Customer Service of Telecom Sector in Bangladesh

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Course Code: BUS-214

Course Title: Business Communication

Submitted to:
Tanvir Ahmad Torophder
Department of Business Administration

Submitted by:

Group Name:

Name ID No.
Samad Ahmed Chowdhury 1001010010
Tanzina Akther 1001010014
Rumena Akther Chowdhury 1001010016
Aysha Jahan Reme 1001010017
Nasima Begum 1001010018
S.M. Humayoun Kabir 1001010019
Md. Abdul Wadud 1001010036
24th Batch, Section-A
Department of Business Administration

Leading University, Sylhet

Submission Date: May 5, 2011

Page 3 of 62
May 05, 2011

Tanvir Ahmad Torophder

Department of Business Administration
Leading University
Sylhet- 3100

Subject: Submission of report on “Customer Service in Telecom Sector “(a case study
on Sylhet zone)

Dear Sir:
We the SPARK group glad to present our report on “ Customer Service in Telecom Sector “
(a case study on Sylhet zone) that you have offered us to prepare as a requirement of
Business Communication course.
This report provides us with a learning experience & knowledge. We tried our best to gather
most complete & relevant information.
We are greatly hopeful that this report will meet up your expectation & will clarify the idea
about the subject. We tried to prepare this report according to your prescribed guidelines.
While working on this report we have gained valuable knowledge & unforgettable
experience. We are very much glad to prepare this report for you.

Sincerely yours
Name ID No. Signature
Samad Ahmed Chowdhury 1001010010
Tanzina Akther 1001010014
Rumena Akther Chowdhury 1001010016
Aysha Jahan Reme 1001010017
Nasima Begum 1001010018
S.M. Humayoun Kabir 1001010019
Md. Abdul Wadud 1001010036

Table of Contents
Page 4 of 62
Sl.No Particulars Page No.

Executive Summary 9-10

Chapter-I 11
1.1 Introduction 12
1.2 Origin of the report 12
1.3 Rationale of the Study 12
1.4 Objectives of the study 12
1.5 Scope of the study 13
1.6 Methodology 13
1.6.1 Sources of Data Collection 13
1.6.1. Primary sources 13
1.6.1. Secondary sources 13
1.7 Limitation of the study 14

Chapter II 15
2.1 Introduction of telecommunications in Bangladesh 16
2.2 Mobile Phone Operator 16
2.3 History 17
2.4 Recognition of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission 17

Chapter III 18
3.1 Background (GP) 20
3.2 Ownership structure of GP 20
3.3 Network coverage 21
3.4 Products and customer services 23
3.4.1 International Roaming 23
3.4.2 Mobile services 23

3.4.3 Internet 24
3.4.4 Packages 25-26
3.4.5 Handsets 26
3.5 Other services of GrameenPhone 27
3.5.1 GrameenPhone Centers 27
3.5.2 Village phone 27
3.5.3 GrameenPhone Online Customer Service 27
3.5.4 Community Information Centers 28
3.5.5 Value Added Services 28

Chapter IV 29
4.1 Background (Airtel) 31
4.2 Ownership Structure of Airtel 31
4.3 Network coverage 32
4.4 Vision 33

Page 5 of 62
4.5 Mission 33
4.6 Functions of Airtel 33
4.7 Products and customer services 34
4.7.1 International Roaming 34
4.7.2 Airtel Internet 35
4.7.3 Packages 36
4.7.4 Airtel Relationship Center 37
4.7.4. Provides Trainings to Employee 37
4.7.4. Ensures Customers Satisfaction 37
4.8 Other services of Airtel 38
4.8.1 Mobile service 38
4.8.2 Airtel dolbol 38
4.8.3 4.8.3 Value added services 39

Chapter V 40
5.1 Compare of call rate between GrameenPhone and Airtel 41
5.2 Compare of Network coverage between GrameenPhone and Airtel 42
5.3 Compare of customer services between GrameenPhone and Airtel 43
5.4 Findings of the Study at a Glance 43

Chapter VI 44
6.1 Recommendation 45
6.2 Conclusion 45

Chapter VII 46
7.1 Questionnaire 47-61
7.2 Bibliography 62

List of Tables
Chapter III
3.1 Divisional Boundary of GP Network 21
3.2 List of mobile services 23
3.3 Summary of Internet Packages 24
3.4 Summary of Prepaid Packages 25
3.5 Summary of Postpaid Packages 26

Chapter IV
4.1 Number of employees and subscribers 31
4.2 Summary of internet packages 35
4.3 Summary of Prepaid Packages 36
4.4 Summary of postpaid Package 36
4.5 List of mobile services 38
4.6 Airtel dolbol 38

List of Figures
Chapter III
Page 6 of 62
3.1 Ownership Structure of GP 20
3.2 GrameenPhone’s district coverage 21
3.3 Network coverage of GrameenPhone 22
3.4 List of products and customer services 23
3.5 List of Value added services 26

Chapter IV
4.1 Ownership Structure of Airtel 31
4.2 Network coverage of Airtel 32
4.3 Functions of Airtel 33
4.4 List of products and customer setvices 34
4.5 List of Value added Services 39

Chapter V
5.1 Compare of call rate (Customer) 41
5.2 Compare of call rate (Employee) 41
5.3 Compare of Network coverage (Customer) 42
5.4 Compare of Network coverage (Employee) 42

Page 7 of 62

At first we want to give thanks to the almighty ALLAH for helping us to make this report.
We also want to give thanks our course instructor Mr. Tanvir Ahmad Torophder sir for
offering us to make such an interesting report & for giving us valuable instruction to fulfill
the report .
Industry is the to any success. We tried to put our best effort for making the report
successful. We are very much grateful to our entire group member, because without kind
cooperation of our group member it was impossible to prepare this report.
We are so much thankful to the employee of GrameenPhone Service Center of Amborkhana,
Sylhet & Airtel Relationship Center of Naiorpul, Sylhet. We have completed our survey of
this report for their friendly cooperation.
We also glade to some customers of GrameenPhone & Airtel. Without their help it is quite
impossible to fully complete our report.

