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AVCN2_Practice I
75 Questions

Session 1
1. ______ is the frequency with which a person's heart beats in

a given amount of time. It is usually expressed in beats.

a) HR b) BP

c) Rx d) Dx

2. ______ is a condition in which a patient finds it more difficult

to breath than usual.

a) HR b) SOB

c) WNL d) HTN

3. ______ is a quantitative measurement of heat within the

body. It is can be used, in part, to gauge whether the body

is operating normally.

a) Rx b) Dx

c) T d) c/o

4. If medicine is given ______, it is taken orally, or through the


a) IV b) SL

c) P.R. d) P.O.

5. If a medicine is given ______, it is taken through the rectum.

a) P.R. b) IM

c) SQ d) P.O.

Session 2
6. A(n) ______ is the start or first instance of something.

a) complaint b) allergy

c) onset d) procedure

AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz

7. To ______ is to have pain that comes and goes very quickly.

a) throb b) runny
c) cough d) wheeze

8. If a medication is given ______, it is before meals.

a) pc b) qh
c) ac d) stat

9. If a medication is given ______, it is given four times per day.

a) QID b) TID
c) QOD d) PRN

10. If a medication is given ______, it is given every other day.

a) PRN b) TID
c) QOD d) QID

Session 3
11. A(n) ______ is something that someone notices, or the act of

noticing something.
a) evaluation b) palpation
c) inspection d) observation

12. ______ is the act of tapping on an area of the body such as

the chest or abdomen to determine the condition of the

underlying bone or tissues.
a) palpation b) auscultation
c) percussion d) evaluation

13. ______ (CKD) is a medical condition in which a person loses

kidney function over time.

a) chronic kidney diagnosis b) continual kidney disease
c) constant kidney disease d) chronic kidney disease

14. A(n) ______ is a report that discusses what was found after

cells and tissue were examined.

a) pharmacy report b) cardiology report
c) surgery report d) pathology report

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15. A(n) ______ is a form of radiation that can be used to take

pictures of the internal human body

a) ultrasound b) endoscope
c) x-ray d) electrocardiogram

Session 4
16. It's the __________'s job to research, write, and edit clinical

and study reports before the pharmaceutical company

submits them to regulatory authorities. The __________
summarizes and interpret clinical data.
a) Medical writer b) Packaging technician
c) Project manager d) Laboratory technician

17. __________ department ensures that products meet the

standards which the law requires, and contain the active

ingredients advertised.
a) Quality Assurance (QA) b) Research and Development (R&D)
c) Regulatory Affairs d) Marketing and Sales

18. __________ are future drugs, not yet on the market.

a) Dosage form b) Pharmaceutical products in the pipeline

c) Prescription drug d) Over-the-counter drug

19. __________ is an oily substance like a cream.

a) Tablet b) Ingredient
c) Capsule d) Ointment

20. _____ is a dry substance in the form of very small grains.

a) powder b) power
c) tower d) rower

21. Pharmaceutical products in the pipeline are ______

a) drugs that are being recalled from the b) future drugs, not yet on the market.
c) non-prescription drugs that are currently d) prescription drugs that are currently on
on the market the market

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22. Laboratory technicians ________ complex scientific

instruments and ________ whether liquids, powders, or

tablets meet requirements.
a) conduct/ determine b) interpret/ conduct
c) operate/ determine d) interpret/ perform

23. Marketing and Sales department plans the _______ and

distribution of drugs which will be launched, and makes

decisions about the packaging or tablet colour of new
a) formulation b) information
c) production d) promotion

24. Choose the term that does not fit in the category “non-

production pharmaceutical professions"

a) Line worker b) Pharmacovigilance manager
c) Lab technician d) Clinical research associate

25. We plan ______ our new drug in Asia first and to apply for

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in the US the

following year.
a) launch b) to launch
c) to lunch d) lunch

Session 5
26. Suppository is a solid medicine which_____(s) slowly in the

rectum or vagina.
a) melt b) inhale
c) meet d) smell

27. A cream is a type of ______dosage forms.

a) oral b) topical
c) inhaled d) rectal

28. Someone who suffers from __________ finds it difficult to

a) pneumonia b) nausea
c) insomnia d) inpatient

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29. __________capsule is a type of capsule that is usually used to

contain oils and for active ingredients that are dissolved or

suspended in oil.
a) Solid b) Suppository
c) Hard gelatin d) Soft gelatin

30. Scientists have made a major ______ in the treatment of

a) breakthrough b) breakaway
c) break off d) breakup

31. Liniment is ______

a) an oily liquid to rub on painful body parts b) a solid preparation that is intended to
to reduce pain. dissolve or disintegrate slowly in the
c) a sweet, liquid medicine taken with a d) a medication on material or cloth placed
spoon or cup. on the skin.

32. Lozenge is _______

a) a substance dispensed as a fine spray from b) a solid preparation that is intended to

a container into the nostril. dissolve or disintegrate slowly in the
mouth (e.g.. Sore throat)
c) a liquid in which another substance has d) a fluid preparation (aqueous) for external
been dissolved. application without friction.

33. Aerosol is __________

a) a drug delivery system consisting of a b) a semi-solid emulsion, that is mixtures of

semi-solid, jelly-like substance. oil and water.
c) a container with a liquid that is d) a kind of medicine that you put in your
administered in spray form. eyes one drop at a time.

34. Suppository is

a) a solid medicine which melts slowly in the b) administered by placing it under the
rectum or vagina. tongue.
c) a smooth greasy preparation for d) an oily liquid to rub on painful body parts
application to the skin for healing. to reduce pain.

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35. In an R & D meeting, John gives the following answer: “ As

you know, when substances are taken with alcohol or

antibiotics, their chemical form could change and even
cause harmful side effects. I'll keep you informed.” What
question did John answer?

a) What is the bioavailability of this NCE? b) Is there some information available on the
toxicity of the substance?

c) Are we in a position to make this new d) What kind of formulation could we develop
dosage form with our current technology? from this NCE?

Session 6
36. Even a product that has been marketed for years might

have to be taken off the market in a __________ if serious

adverse reactions occur.

a) product launch b) product rebate

c) product recall d) product return

37. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are written and used

by companies to make it easier for them to follow GxP.

These are a set of written instructions to _____performance
and results

a) abandon b) finish

c) neglect d) maintain

38. We should tell the lab staff to _____ that all the labs are

spotlessly clean and that all lab devices and equipment are
where they should be - at every single workstation.

a) double-check b) doable-check

c) trouble-check d) single-check

39. Manufacturing processes and procedures must go through

periodic __________ to guarantee that they are still of an

acceptable standard.

a) validation b) radiation

c) valuation d) variation

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40. You are writing the SOP guideline to tell your employee to

“perform all work with virus-infected animals in the bio-

safety cabinet”. The correct SOP guideline is:

a) All work with virus-infected animals could b) All work with virus-infected animals must
be perform in the bio-safety cabinet. be perform in the bio-safety cabinet.

c) All work with virus-infected animals must d) All work with virus-infected animals could
be performed in the bio-safety cabinet. be performed in the bio-safety cabinet.

41. A/an _______ is a chemical that damages cellular DNA,

resulting in mutations or cancer.

a) odour b) durian

c) adourless d) genotoxic substance

42. Manufacturing processes and procedures must go through

periodic ________to guarantee that they are still of an

acceptable standard.

a) validation b) control

c) sampling d) assurance

43. Why do operational methods and procedures have to be


a) To make sure products perform their b) To complete the product recall process
intended function.

c) To isolate products of high quality. d) To isolate products of high quantity.

44. __________ are no longer pure and acceptable for sale or

public use and, therefore, must be returned to the

manufacturer, or destroyed.

a) Fake drugs b) Illegal drugs

c) Contaminated drugs d) Expired drugs

45. Contaminated products are no longer pure and acceptable

for sale or public use and, therefore, must be returned to

the ______ or destroyed.

a) miniature b) manufacturer

c) minotaur d) benefactor

Session 7 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz

46. Adverse reaction refers to all abnormal and unintended

responses to an investigational medicinal product. It is

a) unaffected by the dose administered. b) not related to the dose administered.
c) independent of the dose administered d) related to the dose administered.

47. A __________ assists chemists and chemical engineers using

chemicals and related products

a) Chemistry lab technician b) Lab technician
c) Biology lab technician d) Clinical affair associate

48. The results of preclinical testing are used by experts in

pharmaceutical methods to determine how to best ________

the drug for its intended clinical use
a) development b) formulate
c) test d) administer

49. _______ trials are controlled studies conducted to evaluate

the effectiveness of the drug in a particular indication and

to determine possible side effects and risks. In this phase,
testing determines the safety and efficacy of the drug in
treating the condition and establishes the minimum and
maximum effective dose.
a) Phase IV b) Phase III
c) Phase I d) Phase II

50. After gaining evidence that the drug is effective, phase III

trials are carried out to obtain additional information to

evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of the drug. In
this phase, _______is/are studied and closely monitored by
physicians for efficacy and any adverse events after long-
term exposure to the drug.
a) a large group of patients b) small group of patients
c) healthy people d) volunteers and a number of patients

51. The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the

United States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies

in other countries in order to obtain permission to begin
______ testing in humans.

a) non-clinical b) clinical
c) critical d) clinic

AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz

52. A drug that is intended to act on the sinuses may be

formulated as a time-release capsule , or as a nasal _____

a) suppository b) patch
c) spray d) tablet

53. The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the

United States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies

in other countries in order to ____ permission to begin
clinical testing in humans.
a) gain b) obtain
c) acquire d) all of the above

54. The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the

United States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies

in other countries in order to ______ permission to begin
clinical testing in humans.
a) All of the above b) obtain
c) receive d) get

55. __________ means "in living organisms"

a) in vivo b) vivo
c) vitro d) in vitro

Session 8
56. ________ is an unwanted medical occurrence which a patient

experiences during treatment. This may or may not be a

side effect of a drug.
a) Adverse action b) Adverse event
c) Adverse affect d) Adverse even

57. The ________ is a European Union agency for the evaluation

of medicinal products.
c) MHRA d) FDA

58. When someone has a blood pressure of 80/60, that person

has ________
a) Hyperglycemia b) Hypertension
c) Hypotension d) Hypoglycemia

AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz

59. A patient can find Important information about a drug in:

a) Patient leaflet b) Patient information leaflet

c) Patient information sheet d) All of the above

60. The patient was ______ taking the following medication:

Mimifem and Mensamint.

a) concomitantly b) combination
c) contamination d) contraceptive

61. Important information for any person taking a drug can be

found in the ‘PIL’ or patient _____.

a) information leaflet b) important leaflet
c) ingredient leaflet d) informal leaflet

62. A good Patient Information Leaflet could increase

a) complication b) compliance
c) combination d) complaint

63. As to her _____state after hospital admission,the patient

showed side effects of hyperactivity, accompanied by

confusion and a feeling of agitation.
a) physical b) physician
c) emotional d) emotion

64. ____ is an official document issued by the drug regulatory

authority for the purpose of marketing or free distribution

of a product after evaluation for safety, efficacy and quality.
a) marketing strategy b) marketing claim
c) marketing plan d) marketing authorization

65. The Drug safety department is NOT responsible for:

a) Writing the drug information for the b) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side
patient. effects.
c) Responding to a physician’s report about d) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to
adverse drug reactions. health authorities.

Session 9 AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz

66. A(n) __________ is a small disposable bag containing an

individual dose of the medicine. It often has a lengthwise

perforation which can be torn open.
a) blister pack b) sachet
c) inhaler d) jar

67. The company’s _______ regulations didn’t use to be so strict.

a) securely b) secure
c) safety d) safe

68. Choose the CORRECT matching of packaging material and

the verb used to describe how to use them:

a) a blister pack - press b) an inhaler - tear
c) a sachet - push through d) a jar - twist

69. A patient needs to ______ an inhaler to use it.

a) press b) push through

c) tear d) twist

70. A sachet is _______

a) a small disposable bag containing an b) an aerosol dispensing device which

individual dose of the medicine. It often releases medication into the mouth of the
has a lengthwise perforation which can be patient. The medication is breathed deeply
torn open. into the lungs, or stays in the mouth or
c) a type of single-use plastic container, and d) a multi-use glass container with a twist-on
is used for pharmaceutical products as well lid. It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any
as for other consumer goods. The product kind of fluids or solids. It can be opened
is placed in the formed cavity and sealed and closed several times until the contents
by lidding foil. The product is removed by are used up. Sometimes a desiccant is
pushing it through the foil. integrated into the cap so that the contents
remain dry.

