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Goldi Soni
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science

Importance of Mathematics in Study of Computer Science

Mathematics is the foundation on which Computer Science is built. It will not be an

exaggeration to say that a course in Computer Science is a subset of a general course in
Mathematical Sciences. More practically, a good understanding of mathematical
concepts helps students to understand computers. People with a good understanding of
mathematical concepts easily understand how logic controllers work, how to write better
algorithms, and how encryption works. There are many domains where mathematics acts as
backbone for solving computational problems in the field of computer science. Computer
science examines the principles and use of computers in processing information, designing
hardware and software, and using applications. Possessing a strong foundational knowledge
of mathematics is vital to gaining an understanding of how computers work.

One of the most important areas where mathematic shows are impact in computer science is
discrete mathematics, subject which is termed as the foundation of computer science. Logic
Notation, Set Theory, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Probability, Number Theory, Algebra,
are all a part of Discrete Mathematics and also a basic foundation for Programming and
Computer Science. Algorithms are a fundamental part of Computer Science and every
student enrolled in a Computer Science course in university must have heard of them one
way or another. Essentially, algorithms are a set of instructions that demonstrate the
implementation of a program or an application. Discrete mathematics is used to include
theoretical computer science, which is relevant to computing.

The binary number system uses only two digits, 0 and 1, to express all mathematical
concepts. Computers use the binary system instead of the more common decimal system, so
computer scientists need to know how it works. Computers can read binary, but it can be
inconvenient for humans to deal with. As an alternative, computer programming has turned to
a system called hexadecimal, which uses all nine decimal digits and the letters A through F. It
makes more sense to humans and converts electronically to binary.
Analytical skills are a necessity for learning problem-solving and data analysis. And,
mathematics is the first place where you get to use these skills! Mathematics, as a discipline,
compels students to analyze equations and understand the derivation flow in case a mistake is
made. This mistake needs to be fixed in order to obtain the final solution. A computer
programme has its own languages, which are very abstract. Using syntax, one must represent
specific processes, commands, and visuals through punctuation, symbols, and single words. 
Abstract programming languages are very similar to the mathematical language that students
learn in math class.

Data has become an increasingly important aspect of scientific computing in the past few
years, from machine learning to personalized app performance. This increased reliance on
data has made statistics an important topic of study for all computer science students.
Statistics allow computer programs to deliver accurate generalizations and predictions based
on available information. Understanding statistics can make it easier to grasp concepts like:
Statistics is a form of math used in computer science that uses quantified models,
representations, and synopses for a provided collection of experimental data or actual studies.
The field studies methodologies to obtain, review, evaluate, and form conclusions from data.
Some statistical measures include mean, skewness, regression analysis, variance, analysis of
variance, and kurtosis. Statistics is used for data mining, speech recognition, vision and
image analysis, data compression, traffic modelling, and even artificial intelligence and for
simulations. A background in statistics is needed to understand the algorithms and statistical
properties of computer science.

Calculus is the examination of continuous change and the rates change occurs. It handles the
finding and properties of integrals and derivatives of functions. There are 2 types of
calculus, namely differential calculus and integral calculus. Differential calculus deals with
the rate of change of a quantity. Integral calculus determines the quantity where the change
rate is known. Calculus is used in an array of computer science areas, including creating
graphs or visuals, simulations, problem-solving applications, coding in applications, creating
statistic solvers, and the design and analysis of algorithms.

Today’s computer science educators know that everyone has different backgrounds. They
build mathematical learning into their curriculum so that students have the best chance to

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