Page 8 of 62
Executive Summary

The telecom sector in Bangladesh is rapidly emerging. Bangladesh Telecommunication

Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is the regulatory authority for this sector. The
telecommunication sector of Bangladesh started its journey in 1989 with the small step. After
that in the late 1990’s there was a significant changes in the number of fixed and mobile
services deployed. Currently there are 6 mobile phone operators in Bangladesh.
GrameenPhone & Airtel are two of them.
GrameenPhone started its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of
Bangladesh. GrameenPhone was the first company to introduce GSM technology in
Bangladesh. Today, there are nearly 2.6 million EDGE/GPRS users and more than 31 million
subscribers in the GrameenPhone network.
At present 98% population of our country is within in the coverage of GrameenPhone
network. GrameenPhone expanded its network to 61 districts out of 64 and 400 upzillas out
of 460.
GrameenPhone provides 5 major services to customer. These are- International Roaming,
Mobile Services, Internet, Packages, Handsets. In Sylhet GrameenPhone have –
GrameenPhone Center (own) 1, GrameenPhone Center franchise 1, GrameenPhone
Service desk 1, GrameenPhone Service Touch point 130. From above of the care center
GrameenPhone customers get services. Following are some features that must be followed by
the employee of GrameenPhone center: quality service ensure, to the point answer, maintain
corporate culture. GrameenPhone also has other services such as- online customer service,
village phone program, community information center.

Airtel Bangladesh is the sixth mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market, and
launched commercial operations on May 10, 2007. Warid Telecom International LLC, an
Abu Dhabi based consortium, sold a majority 70% stake in the company to India's Bharti
Airtel Limited for US$300 million.Bharti Airtel Limited will take management control of the
company and its board, and rebranded the company's services under its own Airtel brand
from 20th December, 2010. In this year there are more than 1800 employees & more than 5
million customers of Airtel. Today, approximately 45% population of our country is within
the network Airtel. Airtel covers the 64 districts in the country.

Page 9 of 62
Airtel has also 5 major services. These are: International roaming, mobile services, internet,
packages, and handsets. In Sylhet Airtel have
Airtel Experience Center 1, Airtel Relationship Center 8, Airtel Service Center 8. From
above care center Airtel customer get all types of services. Airtel Relationship Center must
maintain the following features: quality service ensures, to the point answer, always give
priority to customer. Both GrameenPhone & Airtel have some value added services.
From the opinion of employees & customers of GrameenPhone & Airtel, in comparison we
can say that- The customer service of Airtel is better than GrameenPhone.The network
coverage of GrameenPhone is best, but Airtel has average network coverage. The call rate of
Airtel is the best. GrameenPhone has a strong online customer service but Airtel has no
online customer service.
In findings we can say that-
GrameenPhone is perfectly strength for its strong network coverage on the other hand Airtel
is perfectly strength for its customer service & 3G (NGN) network. The opportunity of
GrameenPhone is to get link to the upcoming technology i.e. Wi-Max. The opportunity of
Airtel adopting Wi-Max which will definitely support by the 3G (NGN) network. Upcoming
technology may not support the present technological infrastructure is threat for the
GrameenPhone . Other potential competitors are threat for Airtel. In conclusion we can say,
short term defensive strategy & high call rate are the weak point of GrameenPhone, which
may hamper. That’s why GrameenPhone should give concentrate in this sector. On the other
hand Airtel for its product design & product marketing. So Airtel should develop to
overcome this weakness.

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Page 11 of 62
1.1 Introduction
We, the SPARK group have prepared a report on ‘Customer Service in Telecom Sector’ (in
SYLHET zone).This report provides us with a learning experience and knowledge in several
areas. For making this report we chose two telecom system- GrameenPhone & Airtel. For
getting primary data to make this report we have prepared questionnaire for employee &
customers of GrameenPhone & Airtel. We went to the customer care center of
GrameenPhone & Airtel for collecting primary data of our report.
The liberalization of Bangladesh’s telecommunication sector began with small steps in 1989.
Significant changes in the number of fixed & mobile services deployed in Bangladesh
occurred in 1990’s and the numbers of services in operation have subsequently grown
exponentially in the past five years.
1.2 Origin of the report
The report titled ‘Customer Service in Telecom Sector ‘was offered by our course instructor
Mr. Tanvir Ahmad Torophder as a requirement for the Business Communication course.
1.3 Rationale of the Study
Telecommunication is essential for whole development of a country. Telecommunication
system brought the world closer. It is now one of the biggest sectors of Bangladesh. The
telecom sector in Bangladesh is rapidly emerging. Bangladesh Telecommunication
Regulatory Commission is the regulatory authority for this sector.
1.4 Objectives of the study
Get an overview
 To acquire the basic knowledge about telecommunication sector in Bangladesh.
 To have idea about services of GrameenPhone & Airtel – two telecom organization.
 To study and understand the various services offered by GrameenPhone & Airtel.
 To know the performance of GrameenPhone & Airtel.
 To highlight the findings and necessary recommendations to overcome the problem.

Additional overview
 To study how customer get services from customer care center of GrameenPhone &
 To study about the different packages of GrameenPhone & Airtel.
 To study the network coverage of GrameenPhone & Airtel.
 To study the compare of services of GrameenPhone & Airtel.
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 To study the opinion of customer & employee about the call rate of GrameenPhone &
 To study the opinion of customer & employee about the network coverage of
GrameenPhone & Airtel

1.5 Scope of the study

The title of this report is ‘Customer Service in Telecom Sector ‘(in Sylhet zone). In this
report we have explained customer service of two telecom system (GrameenPhone & Airtet).
For collecting primary data, we went to the GrameenPhone Service Center in Amborkhana,
Sylhet and Airtel Relationship Centre in Naiorpul, Sylhet.

