Put The Underlined Words in The Correct Sentences

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5 Put the underlined words in the correct sentences.

feel a healthy meal cook

1 cook a lie-in
2 have new friends
3 make a sleepover with friends
4 have worried


6 Choose the correct option.

Let’s buy / meet a souvenir of Big Ben.
1 Did you send / miss me a postcard from Rome?
2 Hire / Book your hotel now and save 20%!
3 Be careful. Don’t get / have sunburned.
4 Do you want to go / lose abroad?
5 I want to explore / meet the island.


7 Complete the words.

This chilli sauce is very spicy.
1 Ana doesn’t eat meat, so she usually has ch sandwiches.
2 Is there sugar in my coffee? It’s very s t.
3 This chicken is really t y. Delicious!
4 I love cr cereal with lots of nuts!
5 Some burger restaurants put a lot of s on their chips.

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