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On a total of 20 questionnaires that were handed out, all 20 respondents were

the bases for computing the results.

In the first question “How pleasant was the soap’s fragrance?” thirteen (13)

respondents voted excellent, six (6) respondents voted very good, only one (1)

respondent voted good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the second question “How was our soap capable of producing bubbles?”

five (5) respondents voted excellent, nine (9) respondents voted very good, six (6)

respondents voted good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the third question “Does it leave an itchy feeling?” two (2) respondents

voted excellent, very good and good, five (5) respondents voted fair, and nine (9)

respondents voted poor.

In the fourth question “How long-lasting was the calamansi soap?” eleven

(11) respondents voted excellent, six (6) respondents voted very good, three (3)

respondents voted good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the fifth question “How convenient is it to use?” fourteen (14) respondents

voted excellent, four (4) respondents voted very good, two (2) respondents voted

good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the sixth question “How was the calamansi soap effective in sanitizing the

skin?” fourteen (14) respondents voted excellent, five (5) respondents voted very

good, only one (1) respondent voted good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the seventh question “Does it moisturize the skin?” thirteen (13)

respondents voted excellent, five (5) respondents voted very good, only one (1)

respondent voted good and poor, and no one voted fair.

In the eighth question “How effective was the calamansi soap in removing

germs?” nine (9) respondents voted excellent, seven (7) respondents voted very

good, four (4) respondents voted good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the ninth question “Was the soap effective?” eight (8) respondents voted

excellent, eleven (11) respondents voted very good, only one (1) respondent voted

good, and no one voted fair and poor.

In the last question “How would you rate our soap?” sixteen (16) respondents

voted excellent, four (4) respondents voted very good, and no one answered good,

fair and poor.

Therefore, the total number of respondents who voted for excellent was 105,

59 respondents for very good, 21 respondents for good, 5 respondents for fair, and

10 respondents for poor.

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