1.6 Methodology
In this study exporting research was undertaken to gain insights and know about services of
two telecom sector (GrameenPhone & Airtel).

1.6.1 Sources of Data Collection

Both primary and secondary sources have been utilized for collecting data to make this
Primary sources include face-to-face interview with respective officials. Secondary sources
consist of several websites. Primary sources

 Official record
 Face-to-face interview of employees of two telecommunication organization.
(GrameenPhone & Airtel )
 Face-to-face interview of customer of two telecommunication organization.
(GrameenPhone & Airtel ) Secondary sources

1.7 Limitation of the study

There are some limitations of the study which are as follow:
Page 13 of 62
 Both organizations are busy as well as confidential regarding to some important
project, so getting relevant information is difficult.
 Lack of in depth understanding of telecommunication activities.
 Lack of required data.

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Chapter II

Sector in Bangladesh

Page 15 of 62
2.1 Introduction of telecommunications in Bangladesh

The liberalization of Bangladesh’s telecommunications sector began with small steps in 1989
with the issuance of a license to a private operator for the provision of inter alia cellular
mobile services to compete with the previous monopoly provider of telecommunications
services the Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB). Significant changes in the
number of fixed and mobile services deployed in Bangladesh occurred in the late 1990’s and
the number of services in operation has subsequently grown exponentially in the past five
The incentives both from government and public sectors have helped to grow this sector.
The telecom sector in Bangladesh is rapidly emerging. Bangladesh Telecommunication
Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is the regulatory authority for this sector.

2.2 Mobile Phone Operator

There are 6 mobile phone operators in Bangladesh. These are:
1. GrameenPhone Ltd.: Branded as GrameenPhone
2. Axiata Bangladesh Ltd: Branded as Robi
3. Sheba Telecom Ltd.: Branded as Banglalink
4. Pacific Bangladesh Telephone Ltd.: Branded as Citycell
5. Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd.: Branded as Teletalk
6. Airtel Bangla Ltd. Branded as Airtel

The number of mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh as of February 2009 was 45.21
million. Calling Code: +880 – Subcodes
2.3 History
Page 16 of 62
1971 : Reconstructed as Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Department under Ministry of
Posts and Telecommunications.
1979 : Reconstructed as Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) with right to
issue license for telecom and wireless services.
1989 : Sheba Telecom got license to operate exchange is 199 upazilla.
1989 : Cellular mobile phone company Pacific Bangladesh Telephone Limited and
Bangladesh Telecom got license.
1996 : GrameenPhone got cellular mobile Telephone license.
1996 : Telecom Malaysia International Bangladesh got cellular mobile license.
2004 : Teletalk cellular mobile launched.
2005 : Egypt based Orascom acquired Sheba Telecom
2008 : BTTB converted into Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL)
with 100% shares owned by Government.
2008 : Japanese NTT DoCoMo bought 30 percent stake in Aktel.
2009 : Bharti Airtel acquired 70 percent stake in Warid Telecom.

2.4 Recognition of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission

On February 25, 2008 the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission awarded
licenses for two Interconnection Exchanges (ICX), three International Gateways (IGw), and
one International Internet Gateway (IIG) to six firms through an open auction in February
2008. The incumbent BTTB got the same licenses too.

Telecommunications refers to the field of study that analyzes wave based communication
technology through media such as air, cables etc.

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GrameenPhone (GP)

Page 18 of 62
An Overview of GrameenPhone:

Ty pe Limited Comp an y

Industry Mo bile Teleco mmu nication

F ounded 199 7
H eadqua rtersGPH OU SE , Basund hara, Barid hara, D
Banglades h

K ey people To re Jo hnsen, CEO

P ro ducts Telep hon y, E DG E, G SM
P arent Telenor 5 5.8% , G rameen T elecom 34 .2 % &
Public1 0%

Em ployees 480 0
W ebsite ww w .g rameen pho

Page 19 of 62
3.1 Background (GP)
GrameenPhone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and
Telecommunications at November 11, 1996. GrameenPhone started its journey with the
Village Phone program. The name GrameenPhone translates to “Rural phone”.
GrameenPhone starting its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of
GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its
services in March 1997 and it was also the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in
September 1999. GP Launched prepaid product with PSTN connectivity in 2003 October &
launched New Logo in November 2006.
Today, there are nearly 2.6 million EDGE/GPRS users and more than 31 million subscribers
in the GrameenPhone network. GrameenPhone also have more than 4800 highly trained

3.2 Ownership structure of GP

GrameenPhone is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (55.8%), the largest
telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other
countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2% ), a non-profit sister concern of the
internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. The other 10% shares belong
to general retail and institutional investors.

Figure: 3.1: Ownership Structure of GP

Page 20 of 62
3.3 Network coverage

GrameenPhone is the first and only operator to cover 98% of the country’s people with
network. GrameenPhone has built the largest cellular network in the country with over
13,000 base stations in more than 7000 locations. For better coverage, GP has taken 1600 Km
fiber optic cable network leased from Bangladesh Railway. The company is planning to set
up another thousand base stations in the following year. Recently GP has doubled its speech
quality 900GSM MHz to 1800GSm MHz. Already the company has expanded its network to
61 districts out of 64 districts and 400 upazillas out of 460 upazillas. Approximately 52%
land area is covered by GrameenPhone’s network.
Presently, nearly 98 percent of the country's population is within the coverage area of the
GrameenPhone network.

