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seve euebee a eee we ON PLOT BEARIN OF VILLAGE PABADL, jOR=GAON(W), MUMBAL oN GEO-TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, oregaon(W), Mumbai PREPARED FOR Mis RUSHAB DEVELOPERS Goregaon(W), Mum ~400030 PREPARED BY ee ee ee ee ¢ « MSS it ¢ TTT F GG I eeovevvevee ra coNTEN COVERING LETTER INTRODUCTION PURPOSE AND SCOPE FIELD WORK ‘SUB-SOIL. CONDITIONS & ENGG. PROPERTIES LABORATORY TESTING ENGINEERING ANALYSIS. ‘CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDAT LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATIONS. REFERENCES ANNEXURES: 8) SITEPLAN & LOCATION OF BORE HOLES ©) BORE HOLE Loos ©) RESULTS OF THE TESTS 4) CORE RECOVERY DETAILS, | Pp { SOISTNVESTIGATIONS & ALLIED WORKS somoe 0 he GQ advanced geotech solutions AGS / 5508/2008 ate: 01/04/2008 To, Mis RUSHAB DEVEI.OPERS. wh 400 000. Dear Sir, ‘Sub. Soil Investigations for sroposed sale building on plot bearing C7. Ope SUMASR. GOLAM ME (Geo-Teen -NTRODUCTION: Mis Rushab Developers, Gorega0n(W), Mumbai have proposed fo constuct a high rise residential building at on plot bearing CTS. No. 50, of village Pahadi, Gorezaon(W), Mur ‘The strctare will be developed by demolition of existing old hutments in the plot. e wil be of Reinforced Cement Concrete and will have Ground + 17 upp lors. Soil investigations were cavtied out by Ms, ADVANCED GEO-TECH SOLUTIONS in constlaton withthe client. M/s. NEO - MODERN, Borivali(W), Mumbai are the Architects and Mis Ella Consultants, Goregson(W), Mumbsi are the structural consultant for this ‘Sampling of the soil was carried out within the layout of the building. The samples sr fom the si ENLAB SERVICES, Kandivali(E), Mumbai. The report Along withthe 1 the samples, corclusions and recommendations has been prepared by Mis, ADVANCED GEO-TECH SOLUTIONS, Mumbai. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: ‘The purpise of his investigation iso deesmine the safe allowable soi peeaure om the aa he building for design of suitable foundation for ame, or ‘Sub-surface invesigutions ofthe sot cordon ia ste Collection and testing of representative samples of founding stata within the building soil pressure of the Founding stratum. FIELD WORK: ‘The subsusfce investigation was carried aut by aking Ivo til bore hols through soil and rock using rotary dling Rig |b conducting sandard penetration tests at regular interval along the depth in each bore \ ote 9c j \ | ting undisturbed and disturbed sil and oek core samples and ground water, as pig mt Nee eH CEE EEE The locations of bore holes were decided in consultation with the lent. These ae shown on the locaton plan attached. The bore holes were sling rig. In overburden soil, H-size (100 no be conducted in the boreholes de to -cs, coring was done using double tube bare and Table [ Boren. | Deh Rack Ton m [Toul Dei m Coty 3 0 ow i007 | | | | | | \ | sub — sl profile as revealed hy tial pts can be divided in the following layers. Layer: DEBRIS FILL. ‘eiathe topmost layer composed of debris material and has @ thickness of sbout 150m. Layer -IEREDDISH BROWN VERY STIFF SANDY CLAY WITH GRAVEL & COBBLES. ‘This layer extends fom 1.50m to sdoxn 390m at hoes ole ne.1 a to 2,00m at bore hole n0.2 below ground level. It is composed of reddish brown very stiff sandy clay with gravel and | cobbles. is «residual oil formed by disintegration of «pet ack, Isa very Tow | plasticity. The average thickness ofthis layer i 1.50 m, | BROWNISH BLACK MODERATELY WEATHERED JOINTED BASALT. Lay ‘This layer extends ftom 3,00m to 6.0m below local ground surlace, 3 is brownish black, rmoseraely weathered jointed basalt. Tis deposit is made of a matrix of huge boulders of size 80 to 100cms embedded ina residual soil mass. This is due to weathering of jointed basalt ; | it wimsaatsingesjintenenmctaneneataangores | | The crushing strength of this layer is about 360 Kg/em”. The rock may be ) | vor | | | | { Layer —1V: FRESH BLACK JOINTED BASALT below from local ground suriace It is tres layer is 3.69% and HOD is 24-49%. The ‘cushing strength of this layer is 384 - 1141 Keen’. The rock may be classified as ‘moderately strong” GROUND WATER TABLE ‘Wee table is observed at s depth of 2.50 w below ground level in building area Ihave been tested to determine the ssturaned crosking | seengih ofthe rock |. Fottowing tests have been cated out 1) Saturated crushing strength 2) Dry Density 3) % water absorption. 