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ww : To-infinitives overview. ol. TO jnfinitive 25 2 ‘Noun as an Adjective/ AGN‘ ect and Negative ero ov. T infinitive on. Semantic Subj Form ofa To-infinitive ott. Common Verbs) Nouns, Followed by 2 Ton Too --- to/ Enough to ‘e@ Common Vocabulary in the TOEIC Test @ Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions mar Step UP! and Adjectives ive Gram jj -)-1-3 } Te-infinctives | SAE SEIS | An infinitive is the base form of a verb. ‘An infinitive without to is known as a bare infinitive. ‘A to-infinitive is formed by to + bare infinitive and can function as a ¢ To go on a trip is always fun. iz Noun (coming in the subject position) ) © Can | get you something to drink? Aleve (meaying eomething) _ e- You should study hard to’pass the exam, ‘Adverb(mekyng the verb study and expressing a purpose) 3 } i i i 3-3-3 ) "96 — ABC TOEIC Resaing Comprehension ‘www L T I i EE ETE | | t t To-infinitive as a Noun What is a to-infinitive? an adverb in a sentence. ‘The CEO decided to go on a business trip. (To-infinitive) cf. The CEO goes on a business trip every month. (Verb) To-infinitive as a noun that follows is in the singular form, A to-infinitive is formed by to + bare infinitive.and can function as a noun, an adjective, or Grammatically, when functioning as a noun, a to-infinitive can come in the position of a subject, || an object, a subject complement, or an object complement. When it is a’ subject, the verb { EEE CH Ae ‘A Read the following sentences and. point out the positions of the underlined to-infinitives. 1. To succeed in finding a job is not easy. Position: 2, The manager encouraged the employees to work hard. Position: 3. My dream is to work for the HD Corporation. Position: 4. The manager wanted to interview three applicants. Postion: 5. They need to solve the problem now. Position: 6. Jean helped me to complete the report. Position: B Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1. The SM Company needs more people. @® to hire @ hire © to hiring 2. The purpose of the meeting is the issue. @® discussion ® discuss © to discuss ‘succeed (in) encourage ~ applicant ‘complete O hired © discussed Section 1° Chapter 6~97 1 i { | | | Ltt jj Cece iin nen To-infinitive as an adjective AA to-Infinitive can follow a noun and functions as an adjective modifying that noun. He has a lot of work to do. Ms, Smith has a business call to make. To-infinitive as an adverb A to-infinitive can function as an adverb and expresses a purpose/reason, a judgement, or a result A Read the following sentences and point out the functions of the underlined to-infinitives. 1. They made a plan to visit the office in Chicago, Function: —_ 2. He exercises regularly to keep in shape. oop in shape Function: 3. The first thing to do is to have a meeting with the staff. staf! Function: 4, lam so glad to hear the news. Function; 5. It is hard to find a place to park at this hour. park Function: 6. The company downsized the workforce only to decrease its productivity. downsize, workforce Function: B_ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1. Mr. Kim worked hard ______ a promotion. @ to get © getting © got © got 2, All the staff members were surprised _______ the bad news. @ heard @ hear © hearing © to hear 98 ABC TOEIC Reading Comprehension Tore H a ject and Negative Form of a Semantic ‘Subje To-infinitive The semantic subject of a to-infinitive When thé subject of a sentence and the subject of a to-infinitive are not the same, we will use a semantic subject. Semantic subjects are formed by for +. personal pronoun. It is impossible for us to read her handwriting. In case there are adjectives showing emotions or feelings (kind, nice, smart, silly, foolish, etc.), we form a semantic subject by using the structure of + personal pronoun. It is so nice of you to visit us. The negative form of a to-infinitive We can have the negative form of a to-infinitive by putting the negative word not in front of a to-infinitive. The management decided not to expand the business. Pa aeer PTT AT ATTA Choose the correct option given in brackets to complete each sentence. It is very kind (you / of you) to help the poor. It is difficult (for Koreans / of Koreans) to learn English. My boss told me (to be not / not to be) late for work. It is wise (by Jeff / of Jeff) to reconsider the offer, It is not easy (for Mr. Johnson / of Mr. Johnson) to answer the question, It is good (for you / in you) to sign up for the course to improve your job skills. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. It is dangerous for workers __ safety gear. ® not wear ® to not wear © not to wear © to wear not It was difficult ______ to explain the reasons for the decision. @him of him © as him © for him Section 1 ¢ Chapter 6~ 99 Common Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives Followed by a To-infinitive Common verbs followed by a to-infinitive Below are some common verbs followed by a to-infinitive functioning as their object. Common nouns followed by a to-infinitive Common adjectives followed by a to-infinitive A Fill the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. 1. (sign) The CEO agreed _________ the contract. 2. (review) You can take: your time _______ the checklists. 