Existing coverage areas are divided into six zones according to the divisional boundary.
These are

Table 3.1: Divisional Boundary of GP Network

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Figure: 3.2 GrameenPhone’s district coverage

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Figure- 3.3: Network coverage of GrameenPhone

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3.4 Products and customer services
GrameenPhone have five major services. These are

Figure-3.4: List of products and customer services

3.4.1 International Roaming:

In March 1999, GrameenPhone introduced this premium service for the first time in
Bangladesh and now provides International Roaming service to its own subscribers traveling
abroad as well as to foreign operators' subscribers traveling in Bangladesh. For the first time
in Bangladesh in July 2006, GrameenPhone launched Roaming Services (both GSM and
EDGE/GPRS) with CAMEL Phase II for Pre paid In-bound subscribers.
GrameenPhone has unique 'One to One' relationship with all its International Roaming
partner operators. As of November 2010, GrameenPhone has more than 380 GSM partner
operators in over 120 countries in 6 continents and 176 EDGE/GPRS partner operators in 60
3.4.2 Mobile services:
Call Block Balance Transfer Voice Mail Service

Friends & Family Vehicle Tracking Pay for Me

Missed Call Alert Welcome Tune Ebill
Mobile Backup Voice SMS Facebook SMS

MMS International SMS International MMS

Table: 3.2: List of mobile services

3.4.3 Internet :
Page 23 of 62
 Summary of different internet Package :

Package Package Tariff Browsing Charge

without VAT
P1 (Minipack Pay not more than Tk0.02/KB up to a maximum of Tk20/Day,
Per Use) BDT 20/Day between 12am-11.59pm daily
P1 (Pay as you Go) N/A BDT 0.02/KB
P2 (Unlimited) BDT 850/Month N/A
P3(Night Unlimited) BDT 250/Month from10:01AM-11:59PM, browsing charge
will be pay-as-you-go tariff Tk 0.02/KB
P4 (Daily) BDT 60/Day N/A
P5 (3GB) BDT 700/Month After expiration of 3 GB, subscriber will be
charged as BDT 0.0002/KB without VAT
P6 (1GB) BDT 300/Month After expiration of 1 GB, subscriber will be
charged as BDT 0.0002/KB without VAT
P7(Minipack15MB) BDT 29/15 Days N/A

Table: 3.3: Summary of Internet Packages

 Internet Modem:
Smart modem comes with the following features
 The sleek & EDGE/GPRS/GSM 1900/1800/900/850 MHz
 Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 & Mac OS up to 10.6
 Micro Secured Digital Memory (Micro SD) Card up to 8GB
 Standard USB interface
 Plug & Play
 SMS services & Phonebook Option
 SIM and microSD insertion is very easy
 MicroSD works during connection to Internet
Price: Now GrameenPhone Internet modem is available for BDT 2849 only. The price of
prepaid Internet SIM is BDT 150 and post-paid is BDT 200.

3.4.4 Packages:
 Summary of different prepaid Package
Packages Particulars Time GP - GP GP- other user

Page 24 of 62
7 FnF (Voice call) Tk. 0.49/min Tk. 0.79/min
Voice Call Tk. 0.99/min Tk. 0.99/min
Bondhu SMS 24 hours Tk. 0.50/SMS Tk. 0.50/SMS
Call Establishment Charge Tk. 0.30 Tk. 0.30

Voice call (Outgoing) Tk. 0.79/min Tk. 0.79/min

Voice call (Incoming) Free Free

Shohoj SMS 24 hours Tk. 0.50/SMS Tk. 0.50/SMS
Call Establishment Charge Tk. 0.30/min Tk. 0.30/min
Voice call 8 am12pm Tk. .99/min Tk. 1.29/min
12pm-4pm Tk. 0.49/min Tk. .99/min
Apon 4pm-12am Tk. .99/min Tk. 1.29/min
12am-8 am Tk. 0.49/min Tk. .99/min
3 FnF (Voice call) Tk. 0.49/min Not applicable
SMS Tk. 0.50/SMS Tk. 0.50/SMS
Call Establishment Charge Tk. 0.30/min Tk. 0.30/min
24 hours

Voice call 8am 12pm Tk. 1.50/min Tk. 2.00/min

12pm 4pm Tk. 2.00/min

4pm 12am Tk. 1.50/min Tk. 2.00/min
Smile 12am -8am Tk. 1.00/min
3 FnF (Voice call) Tk. 0.49/min Not applicable
SMS 24 hours Tk. 0.50/SMS Tk. 0.50/SMS

Voice call Tk. 0.79/min Tk. 0.79/min

Baadhon SMS 24 hours Tk. 0.50/SMS Tk. 0.50/SMS

My Zone Under this service, now any prepaid subscriber of GP can enjoy upto 83% discount in
their call rate.
Table : 3.4: Summary of Prepaid Packages

 Summary of postpaid Package

Package Product Components Offers
SIM Price BDT 499
Default Credit Limit BDT 300
Freebies 500 SMS, 500 MMS and 500 VSMS ( 3
Months), 99x 3 MB Data ( 3 Months),
MCA & Call Block ( 3 Bill Cycle)
Monthly Line Rent Zero
Call Rate BDT 1.20 /Min or in other words BDT
X- plore 2 Paisa /Sec
F&F 7 GP No’s @ BDT 0.49 /Min (24
Page 25 of 62
Pulse 1 Sec and 60 Sec for F&F
SMS ( On-net/ Off-net/ F&F) BDT 0.50 / SMS
Thank You Bonus Discontinued

Table: 3.5: Summary of Postpaid Packages

3.4.5 Handsets:

3.5 Other services of GrameenPhone

3.5.1 GrameenPhone Centers:
A GrameenPhone center (GPC) serves as a “one stop solution” for customers, with all
telecommunications products and services, under a single roof. A GrameenPhone center also
sells phones from vendors like Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sagem and Benq. EDGE/GPRS
modems and accessories such chargers and headphones are also sold at GPCs. A
GrameenPhone center (GPC) always tries to serve its customer within five minutes. GPC also
maintain Q-Matic sofrware for valuing time.
Employees of GrameenPhone center must follow “The service level agreement.”Service level
agreement comes with the following features:
 Quality service ensures.
 To the point answer.
 Maintain corporate culture.
Page 26 of 62
In Sylhet Grameen phone have:

3.5.2 Village phone:

With the help of GrameenPhone, Grameen Telecom operates the national Village Phone
programme, alongside its own parent Grameen Bank and the International Finance
Corporation (IFC), acting as the sole provider of telecommunications services to a number of
rural areas.
3.5.3 GrameenPhone Online Customer Service:
GrameenPhone have a strong online customer care service .this service is available from
(7am-12am). Through this service a customer can chat with GrameenPhone employee and
able to know the solution of his/her query
3.5.4 Community Information Centers:
Community Information Center (CIC) or GPCIC is aimed at providing internet access and
other communications services to rural areas. In February 2006, 26 CICs were established
across the country as a pilot project. In this project, GrameenPhone provides
GSM/EDGE/GPRS infrastructure and technical support and other partners GrameenTelecom.
3.5.5 Value Added Services:

Page 27 of 62
Figure: 3.5: List of Value added services

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Page 29 of 62
An Overview of Airtel:

Type Private

Industry Telecommunication

Founded 2007

Headquarters House 34, Road 19/A, Banani, Dhaka 1213,


Key people Chris Tobit, CEO

Products Telephony, EDGE, GPRS, GSM

Parent Bharti Airtel 70% and Warid Telecom 30%


Page 30 of 62
4.1 Background (Airtel)
Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. is a GSM-based cellular operator in Bangladesh. Airtel Bangladesh is
the sixth mobile phone carrier to enter the Bangladesh market, and launched commercial
operations on May 10, 2007. Warid Telecom International LLC, an Abu Dhabi based
consortium, sold a majority 70% stake in the company to India's Bharti Airtel Limited for
US$300 million. Bharti Airtel Limited will take management control of the company and its
board, and rebranded the company's services under its own Airtel brand from 20th December,
2010. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission approved the deal on Jan
4, 2010.
In January 2010, Bharti Airtel Limited, Asia’s leading integrated telecom services provider,
acquired 70% stake in Warid Telecom, Bangladesh, a subsidiary of the UAE-based Abu
Dhabi Group.
And finally, On December 20, 2010, Warid Telecom was rebranded to Airtel.

Number of employees Number of customer

In 2007(starting year) More than 400 employees More than 1 million
In 2011(recent year) More than 1800 employees More than 5 million

Table: 4.1 Number of employees and subscribers

4.2 Ownership Structure of Airtel
Airtel is a joint venture enterprise between Bharti Airtel (70%), the largest
telecommunications service provider with mobile phone operations in 90 other countries, and
Warid Telecoma subsidiary of the UAE-based Abu Dhabi Group.(30% )

77% Bharti Airtel Limited
Warid Telecom

Figure: 4.1: Ownership Structure of Airtel

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4.3 Network coverage
Today, Approximately 45 percent of the country's population is within the coverage area of
the Airtel network. Airtel Bangladesh covers 64 districts in the country.

Figure: 4.2: Network coverage of Airtel

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4.4 Vision
“Enriching lives means putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. We will meet
their needs based on our deep understanding of their ambitions, wherever they are. By having
this focus we will enrich our own lives and those of our other key stakeholders. Only then
will we be thought of as exciting, innovation, on their side and a truly world class company."

4.5 Mission
 Establish and sustain as a customer centric organization
 Provide high quality and innovative communication services, through state of the art
infrastructure and a team of professionals
Continuously develop, motivate and empower our people
 Achieve profitable growth for all our stakeholders

4.6 Functions of Airtel

Total 12 functions combine Airtel Bangladesh Limited workforce.These are

Figure: 4.3: Functions of Airtel

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4.7 Products and customer services

Airtel have four major services. These are:

Figure: 4.4: List of products and customer setvices

4.7.1 International Roaming:

With Airtel, you don't have to worry about roaming around the world. No matter where in the
world you travel, our vast roaming coverage will keep you seamlessly connected.

Our International Roaming provides you the freedom of using your Airtel number when you
travel outside Bangladesh. We empower you to roam anywhere & everywhere around the
globe. We keep you connected to all those who matter, your friends and family.

A big world requires big coverage and that is exactly what Airtel is all about. We now bring
the whole world to your mobile phone. Leave the country, see the world, but never lose
contact with home. Take Airtel International Roaming services with you; from sightseeing to
business, your Airtel number will let you maintain your connections worldwide without
changing your number or the hassle of getting multiple bills.

Page 34 of 62
4.7.2 Airtel Internet:
Your Airtel Internet lets you connect to the web whenever you require. On the beach, on the
way to a meeting, in the garden –anywhere. Just login to Airtel Internet from your mobile,
laptop or PC and you’re on. Download music, check your emails or simply stay in touch with