71. What type of packaging material is a sachet?

a) Secondary b) Primary
c) Tertiary d) Both primary and secondary

AVCN2_Practice I | Print - Quizizz

72. Choose the CORRECT matching of packaging material and

the verb used to describe how to use them:

a) a sachet - press b) a jar - tear
c) a blister pack - push through d) an inhaler - twist

73. Choose the CORRECT matching of packaging material and

the verb used to describe how to use them:

a) a blister pack - twist b) a jar - tear
c) a sachet - push through d) an inhaler - press

74. __________ are used to protect your eyes are you work in the

lab such as chemical splashes/spills.

a) Both safety glasses and goggles b) Safety goggles
c) Safety google d) Safety glasses

75. In a squeeze-screw container system, a closure must be

________ before it can be unscrewed.

a) slided between two fingers b) squeezed between two fingers
c) pushed down between two fingers d) aligned between two fingers

AVCN2_Practice II | Print - Quizizz


AVCN2_Practice II
75 Questions

Session 1
1. Choose the word that matches the following definition "the

number of heartbeats in a given amount of time"

a) Rx b) Dx

c) HR d) BP

2. Choose the word that matches the following definition "to

be at an average level"

a) XR b) Rx

c) HTN d) WNL

3. The asthmatic patient complained of ______

a) HTN b) HR

c) WNL d) SOB

4. Choose the word that matches the following definition

"taken orally, or through the mouth"

a) P.O. b) P.R.

c) SQ d) SL

5. How should we ______ Mr. Smith's medicine?

a) admission b) administration

c) administer d) admit

Session 2
6. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a collection of information"

a) dosage form b) data

c) dose d) dosage

7. The patient's ______ included her occupation.

a) history of b) social history

c) family medical history d) past symptom history

AVCN2_Practice II | Print - Quizizz

8. Medical professionals take medical histories to ______

information that might help with diagnoses.

a) uncover b) cover
c) procedure d) complaint

9. The pain in my back ______

a) throbs b) wheezes
c) runny d) coughs

10. QH means:

a) given every other day b) given three times per day

c) given every hour d) given twice per day

Session 3
11. Which of the following is a physical examination technique?

a) percussion b) palpitations
c) sign language d) vital signs

12. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the

underlined part.

The patient's back pain seemed to make a difference upon

her mood
a) affect b) evaluate
c) effect d) effective

13. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the

underlined part.

The nurse forgot to determine the quality of the patient's

a) affect b) effect
c) evaluate d) evaluation

14. If one or both kidneys decline in function you may have

______ failure.
a) dental b) mental
c) renal d) rental

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15. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a thin, tubular instrument used to examine the

inside of an organ or body cavity"
a) MRI b) CT scan
c) radiography d) endoscope

Session 4
16. __________is a substance in a drug.

a) dosage b) Ingredient
c) gradient d) grading

17. With your input, I’ll be able to _____ the timelines for

planning and implementation and decide on milestones

before our next meeting.
a) finale b) final
c) finalize d) facial

18. CRO __________ someone to co-ordinate and perform

analytical testing for stability studies of new products.

a) is responsible for b) is researching for
c) is required d) is searching for

19. The feasibility study has just been successfully _______.

a) conduct b) completed
c) ready d) finish

20. __________ are rules or laws about health.

a) Health policy b) Health regulations

c) Health operating procedures d) Health guidelines

21. A Pharmacovigilance manager collects drug safety

information _________ and reports any serious adverse

events to the health authorities.
a) before approval b) for approval
c) after approval d) during approval

AVCN2_Practice II | Print - Quizizz

22. I _______ my Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

at Monash University.
a) got/received/conducted b) got/received/obtained
c) received/obtained/had d) got/held/obtained

23. __________ is someone you work with; a co-worker

a) Collage b) Colleague
c) College d) Collagen

24. __________ department ensures that products meet the

standards which the law requires, and contain the active

ingredients advertised.
a) Qualified Assurance (QA) b) Quality Assurance (QA)
c) Quality Assuring (QA) d) Quantity Assurance (QA)

25. Clinical research associates _________ clinical trials. They

must also summarize, ________and process clinical data.

a) audit/ interpret b) perform/ interpret
c) perform/ regulate d) present/ regulate

Session 5
26. Common ______ of CAREFREEDO are: nausea, vomiting,

abdominal pain.
a) intended effects b) side effects
c) adverse affects d) harmful affects

27. Which one of the following is NOT a route of

a) Intravenous (IV) b) Oral
c) Dissolution d) Topical

28. __________ is an oily liquid to rub on painful body parts to

reduce pain.
a) Lozenge b) Liquid
c) Lotion d) Liniment

AVCN2_Practice II | Print - Quizizz

29. A/an ______ is a type of inhaled dosage forms.

a) tablet b) cream
c) aerosol d) ointment

30. In an R & D meeting, John gives the following answer: “It is

already available in lozenge and chewing gum form, but we

hope to develop a time-release patch in the near future”.
What question did John answer?
a) Are we in a position to make this new b) What is the bioavailability of this NCE?
dosage form with our current technology?
c) What kind of formulation could we develop d) Is there some information available on the
from this NCE? toxicity of the substance?

31. Patches are easy to _______, not too expensive, and can be

placed right at the point of pain.

a) apply b) inject
c) application d) inhale

32. Mensamint is a new dosage form of Mensadent. Known

side effects often include loss of sleep if taken in the late

afternoon or evening. In rare cases, an increase in blood
pressure may _____.
a) occupancy b) occupation
c) occur d) occupy

33. __________ is the study of drugs, how they work, and what

they do in the body.

a) Pharmacovigilance b) Physiology
c) Pharmaceutical d) Pharmacology

34. Drug development is the process of ________ scientific

discoveries made during the research process, with the

goal of producing a marketable drug.
a) carrying forward b) running forward
c) moving forward d) jumping forward

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35. Time-release delivery means _____

a) a drug preparation that releases an b) a drug preparation that releases an active

inactive substance immediately. substance immediately.

c) a drug preparation that gradually releases d) a drug preparation that gradually releases
an active substance over a period of time. an inactive substance over a period of

Session 6

36. The quality assurance ______ in good manufacturing

practice (GMP) includes product quality control, sampling,

and testing.

a) process b) protest

c) progress d) proceed

37. Standard operating procedures are regularly _____

a) updated b) actualised

c) delayed d) up-to-date

38. Proper protective clothing must be _______ at all times.

a) wear b) use

c) worn d) carried

39. Even a product that has been marketed for years might

have to be ______the market in a product recall if serious

adverse reactions occur.

a) taken of b) take of

c) take off d) taken off

40. You are writing the SOP guideline to tell your employee to

“Wipe up all chemical spills in the laboratory immediately”.

The correct SOP guideline is:

a) All chemical spills in the laboratory must b) All chemical spills in the laboratory could
be wiped up immediately be wipe up immediately

c) All chemical spills in the laboratory could d) All chemical spills in the laboratory must
be wiped up immediately be wipe up immediately

41. Choose the word that match the following definition:

“Paperwork to provide evidence.”

a) compliance b) documentation

c) SOP d) QA

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42. __________ involves all manufacturing processes in GMP

which make sure the goods produced are kept at high


a) Quality assurance b) Quantity assurance

c) Quantity control d) Quality control

43. In the Pharmaceutical industry, GAP stands for __________.

a) Good Audition Practice b) Good Action Practice

c) Good Auditing Practice d) Good Activity Practice

44. Documentation is important and necessary at every step of

the processes, activities, and operations ______ drug


a) involved at b) involved in

c) involved on d) involved to

45. Why is product sampling carried out? Choose the


a) To meet high industry standards. b) To make sure SOPs are followed.

c) To check product quality. d) To introduce product quality

Session 7
46. Drug __________ describes the chemical reactions catalysed

by enzymes that change drugs into compounds which are

easier to eliminate.

a) Metabolism b) Absorption

c) Distribution d) Excretion

47. Drug __________ is the movement of a drug from its site of

administration into the blood.

a) Absorption b) Excretion

c) Metabolism d) Distribution

48. Drug __________ is the movement of a drug from its site of

administration into the blood.

a) Adsorption b) Administration

c) Admission d) Absorption

AVCN2_Practice II | Print - Quizizz

49. Phase IV Trials: They are carried out in order to ____ further

information about the drug’s safety, efficacy, and optimal

a) collect b) gathering
c) connect d) A&B are correct

50. Specific tests and documentation are required in order to

______ to the next stage.

a) procedure b) proceed
c) precede d) process

51. _______ experiment are performed with microorganisms,

cells, or biological molecules outside their normal biological

a) in vivo b) clinical trial
c) in vitro d) test-tube

52. I felt the __________ of the new ointment right away.

a) Effective b) Affect
c) Affection d) Effect

53. _________ trials are post-marketing studies after getting

approval for general sale. They are carried out in order to

gather further information about the drug’s safety, efficacy,
and optimal use.
a) Phase IV b) Phase III
c) Phase II d) Phase I

54. The study of potential risks of a chemical to the body is

called ________
a) toxicology b) pharmacologist
c) pharmacology d) toxicologist

55. During prelinical testing of drug X, the overall ______ and

behaviour of each animal was assessed twice a day.

a) appeal b) appearance
c) disappearance d) disappear

Session 8 AVCN2_Practice II | Print - Quizizz

56. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has

to compile detailed documentation with all the information

required by the drug authorities. Non-clinical Study Reports
a) biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical b) study reports, pharmacology,
documentation with manufacture, quality pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and
control, and testing data references
c) overviews of quality, clinical, and non- d) documentation about clinical trials and
clinical data post-marketing information

57. Ms Gallois, the well-known opera singer, lost _______ 30

minutes before she had planned to go on stage. ( = the

condition of being awake and able to understand what is
happening around you)
a) conscious b) unconsciousness
c) consciousness d) unconscious

58. __________ department is responsible for compiling dossiers

for submission to authorities, submitting documents

needed to obtain marketing approval for a drug, and
writing the drug information for the patient.
a) Drug Safety b) Regulatory Afraid
c) Drug Monitor d) Regulatory Affairs

59. A(n) _____ accident or illness causes someone's death.

a) fatal b) minor
c) factual d) harmless

60. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has

to compile detailed documentation with all the information

required by the drug authorities. Administrative Data
a) general information, such as the marketing b) biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical
authorization application form, as well as documentation with manufacture, quality
product characteristics and labelling control, and testing data
c) overviews of quality, clinical, and non- d) documentation about clinical trials and
clinical data post-marketing information

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61. Choose the word that has the same meaning as “ heart

a) palpitation b) inflammation
c) irritation d) insomnia

62. A correlation between Mensamint and the symptoms

a) cannot be ruled in b) cannot be ruled out
c) cannot be ruled of d) cannot be ruled off

63. Choose the phrase that has the same meaning as

a) “low blood pressure" b) “sleeplessness"
c) “high blood pressure" d) “ heart racing"

64. The Regulatory Affairs department is NOT responsible for:

a) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side b) Submitting documents needed to obtain

effects. marketing approval for a drug.
c) Compiling dossiers for submission to d) Writing the drug information for the
authorities. patient.

65. After examining the patient, the ______ reduced the dosage

to 10 mg per day.
a) attend physician b) attending physician
c) attending physical d) attending physic

Session 9
66. In a ______ container system, a closure must be pushed

down before it can be unscrewed.

a) slide b) squeeze-screw
c) push-screw d) peel-push

67. The excess powder is loosened by a _______.

a) drum b) sieve
c) dryer d) shaker

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68. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________, requirements have reached a very high

a) In the meantime b) In the past
c) By the time d) When it was founded

69. In a peel-push container system, a first layer must be ______

a blister before the drug can be pushed through the second

a) peeled off b) pushed off
c) squeezed off d) aligned off

70. Choose the word that mean the same as “uncomplicated”

a) sample b) simple
c) complexity d) complex

71. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________ the tour is finished, you will have seen

the most important production areas.
a) During b) Meanwhile
c) Once d) While

72. ______ is any packaging material that is not in direct contact

with the product.

a) Product packaging b) Primary packaging
c) Consumer packaging d) Secondary packaging

73. A blister pack is _______

a) a type of single-use plastic container, and b) an aerosol dispensing device which

is used for pharmaceutical products as well releases medication into the mouth of the
as for other consumer goods. The product patient. The medication is breathed deeply
is placed in the formed cavity and sealed into the lungs, or stays in the mouth or
by lidding foil. The product is removed by throat.
pushing it through the foil.
c) a multi-use glass container with a twist-on d) a small disposable bag containing an
lid. It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any individual dose of the medicine. It often
kind of fluids or solids. It can be opened has a lengthwise perforation which can be
and closed several times until the contents torn open.
are used up. Sometimes a desiccant is
integrated into the cap so that the contents
remain dry.