3. (increase) The interest rates are likely ___-_-___in the first quarter. B Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1. We are eager ______ you and to talk about the issue. ® to meet @ meeting © meet © met 2. I dor't think many people will have a chance ______ for the job. ® for applying © applying © to applying © to apply 100 - ABC TOEIC Reading Comprehension We use too + adjective/adverb + to-i more than necessary. This training program is too difficult for me to follow. ‘These issues are too hard to resolve. Enough to V We use adjective/adverb + enough + to-infinitive in a positive sentence to express some- thing sufficient, and in a negative sentence to express something /ess than sufficient or less than necessary. The digital camera is easy enough for customers to use. He is smart enough to make the right choice for the company. itive to express something more than sufficient or TATE ETT Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. . The product is too expensive for me buying. . Stella is enough clever to pass the promotion test, . | think she is strong enough handling the problem. . The candidate was too arrogant be elected president, . We were tired too to attend the conference. . Jake is smart enough getting a job at one of the top companies in the U.S. Look at the hints printed in bold and choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 1. This place is quiet enough for the staff ______on the project. viet stat ® work ® works © worked 2. This year’s sales target was too high for us @® achieve © achieving © to achieve © to work sales target achieve © to be achieved Section 1 * Chapter 6 ~ 101 Common Vocabulary in the TOEIC Test Verb Phrases A\ Match the words in the left column with their corresponding words in the right column. 41. account @ on/about : 2. concentrate ® Aof B (two times) SI 3, remind © Awith B 4. il @ for 2 5. take advantage @on $ 6. inform © of 23 7. get @ on/over i 8. comment 4 B Fill the gaps with the verbs in the box to form correct collocations. . look prevent sid work i 1, forward to 3 2 from home i 3. ______ A from doing, a 4 2ST Oe 2 take apologize deal take 3 z 8. __ steps 6 with = Fo tums: i E a tor i 102 ~ ABC TOEIC Reading Comprehension Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions 1. We called the mall _____ out whether the products were sold out, (A) to finding (8) for finding (©) to find (0) find ‘wheather be sol out 2. Mr. Taylor has the ability people. (A) persuading (8) persuade (C) to persuade (0) persuasion ability persuade 3. All the employees were asked ‘the meeting on Saturday. (A) attend (B) attended (©) attending (0) to attend 4, Ms. Watson tried hard to help the customer only _____ her. (A) upset (8) have upset (©) upsetting (0) to upset upset Dacide which of the choices — (A), (8), (C), or (0) - best completés the sentence. 5, ________ sales, we decided to advertise our products in the local newspapers. (A) Increase (B) Increasing (C) Increased (D) To increase adverse local newspaper 6. They finished the research but failed the results. (A) reporting (8) to report (©) report (0) for reporting research result 7. The company made every effort customer satisfaction. (A) boost (B) boosting (©) to boost (0) for boosting ‘make an effort, customer eatistaction 8. | am very pleased our decision. you of (A) inform (8) to inform (C) to be informed (0) information Section 1 © Chapter 6~ 103 9. The purpose of this meeting is an agreement on our marketing strategy. (A) to teach (8) reach (©) reached (0) to reaching reach an agreement ‘strategy 10. We believe that Jason is ready with others. (A) cooperate (8) cooperating (C) to cooperate (0) of cooperating 44. You have the tight refund. (A) asking (8) to ask (©) of asking (D) ask 104— ABC TOEIC Reading Comprehension fora ask for refund 12. 13. 14. They tried to from spreading. A) deal (8) comment (©) prevent (©) apologize the disease Many companies took _____ of the recent rising oil prices to raise the prices of their products. (A) point (8) exposure (©) advantage (0) means ‘ing We have to take with the problem. (A) foots (8) steps (©) stairs (0) feet to deal Mr. David Hornsby. 190 Broadway Vancouver, BC Dear Mr. Hornsby, lam writing this letter ____ that you will start working for Big Office Supplies 45. (A) confirm (8) to confirm (©) confirming (0) for confirming on April 12. Your job duties will be explained during the training session. As we discussed before, you will be able _____ twenty days of vacation and 46. (A) have (8) having (C) to having (0) to have three sick days. If you have any questions, please let us know. confirm job duty explain training session vacation _ let us know Section 1 # Chapter 6 ~ 105 \ To-infinitives and Bare Infinitives as Object Complements in Structure 5 ® Verbs followed by a to-infinitive as an object complement Below are the verbs followed by a to-infinitive as an object complement. Mr. Han is expecting me to attend the seminar. They asked him to wait outside. = Verbs followed by a bare infinitive as an object complement In Structure 6, causative verbs and verbs of perception are usually followed by a bare infinitive as an object complement. I had the mechanic fix my car. (Causative verb) My coworker helped me (to) finish the report. (Semi-causative verb) | saw Jim talk with his boss yesterday. (Verb of perception) Correct the underlined parts in the following sentences. My boss made me to do the work. He listened to people to talk about their experiences. ib 2. 3. They invited me coming to the party. 4, The president ordered us develop a new plan

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