Definition Data limit & Charging Package Segment

Validity Id
0.02/KB+VAT P1 prepaid &
pay-as-you-go Except adda postpaid
Monthly Unlimited Internet Pack
1 GB internet pack 1 GB/month BDT 275+VAT P6 prepaid only
1 GB internet pack 1 GB/month BDT 300+VAT P8 postpaid only
1 GB pack - night 1 GB/month BDT 275+VAT P3 postpaid only
time offer
3 GB Internet pack 3 GB/month BDT 750+VAT P2 postpaid only
5 GB Internet pack 5 GB/month BDT 650+VAT P5 prepaid only
3 GB Internet pack 3 GB/month BDT 450+VAT P7 prepaid only
Table: 4.2: Summary of internet packages
Airtel USB modem:
Airtel USB modem bundle includes:
 Data modem (E153).
 Airtel sim card (prepaid/postpaid).
 1GB Airtel internet package with free subscription for the first 30 days.
 prepaid data modem bundle tk. 2600 (including VAT)
 postpaid data modem bundle tk. 3200 (including VAT)
Exclusive facilities:
 No manual installation required. Simply use your Airtel plug and play modem in any
system, including windows, mac or linux.
 Sms and micro SD card slot (upto 32 GB) compatible.
4.7.3 Packages:
 Summary of different prepaid Package
24 Hours Tariff
Page 35 of 62
Voice Calls Outgoing: (in Tk. per min)
Airtel TK 0.77 TK 0.59 TK 0.59
other Operator TK 0.77 TK 1.19 TK 1.19
Airtel fnf N/A TK 0.29 N/A
other operator fnf N/A TK 0.69 N/A
SMS Calls Outgoing: (in Tk. per SMS)
Airtel TK 0.39 TK 0.49 TK 0.29
other operator TK 0.39 TK 0.49 TK 0.49
Airtel fnf N/A TK 0.29 N/A
other operator fnf N/A TK 0.29 N/A
Other Facilities
Number of FnF N/A 8 N/A
Pulse 60 Sec 60 Sec 1 Sec
Table: 4.3: Summary of Prepaid Packages
 Summary of postpaid Package
service types & others airtel advantage airtel classic airtel exclusive
Airtel to Airtel bdt 0.77 bdt 0.49 bdt 0.49
Airtel to other bdt 0.77 bdt 0.94 bdt 0.89
Airtel to Airtel (fnf) n/a bdt 0.25 bdt 0.25
airtel to others (fnf) n/a bdt 0.65 bdt 0.65
sms on-net bdt 0.45 bdt 0.49 bdt 0.49
sms off-net bdt 0.45 bdt 0.49 bdt 0.49
sms on-net fnf n/a bdt 0.29 bdt 0.29
sms off-net fnf n/a bdt 0.29 bdt 0.29
international sms bdt 2.49 bdt 2.49 bdt 2.49
internet (per kb) bdt 0.02 bdt 0.02 bdt 0.02
Table: 4.4: Summary of postpaid Package
4.7.4 Airtel Relationship Center
Airtel Relationship Center is open for customer in 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. ARC
always tries to serve its customer within two minutes. ARC also maintains Q-Matic sofrware
for valuing time. Airtel Relation Center not only provides services but also sell different
brand products.
The Airtel Experience center gives services to customer in a systematic way. Such as-

Page 36 of 62 Provides Trainings to Employee
Those who work in customer are fully trained. They provide basic training to all refreshers.
They also provides training about time to time new package, new software. Ensures Customers Satisfaction

For ensuring customer satisfaction employees working in the customer care center are
accountable to the Quality Control of Airtel. From the Quality Control some question are
required for the employee working in customer care center. These questions includes-
whether the employee received the customer cordially or not, at the receiving time whether
they had smily face or not, whether they gave ticket at the appropriate time or not etc. This
question carries 100 marks. The employee has to answer these questions and have to get over
90 marks from 100 marks.

4.8 Other services of Airtel

4.8.1 Mobile service
Call Block Balance Transfer Voice Mail Service

Friends & Family Vehicle Tracking International MMS

Missed Call Alert Welcome Tune International SMS

Mobile Backup Voice SMS MMS

Table: 4.5: List of mobile services

4.8.2 Airtel dolbol:
Airtel is proud to introduce to customer ‘dolbol’, a one of its kind offer where customer can
join your own community and talk the lowest rate of 29 paisa/min within your community

Page 37 of 62
members. It also offers a bundle of other facilities that you were looking for. Here the offer

Feature tariff(excluding vat)

community onnet offnet

voice call BDT 0.29 BDT 0.59 BDT 1.19

Sms BDT 0.29 BDT O.49 BDT 0.49
Pulse 30 seconds
fnf feature no fnf
Gprs 0.015paisa per kb

Table: 4.6: Airtel dolbol

4.8.4 Value added services

Airtel has 13 Value Added Services, these are:

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Figure: 4.5: List of Value added Services


Compare Between
Page 39 of 62
5.1 Compare of call rate between GrameenPhone and Airtel:

By the following figure we can see the opinion of customer about the call rate of GP &

Figure – 5.1
80 80
60 56

50 Lowest
40 Low
30 Average

20 14 High
10 10
0 0
GP Airtel

Page 40 of 62
By the following figure we can see the opinion of employee about the call rate of GP &
Figure – 5.2
90 90
30 average

20 highst
0 0 0 0
GP Airtel

From analyzing Figure-5.1 and Figure-5.2 we found that, the call rate of Airtel is better than

5.2 Compare of Network coverage between GrameenPhone and Airtel:

By the following figure we can see the opinion of customer about the Network coverage of
GP & Airtel:
Figure – 5.3

By the following figure we can see the opinion of employee about the Network coverage of
GP & Airtel:
Page 41 of 62
Figure – 5.4

From analyzing Figure-5.3 and Figure- 5.4 we found that, the Network coverage of Airtel is
better than GrameenPhone.

5.3 Compare of customer services between GrameenPhone and Airtel:

 Service of customer care center of Airtel is better then GP.
 GP has online customer service but Airtel has no on line customer service.

5.4 Findings of the Study at a Glance:

 Strong point of GP: Network coverage (94%of total area of the country.) &Total
number of customer.
 Strong point of Airtel: Customer service & NGN network.
 Weak point of GP: Short term defensive strategy & high call rate, which may
hamper the company’s good will & Future competition.
 Weak point of Airtel: Product design & product marketing.
 Opportunity of GP: To get link to the upcoming technology i.e. Wi-Max.
 Opportunity of Airtel: Adopting Wi-Max which will definitely support by the 3G
(NGN) network.
 Threat of GP: Upcoming technology may not support the present technological
 Threat of Airtel: Other potential competitors.
Page 42 of 62
Page 43 of 62

Page 44 of 62
6.1 Recommendation:
By analyzing the above information we can say that though GrameenPhone is the best for
network coverage, but their call rate is higher than any other mobile operators higher than any
other mobile operator. Maximum people use GrameenPhone because of network coverage
and their internet facility. So GrameenPhone should be reducing their call rate.

