APLS Website Redesign & Development RFP

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Website Redesign and Development

Request for Proposal

Company Address:
Alabama Public Library Service
6030 Monticello Drive
Montgomery, AL 36117

Inquiries concerning this RFP should be submitted to:
Jennifer Holman, APLS CFO

Technical inquiries should be submitted to:

Jay Mims, IT Director

Questions should be submitted prior to 5 p.m. on Friday February 19, 2021 and should be
submitted via the provided email addresses.

1. Statement of Purpose
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the redesign and development services for a new website
for the Alabama Public Library Service (APLS).

2. Contact Person
All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposal (RFP) should be directed to the contacts
above via email.

3. Deadline for Proposals

All proposals must be received by APLS by 5 p.m. CST on February 26, 2021. It is solely the
responsibility of the proposer to ensure timely delivery of the proposal. Late proposals will not
be considered. Proposers should submit one original and three (3) duplicate copies of the
proposal, including all attachments. The original copy must contain original signatures in blue
ink. Also, submit One (1) electronic copy of the proposal via jump drive that is clearly labeled
with the vendor’s name. Package should be sealed and labeled “Response to State Marketing
RFP” and “RFP Confidential – Do Not Open” and should clearly indicate the proposer’s name.

Send proposal via courier, USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.… to:

Jennifer Holman, APLS CFO

Alabama Public Library Service
6030 Monticello Drive
Montgomery, AL 36117

4. Alabama Public Library Service Overview

About APLS:
The Alabama Public Library Service was created in 1939 to serve the needs of Alabama's
public libraries. The agency is charged with improving library services throughout the state
to ensure that all citizens have access to quality library information services. The agency's
five divisions (Administration, Library Development, Information Technology, Reference, and
the Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped) are responsible for carrying
out this charge.

APLS Mission:
The mission of the Alabama Public Library Service is to provide services and leadership
necessary to meet the educational, informational, cultural, and economic needs of Alabama’s
citizens of all ages by providing leadership, guidance, and support for the development of local
public libraries; and through service as an information resource center for state government
and state employees.

APLS Objectives:
 To provide support for library services to the citizens of Alabama through local public
 To provide library services for those with special needs through the Regional Library for
the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
 To provide library services to state employees to meet their work-related information
 To assist in establishing cooperative library services and networks.
 To provide continuing education opportunities for public librarians and library trustees.
 To develop strategic partnerships within the state.

APLS Targeted Audience:

Public Librarians in the State of Alabama
State Employees
Citizens of the State of Alabama

Current Website:
Our current website, www.statelibrary.alabama.gov, was developed with the assistance of an
outside contractor. The process began in November 2016 and went into production in May
2018. The website was developed and operates using the Drupal 7 platform. One of the
reasons for this RFP is to update the platform and security of the website.

5. Project Objectives

The objective of this project is to redesign the APLS home page and secondary pages so as to
present APLS online as a more identifiable government agency, with cleaner visuals and easier
navigation. We will look for the new website to incorporate all data identified from the current
website via a data merge performed by the vendor. APLS expects the vendor to provide a new
design, which APLS can maintain, that promotes a professional and cohesive projection of the

6. New Website Functionality Requirements

A) Provide a properly organized, professional website that takes advantage of the most
current website features.
B) Develop and implement a consistent theme throughout the website utilizing the
agency’s color scheme and logo.
C) Provide a webpage that is properly coded to ensure fast and seamless navigation.
D) APLS would like at least 2, preferably 3 base basic design templates provided by the
vendor to be selected from to build upon to develop the website.
E) APLS will be open to multiple platform options for design and development but will
require a cohesive platform throughout the design.
F) All additions to the chosen basic template including plug-ins, widgets, tools and/or code
transitions must be approved by APLS.
G) Upon completion of this project, APLS must own the rights to all products, tools and
code created/used by the vendor to complete the project so that APLS staff can supply
the ongoing website maintenance.
H) Thorough user documentation and software documentation must be supplied to and
approved by APLS from the vendor so that proper website maintenance can be
I) The website must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
J) APLS logo and colors will be provided to the selected vendor and must be used on all
pages of the website. Any variations to color and/or logo must be approved by APLS.
K) Provide a “Employee’s Only” Portal with Network ID/Password Authentication in order
to operate in-house systems via VPN.