4) Specific Gravity. ‘The results of the tests carried out have been attached herewith in the annexure. TTT Singin Condition of joint ‘Ground water condition ‘The unconfined compressive strength of the intact rock samples from the bore hole is 350 Kefem ‘The settlement of the foundations under the proposed structure is estimated using following equation = Cedoa BL) (Ref-2) EB Where, 5, immediate setlement Elastic) (Cy = shape and rigiity factor 2.10 gna = Det tensity of pressure = 70'T/ mm? B= width of foundation =25.0m 1 =poisson’s ratio 0.20 E =Modulus of elasticity of rock mass =10x 10° T/m?. (Ref 3 ~pe278) 8 =2.10x 70x25 (10.08) Tox 105 = 352mm wt YE | | | | | | | “The depth 19 Bed rock is likely to be variable, which will be beter reve ‘excavation for foundations Wf thee ie sucha variation in the depth it should bee ‘or raft does not over hang at any corer. The depressions due Wo 9uch vas ied up by lean concrete of required strength. ‘CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF GROUND WATER: ‘The chemical analysis of ground stater sample collected Geom the site indicates thatthe sulphates and chloride contents are within the limits specified in Class-l of Table 4 of IS- 456-2000, The pround water is thas NOT SALINE. No Speval precautions are necessary for protection of concrete and reinforcement of the underground structurh imembec, However, it advised to use approved blended centens for concrete ofthe underground structural members, ‘To prevent the reinforcemesn of piles fiom comosion, the concrete shall be as dense and impermeable as possible and shall be prepared using lower watercement ratio (0.5) (CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS: From the above analysis iis 4 that shallow foundations in the form of ISOLATED FOOTINGS or RAFT FOUNDATION shall be used for this sit “The minimum depth of fou local average grou level. i for the proposed building shall be 4.0m below um ‘The maximum allowable bearing pressure on rock wsilable at the subject site shall betaken as 700 Tm. At locations, where the edjacent footings are close to each the, the founding levels of such footings must be the same. The minim nt content Shall NOT BE LESS THAN 350 Keg ‘Maximum Water Cement Ratio = 0.40, ‘Minimum cover to reinforcement shall be SO mm, LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION “ommendations of tha report are based on the assumption thatthe geological conditions do not deviate from thoge disclose during the sampling from the bore bales. ‘any variations or undesirable conditions are edcountered during the development ofthe sit, sould be brought to the notice of Mls ADVANCED GEO-TECH SOLUTIONS so thet, supplemental recommendations may be given. REFERENCES 1) Banh Manual :2" Féiion 5) Wintsskom & Fang : Foundation Engineering Handbook. | 946200: cos ome opin I! {3 a y : g 5 5 ' ) ) \ ! | | | \ 1S. 1904-1986: Code of Practice for design and construction of foundation in sil: General requirements. 18, 6403-1971: Code of Practice for determination of allowable bearing pressure on shallow foundations SIT rap aes Oranon | ATEOFESECON 4M NE ea tory vas | ‘nrcoray—biavonp arr Sornsgrairatmasnty (2.8 ‘ys eta SS | | f | ! 10 «> [ES ENLAB SERVICES 4 ond No. Kandi ae Mumba 70 ‘ea. 288 086 DATE : 01/08/2008 ~ sT REPORT OF ROCK SAMPLES > CLIENT: Mis. Advanced Geo-Tech Solutions tumbal SITE + Proposed Sale Building At Tean Dongri Subhash Nagar. + At Goregaon (W)For M/s Rushabh Developers ISR. [BH-02 BH -02 fo, P08 Po 450 To00 |-+-|-—Speeten ave ca a iz 730 780 E 1258 00 ) ob a Stat [4 ‘SSD WiiKgs) T 0734 0534 0.683 [5 Crushing Load (a) od joa 28s | [5 [comp Seensinaem' sora aan Tae 7 | water Aossipiion oH oe ot | py Bans Sree eT ZI TT 3 seo Densiy Garces [zee | rig [ae | Porosity % 0789, 037 0,808 ‘Specific Gravity 2910 2769 2777 TH 1 362.78 iets FOgeMRAR SERVICES eo f . 1a: 26 seas . 3? [Pot teins Base 2° [Potton ? Laboratories Ema c» Ss Vie: ak, Cont Cosstn Ye aig oP oy eid crocs & Mecho ore - «| “Gaia Pao Na Rago tel ah ab TOU = 20 emmenieme co on cy Colfealo of Van Boor Ss vir) edt en Ss vunseor si omnover ey ep 100M » >» sm SSDs 4 IB EVEL ag Tepe . ig BESLLIS OF AALYSIS a 5 Des 0a 5 | Ogee) is : cota or ae row : , antes) «mm * ‘BYZNER INDEX » : ; on sew sist se ae RYZNER Index 30 se Lanne as oe REMARKS : As per the above test it is vbserved that #ater of ground water's NEUTRAL in nature ” “ za = e ° rad ead be. ¢ ab. Shop Ne. Io Loeni Mumbai - 400057, EF | ) MITT el Ble 3 328 Pa Z| a8 | TT ROCK CORE RECOVERY DETAILS. BORE HOLE NO.2

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