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74. The latest ______ in childproof packaging nowadays entail

sophisticated mechanisms that are physically easy to open,

even for the elderly but that require actions to be thought
through in a way small children would not be capable of.
a) intentions b) innovations
c) introductions d) interactions

75. The latest innovations in childproof packaging nowadays

entail sophisticated _______ that are physically easy to open,

even for the elderly but that require actions to be thought
through in a way small children would not be capable of.
a) mechanisms b) mechanical
c) mechanic d) machine

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AVCN2_Practice III
75 Questions

Session 1
1. The ______ taken by oral thermometer at 9pm was 96.2 F.

a) T b) HR

c) BP d) Rx

2. The patient suffers from high ______ and is taking medicine

for it.

a) WNL b) SOB

c) BP d) XR

3. From the ______ we can see that there are no broken bones

or fractures.

a) T b) XR

c) Rx d) HR

4. The ______ options include diet and lifestyle changes.

a) Rx b) WNL

c) HTN d) XR

5. We will have to increase the ______ because the infection is

not clearing up.

a) dossier b) administration

c) dosage form d) dosage

Session 2
6. This could be hereditary so we'll need to look at your ______


a) onset b) complaint

c) family d) current

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7. Mr. Brinks might need a mild sedative to sleep, so give him

some Sommel2 ______.

a) qhs b) pc
c) qh d) ac

8. Quick, give her an adrenaline injection ______, we are losing

a) qhs b) stat
c) pc d) ac

9. Please give Ms. Williams 50 mg of magnesium ______:

morning, noon, and night.

a) TID b) QID
c) QOD d) BID

10. If the patient's temperature rises above 100.3 degrees

Fahrenheit give him a 25 cc injection of antibiotics and call

me ______.
a) qh b) ac
c) pc d) stat

Session 3
11. The doctor must always first conduct a general ______ of

physical body parts.

a) inspection b) percussion
c) palpation d) audit

12. The results show a high level of ______ in the urine.

a) CDK b) albumin
c) BUN d) GFR

13. Nurse please send this ______ to Dr. Brown.

a) pathology b) BUN
c) radiology d) pathology report

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14. Please go to the radiology department immediately for a(n)

a) physical examination b) injection
c) x-ray d) pathology report

15. Nowadays a(n) ______ is the most accurate method to

measure the heart's electrical activity.

a) GFR test b) MRI
c) X-ray d) ECG

Session 4

16. We will need to fill the position of clinical trial manager

shortly. I’d appreciate it if you could write up a job _______

with the input below and place it in the pharmaceutical
journal we normally use.
a) advertiser b) adverse
c) advertise d) advertisement

17. ______________ (SOPS) are description of a working method

or process.
a) Standard operating procedures b) Standard operating processes
c) Standard operation procedures d) Standard operation processes

18. I _____ complex scientific instruments and perform tests to

determine whether ingredients in liquids, powders, or

tablets meet requirements.
a) perform b) test
c) operate d) conduct

19. Feasibility study is an investigation to _____ the advantages,

practicality, and profitability of a proposed project.

a) present b) prevent
c) determine d) fund

20. __________ department compounds the raw materials into

drugs, packages them, and puts in the leaflets for the

a) Production b) Product
c) Package d) Packaging

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21. I now work in Milan but _______ to be based in Boston.

a) I’m used b) I was used

c) I used d) I use

22. __________ is an investigation to determine the advantages,

practicality, and profitability of a proposed project.

a) Feasibility study b) Research study
c) Case study d) Clinical study

23. __________is any health problem which starts while on a new

a) Adverse event b) Adverse problem
c) Side affect d) Toxic event

24. We compile the drug _________ and send it to the regulatory

drug authorities so we can get authorization to market the

a) combination b) recommendation
c) documentary d) documentation

25. In the UK, to become fully qualified, pharmacists have to

take an examination to get a ______ to practise pharmacy.

a) permit b) certificate
c) license d) authorization

Session 5
26. OTC Pharmaceutical products must have labelling that

provides adequate _____ for sale and effective use.

a) detection b) corrections
c) directions d) dissection

27. To obtain the status of a non-prescription or OTC in the US,

a drug must have ______.

a) low risk-profit relationship b) a small margin of safety
c) a large profit margin d) a large margin of safety

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28. ________ is an expert in the science of poisons.

a) Toxicologist b) Toxicity
c) Toxicology d) Toxic

29. One of criteria to obtain the status of OTC product in the US

is that a medication must have low _______ of side effects.

a) ancient b) accident
c) incidence d) insistence

30. __________ is an expert in chemistry. In the UK, this word is

also used for the person who prepares and sells medicine,
also known as a pharmacist in the US.
a) Chemist b) Pharmacologist
c) Toxicologist d) Pharmacology

31. If a wound or a part of your body becomes __________ , it

becomes infected.
a) hot b) inflamed
c) septic d) nauseated

32. Toxicologist is _______

a) the study of drugs, how they work, and b) the degree to which a substance (a toxin or
what they do in the body. poison) can harm humans or animals.
c) the study of poisons. d) an expert in the science of poisons.

33. Pharmaceutical product labeling must provide ______

directions for sale and effective use.

a) adequate b) suitable
c) all are correct d) appropriate

34. An inhaler is a small device with medicine to _____ in

through the mouth.

a) breach b) breathe
c) beach d) breath

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35. Bioavailability is the proportion of a drug or other

substance which ______

a) enters the lungs when introduced into the b) enters the circulation when introduced into
body and so is able to have an active the body and so is able to have an active
effect. effect.

c) enters the liver when introduced into the d) enters the kidney when introduced into the
body and so is able to have an active body and so is able to have an active
effect. effect.

Session 6
36. __________ involves all manufacturing processes in GMP

which make sure the goods produced are kept at high


a) Quality assurance b) Product control

c) Quality testing d) Product assurance

37. __________ (QMS) is a formalized system that documents

processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving

quality policies and objectives.

a) Quality Management System b) Quantity Management System

c) Quality Manufacturing System d) Quantity Manufacturing System

38. An internal __________ involves inspection and validation of

operational methods, procedures, equipment to ensure

functionality, accuracy and validity.

a) audits b) audit

c) auditors d) auditor

39. A __________ considers laboratory and manufacturing

processes and environments together and not individually.

a) holistic approach b) general approach

c) direct approach d) quality approach

40. __________ make sure that the health and well-being of

laboratory workers are guaranteed.

a) Safety procedures b) Protection procedures

c) Safety procedure d) Recall procedures

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41. Documentation is important and necessary at every step of

the processes, activities, and ______(s) involved in drug


a) operating b) operation

c) operator d) operational

42. Why do operational methods and procedures have to be

validated? Choose the INCORRECT answer:

a) To complete the inspection process. b) To complete the quality assurance process.

c) To make sure products perform their d) To isolate products of high quality.

intended function.

43. ______ must be used on all equipment following any

experiments with laboratory animals.

a) disinfectant b) infect

c) infectant d) disinfect

44. Validation of cleaning processes is essential in this industry,

because chemical or _______ contamination of drug

products can potentially lead to severe public health risks.

a) None of the above b) bacteria

c) bacterium d) bacterial

45. The reason for ______, or product sampling, is to check the

quality of pharmaceutical products.

a) interval testing b) endpoint testing

c) internal testing d) interim testing

Session 7
46. During the preclinical _______ of a drug, laboratory tests

document the effect of the investigational drug in living

organisms (in vivo), and in cells in a test tube (in vitro)

a) deployment b) development

c) formulation d) trial

47. Regulatory agencies have to give permission to ______ with

the clinical testing in humans.

a) command b) commerce

c) comment d) commence

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48. Drug metabolism describes the chemical reactions

catalysed by enzymes that change drugs into compounds

which are easier to _______ .
a) adsorb b) eliminate
c) absorb d) distribute

49. Dogs are more ______ to drugs than mini-pigs

a) affected b) sensitive
c) effective d) sensible

50. An adverse event is any _____ medical occurrence in a

patient or clinical trial subject after a medicinal product has

been administered .
a) abnormally b) abnormal
c) abdominal d) abnormality

51. Many terminally ill people _____ the ‘therapeutic

misconception’ that the objective of trials is to cure them.

a) fall victim in b) fall victim of
c) fall victim to d) fall victim on

52. An adverse event is any abnormal medical occurrence in a

patient or clinical trial subject after a medicinal product has

been administered. An adverse event ______
a) always has a causal relationship with the b) does not necessarily have a causal
medicinal product. relationship with the medicinal product.
c) always has a causal relationship with the d) always has a causal relationship with the
dose administered. dosage form administered.

53. __________(s) regarding food consumption were observed

shortly after administration in the high- dose group.

a) abnormality b) abdominal
c) abnormally d) abnormal

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54. Choose the correct sentence that links the two following

ideas: There were no clinical findings in the oral

administration studies. There were clinical findings in the
intravenous-dose studies.
a) However,there were no clinical findings in b) There were no clinical findings in the oral
the oral administration studies. There were administration studies. However, there
clinical findings in the intravenous-dose were clinical findings in the intravenous-
studies. dose studies.
c) Not only there were no clinical findings in d) In addition, there were no clinical findings
the oral administration studies, there were in the oral administration studies, there
clinical findings in the intravenous-dose were clinical findings in the intravenous-
studies. dose studies.

55. In ________ , further information regarding the ideal use of

the drug is collected.

a) Phase I b) Phase III
c) Phase IV d) Phase II

Session 8
56. A ______ person or a _______ event attracts a lot of attention

or publicity. (= famous)
a) high-profile b) high-product
c) high-profit d) high-protect

57. ____ is an inactive substance that serves as the vehicle or

medium for a drug or other active substance.

a) Excipient b) Placebo
c) API d) NCE

58. Do not take Mensamint TM if you are _______ to penicillin.

a) allergy b) allergic
c) allergist d) allergen

59. The Drug Safety department is responsible for:

a) Writing the drug information for the b) Submitting documents needed to obtain
patient. marketing approval for a drug.
c) Compiling dossiers for submission to d) Responding to a physician’s report about
authorities. adverse drug reactions.

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60. __________ means general discomfort, bad feeling.

a) Irritation b) Itching
c) Inflammation d) Insomnia

61. The Drug safety department is NOT responsible for:

a) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to b) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side

health authorities. effects.
c) Responding to a physician’s report about d) Compiling dossiers for submission to
adverse drug reactions. authorities.

62. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has

to compile detailed documentation with all the information

required by the drug authorities. Common Technical
Document Summaries include(s):
a) documentation about clinical trials and b) biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical
post-marketing information documentation with manufacture, quality
control, and testing data
c) overviews of quality, clinical, and non- d) general information, such as the marketing
clinical data authorization application form, as well as
product characteristics and labelling

63. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has

to compile detailed documentation with all the information

required by the drug authorities. Clinical Study Reports
a) overviews of quality, clinical, and non- b) biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical
clinical data documentation with manufacture, quality
control, and testing data
c) documentation about clinical trials and d) study reports, pharmacology,
post-marketing information pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and

64. The FDA is

a) a state agency within the U.S. Department b) an executive agency of the Department of
of Health and Human Services. It is Health in the European Union which is
responsible for ensuring that food, drugs, responsible for ensuring that medicines
and certain other products and processes and medical devices work and are
are safe for consumers. acceptably safe.
c) an executive agency of the Department of d) a federal agency within the U.S.
Health in the United Kingdom which is Department of Health and Human
responsible for ensuring that medicines Services. It is responsible for ensuring that
and medical devices work and are food, drugs, and certain other products
acceptably safe. and processes are safe for consumers.

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65. QPPV stands for ________

a) Quality Person Responsible for b) Qualified Person for Pharmaceutical

Pharmacovigilance. Verification
c) Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance d) Qualified Person Responsible for
Verification Pharmacovigilance.

Session 9
66. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________ the safety film, I will give you more

detailed information on the company.
a) While b) During
c) By the time d) Meanwhile

67. Primary packaging is the material which is ________.

a) not in direct contact with the product. b) the final product packaging.
c) the final consumer packaging. d) in direct contact with the product.

68. A jar is a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid.

Sometimes a(n) _____ is integrated into the cap so that the

contents remain dry.
a) humidity b) desiccant
c) preservative d) excipient

69. The granules are air-dried in the _____ .

a) drum b) granulator
c) sieve d) fluid bed dryer

70. Safety is the _____

a) All of the above b) same as security

c) protection from threats, such as attacks or d) freedom from danger or harm.

71. The company’s safety regulations _____ so strict.

a) use to b) didn’t use to

c) use to be d) didn’t use to be

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72. The dried granules are stamped into a _____ to form tablets.

a) mix b) mask
c) moisture d) mould

73. The company _____ only produce effervescent powder.

a) use to be b) use to
c) used to be d) used to

74. Pharmaceutical companies have to ______ GMP guidelines.

a) comply to b) compliance with

c) comply with d) compile with

75. As the tablets go up a spiral, they are shaken, and the

excess powder is _______.

a) dry off b) vacuumed off
c) dried of d) vacuumed of

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz


AVCN2_Practice IV
75 Questions

Session 1
1. Ms. Gates was admitted to the hospital with serious

dehydration and breathing trouble. She was given ______

a) saline solution through an I.V b) fluids through an I.M

c) antibiotics through an I.V d) water through an I.V

2. Which of the following is NOT a common route for

administering medication?

a) Oral b) Intraosmolar

c) Intramuscular d) Intravenous

3. Which of the following is true of oral medication


a) It is more difficult to administer. b) It is expensive.

c) The drug is absorbed through the lining of d) The drug is absorbed through the mouth.
the stomach.

4. Her physician prescribed antibiotic pills to be taken for two

weeks. These should be taken ______

a) I.V. b) P.R.

c) I.M d) P.O.

5. Half a Kilogram is equal to 500 ____

a) ml b) g

c) mg d) cc

Session 2
6. Choose the CORRECT statement:

a) Fever is never a symptom of a cold. b) A headache is the most common diagnosis

of the flu.

c) Flu is an illness caused by influenza viruses d) Coughing is the most common diagnosis of
that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes a cold.
the lungs.