7. Proposal Requirements
Please include the following in your proposal response:
A) Letter of Interest/Executive Summary (not to exceed 4 pages)
 Overview of how your company will approach the project.
 Overview of how company will meet our objectives and whether work will be
performed in-house or whether work is outsourced and to whom.
 Explanation of your proposed platform and why you believe it will be the best
B) Company Profile (not to exceed 3pages)
 Company Overview and History

 Headquarters address and other offices, if applicable
 Number of current employees
 Location of support and development staff
C) Project Manager/Key Personnel
 Names, Titles, and Roles
 Years of Experience
 Information about any subcontractors that will be a part of the project and their
D) Explanation of your proposed platform and why you believe it will be the best option.
E) Outline of your website design and development strategy.
F) Government website experience
 Include any experience working with government agencies (especially State of
Alabama agencies and provide examples if possible).
G) Recent design and development examples from your company’s portfolio (at least 3).
 Include strategy, execution and results; if applicable.
 Client name, Website URL, Client contact person, email address.
H) Describe privacy policies your agency has in place and any completed certifications.
I) Provide line-itemed pricing including options for all proposed designs.
J) Provide Terms and Conditions.
K) Complete and Provide the State of Alabama Disclosure Statement (form included)
L) Complete and Provide an E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (available at
M) Complete and Provide a Certificate of Compliance with the Beason-Hammond Act (form
N) Complete and Provide a W-9 form (available at www.irs.gov/pub

8. Expected Term of Contract

APLS expects the work for this project to be completed in a 12-month time frame. The vendor
acknowledges and understands that this contract is not effective until it has received all
requisite state government approvals and the vendor shall not begin performing work under
this contract until notified to do so by APLS. The vendor is entitled to no compensation for
work performed prior to the effective date of this contract.

9. Evaluation and Selection

Responses to RFP will be used to evaluate your company on the following criteria;
A) Experience
B) Examples of Work
C) Creativity
D) Strategy
E) Cost
Cost will not be the sole determining factor in the decision-making process. All 5 factors will be
weighed in making the decision. APLS’ desire is to select and work with the vendor who we
determine will best provide the desired outcome of the RFP.

10. RFP and Project Timeline Details / Instructions for Submitting a Proposal
 RFP Sent: Friday January 29, 2021
 Responses Due: Friday February 26, 2021 before 5 p.m. CST
 Questions should be submitted prior to 5 p.m. on Friday February 19, 2021 and should
be submitted via the provided email addresses.
 Review and Award: No Later than Friday March 26, 2021 at 5 p.m. CST
 New Website Launch Target Date: No Later than Wednesday June 1, 2022.

All proposals must be received by APLS by 5 p.m. CST on the date specified. It is solely the
responsibility of the proposer to ensure timely delivery of the proposal. Late proposals will not
be considered. Proposers should submit one original and three (3) duplicate copies of the
proposal, including all attachments. The original copy must contain original signatures in blue
ink. Also, submit One (1) electronic copy of the proposal via jump drive that is clearly labeled
with the vendor’s name.

Send proposal via courier, USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.… to:

Jennifer Holman, CFO

Alabama Public Library Service
6030 Monticello Drive
Montgomery, AL 36117

Package should be sealed and labeled “Response to State Marketing RFP” and “RFP Confidential
– Do Not Open” and should clearly indicate the proposer’s name.

Faxed or emailed submissions are not acceptable.

Please respond to all questions and provide all information in the order requested.
Proposals with missing information will not be considered.

Number all pages of the proposal.