On the other hand Airtel is best for customer service but their Network coverage is weaker
then other operators.
People like to use Airtel because of their minimum call rate, avoid using Airtel because their
network weakness. So Airtel should increase their network.

6.2 Conclusion:
From the above study at last we can say that Both GrameenPhone and Airtel are favorable for
user because of the different types of services. Both organizations have pleasurable or
unpleased services.

GrameenPhone take unimaginable place in the telecommunication service because of there

network coverage and now, Airtel compete with GrameenPhone giving less call rate facility.
Both of these compete each other and take good place in the telecommunication service
sector in Bangladesh.

Page 45 of 62


Page 46 of 62
7.1: Questionnaire

Customer service in telecom sector

Questionnaire for employees

Dear Respondent, wish you an excellent day. We have the honour to state that this survey
questionnaire intends to bring development in the telecommunication sector (customer
service). We hope your sincere and honest performance in answering all of questions would
help us a lot. Your identity is made sure to be kept confidential. Thank you for your
endeavors. Could you proceed on?

Name of the Respondent: ………………………………………………………………

Organization: GrameenPhone
Designation: …………………………………………………………………………….

1. When was this organization established ?

2. How many employees do you have ?
3. How many customer care center do you have in sylhet zone ?
4. In which areas of sylhet the customer care center of GrameenPhone are situated?
5. What do you think, these costomer care centers are perfect for sylhet zone ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is No then why ?
6. In future, will you set up more customer care centers in sylhet zone ?
Page 47 of 62
 Yes
 No
7. Is the distance of customer care center beneficial for user ?
 Yes
 No
8. We know that GrameenPhone has website. How can customer get benefited from this
website ?
9. We know that, the helpline of GrameenPhone is 121 . What kinds of help do
GrameenPhone users get from 121 ?
10. How much time do you take to serve a customer ?
 0 – 5 minutes
 5 – 10 minutes
 10 -15 minutes
 15 – 20 minutes
 More than 20 minutes
11. What is the level of call rate of GrameenPhone and what’s your opinion ?

Highest Average Low Lowest

12. Which areas the network of GrameenPhone has not reached in sylhet zone ?
13. Are they trained those who serve in the GrameenPhone customer care center ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then what types of training is this?
14. At the starting year of GrameenPhone how many user you found ?
Page 48 of 62
15. How many user of GrameenPhone are there in this year ?
16. How many user of GrameenPhone in sylhet ?
17. What kind of step have you taken against the misuser of GrameenPhone ?
18. Do you think that the service of GrameenPhone is improving ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then specify the level of improvement

Outstanding Very good Good Average

19. For what types of people is GrameenPhone perfect and what’s your opinion ?
 Businessman
 Students
 Others
20. Do you provide any online customer care service ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then what types of services you provide?

Page 49 of 62
 Following is a list of mobile services, from this list which services have you
provided for your customer
Sl. No. Services Answer
01 Call block Yes / No
02 Friends and family Yes / No
03 Missed call alert Yes / No
04 Mobile backup Yes / No
05 MMS Yes / No
06 Voice mail call Yes / No
07 Pay for me Yes / No
08 Balance transfer Yes / No
09 Welcome tone Yes / No
10 Voice SMS Yes / No
11 International SMS Yes / No
12 E – bill Yes / No
13 International MMS Yes / No
14 Facebook SMS Yes / No

Thank you

Name of survey conductor: ……………………………………………………..

Starting time: ………………………………..
Ending time: ………………………………….
Place of the Survey: ……………………………
Date: ………………………..

Customer service in telecom sector

Questionnaire for Customer

Page 50 of 62
Dear Customer , wish you an excellent day. We have the honour to state that this survey
questionnaire intends to bring development in the telecommunication sector (customer
service). We hope your sincere and honest performance in answering all of questions would
help us a lot. Your identity is made sure to be kept confidential. Thank you for your
endeavors. Could you proceed on?

Name of the Customer : ………………………………………………………………

Occupation : …………………………………………………………………………….

1. When did you start to use GrameenPhone ?

2. GrameenPhone has customer care centers in sylhet, is it sufficient ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is no then please specify the following comment
 Should set up more customer center
 Should set up little customer center
3. Do you think that the distance of customer care center is useful for you ?
 Yes
 No
4. You know that GrameenPhone has website what types of benefit you get from this
website ?
 Get information about GrameenPhone
 Communicate with employees.

5. You know that the helpline of GrameenPhone is 121 . What types of help can you get
from 121 ?
6. In customer care center, how much time do they take to serve you ?
 0 – 5 minutes
 5 – 10 minutes
Page 51 of 62
 10 -15 minutes
 15 – 20 minutes
 More than 20 minutes
7. Are the network coverage of GrameenPhone in sylhet perfect for you. What is your
opinion ?
 Good
 Average
 Poor
8. The increasement of network of GrameenPhone can benefit customer. Do you agree
with this ?
 Yes
 No
9. Why do you use GrameenPhone ?
 For network coverage
 For call rate
 For other services……………………………………………………

10. What is the level of call rate of GrameenPhone, what is your opinion ?

Highest Average Low Lowest

11. Are you satisfied with this call rate ?
 Yes
 No

If your answer is no then why ?