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The physician has requested you fill a prescription and


explain the dosing to the owner. The prescription

instructions read, “1-tab SL QID for 7 days, then BID PRN.”
What is the correct interpretation?
a) Give 1 tablet by mouth twice daily for 7 b) Give 1 tablet under the tongue every 8
days, then 1 tablet every 24 hours as hours for 7 days until gone.
c) Give 1 tablet twice every 12 hours for 7 d) Give 1 tablet under the tongue four times a
days, then once daily as needed. day for 7 days, then twice daily as needed.

8. The physician has requested you fill a prescription and

explain the dosing to the owner. The prescription

instructions read, “Vancomycin 1500 mg IV BID for 3 days”
What is the correct interpretation?
a) Give Vancomycin 1500 grams by mouth b) Give Vancomycin 1500 micrograms
four times a day for three days. intravenously three times a day for three
c) Give Vancomycin 1500 milligrams by d) Give Vancomycin 1500 milligrams
mouth twice a day for three days. intravenously twice a day for three days.

9. If a physician prescribes 50 mg of a drug to be taken QID,

but the drug comes in tablets that contain only 25 mg, how
many tablets should the patient take every day?
a) 4 b) 10
c) 8 d) 12

10. The directions to create an oral suspension for your patient

read, “Mix 1 mcg in 5 mL H20 and give 0.3 mL PO pc.”

What protocol is used for mixing and how should this

medication be given?

a) Mix 1 miligrain in 5 milliliters water and b) Mix 1 microgram in 5 milliliters water and
give 0.3 milliliters by IV after resuspending. give 0.3 milliliters by mouth after meals.
c) Mix 1 gram in 5 millimeters water and give d) Mix 1 grain in 5 millimeters water and give
3 micrometers as needed after meals. 3 micrometers by mouth before meals.

Session 3
11. Which is the most common form of medical imaging, using

high-energy radiation to penetrate skin and tissues but not

a) X-ray b) Ultrasound
c) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) d) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

12. A middle-aged woman comes into the emergency

department complaining of stroke-like symptoms. She has

a history of heart problems and high blood pressure, so the
physician is concerned that there may be a blood clot
blocking one of her carotid arteries, which supplies blood to
her brain.

Which type of scan would be most helpful in diagnosing her

a) Endoscopy b) MRI
c) Ultrasound d) X-ray

13. Which of the following imaging studies can be used most

safely during pregnancy?

a) X-Rays b) MRI Scans.
c) CT Scans. d) ultrasounds.

14. A physical examination is one of the most basic of medical

care procedures. Which of the following is incorrect?

a) Use a stethoscope to conduct auscultation b) With the patient sitting, take his/her
of the patient's breathing. temperature using an oral thermometer
c) Make sure the patient is uncomfortable d) Use percussion techniques to check the
and that the environment is sub-optimal. condition of organs beneath the abdomen.

15. A physical examination is one of the most basic of medical

care procedures. Which of the following is correct?

a) Make sure the patient is uncomfortable b) Use a stethoscope to conduct auscultation
and that the environment is sub-optimal. of the patient's breathing.
c) With the patient sitting, take his/her d) Use an oral thermometer to check the
temperature using percussion techniques condition of organs beneath the abdomen.

Session 4
16. Since the ______ of our successful feasibility study, we have

also obtained very encouraging preclinical data (= end)

a) confusion b) combination
c) conclusion d) confession

17. Which of the following is NOT a form of pharmaceutical

a) Clinical reports b) Study reports
c) Clinical protocol d) Marketing claims

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18. Regulatory affairs department compiles the drug

documentation and submits it to the drug regulatory

authorities so the company can get authorization to
_____the product
a) lunch b) make
c) market d) compile

19. A __________ collects drug safety information after approval

and reports any serious adverse events to the health

a) Pharmacovigilance manager b) Pharmacology manager
c) Pharmacodynamics manager d) Pharmacokinetics manager

20. _______ is someone whose job is to give advice on a

particular subject.
a) consultant b) consultation
c) consult d) consulate

21. What does not go into drugs?

a) substances b) ingredient
c) chemicals d) formulation

22. I ________ clinical methodology.

a) did research in b) did research to

c) did research on d) did research of

23. My _________ is in pharmacology.

a) Personal background b) Profession background

c) Professional background d) Study background

24. Research and Development (R&D) department finds new

_________ to make new drug ________ or changes existing

dosage forms, for example, from tablets to capsules.
a) substances/ formulate b) formulations/ substances
c) substances/ formulations d) formulate/ substances

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

25. Marketing and Sales department ______ the promotion and

distribution of drugs which will be launched, and ________

about the packaging or tablet colour of new products.
a) plants/ makes decisions b) makes decisions/ plans
c) plans/ makes decisions d) makes decisions/ plants

Session 5
26. __________ is the process of testing chemical compounds,

with the goal of finding a substance which has a beneficial

effect on a targeted disease.
a) Research b) Clinical trial
c) Formulation d) Development

27. __________ is the amount and frequency of a medicinal drug

that may be taken safely.

a) Dosage b) Dose
c) Dosage form d) Dose form

28. _______ is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other

substance is taken into the body.

a) Route of administration b) Route of medication
c) Bioavailability d) Dosage form

29. A/an ______a semi-solid, smooth greasy preparation for

application to the skin for healing.

a) Patch b) Ointment
c) Lozenge d) Gel

30. Toxicity is _______

a) the study of poisons. b) the study of drugs, how they work, and
what they do in the body.
c) an expert in the science of poisons. d) the degree to which a substance (a toxin or
poison) can harm humans or animals.

31. __________ dosage forms are breathed in through mouth or

nose and are often used to treat respiratory diseases.

a) Inhaled b) Inhalation
c) Inhaler d) Inhale

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32. The science of poisons, including their source, chemical

composition, action, tests , and even their _____(s) , is what

we call Toxicology

a) antibiotic b) antibody

c) antigen d) antidote

33. In Canada, Behind-the-counter medicines are those that a

patient can obtain without a prescription, but only with the

personal ______ of a pharmacist.

a) participation b) supervision

c) all are correct d) involvement

34. Corrective action ______

a) encourages occurrence of errors b) prevents recurrence of errors

c) prevents occurrence of errors d) encourages recurrence of errors

35. Choose the CORRECT statement about Quality assurance

and auditing

a) All operational methods and procedures b) Proper documentation not only enables
must be inspected and validated to isolate traceability, but also allows a complete
products of high safety. product recall from the market, if

c) The reason for interim testing, or product d) The reason for interim testing, or product
sampling, is to check the quantity of sampling, is to introduce quality to
pharmaceutical products. pharmaceutical products.

Session 6
36. All operational methods and procedures must also be

inspected for ______.

a) adhere b) accuracy

c) accurate d) adverse

37. Preventive action ______

a) prevents recurrence of errors b) encourages occurrence of errors

c) prevents occurrence of errors d) encourages recurrence of errors

38. Advance notice of this meeting was very _______.

a) briefly b) short

c) brief d) shortly

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39. Which aspect of drug manufacturing enables traceability?

Choose the INCORRECT answer:

a) quality control b) documentation
c) quality assurance d) holistic approach

40. A(n) __________ inspects and verifies the safety procedures

in the lab.

a) auditor b) lab technician

c) qualified person d) lab chemist

41. How do you handle the disposal of toxic waste in the lab?

a) It is handled specially. b) It is disposed of in bins special.

c) It is disposed of in special bins. d) It is disposed of in normal bins.

42. Endpoint testing is carried out at the end of every

manufacturing process. This is to ensure that all

procedures have been performed in _________with industry
and company standards.

a) complication b) compliance

c) documentation d) adhere

43. Side effect is any unintended reaction caused by a drug or

medical treatment. This term ______

a) is the same as serious adverse reaction. b) is used by the general public and the
medical authorities.

c) is used by the general public, but is often d) is used by the general public, but is often
avoided by medical authorities. avoided by doctors.

44. In the preclinical stage of drug development, a(n) ______

must be tested extensively in the laboratory. This is to

ensure it will be safe to administer to humans.

a) investigation placebo b) investigational placebo

c) investigational drug d) investigation drug

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

45. Choose the INCORRECT statement about clinical trials:

a) Subjects in a trial are randomly assigned to b) Clinical trials are mainly aimed at providing
either the group which receives the medication to terminal ill patients.
unapproved medication or the one which
gets a placebo.
c) Clinical trials are aimed at gathering d) Pharmaceutical company which is
statistics to determine whether an sponsoring the clinical trial can stop the
experimental drug is safe and effective. trial at any time.

Session 7
46. The safety and ______ of a drug can only be determined by

conducting rigorous clinical trials, according to the FDA.

a) effective b) deficiency
c) defectiveness d) efficacy

47. Drug excretion is the removal of a drug or its _______ from

the body.
a) metabolic b) metabolites
c) metallic d) metabolism

48. We started the trial after tests on investigational drugs

________ in vivo and in vitro over a period of up to five years.

a) were formulated b) were determined
c) were administered d) were conducted

49. ________ is any unintended reaction caused by a drug or

medical treatment. This term is used by the general public,

but is often avoided by medical authorities.
a) Side effect b) Adverse effect
c) Adverse event d) Adverse reaction

50. Adverse reaction refers to all abnormal and unintended

_____ (s) to an investigational medicinal product related to

any dose administered.
a) responsive b) response
c) responsible d) responsibly

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

51. Drug _________ is the removal of a drug or its metabolites

from the body.

a) Absorption b) Excretion
c) Distribution d) Metabolism

52. A(n)_____ pain is the pain in your stomach or intestines.

a) abdominal b) abdomen
c) stoma d) abnormal

53. The Drug Safety department is responsible for:

a) Submitting documents needed to obtain b) Writing the drug information for the
marketing approval for a drug. patient.
c) Compiling dossiers for submission to d) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to
authorities. health authorities.

54. ______ is an official publication containing a list of medicinal

drugs with their effects and directions for their use.

a) Pharmacopeia b) Pharmacovigilance
c) Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia d) Pharmaceutical dictionary

55. When describing possible side effects for products in the

pipeline, we will need to ______more clearly between

common and rare risks.
a) determine b) different
c) difference d) differentiate

Session 8
56. After having taken Mensamint, the patient _______(ed)

headaches and insomnia.

a) express b) experience
c) feel d) recover

57. If symptoms _______, the patient should consult a doctor.

a) resist b) consist
c) persist d) insist

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

58. Use Mensamint _____ while driving or undertaking

dangerous activities.
a) with cause b) with cautious
c) caution d) with caution

59. We haven’t learnt much as the test results were _____

a) definitive b) conclusive
c) clear d) inconclusive

60. The Drug safety department is NOT responsible for:

a) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to b) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side

health authorities. effects.
c) Responding to a physician’s report about d) Submitting documents needed to obtain
adverse drug reactions. marketing approval for a drug.

61. ________ are inactive substances that serves as the vehicle

or medium for a drug or other active substance.

a) Excipients b) PIL
c) Counterfeit ingredients d) API

62. A(n) __________ is a type of single-use plastic container, and

is used for pharmaceutical products as well as for other

consumer goods. The product is placed in the formed cavity
and sealed by lidding foil. The product is removed by
pushing it through the foil.
a) blister pack b) sachet
c) jar d) inhaler

63. A(n) __________ is a multi-use glass container with a twist-on

lid. It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any kind of fluids or

solids. It can be opened and closed several times until the
contents are used up. Sometimes a desiccant is integrated
into the cap so that the contents remain dry.
a) jar b) inhaler
c) blister pack d) sachet

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

64. Which primary packaging would you recommend for cough

a) sachet b) inhaler
c) syringe d) bottle

65. Which primary packaging would you recommend for

a) inhaler b) bottle
c) tube d) sachet

Session 9
66. In a poke container system, a tube that can only be

released by an adult-length finger by _______ an internal

a) peeling b) squeezing
c) pushing d) sliding

67. If something is _______, it is the most up-to-date model

incorporating the latest and best technology.

a) “best-of-the-art" b) “latest-of-the-art"
c) “state-of-the-art" d) “newest-of-the-art"

68. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________you are waiting, you can look at these

a) During b) While
c) In the meantime d) Meanwhile

69. In the production department, technicians often carry out

______ analyses.
a) interrupt b) interval
c) interim d) infernal

70. The production process ______ simple and uncomplicated.

a) use to be b) used to
c) use to d) used to be

8/6/2021 AVCN2_Practice IV | Print - Quizizz

71. For ________reasons, your visitor’s pass must be visible at all

a) secure b) security
c) safety d) safe

72. The boy's death highlighted a problem that no one could

_______ up to that time .

a) negligence b) demand
c) anticipate d) discard

73. You should clean and _______ lab equipment before using it.

a) climate b) calculate
c) celebrate d) calibrate

74. The wet granules are pressed through a ______ on their way

to the fluid bed dryer.

