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Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning

and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment


A. Module number:

B. Module title:
Structural Design

C. Module tutor’s name:

Dr Marco Corradi

D. Student number:

E. Start date and time:

09:30 (19th May)

F. End date and time:

09:30 (20th May)

G. Recommended length of assessment (HH: MM):

24 Hours

H. Submission mode (Blackboard Assignment/Turnitin)

Blackboard Turnitin

I. Additional notes:

There are three questions in this 24-hour Timed Assessment paper.

You are required to attempt ALL questions.

General information to students

1. It is your responsibility to ensure your submission of the 24-hour timed assessment paper (takeaway)
arrives before the stated submission deadline (please see End date and time above for details).
2. Please ensure you save your work regularly.
3. You must submit your answer(s)) as a single digital file using the Turnitin or Blackboard Assignment
submission portals enabled by the module tutor. You can find this portal in the Content > Assessment
and Submission folder on the Blackboard module. If using Turnitin, your single digital file must be no
larger than 100 MB.
4. To remain anonymous, you must not include your name in the filename of the single digital file that you
submit with your answer(s). Please name your digital file with the module code for the as the prefix and
the last four numbers of your username, separated by a single underscore, e.g., KB6009_9978.

5. The University has published guides to help you submit your work using Turnitin or Blackboard
Assignment submission portals. You can find these guides under Assessment Submission, Grades &
Feedback from here.

6. The University has published IT help guides to help you submit your work. You can find these guides
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment

Instructions to students
1. You have a 24-hour window from the release of the 24-hour timed assessment paper to submit your
answer(s) in a single digital file to the Blackboard Assignment/Turnitin submission portal. If you submit
more than one file, only the digital file at the top of the submission list will be marked.
2. You do not have to do the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper as soon as it is released; however, the
University recommends that you only spend the time allocated for the length of the 24-hour Timed
Assessment paper. For example, you should only spend 3 hours to answer a 24-hour Timed Assessment
paper that has a recommended time limit of 3 hours, or 3 hours and 45 minutes if you have a relevant
approved DSSR. You should refer to the Recommended length of assessment section above for details.
3. There is a maximum word limit for each question on the 24-hour Timed assessment paper (see the Word
limits and penalties section below). You should note this is a maximum word limit and not a target. You
do not need to reach the maximum word limit if you do not need to use all the allowed words. The
examiner will stop reading your answer(s) when he/she has read up to the maximum word limit allowed
for each question. The examiner will only give you marks for the correctness and quality of your answer

up to the stated maximum word limit. Each question on the 24-hour paper will show the maximum
permitted world limit.
4. You can use your textbooks and other study materials, e.g., lecture notes, seminar preparation materials,
etc., when answering the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper question(s). You should avoid any form of
academic misconduct, including plagiarism and liaising with your peers during the 24-hour Timed
Assessment paper assessment period. You must reference all the content you acquire from sources and
use in your answer(s) using the Cite Them Right Guide. You can access a free guide on how to use Cite
Them Right from here with your University credentials. Alternatively, you can use any other standard
referencing methodology with which you are familiar, or the module tutor of the 24-hour paper has
shown you in class.
5. You must ensure your answers are numbered and correlate with the question number(s) on the 24-hour
Timed Assessment paper. Where possible, you should type your answer(s). However, where
handwritten response(s) or hand-drawn diagram(s) are required, you should photograph them using a
mobile phone or digital camera and then place the image in the appropriate place in your answer(s). You
are responsible for the presentation and legibility of your submission.
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment

Late submission of work

1. If you submit your single digital file with your answer(s) to the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper after
the deadline shown above in the section called End date and time without official approval, the
University will consider your submission as incomplete. As a result, the module tutor will record a mark
of zero for your attempt of the 24-hour paper.
2. The University has decided that the Late Submission of Work Policy does not apply to 24-hour Timed
Assessment papers. The University’s decision means you will not receive a 10% penalty reduction if you
submit your single digital file with your answer(s) to the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper up to 24 hours
late. As explained above, the module tutor will record a mark of zero for your attempt of the 24-hour
3. If you experience a technical problem that stops you from submitting your single digital file with your
answer(s) to the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper using the Turnitin or Blackboard Assignment
submission portals, you should contact the University’s Exams and Awards Team. You can contact the
Exams and Awards Team using the shared mailbox called You
should also send the same message by email to the module tutor. If you experience the technical
problem outside the University’s regular working hours (09:00 BST to 17:00 BST), you must describe the
technical issue you have experienced, as well as including the single digital file with your answer(s) to the
24-hour Timed Assessment paper as an attachment.
4. During the 24-hour assessment period, the module tutor will check the Blackboard discussion board
from 11:00 to 13:00 (BST) on Day 1, from 16:00 to 17:00 (BST) on Day 1, and from 09:00 to 11:00 (BST)
on Day 2. The module tutor cannot answer any subject-related questions.

Word limits and penalties

1. There is a maximum word limit for each question on the 24-hour paper. You should note this is a
maximum word limit and not a target. You do not need to reach the maximum word limit if you do not
need to use all the allowed words. The examiner will stop reading your answer(s) when he/she has read
up to the maximum word limit allowed for each question. The examiner will only give you marks for the
correctness and quality of your answer up to the stated maximum word limit. You can find the maximum
word limit next to each question on the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper.
2. You must declare the word count for each question you have attempted on the 24-hour Timed
Assessment paper. You should display this information in a table at the end of your submission. The
University has decided that the Word Limits Policy that allows you to exceed the word limit of
coursework up to 10% does not apply to 24-hour Timed Assessment paper questions.

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment

Academic misconduct
1. The University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) explains students must observe the
University’s Regulations that define and proscribe cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic
2. The University has set out its Academic Misconduct Procedure in the Regulations and Procedures
applying to plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct. You can read this document
3. When you submit your single file with your answers to the 24-hour Timed Assessment paper questions,
you agree with the following statement: “I have neither received nor given any unauthorised assistance
on this assessment.”
4. You must understand that the University takes very seriously plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of
academic misconduct outlined in the University’s Regulations. When the University has evidence of
plagiarism or different types of academic misconduct, you may receive a mark of zero.
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment
Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering Learning
and Teaching

KB5024 - Structural Design – May 2021 - Timed 24 hour open book assessment

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