12. What type of people GrameenPhone is perfect , what’s your opinion ?
 Businessman
 Students

Page 52 of 62
 Others
13. Do you think that the services of GrameenPhone is improving ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then please specify the level of improving

outstanding very good good Average

14. Do you think GrameenPhone takes steps against the misuser of their network ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes are you satisfied with the steps taken by GrameenPhone against
the misuser ?
 Not bad
 Ok
 Excellent
 Outstanding

 Following is a list of mobile services, from this list which services have you get
from GrameenPhone
Sl. No. Services Answer
01 Call block Yes / No
02 Friends and family Yes / No
03 Missed call alert Yes / No
04 Mobile backup Yes / No
05 MMS Yes / No
Page 53 of 62
06 Voice mail call Yes / No
07 Pay for me Yes / No
08 Balance transfer Yes / No
09 Welcome tone Yes / No
10 Voice SMS Yes / No
11 International SMS Yes / No
12 E – bill Yes / No
13 International MMS Yes / No
14 Facebook SMS Yes / No

Thank you

Customer service in telecom sector

Questionnaire for employees

Dear Respondent, wish you an excellent day. We have the honour to state that this survey
questionnaire intends to bring development in the telecommunication sector (customer
service). We hope your sincere and honest performance in answering all of questions would
help us a lot. Your identity is made sure to be kept confidential. Thank you for your
endeavors. Could you proceed on?

Name of the Respondent: ………………………………………………………………

Page 54 of 62
Organization: Airtel
Designation: …………………………………………………………………………….

21. When was this organization established ?

22. How many employees do you have ?
23. How many customer care center do you have in Sylhet zone ?
24. In which areas of Sylhet the customer care center of Airtel are situated?
25. What do you think, these costomer care centers are perfect for sylhet zone ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is No then why ?

26. In future, will you set up more customer care centers in sylhet zone ?
 Yes
 No
27. Is the distance of customer care center beneficial for user ?
 Yes
 No
28. We know that Airtel has website. How can customer get benefited from this website ?
29. We know that, the helpline of Airtel is 121 . What kinds of help do Airtel users get
from 121 ?
Page 55 of 62
30. How much time do you take to serve a customer ?
 0 – 5 minutes
 5 – 10 minutes
 10 -15 minutes
 15 – 20 minutes
 More than 20 minutes
31. What is the level of call rate of Airtel and what’s your opinion ?

Highest Average Low Lowest

32. Which areas the network of Airtel has not reached in sylhet zone ?
33. Are they trained those who serve in the Airtel customer care center ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then what types of training is this?
34. At the starting year of Airtel how many user you found ?
35. How many user of Airtel are there in this year ?
36. How many user of Airtel in sylhet ?
37. What kind of step have you taken against the misuser of Airtel ?
38. Do you think that the service of Airtel is improving ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then specify the level of improvement
Page 56 of 62
Outstanding Very good Good Average
39. For what types of people is Airtel perfect and what’s your opinion ?
 Businessman
 Students
 Others
40. Do you provide any online customer care service ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then what types of services you provide?

 Following is a list of mobile services, from this list which services have you
provided for your customer
Sl. No. Services Answer
01 Call block Yes / No
02 Friends and family Yes / No
03 Missed call alert Yes / No
04 Mobile backup Yes / No
05 MMS Yes / No
06 Voice mail call Yes / No
07 Pay for me Yes / No
08 Balance transfer Yes / No
09 Welcome tone Yes / No
10 Voice SMS Yes / No
11 International SMS Yes / No
12 E – bill Yes / No
13 International MMS Yes / No
14 Facebook SMS Yes / No
Page 57 of 62
Thank you

Name of survey conductor: ……………………………………………………..

Starting time: ………………………………..
Ending time: ………………………………….
Place of the Survey: ……………………………
Date: ………………………..

Customer service in telecom sector

Questionnaire for Customer

Dear Customer , wish you an excellent day. We have the honour to state that this survey
questionnaire intends to bring development in the telecommunication sector (customer
service). We hope your sincere and honest performance in answering all of questions would
help us a lot. Your identity is made sure to be kept confidential. Thank you for your
endeavors. Could you proceed on?

Name of the Customer : ………………………………………………………………

Occupation : …………………………………………………………………………….

15. When did you start to use Airtel ?


Page 58 of 62
16. Airtel has customer care centers in sylhet, is it sufficient ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is no then please specify the following comment
 Should set up more customer center
 Should set up little customer center
17. Do you think that the distance of customer care center is useful for you ?
 Yes
 No
18. You know that Airtel has website what types of benefit you get from this website ?
 Get information about Airtel
 Communicate with employees.
19. You know that the helpline of Airtel is 121 . What types of help can you get from 121 ?
20. In customer care center, how much time do they take to serve you ?
 0 – 5 minutes
 5 – 10 minutes
 10 -15 minutes
 15 – 20 minutes
 More than 20 minutes
21. Are the network coverage of Airtel in sylhet perfect for you. What is your opinion ?
 Good
 Average
 Poor
22. The increasement of network of Airtel can benefit customer. Do you agree with this ?
 Yes
 No
23. Why do you use Airtel ?
 For network coverage
 For call rate
 For other services……………………………………………………
Page 59 of 62
24. What is the level of call rate of Airtel, what is your opinion ?

Highest Average Low Lowest

25. Are you satisfied with this call rate ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is no then why ?
26. What type of people Airtel is perfect , what’s your opinion ?
 Businessman
 Students
 Others

27. Do you think that the services of Airtel is improving ?

 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes then please specify the level of improving

outstanding very good good Average

28. Do you think Airtel takes steps against the misuser of their network ?
 Yes
 No
If your answer is yes are you satisfied with the steps taken by Airtel against the
misuser ?
 Not bad
 Ok
 Outstanding

Page 60 of 62
 Following is a list of mobile services, from this list which services have you get
from Airtel
Sl. No. Services Answer
01 Call block Yes / No
02 Friends and family Yes / No
03 Missed call alert Yes / No
04 Mobile backup Yes / No
05 MMS Yes / No
06 Voice mail call Yes / No
07 Pay for me Yes / No
08 Balance transfer Yes / No
09 Welcome tone Yes / No
10 Voice SMS Yes / No
11 International SMS Yes / No
12 E – bill Yes / No
13 International MMS Yes / No
14 Facebook SMS Yes / No
7.2: Bibliography

Page 61 of 62

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