a) hoist b) dispenser
c) granulator d) sieve

75. Please mind the _____ substances, which could cause severe

a) lubricant b) corrective
c) corrosive d) laxative

62 questions
1. A ........ is 1/1000th the weight of the mirror component of a chemical solution
dissolved in the major component.
A. mEq
B. g
C. mcg
D. mg
2. If a patient ........ something, he or she describes symptoms that are paintful or
A. c/o
B. Dx
C. o/e
3. A .......... is a unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a gram.
A. ml
B. mg
C. mEq
D. mcg
4. For this patient, the correct ........ is 200 milligrams per day.
A. Dosage form
B. Route of administration
C. Route of medication
D. Dosage
5. Which of the following is equal to one ml?
A. 1 cubic centimeter
B. 1 drop
C. 1 milligram
D. 1 teaspoon
6. .......... for the infection included antibiotics.
C. Rx
7. Choose the word that matches the following definition “a unit of mass equal to
one thousandth of a gram.”
A. mg
B. mEq
C. ml
D. mcg
8. Choose the word that matches the following definition “a unit of mass which is
equal to 1/1000th of a kilogram.”
A. mg
B. mEq
C. mccg
D. g
9. A (n) ....... injection is a medicine that is injected into a muscle with a syringe.
B. P.R.
10. ........... is having blood pressure that is higher than normal.
A. Dx
C. Rx
11. .......... is a visual image of all or part of the body acquired with special equipment
using electromagnetic radiation to see bones and other internal aspects of the
A. Rx
12. A ....... is a unit of mass which is equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram.
A. g
B. mcg
C. mEq
D. mg
13. Please get me a syringe so I can give this ..............
A. Dosage form
B. Intramuscular injection
C. Pill
D. Route of administration
14. Choose the word that matches the following definition “a unit of mass equal to
one millionth of a gram.”
A. mg
B. mEq
C. g
D. mcg
15. Is the .......... for this medicine sublingual or P.O.?
A. Route of administration
B. Bioavailability
C. Dosage form
D. Route of medication
16. ......... is the frequency with which a person’s heart beats in a given amount of
time. It is usually expressed in beats per minute.
A. Rx
D. Dx
17. If medicine is given .........., it is taken orally, or through the mouth.
A. P.R.
B. P.O.
18. .......... is a quantitative measurement of heal within the body. It is can be used,
in part, to gauge whether the body is operating normally.
A. Dx
B. c/o
C. T
D. Rx
19. Choose the word that matches the following definition “the identification of an
illness or disease.”
A. Dx
B. Rx
20. One thousand .......... (s) make up one kilogram.
A. mcg
B. mEq
C. g
D. mg
21. Choose the word that matches the following definition “the number of
heartbeats in a given amount of time.”
A. Rx
C. Dx
22. If something is found ........., it was discovered during an exam.
A. o/e
D. c/o
23. A (n) ........... is the correct amount and frequency of medicine to give to a
A. Dosage form
B. Dosage
C. Dose
D. Dossier
24. A .......... is a unit of volume equal to a cube whose sides are equal to one
A. mg
B. mEq
C. cc
D. mcg
25. Choose the word that matches the following definition “the amount of force
applied on blood vessel walls by circulating blood.”
A. Ex
D. Dx
26. .......... is the positive identification of a patient’s disease or ailment.
B. Rx
C. Dx
27. A ........ is a unit of liquid volume equal to one thousandth of a liter and equal to
one cubic centimeter.
A. g
B. ml
C. mg
D. gtt
28. Choose the word that matches the following definition “taken through the
A. P.O.
D. P.R.
29. Choose the word that matches the following definition “applied to a certain part
of the surface of the body.”
A. Topical
B. Medicine
C. Pills
D. Sublingual
30. A (n) .......... is a method of administering medicine into a vein using a syringe,
often over a long period of time.
B. P.O.
D. P.R.
31. If a medicine is given ..........., it is taken through the rectum.
A. P.R.
B. P.O.
32. The .......... clearly showed that bone was broken.
B. Rx
D. T
33. A.......... is the path by which a medicine is taken into the body.
A. Bioavailability
B. Route of medication
C. Dosage form
D. Route of administration
34. ............ is the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Lt
is a vital sign that medical professionals use to determine whether body systems are
operating as they should.
A. Dx
B. Rx
35. Half a liter is equal to 500 ....... (s).
A. ml
B. mg
C. gtt
D. g
36. If a function is ..........., it is operating in a normal range.
D. Rx
37. To .......... medicine is to give it to a patient.
A. Administer
B. Admit
C. Administration
D. Admission
38. Choose the word that matches the following definition “a measure of volume
equal to the amount a standard tablespoon can hold or about three teaspoons.”
A. tsp
B. gtt
C. tbsp
D. mcg
39. Choose the word that matches the following definition “discovered while
investigating a patient’s health.”
B. o/e
D. c/o
40. How should we ............ Mr. Smith’s medicine?
A. Administration
B. Admission
C. Administer
D. Admit
41. Choose the word that matches the following definition “to be a an average
D. Rx
42. .......... (s) are drops of liquid administered to the eye.
A. mEq
B. gtt
C. tsp
D. mcg
43. The asthmatic patient complained of............
44. The patient with high blood pressure was diagnosed with ..........
B. Rx
45. If a medicine is ........., it is injected into the fatty layer under he skin with a
B. P.O.
46. Choose the word that matches the following definition “to describe
uncomfortable symptoms.”
A. o/e
B. c/o
47. Please put 2 ......... (s) of cleaning solution in each ear. Use a dropper.
A. tbsp
B. Drop
C. mcg
D. tsp
48. Choose the word that matches the following definition “the amount of internal
body heat measured.”
A. Dx
B. c/o
C. T
D. Rx
49. ............ is the specific drug or course of action prescribed to treat a patient’s
medical condition.
A. Rx
50. A ............ is a measure of volume equal to the amount a standard tablespoon
can hold or about three teaspoons.
A. mcg
B. tbsp
C. gtt
D. tsp
51. Choose the word that matches the following definition “injected into the fatty
layer under the skin with a syringe.”
A. Subcutaneous
B. Intravenous
C. Topical
D. Sublingual
52. A .......... is a unit of liquid volume equal to the amount of liquid which comes
from a dropper, or about 1/12th of a milliliter.
A. mcg
B. tsp
C. gtt
D. mEq
53. If a medicine is taken ............., it is given beneath the tongue.
C. P.R.
54. Choose the word that matches the following definition “1/1000th the weight of
the minor component of a chemical solution dissolved in the major component.”
A. g
B. mcg
C. mEq
D. mg
55. ........... is a condition in which a patient finds it more difficult to breathe than
56. Choose the word that matches the following definition “a measure of volume
equal to the amount a standard teaspoon can hold.”
A. gtt
B. tbsp
C. tsp
D. mcg
57. Choose the word that matches the following definition “ given beneath the
A. Sublingual
B. Intravenous
C. Topical
D. Subcutaneous
58. Choose the word that matches the following definition “taken orally, or through
the mouth.”
C. P.O.
D. P.R.
59. If a medicine is ........... , it is applied to a certain part of the surface of the body.
A. Subcutaneous
B. P.R.
D. Topical
60. A .......... is a measure of volume equal to the amount a standard teaspoon can
hold, or almost five milliliters.
A. tbsp
B. tsp
C. mcg
D. gtt
61. Choose the word that matches the following definition “injection into a vein
using a syringe, often over a long period of time.”
C. P.O.
62. A .......... ,is a unit of mass equal to one millionth of a gram.
A. mg
B. mcg
C. ml
D. mEq

AVCN2_Session 2
57 Questions

1. QH means:

a) given three times per day b) given every other day

c) given twice per day d) given every hour

2. If something is ______, it is happening at the present time.

a) pre-existing b) current

c) new d) old

3. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "an illness that causes discomfort in the head and

a) fever b) cold

c) wheeze d) throb

4. Fatigue is a ______ of the flu.

a) symptom b) history

c) allergy d) procedure

5. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "the first instance of something"
a) complaint b) procedure

c) onset d) allergy

6. The patient's ______included her previous surgeries .

a) social history b) history of

c) current medical history d) past medical history

7. A(n) ______ is a patient’s record of lifestyle and personal

details, such as occupation and marital status.
a) family medical history b) history of

c) past medical history d) social history

1 of 9
8. If a medication is given ______, it is given three times per day.

a) TID b) PRN

c) QID d) QOD

9. A ______ is a feeling or physical change that indicates illness.

a) onset b) procedure
c) allergy d) symptom

10. A ______ is an illness that can cause coughing, a runny nose,

and a sore throat.

a) cold b) wheeze

c) throb d) fever

11. If a medication is given ______, it is given immediately.

a) ac b) pc
c) stat d) qhs

12. If a medication is given ______, it is given after meals.

a) pc b) ac

c) qh d) qhs

13. According to the thermometer, the patient has a ______

a) fever b) cough

c) wheeze d) throb

14. If something is ______, it has liquid flowing or leaking out of it.

a) runny b) cold

c) hot d) dry

15. The pain in my back ______

a) runny b) throbs

c) coughs d) wheezes

16. TID means:

a) given as needed b) given every other day

c) given twice per day d) given three times per day

2 of 9
AVCN2_Session 2 (Set 1&2) | Print - Quizizz

17. To ______ is to force air loudly through the throat because of

an illness or throat irritation.
a) runny b) throb

c) wheeze d) cough

18. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a pain or illness reported by a patient"

a) data b) onset

c) procedure d) complaint

19. If a medication is given ______, it is before meals.

a) qh b) ac
c) stat d) pc

20. ______ is a viral illness that can cause fevers, aches, and

a) fever b) headache

c) flu d) wheeze

21. The patient should take this medication before he eats. The
underlined part has the same meaning as:

a) qh b) ac

c) pc d) stat

22. To ______ is to have pain that comes and goes very quickly.

a) wheeze b) cough
c) throb d) runny

23. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a medical treatment"
a) allergy b) complaint

c) procedure d) onset

24. A(n) ______ is pain or illness reported by a patient.

a) onset b) procedure
c) data d) complaint

3 of 9
25. If a medication is given ______, it is given every hour,

a) pc b) ac

c) qhs d) qh

26. QID means:

a) given every hour b) given every other day

c) given three times per day d) given four times per day

27. If a medication is given ______, it is given twice per day.

a) QID b) TID

c) PRN d) BID

28. You should take this antibiotic when you go to bed. The
underlined part has the same meaning as:

a) pc b) ac
c) qhs d) qh

29. PRN means:

a) given every hour b) given as needed

c) given three times per day d) given four times per day

30. The patient's ______ condition was caused by a recent injury.

a) current b) past

c) pre-existing d) old

31. A ______ is an illness that causes body temperature to rise,

a) wheeze b) throb

c) cold d) fever

32. If a medication is given ______, it is given four times per day.

a) QID b) PRN

c) TID d) QOD

33. To ______ is to breathe with difficulty in a noisy manner.

a) cough b) runny

c) throb d) wheeze

4 of 9
34. A(n) ______ is a medical treatment performed by a doctor or
a) procedure b) complaint

c) allergy d) onset

35. I need 50 cc's of lidocaine immediately! The underlined part

has the same meaning as:

a) qhs b) stat

c) pc d) ac

36. If a medication is given ______, it is given every other day.

a) PRN b) TID
c) QID d) QOD

37. The patient's ______ included her occupation.

a) past symptom history b) history of

c) social history d) family medical history

38. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a record of a patient’s family’s conditions"

a) past symptom history b) past medical history

c) family medical history d) social history

39. Medical professionals take medical histories to ______

information that might help with diagnoses.

a) complaint b) cover
c) uncover d) procedure

40. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "to breathe noisily and with difficulty"
a) cough b) wheeze

c) runny d) throb

41. If a medication is given ______, it is given at bedtime.

a) qh b) qhs
c) pc d) ac

5 of 9
42. ______ is a collection of information.

a) data b) dosage

c) dose d) dosage form

43. If a medication is given ______, it is given as needed.

a) PRN b) BID
c) QID d) QOD

44. Paul's family has a ______ cancer.

a) social history b) past medical history

c) history of d) family medical history

45. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a collection of information"

a) data b) dose
c) dosage d) dosage form

46. A(n) ______ is a record of the medical conditions of a patient’s

family that might affect the patient’s health.

a) social history b) family medical history

c) history of d) past medical history

47. If someone has a ______ something, he or she has

experienced it regularly or repeatedly.

a) history of b) social history

c) past medical history d) family medical history

48. QOD means:

a) given as needed b) given twice per day

c) given four times per day d) given every other day

49. Take two of these after you eat. The underlined part has the
same meaning as:

a) pc b) ac

c) qhs d) qh

50. Helen was coughing because of the ______

a) headache b) wheeze

c) flu d) fever

6 of 9
51. BID means:

a) given four times per day b) given every hour

c) given as needed d) given twice per day

52. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "having liquid leaking from something"

a) cold b) runny

c) dry d) hot

53. A(n) ______ is a medical condition that causes a reaction or

illness when someone comes in contact with a particular

a) complaint b) procedure

c) onset d) allergy

54. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "to force air loudly through the throat"
a) runny b) wheeze

c) cough d) throb

55. A(n) ______ is a patient’s record of previous illnesses,

procedures, and other medical details.

a) history of b) social history

c) past medical history d) family medical history

56. A(n) ______ is the start or first instance of something.

a) allergy b) procedure

c) onset d) complaint

57. You will need to take a pill once every hour until you start to
feel better. The underlined part has the same meaning as:

a) pc b) ac

c) qhs d) qh

7 of 9

AVCN2_Session 3
66 Questions

1. A(n) ______ is a measure of heartbeats in a given period of

time. One way to take this measurement is to place the
fingers over a major artery in the neck, wrist, or other location
and press them against a bone to feel the palpations of the
heart as blood moves through the artery.

