Proposal Factual Programme

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Topic of your production and why it is Since our short film had an umbrella
important to British Youth topic of mental health, I have decided that my factual
programme will stem from that are go more deeply into
music and the music industry. The growing industry has a
massive affect on young people and their mental health,
from lyrics in songs to the tenacious battle it takes to
enter the industry. Since my target audience is British
youth aged 14-24, I think music and how it affects our
mental health is an extremely helpful topic for those who
are struggling.

How does the production suit your My production will be informative as well as interesting.
target audience? My interviews will consist of people who are in the target
audience and people who have experience in the field.
The productions itself will be formed specifically from
previous research to be what the target audience wants to
see and learn from the topic.

What are the ethical aspects of your There are little ways that my productions could cause
production? Will you offend / fight a offense, however through surveys and research I will
cause / raise awareness of it? make sure that things that might cause offence will be
brough to attention and dealt with appropriately. I hope
my production will also raise awareness to the good and
bad qualities that music can have on our mental health.
Why should BBC ‘buy’ your I believe that my production will take a new approach
productions – what does it offer that into how music is used. It will help young people
hasn’t been covered before? discover ways to use music to support their emotional
well-being and will also include tips from musicians
about how making music can help with exploring one’s
emotions. I will also talk to musicians about the power of
their motivation to achieve their dreams in a difficult
industry and how their journey can help motivate others.

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