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A. Listening comprehension
Complete each gap with no more than three words:
I live in a detached house in Bristol with two other students. The university doesn’t have rooms
for (1) ……......... students so every summer there are a lot of us (2)…………. flats and houses
in the city. Me and my friend Kate found the house, but the rent is (3)……….. so we hard to
find a housemate to share with. We put an ad in one of the student magazines and got lots of (4)
……….. We chose to live with Melanie, a third- year (5)………. student. The house has ony got
two bedrooms upstairs so we (6)…………. the dining room into another bedroom for Melanie.
Our landlord didn’t mind and luckily the kitchen is big enough to eat in. We all have lunch in
the university and we share (7)………… in the evenings. I usually do it on Tuesday and
Fridays. There’s only one bathroom, which is (8)…………., as Kate spends a long time in three
in the morning! The house has got a small garden, but (9)……….. of us likes gardening, so im
afraid it’s a bit of a mess! Next year, Kate, Melanie and I are going to stay together – we might
look for (10)…………. a bit bigger and a bit nearer the university.

B. Phonetics
I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three
in each question. (0,6)
1. A. ceremony B. necessary C. complicated D. specific
2. A. parental B. tradition C. syllable D. presentation
3. A. communicate B. funeral C. fortunate D. repute
II. Find the word with a stress pattern that is different from the others. (0,4)
1. A. delicious B. encourage C. excited D. motivate
2. A. continue B. amazing C. annoying D. meaningful

C. Vocabulary
I. Complete each of the following sentences with one suitable word.
1. The American idea of success has not _____ much over the several centuries of its existence.
2. To an American, it is clear that success is the _____ of hard work and self-reliance.
3. How are governments addressing the problem of ______ in job opportunities and wages ?
4. Success has always meant providing their family ____ a decent standard of living.
5. Sports play an important part in British life and many of the world’s sports ____ in the UK.
Football is the most popular sport.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. It’d be very _____ to go to Japan one day.
A. interested B. enjoyable C. fond D. hopeful
2. The bus ____ from High Street to Station Road is 60p.
A. cost B. fare C. payment D. charge
3. Her mother asked her to ____ the table for the evening meal.
A. place B. put out C. serve D. lay
4. They were ____ for smuggling jewelery into the country.
A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned
5. Would you mind ____ these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard ?
A. making B. doing C. getting D. giving

D. Grammar:
I. Give the correct form of the verbs:
1. George (collect) match-boxes ever since he left school. Now he (collect) so many that he
doesn’t know where to put them.
2. I (think) my train (leave) that it just (leave). I (find) later that I (use) an out of date timetable.
3. The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realise) how awful it was going to be I (not
accept) it.
4. Tom: I woke up to find the room full of smoke; but I knew exactly what to do.
Ann: If I (wake) up to find the room full of smoke I (have) no idea what to do.
5. If you (hear) from Tom, could you please let me know?
6. - I stamped it and posted it.
- You (not stamp) it. It was a reply-paid envelope.
7. By July next year, we (study) English for four years.

II. Choose the correct answer:

1. Please don’t _____ to put stamps on the letters I gave you to post.
A. forget B. remind C. realise D. remember
2. The children won’t go to sleep _____ we leave a light on outside their bedroom.
A. except B. otherwise C. unless D. but
3. I wrote to the company ______ them for a catalogue.
A. demanding B. asking C. enquiring D. applying
4. ______ Patrick, he can’t possibly go alone – he’s far too young.
A. As for B. As if C. As D. As far as
5. Please _______ and see us some times – you’re always welcome.
A. come to B. come about C. come round D. come away
6. I was sitting in a cafe ______ afternoon when I saw the Prime Minister pass by.
A. an B. the C. in D. one
7. I have to leave before seven and so ________ .
A. leave you B. you have C. you do D. do you
8. I hope you don’t mind me _____ so late at night.
A. telephoning B. to telephone C. telephone D. to have telephoned
9. He refused to give up work, _______ he’d won a million pounds.
A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though
10. For this recipe to be successful, you ____ cook the meat for at least two hours in a moderate
A. need B. must C. ought D. will
11. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you ____ to leave?
A. thinking B. planned C. around D. about
12. I don’t see any ____ in arriving early at the theatre if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock.
A. cause B. aim C. point D. reason

III. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in capital.
1. CONVENIENCE : This is very _____. Can’t you practise your violin somewhere else ?
2. CREATE : The chameleon is a very strange ______.
3. CRITIC : Why does everybody ____ him all the time ?
4. DECIDE : He’s so ____ ! He just can’t make up his mind.
5. DECORATE : During the festival ____ were hanging from every tree.

E. Reading comprehension
I. Read the text and choose the correct answers for the questions from 1 to 10

Charles Ives, now acclaimed as the first great American composer of twentieth century,
had to wait many years for the recognition he deserved. The son of a bandmaster, Ives
entered Yale at twenty to study composition with Horatio Parker, but after graduation. He did
Line not choose to pursue a career in music. He suspected correctly that the public would not
(5) accept the music he wrote. Even the few conductors and performers he tried to interest in his
compositions felt that they were unplayable. Instead, he became a successful insurance
executive, building his company into the largest agency in the country in only two decades.
Even during that busy time, he still dedicated himself to composing music in the evenings, on
weekends, and during vacations. Although he occasionally hired musicians to play one of his
works privately for him, he usually heard his music only in his imagination.
(10) After he recovered from a serious heart attack, he became reconciled to the fact that his
ideas, especially the use of dissonance and special effects, were just too different for the
musical mainstream. Determined to share his music with the few people who might
appreciate it, he published his work privately and distributed it free.
In 1939, when Ives was sixty-five, American pianist John Kirkpatrick played Concord
Sonata in Town Hall. The reviews were laudatory. One reviewer proclaimed it “the greatest
music composed by an American.” By 1947, Ives was famous. His Second Symphony was
(15) presented to the public in a performance by the New York Philharmonic, fifty years after it
had been written. The same year, Ives received the Pulitzer prize. He was seventy-three.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss? 6. How did Ives make a living for most of his life?
A.Modern musical composition A.He conducted a band.
B.Charles Ives’ life B.He taught musical composition.
C.The Pulitzer prize C.He owned an insurance company.
D.Career choices D.He published music.

2. The word “suspected” in line 4 could best be 7. How did Ives first share his music?
replaced by: A.By publishing free copies
A.desired B.By playing it himself
B.guessed C.By hiring musicians to perform
C.worried D.By teaching at Yale
D. recalled
3. Why didn’t the public appreciate Ives’ 8. Where was Ives’ work first publicly performed?
music? A. New York
A. It was not performed for a long time B. Europe
B. It was very different from the music of C. Yale University
the time D. Town Hall
C. The performers did not play it well
D. He did not write it down.
4. The word “they” in line 6 refers to 9. How was the performance of Concord Sonata
A. conductors received?
B. performers A. There were no reviews.
C. interest B. The musicians felt it was unplayable.
D. compositions C. The public would not accept it.
D. It established Ives as an important

5. The phrase “became reconciled to” in line 11 10. In what year did Ives receive the Pulitzer prize?
is closest in meaning to A. 1939
A. accepted B. 1947
B. repeated C. 1965
C. disputed D. 1973
D. neglected