a) percussion b) pulse

c) pressure d) pass

2. ______ is the examination of something by touch.

a) inspection b) palpation

c) percussion d) auscultation

3. A(n) ______ is a test that examines a urine sample.

a) urinalysis b) GFR test

c) BUN test d) CKD test

4. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a waste product found in blood that the kidney
usually removes"

a) CKD b) creatinine

c) BUN d) albumin

5. Get a(n) ______of that patient’s heart activity.

a) urinalysis b) endoscope

c) ECG d) ultrasound

6. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of checking vital


a) evaluating posture b) taking temperature

c) auscultation d) checking pulse

1 of 11
7. A ______ (BUN) test is a test to determine the amount of urea
nitrogen in the blood.
a) body urea network b) blood urea nitrogen

c) body urea nitrogen d) blood urine nitrogen

8. If something is ______, it is related to the kidneys.

a) mental b) dental

c) rental d) renal

9. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined

part.<br />The nurse forgot to determine the quality of the
patient’s posture.

a) affect b) evaluation

c) effect d) evaluate

10. ______ is a type of protein found in the body.

a) albumin b) urinalysis

c) renal d) creatinine

11. A(n) ______ is something that someone notices, or the act of

noticing something.

a) palpation b) inspection

c) observation d) evaluation

12. A(n) ______ (ECG)is a measurement of the electrical activity

of the heart over a period of time.

a) electrocardiogram b) ultrasound

c) magnetic resonance imaging d) endoscope

13. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a medical imaging technique that uses the
reflection of sound waves to produce an image of the body"

a) MRI b) ultrasound

c) endoscope d) CT scan

14. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a type of protein found in the body"

a) albumin b) urinalysis
c) creatinine d) renal

2 of 11
15. To ______ something is to determine the qualities of its
condition or state.
a) evaluate b) access

c) accept d) evaluation

16. Which of the following is an advanced medical imaging


a) CT scan b) Dx

c) X-ray d) Rx

17. Which of the following is an aspect of checking vital signs?

a) evaluating patient's mood b) evaluating posture

c) auscultation d) observation of the patient's body language

18. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined

part.<br />The doctor performed an investigation of the
patient’s ear.
a) auscultation b) inspection

c) percussion d) palpation

19. A(n) ______ is a form of medical imaging that uses many two-
dimensional X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of an

a) endoscope b) electrocardiogram
c) CT scan d) ultrasound

20. People can have a relatively normal life with just one ______.

a) albumin b) creatinine
c) kidney d) renal

21. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a thin, tubular instrument used to examine the
inside of an organ or body cavity"

a) MRI b) radiography

c) CT scan d) endoscope

3 of 11
22. A(n) ______ is an organized examination of a patient’s
physiological state as compared to what is understood to be

a) percussion b) palpation
c) inspection d) observation

23. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a test that examines a urine sample"

a) urinalysis b) CKD test

c) GFR test d) BUN test

24. ______ is the conveyance of information about a person’s

physiological or emotional state by the way he or she moves.

a) body language b) observation

c) sign language d) vital signs

25. Which of the following is NOT an advanced medical imaging


a) MRI b) CT scan

c) ECG d) X-ray

26. The bone is likely broken, but take a(n) ______ to make sure.

a) ECG b) X-ray
c) GFR d) radiography

27. The doctor will ______ a tube into the man’s chest to see
pictures with the endoscope.

a) check b) feed
c) injection d) gel

28. We will remove some tissue from your liver during the ______.

a) urinalysis b) GFR test

c) biopsy d) CKD test

29. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined

part.<br />The patient’s back pain seemed to make a
difference upon her mood

a) evaluate b) effective
c) effect d) affect

4 of 11
30. Which of the following is a physical examination technique?

a) auscultation b) palpitations

c) vital signs d) pulse

31. Which of the following is an advanced medical imaging


a) X-ray b) Rx

c) ECG d) Dx

32. Apply this ______to the area before using the ultrasound

a) gel b) ECG
c) feed d) endoscope

33. To ______ something such as mood is to bring about a

change in it.

a) affect b) effective

c) effect d) affection

34. Your ______ reading, at 110/65, is on the low end of the

normal range.

a) blood pressure b) glomerular filtration rate

c) albumin d) creatinine

35. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "the use of X-rays to view images of the internal
human body"

a) endoscope b) MRI
c) radiography d) ultrasound

36. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a medical condition in which a person loses kidney
function over time"

a) continual kidney disease b) chronic kidney diagnosis

c) chronic kidney disease d) constant kidney disease

37. Which of the following is a physical examination technique?

a) sign language b) percussion

c) palpitations d) vital signs

5 of 11
38. ______ is a semi-solid substance placed between the
patient’s skin and an ultrasound probe.
a) lotion b) cream

c) tablet d) gel

39. The ______ will show the results from several tests.

a) pathology report b) blood urea nitrogen

c) chronic kidney disease d) blood pressure

40. A(n) ______ is a thin, tubular instrument used to examine the

inside of an organ or body cavity.

a) endoscope b) electrocardiogram
c) CT scan d) ultrasound

41. A(n) ______ is a report that discusses what was found after
cells and tissue were examined.

a) cardiology report b) pathology report

c) surgery report d) pharmacy report

42. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a test to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in
the blood"

a) CKD test b) GFR test

c) urinalysis d) BUN test

43. Which of the following is a physical examination technique?

a) pulse b) body language

c) palpation d) vital signs

44. ______ are statistical measures of essential body functions

such as temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, and

a) vital symptoms b) vital effects

c) vital signs d) vital affects

45. Which of the following is an aspect of checking vital signs?

a) evaluating patient's mood b) observation of the patient's body language

c) checking pulse d) evaluating posture

6 of 11
46. ______ is the use of x-rays to view images of the internal
human body.
a) ultrasound b) radiography

c) endoscope d) electrocardiogram

47. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a form of medical imaging that uses many two-
dimensional X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of an

a) MRI b) CT scan
c) radiography d) ultrasound

48. A(n) ______ (MRI) is a medical imaging technique that uses

magnetic forces on atoms to produce an image of the body.

a) electrocardiogram b) magnetic resonance imaging

c) electrocardiogram d) endoscope

49. ______ is a waste product found in blood that the kidney

usually removes.
a) albumin b) CKD

c) BUN d) creatinine

50. Which of the following is an advanced medical imaging


a) Dx b) X-ray

c) MRI d) Rx

51. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined

part.<br />Through watching carefully the doctor noticed that
the patient was limping.
a) palpation b) observation

c) auscultation d) percussion

52. A ______ tests how well kidneys are working.

a) GFR test b) BUN test

c) biopsy d) CKD test

7 of 11
53. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following
definition: "a yellow liquid waste product that the body

a) urethra b) urine
c) urea d) urinalysis

54. A(n) ______ is a medical procedure in which a piece of tissue

is removed and examined to help determine an illness.

a) biomedical b) bioavailability

c) biology d) biopsy

55. What is one use for percussion techniques?

a) to measure a patient's pulse b) to determine the quality of a patient's


c) to check the condition of internal organs d) to evaluate a patient's mood

56. Choose the word or phrase that matches the following

definition: "a medical imaging technique that uses magnetic
forces on atoms to produce an image of the body"
a) ultrasound b) MRI

c) CT scan d) radiography

57. ______ is the act of tapping on an area of the body such as

the chest or abdomen to determine the condition of the
underlying bone or tissues.
a) evaluation b) auscultation

c) percussion d) palpation

58. Who is most likely to be examined by an ultrasound?

a) a patient in surgery b) a patient with a broken bone

c) a patient with abnormal heart activity d) a patient who is pregnant

59. Which of the following is an aspect of checking vital signs?

a) observation of the patient's body language b) taking temperature

c) evaluating posture d) evaluating patient's mood

8 of 11
60. A(n) ______ is a medical imaging technique that uses the
reflection of sound waves to produce an image of the body.
a) electrocardiogram b) endoscope

c) ultrasound d) radiography

61. A ______ (GFR) test is a test to determine how much kidney

function a person has.

a) glomerular filtration rate b) glomerular filtration respond

c) glomerular filtration range d) glomerular filtration route

62. A(n) ______ is a form of radiation that can be used to take

pictures of the internal human body

a) ultrasound b) endoscope

c) x-ray d) electrocardiogram

63. ______ is the examination of something by listening with or

without an instrument such as a stethoscope.
a) observation b) auscultation

c) percussion d) palpation

64. If one or both kidneys decline in function you may have

______ failure.

a) rental b) renal
c) dental d) mental

65. ______ (CKD) is a medical condition in which a person loses

kidney function over time.

a) chronic kidney diagnosis b) chronic kidney disease

c) constant kidney disease d) continual kidney disease

66. ______ is a measure of the pressure with which blood moves

through the body.

a) heart pressure b) pulse pressure

c) blood pressure d) body pressure

9 of 11

AVCN2_Pharmaceutical Industry Unit 4
58 Questions

1. Drug __________ is the movement of a drug from its site of administration

into the blood.

a) Excretion b) Absorption

c) Metabolism d) Distribution

2. Drug __________ is the movement of a drug from its site of administration

into the blood.

a) Adsorption b) Absorption
c) Admission d) Administration

3. Drug __________ describes the chemical reactions catalysed by enzymes

that change drugs into compounds which are easier to eliminate.
a) Absorption b) Distribution
c) Metabolism d) Excretion

4. Drug metabolism describes the chemical reactions catalysed by enzymes

that change drugs into compounds which are easier to _______ .

a) eliminate b) adsorb
c) distribute d) absorb

5. Drug __________ is the movement of drugs throughout the body after


a) Metabolism b) Absorption
c) Distribution d) Excretion

6. Drug distribution is the movement of drugs throughout the body after

a) Metabolism b) Absorption
c) Elimination d) Adsorption
7. Adverse reaction refers to all abnormal and unintended responses to an
investigational medicinal product. It is _______
a) unaffected by the dose administered. b) related to the dose administered.
c) independent of the dose administered d) not related to the dose administered.

8. An __________ is any abnormal medical occurrence in a patient or clinical

trial subject after a medicinal product has been administered. It does not
necessarily have a causal relationship with the medicinal product.
a) Adverse reaction b) Adverse effect
c) Side effect d) Adverse event

9. Side effect is any unintended reaction caused by a drug or medical

treatment. This term ______
a) is the same as serious adverse reaction. b) is used by the general public, but is often
avoided by doctors.

c) is used by the general public and the medical d) is used by the general public, but is often
authorities. avoided by medical authorities.

10. The active ingredient currently being tested seems to __________ the
a) Effect b) Affect
c) Effective d) Affection

11. A __________ assists chemists and chemical engineers using chemicals

and related products
a) Clinical affair associate b) Biology lab technician
c) Chemistry lab technician d) Lab technician

12. A _________ works with living organisms.

a) Chemistry lab technician b) Lab technician
c) Clinical affair associate d) Biology lab technician

13. A __________ in preclinical studies is a group of test animals that is not

exposed to the medication under study.
a) Study group b) Treatment group

c) Control group d) Research group

14. A control group in preclinical studies is a group of test animals that is
a) not exposed to the placebo under study. b) not exposed to the medication under study.
c) exposed to the medication under study. d) exposed to the active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API) under study.

15. _______studies that are conducted on whole, living organisms, usually

animals, including humans, and plants as opposed to a partial or dead
a) in vivo b) test-tube

c) in vitro d) clinical

16. In vivo studies that are conducted on _______

a) cells b) dead organisms

c) biological molecules d) living organisms

17. During the preclinical _______ of a drug, laboratory tests document the
effect of the investigational drug in living organisms (in vivo), and in cells in a
test tube (in vitro)
a) deployment b) formulation
c) trial d) development

18. The results of preclinical testing are used by experts in pharmaceutical

methods to determine how to best ________ the drug for its intended clinical
a) formulate b) administer
c) development d) test

19. The results of all testing must be provided to the _______ in the United
States and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies in other countries in
order to obtain permission to begin clinical testing in humans.

a) FDA b) MHRA
c) CMC d) QPPV

20. The results of all testing must be provided to the _______ in the United
Kingdom and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies in other countries in
order to obtain permission to begin clinical testing in humans.
c) FDA d) CMC
21. First of all, it is the _____ of the company to complete the preclinical trials by
the end of the year.
a) intention b) instruction
c) intend d) intent

22. Regulatory agencies have to give ______ before clinical testing can be
conducted in humans.
a) information b) permission
c) inform d) permit

23. Extensive documentation must ______ to the appropriate regulatory

a) be used b) be determined
c) be provided d) be conducted

24. A drug intended to act on the skin can ______ as a cream.

a) formulated b) be used
c) be formulated d) formulate

25. The requirements of drug _______determine how it will be administered to

a) biography b) biomedical
c) bioavailability d) biology

26. Could somebody please fill me______ what the problem is ?

a) in on b) on
c) in d) up

27. ________ trials are studies which are performed to evaluate the safety of
drugs in healthy people, and to determine the pharmacological properties of
a) Phase II b) Phase III
c) Phase I d) Phase IV
28. _______ trials are controlled studies conducted to evaluate the effectiveness
of the drug in a particular indication and to determine possible side effects
and risks. In this phase, testing determines the safety and efficacy of the
drug in treating the condition and establishes the minimum and maximum
effective dose.
a) Phase II b) Phase IV
c) Phase I d) Phase III

29. ______ is performed after there is preliminary evidence that the drug is
a) Phase I b) Phase IV
c) Phase II d) Phase III

30. _______ is the first phase in which patients with the target disease or
disorder take part.
a) Phase II b) Phase IV
c) Phase I d) Phase III

31. ________ is the final phase before getting marketing approval.

a) Phase IV b) Phase II
c) Phase I d) Phase III

32. Phase IV trials are _______ studies after getting approval for general sale.
They are carried out in order to gather further information about the drug’s
safety, efficacy, and optimal use.
a) post-research b) post-marketing
c) post-development d) pre-marketing

33. Phase I trials are studies which are performed to evaluate the safety of drugs
in _______, and to determine the pharmacological properties of drugs
a) large group of patients b) volunteers and a number of patients

c) healthy people d) small group of patients

34. Dogs are more ______ to drugs than mini-pigs

a) effective b) sensible
c) affected d) sensitive
35. Choose the INCORRECT statement about clinical trials:
a) Subjects in a trial are randomly assigned to b) Clinical trials are aimed at gathering statistics
either the group which receives the to determine whether an experimental drug is
unapproved medication or the one which gets safe and effective.
a placebo.
c) Clinical trials are mainly aimed at providing d) Pharmaceutical company which is
medication to terminal ill patients. sponsoring the clinical trial can stop the trial
at any time.