After a vendor is selected from the proposals and a contract is signed by both parties, by State
law, the contract must be reviewed by the Legislative Contract Review Oversight Committee.
The committee meets monthly and can, at its discretion, hold a contract for up to forty-five (45)
days. The actual date to begin work may be impacted by the timing of the contract submission
to the committee for review and/or by action of the committee itself.

While the state has every intention to award a contract as a result of this RFP, issuance of this
RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by the state to award a contract. The state reserves
the righty to accept or reject, in whole or part, all proposals submitted and/or cancel this RFP.

Thank you for your interest in responding to the RFP with a proposal for our new website. We
look forward to your response.

Alabama Public Library Service

Website Redesign and Development

Proposed Budget

Vendor Name:

Contact Name:

Email Address:

The cost presented in this Proposed Fees chart is to be based on the information provided in
the scope of work. The vendor may use a different format or illustration to represent their fees.
The fee can be all inclusive, separated, or show on an attached sheet.

Project Components $ Amount Comments

Attach Additional Fee Schedule (if necessary)

I certify that with regard to the Request for Proposal (RFP) for redesign of the current website
issued by the Alabama Public Library Service
 I have read the RFP
 I have contacted appropriate APLS staff regarding any need for clarifications
 I am entitled to represent the above named company
 I am employed by the above named company to submit the following fee proposal
 All information presented in the fee proposal sheet submitted by the above named
company is true and accurate
 The above named company can and will provide the services described in the scope of
work if selected as the winner of this RFP

Vendor Name:

Proposer Name / Title:



State of _____________________________ )

County of ___________________________ )

ACT (ACT 2011-535, as amended by Act 2012-491)


RE Contract/Grant/Incentive (describe by number or subject):_________________________________________________ by and

between __________________________________________________________________________________ (Contractor/Grantee)
and __________________________________________________________________(State Agency or Department or other Public Entity)

The undersigned hereby certifies to the State of Alabama as follows:

1. The undersigned holds the position of ________________________________with the Contractor/Grantee named above, and is
authorized to provide representations set out in this Certificate as the official and binding act of that entity, and has knowledge
535 of the Alabama Legislature, as amended by Act 2012-491) which is described herein as “the Act”.
2. Using the following definitions from Section 3 of the Act, select and initial either (a) or (b), below, to describe the
Contractor/Grantee’s business structure.
BUSINESS ENTITY. Any person or group of persons employing one or more persons performing or engaging in any activity,
enterprise, profession, or occupation for gain, benefit, advantage, or livelihood, whether for profit or not for profit. "Business
entity" shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a. Self-employed individuals, business entities filing articles of incorporation, partnerships, limited partnerships,
limited liability companies, foreign corporations, foreign limited partnerships, foreign limited liability companies
authorized to transact business in this state, business trusts, and any business entity that registers with the
Secretary of State.
b. Any business entity that possesses a business license, permit, certificate, approval, registration, charter, or similar
form of authorization issued by the state, any business entity that is exempt by law from obtaining such a business
license, and any business entity that is operating unlawfully without a business license.
EMPLOYER. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, joint stock association, agent, manager, representative, foreman, or
other person having control or custody of any employment, place of employment, or of any employee, including any person or
entity employing any person for hire within the State of Alabama, including a public employer. This term shall not include the
occupant of a household contracting with another person to perform casual domestic labor within the household.

_____(a) The Contractor/Grantee is a business entity or employer as those terms are defined in Section 3 of the Act.
_____(b) The Contractor/Grantee is not is a business entity or employer as those terms are defined in Section 3 of the Act.
3. As of the date of this Certificate, Contractor/Grantee does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien within the State of
Alabama and hereafter it will not knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within
the State of Alabama;
4. Contractor/Grantee is enrolled in E-Verify unless it is not eligible to enroll because of the rules of that program or other factors
beyond its control.
Certified this ______ day of _____________ 20____.
Name of Contractor/Grantee/Recipient

By: ___________________________________

Its ____________________________________
The above Certification was signed in my presence by the person whose name appears above, on

this _____ day of _____________________ 20_____.

WITNESS: _________________________________

Print Name of Witness

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