II. Read the text again . Answer the questions.

Do you celebrate April Fool's Day? On April people in Britain like to play jokes on each other.
If someone can trick another person before midday, then they can call them an 'April Fool'. The
tradition probably began in France in the 16th century when the calendars changed and ten days
disappeared from the year 1582. Many people forgot the new dates and other people made fun of
This annual tradition is repeated in different countries and cultures around the world, but not
always on the same date, and with different kinds of jokes:
• In France, the tradition is called poison d'avril' or 'April fish'. You have to try to pin a paper
fish on another person's back without the person noticing.
• In Spanish-speaking countries, people play tricks on 28 December, the Day of the Holy
Innocents ,to celebrate childhood.
• The Portuguese celebrate April Fool's Day on the Sunday and Monday before Lent. The
custom there is to throw flour at each other.
• In Belgium, children have to try to lock their parents or teachers out of the house or school .
Then they ask for treats before opening the door!
TV stations, radio stations and businesses around the world try to trick people with false stories.
Some stories have become famous .On I April 1998 ,Burger King advertised its new 'hamburger
for left-handed people' .Many people went into restaurants to buy them. And many right-handed
people complained.
In Cologne, Germany, a radio station asked people not to run faster than 10km/h on the city
park, so that they wouldn't upset the squirrels.
On British television, the BBC has played tricks on people for decades .In 1957,a new

programme reported that people grew spaghetti in Italy. It showed a film of people picking long

strings of spaghetti from trees. Millions of viewers were fooled and some phoned the BBC to

ask where they could buy a spaghetti tree.

More recently, a BBC nature documentary reported that there were penguins in Antarctica that

could fly. It showed a film of the birds flying to the Amazon rainforest to enjoy some sunshine.

It didn’t fool many people, but it because one of the most popular videos on the Internet.
1 When and where did April Fool's Day probably start?
2 What do people in (a) France (b) Portugal and (c) Belgium do on April Fool's Day?
3 What was Burger King's 'new invention' ?
4 What did the BBC say about spaghetti?
5 According to the nature documentary ,where do the ' flying penguins' go for the winter?

III. Complete the text with appropriate words.


They may look (1)_________ ski boots, but they are in fact a new concept from Indonesian
designer Adika Titut Triyugo. They are called Foki vacuum shoes and they have a built – in
vacuum cleaner that sucks up dust as you walk around your house.
According (2)_________ research, on average we spend almost 90 hours every year vacuuming
the house. Furthermore, doctors say (3)_________ vacuuming the floor with a traditional
vacuuming with the Foki ishoes requires (4)_________ extra effort and saves time. You just put
them (5)__________ in the morning and by the end (6)_________ the day, your floors and
carpets will be clean!
It isn’t absolutely clear (7)_________ long the batteries will last , or how noisy the shoes will
be. Other questions that spring to mind are: will you be able (8)__________ lift your feet off the
ground easily while the shoes are sucking, and where will they store (9)__________ dirt ?
( Possibly in your socks ? )
The shoes are certainly not going to win any fashion awards – most people won’t want to wear
them when they answer the door – but they might make housework much easier
(10)__________ quicker!

F. Writing

I. Error identification:
1, Foundation pens first became commercial available about a hundred
years ago.
2, With its strong claws and its many protruding tooth a gopher is an
exccellent digger.
3, Drug addiction has resulted of many destroyed careers, and expulsions
from school or college.
4, Because of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, the United States begin to
realize the true value of the Louisiana territory.

5, Americans annually import more than 53 billion worthy of Italian

clothing, jewelry, and shoes.


II. Finish the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it :
1, I applied for the job but was turned down.
2, The Prime Minister was determined to remain in office.
-The Prime Minister had no . . . . …………………………..
3,He said: “ I wish I knew the answer.”
-He said that …………………………………………………
4, The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they had crossed the border.
-Not until ……………………………………………………..
5, I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics.
-I am ………………………………………………………….

III For each of the sentences below, write a new sentences as similar as possible in meaning
to the original sentences, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any

1,He said he was anxious about the plight of the homeless. (concern)
2, Their house has been broken into three times this years. (had)
3, I would always do what you advised. (advice)
4, He did the puzzle in two minutes. (solution)
5, He owed his rescue to a passer-by. (indebted)

IV. Write a paragraph of 100 words about the benefits of a smartphone

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