36. Participating in clinical trials is a good way to _______ some extra money
a) win b) become
c) earn d) keep

37. The overall _______ of the drug must be evaluated

a) profit-risk b) benefit-risk
c) deficit-risk d) cost-risk

38. A control group receives either standard medication or a ______

a) placenta b) platelet
c) placebo d) plasma

39. An inert tablet is called______

a) platelet b) placenta
c) plasma d) placebo

40. An adverse event is any _____ medical occurrence in a patient or clinical

trial subject after a medicinal product has been administered .
a) abnormal b) abnormally

c) abdominal d) abnormality

41. In the preclinical stage of drug development, an investigational drug must be

tested extensively in the laboratory. This is to ensure it will be safe to
_____to humans.
a) admit b) administer

c) admission d) admin
42. The results of all testing must be provided to the FDA in the United States
and/or other appropriate regulatory agencies in other countries in order to
obtain permission to begin ______ testing in humans.

a) critical b) non-clinical
c) clinic d) clinical

43. In the preclinical stage of drug development, a(n) ______ must be tested
extensively in the laboratory. This is to ensure it will be safe to administer to
a) investigation placebo b) investigational drug

c) investigation drug d) investigational placebo

44. Regulatory agencies require testing that documents the characteristics -

chemical composition,purity quality,and _______ -of thedrug’s active
ingredient,and of the formulated drug.(= strength)
a) all of the above b) potent

c) patent d) potency

45. Regulatory agencies have to give permission to ______ with the clinical
testing in humans.
a) commerce b) comment

c) commence d) command

46. First of all, it is the _______ of the company to complete the preclinical trials
by the end of the year.
a) intention b) all of the above

c) goal d) aim

47. Low-dose/mid-dose/high-dose groups are three groups of animals which

receive different _______(s) of the medication understudy.

a) concentrate b) concentration

c) concentrated d) condensation

48. A _______ in preclinical studies is a group of test animals that is not

exposed to the medication under study. In an experiment, this group is
treated just like the other animals, but does not receive the active ingredient.

a) control group b) study group

c) uncontrolled group d) research group
49. The general health and ______ of the dogs were checked twice a day.

a) appear b) behaviour
c) behave d) appeal

50. On Day 2, abnormalities regarding food ______ were observed shortly after
administration in the high-dosegroup.

a) consumer b) consume
c) costumer d) consumption

51. Phase III is performed after there is preliminary evidence that the drug is
effective to obtain additional information to evaluate the overall ______ of the
a) benefit-risk relation b) benefit-risk creation

c) benefit-risk relationship d) benefit-risk reaction

52. Phase II is the first phase in which patients with the target disease or ______
take part.
a) disaster b) discovery

c) discover d) disorder

53. Phase III Trials: A large group of patients is studied and closely monitored by
physicians for efficacy and any adverse events after long-term ____ to the
a) expose b) express

c) explosive d) exposure

54. Phase IV Trials: They are carried out in order to ____ further information
about the drug’s safety, efficacy, and optimal use.
a) connect b) collect

c) gathering d) A&B are correct

55. Phase II is performed after there is preliminary _____ that the drug is

a) evidence b) refusal

c) contamination d) contradiction
56. The safety and efficacy of a drug can only be determined by conducting
_____ clinical trials, according to the FDA.(= very thorough and strict)
a) rigorous b) easy

c) careless d) imprecise

57. The parents of a 21-year-old woman challenged the FDA.They took the
authority ____ after their daughter had died of cancer.
a) of court b) in court

c) at court d) to court

58. The safety and ______ of a drug can only be determined by conducting
rigorous clinical trials, according to the FDA.
a) effective b) deficiency

c) defectiveness d) efficacy
Answer Key
1. b 16. d 31. d 46. b
2. b 17. d 32. b 47. b
3. c 18. a 33. c 48. a
4. a 19. a 34. d 49. b
5. c 20. a 35. c 50. d
6. b 21. a 36. c 51. c
7. b 22. b 37. b 52. d
8. d 23. c 38. c 53. d
9. d 24. c 39. d 54. b
10. b 25. c 40. a 55. a
11. c 26. a 41. b 56. a
12. d 27. c 42. d 57. d
13. c 28. a 43. b 58. d
14. b 29. d 44. d
15. a 30. a 45. c

AVCN2_ Pharmaceutical Industry_ Unit 5
66 Questions

1. The Drug Safety department is responsible for:

a) Writing the drug information for the patient. b) Submitting documents needed to obtain
marketing approval for a drug.

c) Compiling dossiers for submission to d) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to health

authorities. authorities. adverse drug reaction
side effect
2. The Regulatory Affairs department is NOT responsible for: = drug safety physician's report

a) Submitting documents needed to obtain b) Writing the drug information for the patient.
marketing approval for a drug.
c) Compiling dossiers for submission to d) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to health
authorities. authorities.

3. The Regulatory Affairs department is NOT responsible for:

a) Writing the drug information for the patient. b) Responding to a physician’s report about
adverse drug reactions.

c) Compiling dossiers for submission to d) Submitting documents needed to obtain

authorities. marketing approval for a drug.

4. The Drug Safety department is responsible for:

a) Compiling dossiers for submission to b) Writing the drug information for the patient.
c) Submitting documents needed to obtain d) Responding to a physician’s report about
marketing approval for a drug. adverse drug reactions.

5. The Regulatory Affairs department is responsible for:

a) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to health b) Responding to a physician’s report about
authorities. adverse drug reactions.

c) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side d) Compiling dossiers for submission to

effects. authorities.
6. The Drug safety department is NOT responsible for:
a) Responding to a physician’s report about b) Reporting an adverse drug reaction to health
adverse drug reactions. authorities.
c) Monitoring and evaluating suspected side d) Compiling dossiers for submission to
effects. authorities.

7. __________ is the practice of monitoring the effects of medical

drugs after they have been licensed for use, especially in order
to identify and evaluate previously unreported adverse
a) Pharmacology dược lý b) Pharmaceutics bào chế
c) Pharmacovigilance cảnh giác dược d) Pharmacokinetics dược động

8. __________ is the practice where government agencies,

pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare professionals work
together to monitor and evaluate suspected side effects of
medicines to improve the safety of drugs in use.
a) Pharmaceutics b) Pharmacovigilance

c) Pharmacokinetics d) Pharmacology

9. ________ is an unwanted medical occurrence which a patient

experiences during treatment. This may or may not be a side
effect of a drug.
a) Adverse event b) Adverse action
c) Adverse even d) Adverse affect

10. ________ is any unintended reaction caused by a drug or

medical treatment. This term is used by the general public, but
is often avoided by medical authorities.
a) Side effect b) Side affect
c) Side action d) Side reaction

11. A _________ threatens life, requires or prolongs

hospitalization, or results in death.
a) serious adverse event b) serious adverse action
c) serious adverse affect d) serious side affect
Someone has a(n) ___________, that person has a lot of red
12. spots on the skin.
a) hypertension b) rash
c) palpitation d) insomnia

13. ________is an uncomfortable sensation in the skin that feels

as if something is crawling on the skin and makes the person
want to scratch the affected area.
a) Insomnia b) Itching
c) Inflammation d) Infection

14. __________ means general discomfort, bad feeling.

a) Irritation b) Insomnia
c) Inflammation d) Itching

15. __________ is when blood pressure is lower than normal (e.g.

A blood pressure of 80/60). hyper = cao
a) Hyperglycemia b) Hypoglycemia hypo = thấp

c) Hypotension d) Hypertension

16. When someone has a blood pressure of 80/60, that person

has ________
a) Hypertension b) Hypotension

c) Hypoglycemia d) Hyperglycemia

17. ________ is/are the feelings of having rapid, fluttering or

pounding heart, triggered by stress, exercise, medication or,
rarely, a medical condition.
a) Heart inflammation b) Heartburn
c) Heart irritation d) Heart palpitations

18. Choose the word that has the same meaning as

a) irritation b) insomnia
c) inflammation d) itching
19. A report received from the patient’s sister indicated that she
had ________ of hypertension.
a) reduced b) a history
c) experienced d) recovered

20. After having taken Mensamint, the patient _______(ed)

headaches and insomnia.
a) recover b) express
c) feel d) experience

21. __________ from a physician indicating that a woman had

fainted after developing a sudden, severe skin rash and
inflammation all over her body.
a) Vital signs b) The patient reported
c) Suspected side effects d) A report was received

22. __________ not having had anything to eat but a chocolate

candy bar 4 hours beforehand.
a) The patient reporting b) The patient
c) The patient reported d) The patient report

23. __________ , the attending physician discontinued Mensamint

and administered a strong sedative.
a) After releasing the patient b) After sending the patient home
c) After examining the patient d) After discharging the patient

24. After 24 hours, __________ except for a mild skin irritation and
the patient was released from hospital.
a) all drugs had subsided b) all symptoms had subsided
c) all dosages had subsided d) all medications had subsided

25. A correlation between the patient's peanut allergy and this

adserse event cannot _______.
a) be ruled off b) ruled out
c) be ruled out d) be out
26. The patient's normal __________ (pulse, blood pressure,
respiratory rate and temperature) were established before the
a) vital affects b) vital symptoms
c) vital effects d) vital signs

27. The ________ is a European Union agency for the evaluation

of medicinal products.

c) EMEA d) FDA

28. ______ is a Qualified Person Responsible for

a) FDA b) EMEA

29. Choose the sentence with the same meaning as “ Maybe the
side effect was a result of taking this product."
a) The side effect could have been due to taking b) The side effect is due to pre-existing
this product. conditions.
c) The evidence of the side effect is conclusive. d) The side affect could have been due to taking
this product.

30. Choose the phrase that has the same meaning as “old illness"
a) pre-existing symptoms b) pre-existing affects
c) pre-existing medications d) pre-existing conditions

31. ______ is an official publication containing a list of medicinal

drugs with their effects and directions for their use.
a) Pharmacovigilance b) Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia
c) Pharmacopeia d) Pharmaceutical dictionary
32. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has to
compile detailed documentation with all the information
required by the drug authorities. Administrative Data
a) biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical b) documentation about clinical trials and post-
documentation with manufacture, quality marketing information
control, and testing data
c) overviews of quality, clinical, and non-clinical d) general information, such as the marketing
data authorization application form, as well as
product characteristics and labelling

33. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has to

compile detailed documentation with all the information
required by the drug authorities. Non-clinical Study Reports
a) documentation about clinical trials and post- b) overviews of quality, clinical, and non-clinical
marketing information data
c) study reports, pharmacology, d) biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical
pharmacokinetics, toxicology, and references documentation with manufacture, quality
control, and testing data

34. What does “PIL” mean?

a) Patient information leaflet b) An oral tablet
c) Oral contraceptive tablet d) A small, round piece of medicine to be
swallowed without chewing.

