification platforms for develop skills which company needs. The company can help their
employees by identifying their skill gaps and set learning goals for their current role or a new
one they are preparing to take on.
2.Seek out specific skills trainings: A single platform may not have all the resources that the
company need for a particular reskilling effort. And they may have employees who want
training that’s not on their platforms list.
3.Help employees leverage their expertise: In a company some employee maybe has
knowledges and skills and they need to transition into a new role based on the work they are
doing now. A payroll who handles several of your companies client accounts may have insights
also make them valuable as consultant as a consultant for other clients.

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