35. Important information for any person taking a drug can be

found in:
a) Patient information sheet b) Patient leaflet

c) All of the above d) Package insert

36. A patient can find Important information about a drug in:

a) All of the above b) Patient leaflet

c) Patient information sheet d) Patient information leaflet

37. _________ may contain: a worthless placebo; a lower
concentration of the same active ingredient; a similar, but
different substance; a totally different, potentially dangerous
a) Counter drugs b) Excipients

c) Authentic drugs d) Counterfeit drugs

38. _________ may contain: a worthless placebo; a lower

concentration of the same active ingredient; a similar, but
different substance; a totally different, potentially dangerous
a) Authentic drugs b) Inactive drugs

c) Fake drugs d) Excipients

39. Choose the INCORRECT statement about Counterfeit drugs:

a) Counterfeit drugs may contain a lower b) Counterfeit drugs may contain a totally
concentration of the same active ingredient different, potentially dangerous substance.

c) Counterfeit drugs are not fake drugs d) Counterfeit drugs may contain a worthless

40. Keep ______ of children.

a) within reach b) out of reach

c) in reach d) away

41. A child may find a pill hard to _____.

a) chew b) eat

c) swallow d) drink

42. If symptoms _______, the patient should consult a doctor.

a) resist b) persist

c) consist d) insist

43. This medicine has a bitter ______.

a) afterthought b) aftertaste

c) beforetaste d) aftertest
44. The patient had a _______ condition when he took the

a) adverse b) side
c) ailment d) pre-existing

45. A(n)_____ pain is the pain in your stomach or intestines.

a) abdomen b) abdominal
c) abnormal d) stoma

46. At the hospital, the patient showed evidence of hyperactivity ,

_______ by confusion and agitation.

a) command b) comment
c) accompanied d) company

47. Government agencies, pharmaceutical companies ,and

healthcare professionals work together to _____and evaluate
suspected side effects of medicines to improve the safety of
drugs in use
a) auditor n b) director n

c) monitor V d) counselor n

48. __________ department is responsible for compiling dossiers

for submission to authorities, submitting documents needed to
obtain marketing approval for a drug, and writing the drug
information for the patient.

a) Regulatory Afraid b) Regulatory Affairs

c) Drug Safety d) Drug Monitor

49. Ms Gallois, the well-known opera singer, lost _______ 30

minutes before she had planned to go on stage. ( = the
condition of being awake and able to understand what is
happening around you)

a) unconsciousness b) consciousness
c) unconscious d) conscious

50. ______ is a drug or method used to prevent a woman from

becoming pregnant when she has sex.

a) contraceptive b) contraindication
c) contraband d) contraindicate
51. Serious adverse event (SAE) - an adverse event that threatens
life, requires or prolongs _______, or results in death.
a) hospitality b) hospitalize

c) hospital d) hospitalization

52. The patient's normal __________ signs (pulse, blood

pressure, respiratory rate and temperature) are established in
the pre-operative period and variations 10% above or below
the pre-operative measurement should be reported
a) Vital b) Vial

c) Viral d) Vitality

53. If you feel _______, you feel that you are losing your balance
and are about to fall.

a) dizzy b) fatigue

c) irritation d) tired

54. If you ______, you lose consciousness for a short time,

especially because you are hungry, or because of pain, heat,
or shock.

a) thirsty b) irritation
c) palpitations d) faint

55. Do not take Mensamint TM if you are _______ to penicillin.

a) allergen b) allergy
c) allergic adj d) allergist

56. The patient has an _____ to peanuts.

a) allergic b) allergen
c) allergy n d) allergist

The evidence is inconclusive.The facts neither prove nor ____


a) disprove b) confirm
c) affirm d) approve
58. In order to get approval to sell a new drug, a company has to
_____ detailed documentation with all the information required
by the drug authorities
a) compile b) compute

c) compound d) combine

59. We do need to let patients know of any possible side effects.

But, it is not necessary to _____them unnecessarily.
a) assure b) alarm

c) attack d) assume

60. When describing possible side effects for products in the

pipeline, we will need to ______more
v clearly between common
and rare risks.

a) difference b) determine

c) different d) differentiate

61. A ______ person or a _______ event attracts a lot of attention

or publicity. (= famous)

a) high-profile b) high-protect
c) high-product d) high-profit

62. Our patients shouldn’t be so alarmed that they are afraid to

actually put the pills in their mouth and swallow them. The PIL
just needs to reflect the _______ of side effects.

a) probability b) traceability
c) bioavailability d) profitability

63. It has the same packaging, same colour coating, same bitter
_______, but not the same ingredients inside the pill. Is this a
fake drug?

a) dosage form b) aftertaste

c) dosage d) dosage

64. In Europe, steps have been taken to use holograms to prove a

pharmacopeias ______.
a) activity b) authorization

c) authenticity d) active
65. ____ is an inactive substance that serves as the vehicle or
medium for a drug or other active substance.
a) Placebo b) Excipient

c) API d) NCE

66. A(n) _____ accident or illness causes someone's death.

a) fatal b) harmless

c) minor d) factual
Answer Key
1. d 18. b 35. c 52. a
2. d 19. b 36. a 53. a
3. b 20. d 37. d 54. d
4. d 21. d 38. c 55. c
5. d 22. c 39. c 56. c
6. d 23. c 40. b 57. a
7. c 24. b 41. c 58. a
8. b 25. c 42. b 59. b
9. a 26. d 43. b 60. d
10. a 27. c 44. d 61. a
11. a 28. d 45. b 62. a
12. b 29. a 46. c 63. b
13. b 30. d 47. c 64. c
14. a 31. c 48. b 65. b
15. c 32. d 49. b 66. a
16. b 33. c 50. a
17. d 34. a 51. d

AVCN2_Pharmaceutical Industry Unit 6
52 Questions

1. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________, requirements have reached a very high

a) When it was founded b) By the time

c) In the meantime d) In the past

2. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________, the company only had one production
a) By the time b) Nowadays
c) When it was founded d) In the meantime

3. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________ the safety film, I will give you more
detailed information on the company.

a) Meanwhile b) During
c) By the time d) While

4. Choose most suitable expression to complete the following

sentence. _________ the tour is finished, you will have seen
the most important production areas.
a) While b) Once
c) During d) Meanwhile

5. The clothing specifications _______ documented.

a) use to b) didn’t use to be
c) didn’t use to d) use to be

6. The company’s safety regulations _____ so strict.

a) use to b) didn’t use to be

c) use to be d) didn’t use to

7. The company’s _______ regulations didn’t use to be so strict.
a) safety b) securely
c) secure d) safe

8. Dry ingredients are weighed and transported to the granulator

by the ______.
a) sieve b) dispenser

c) hoist d) granulator

9. In the _______, the ingredients are mixed to create a wet

a) dispenser b) sieve
c) granulator d) hoist

10. The granules are air-dried in the _____ .

a) granulator b) sieve
c) drum d) fluid bed dryer

11. The excess powder is loosened by a _______.

a) drum b) sieve
c) dryer d) shaker

12. In the _____, the dried granules are stamped into a mould to
form tablets.
a) granulator b) tablet press
c) fluid bed d) sieve

13. Primary packaging is the material which is ________.

a) not in direct contact with the product. b) the final consumer packaging.
c) in direct contact with the product. d) the final product packaging.

14. Secondary packaging is the material which is ________.

a) in direct contact with the product. b) not in direct contact with the product.
c) the final consumer packaging. d) the final product packaging.
15. A(n) __________ is a small disposable bag containing an
individual dose of the medicine. It often has a lengthwise
perforation which can be torn open.
a) blister pack b) jar
c) inhaler d) sachet

16. A(n) __________ is an aerosol dispensing device which

releases medication into the mouth of the patient. The
medication is breathed deeply into the lungs, or stays in the
mouth or throat.
a) sachet b) inhaler
c) blister pack d) jar

17. A(n) __________ is a needle attached to a plastic tube used

for putting medicine into the body or removing blood.
a) inhaler b) jar
c) sticky label d) syringe

18. A(n) __________ is a piece of paper attached with adhesive to

the primary packaging to identify it and give details concerning
its ownership, nature, and/or use.
a) inhaler b) jar
c) syringe d) sticky label

19. A jar is _______

a) a type of single-use plastic container, and is b) an aerosol dispensing device which releases
used for pharmaceutical products as well as medication into the mouth of the patient. The
for other consumer goods. The product is medication is breathed deeply into the lungs,
placed in the formed cavity and sealed by or stays in the mouth or throat.
lidding foil. The product is removed by
pushing it through the foil.
c) a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid. d) a small disposable bag containing an
It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any kind of individual dose of the medicine. It often has a
fluids or solids. It can be opened and closed lengthwise perforation which can be torn
several times until the contents are used up. open.
Sometimes a desiccant is integrated into the
cap so that the contents remain dry.
20. A sachet is _______
a) a type of single-use plastic container, and is b) an aerosol dispensing device which releases
used for pharmaceutical products as well as medication into the mouth of the patient. The
for other consumer goods. The product is medication is breathed deeply into the lungs,
placed in the formed cavity and sealed by or stays in the mouth or throat.
lidding foil. The product is removed by
pushing it through the foil.
c) a small disposable bag containing an d) a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid.
individual dose of the medicine. It often has a It can hold pharmaceuticals, or any kind of
lengthwise perforation which can be torn fluids or solids. It can be opened and closed
open. several times until the contents are used up.
Sometimes a desiccant is integrated into the
cap so that the contents remain dry.

21. What type of packaging material is a syringe?

a) Secondary b) Both primary and secondary
c) Primary d) Tertiary

22. What type of packaging material is a sachet?

a) Tertiary b) Primary
c) Secondary d) Both primary and secondary

23. Which primary packaging would you recommend for nose

a) inhaler b) blister pack
c) sachet d) bottle

24. Which primary packaging would you recommend for

a) sachet b) bottle
c) inhaler d) tube

25. Which primary packaging would you recommend for oral

a) blister pack b) tube
c) syringe d) sachet
26. Which primary packaging would you recommend for eye
a) jar b) blister pack
c) tube d) bottle

27. To use a blister pack, you ______ it

a) tear b) push through
c) press d) twist

28. A patient needs to ______ an inhaler to use it.

a) push through b) twist
c) tear d) press

29. Choose the CORRECT matching of packaging material and

the verb used to describe how to use them:
a) a sachet - push through b) an inhaler - tear
c) a jar - twist d) a blister pack - press

30. A lot of research is done to make packaging ______ ,i.e. a

child cannot open it alone.
a) childproof b) elderly-accessible
c) child-accessible d) childrenproof

31. In a ______ container system, a closure must be pushed down

before it can be unscrewed.

a) squeeze-screw b) peel-push
c) slide d) push-screw

32. In a push-screw container system, a closure must be ______

before it can be unscrewed.
a) aligned b) peeled off
c) squeezed d) pushed down

33. In a ______ container system, a first layer must be peeled off

a blister before the drug can be pushed through the second
a) push-screw b) squeeze-screw
c) peel-push d) slide
34. In a peel-push container system, a first layer must be ______
a blister before the drug can be pushed through the second
a) aligned off b) peeled off
c) pushed off d) squeezed off

35. In a ______ container system, a container with three buttons

that must be aligned in order to slide off the lid.
a) peel-push b) push-screw
c) slide d) squeeze-screw

36. In a slide container system, a container with three buttons that

must be ______ in order to slide off the lid.
a) pushed b) squeezed
c) aligned d) peeled

37. What does it mean by ‘security’

a) Following rules and regulations b) Freedom from danger or harm
c) Protection from threats, such as attacks or d) Working as part of a team

38. Our documentation must be improved to _____ the

requirements of the regulatory authorities.
a) find b) meet

c) met d) like

39. If a pill has a brightly-coloured _______ a child may mistake it

for a sweet.
a) dosage b) coating

c) dose d) coated

40. Choose the word that mean the same as “uncomplicated”

a) sample b) simple

c) complex d) complexity
41. Nowadays, RRB is a research-driven, innovative
pharmaceutical ______ that develops new drugs, produces
them, prepares them for sale, and markets them worldwide.

a) API b) PIL
c) enterprise d) NCE

42. _______ tablets are uncoated tablets containing substances

that react in the presence of water and give off carbon dioxide.

a) effervescent b) chewable
c) sustained release d) sublingual

43. A _____ must be worn at all times in this area to protect your
a) safety goggles b) hard hat

c) lab coat d) soft hat

44. Safety is the _____

a) freedom from danger or harm. b) same as security

c) All of the above d) protection from threats, such as attacks or


45. If you give instructions in a very direct way, it may not sound
a) impolite b) correct

c) polite d) incorrect

46. The ______ is removed by the hot air in the fluid bed dryer.
a) powder b) tablet

c) granule d) moisture

47. A jar is a multi-use glass container with a twist-on lid.

Sometimes a(n) _____ is integrated into the cap so that the
contents remain dry.
a) desiccant b) excipient

c) humidity d) preservative

48. _________ is the amount of water vapor in the air

a) humid b) humidity

c) humanity d) human
49. A sachet is a small ______ bag containing an individual dose
of the medicine. It often has a lengthwise perforation which
can be torn open.
a) reusable b) disposable

c) multi-use d) desiccant

50. __________ means a child cannot open it alone.

a) child safety b) children protection

c) child proof d) child prevention

51. Because of her son's death, the young mother _____(ed) that
safe-disposal boxes be included in the packages of medicated
a) demand b) anticipate

c) negligence d) discard

52. Safe-disposal boxes should be included in the packages of

medicated patches. These boxes should have a small slit at
the top to _____ used patches and it should be impossible to
open them.
a) negligence b) anticipate

c) demand d) discard
Answer Key
1. c 14. b 27. b 40. b
2. c 15. d 28. d 41. c
3. b 16. b 29. c 42. a
4. b 17. d 30. a 43. b
5. b 18. d 31. d 44. a
6. b 19. c 32. d 45. c
7. a 20. c 33. c 46. d
8. c 21. c 34. b 47. a
9. c 22. b 35. c 48. b
10. d 23. d 36. c 49. b
11. d 24. d 37. c 50. c
12. b 25. a 38. b 51. a
13. c 26. d 39. b 52. d

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